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<br /> peri�xlw�hal Lendcr myuirc,. 71ie ineunmce currfcr providing ihe imurunce�:hull Ix ch���en hy �nrruwcr�uhjcct to Lender h
<br /> ;�7 '�. •-�"� ,�� oppmval whirh�hall n��t he unreuamuhly wiihh�ld. If Hnnr►wcr fuilx a�muintuin covrruge dc,crilxrd uM�vr.LetKler muy,ul _
<br /> `. � �� l.ender�upti�m,ohtoin roverag�tc►prntcct[.en�lrr'�right,iu�he F'ru�ny in uccurJunre with parugruph 1, __
<br /> ` . �"-°�;�' All inyuruncc poliric►u�xl n�nowaln shull Fx ucccptuhk w l.cnJcr unJ,hull include u�tundunl mangugc cluusc. Lcndcr —°°__
<br /> �;,�y..••.�:. �'lar-::�:__—
<br /> �,.�,- � •. - :� xholl huve�he�ight ta h��ld Ihc pnliciux und renewulw. If l.endcr requfrc�.Borcowcr�hull promptly givc w �.cixler ull receipts
<br /> ___:__ ___ __ _ of p�iid premiums und renewal notices. In Ihe cvent uf lu,,,puRUwcr shall give prompt nmice lo ther in�urunce curcier wtd _
<br /> , ' • Lender. l.cnder muy muke p�a�f of lahti if nat mude pr��mpUy by Borrower. ��s.-����;=_`—
<br /> Unlr,s Lender and Bnrrow-e�otharwir,r,ugmc in writing,in.urance puxecds xhull bc appl icd t��resu�ralian or repuir�f �,�.; �
<br /> � �' ° the Property dumuged, if the rc�turntian�tt repuir is economicully fcusiblc und l.encicr+ �erurny i+ not Ies,ened. ii the
<br /> � ' ' . reti�orution ar repair is not ca�m�miauNy feuxible or LenJer: security wauld bc le�sencd.the imuruixe pracecds rhull be �
<br /> - • upplied�o the sum+ +ecured h�• this.Securily Inxtrument, whelher ur not the:n dur, with any exces� puid u► Bormwer. If �'t,,�t�'���v,���.
<br />"' �— BaROwer Ab:uidunx the Ptoperly. nr.daes not on�wer within 30 day. u noticr from l.ender thai the in�u�once cunie�ha.ti ;,�� �i :
<br /> «��•�x; .
<br /> ofPemd to xe�Qe a cluim,then l.cndcr ma callect the inxuranrc rcx�ed�. Lende�ma usr Ihe �cecd� to repuir or�ztarc ����
<br /> y p y P� � , ��,�c;
<br /> ,�';.�y�?:.::,,.4f, ,,;:�.,,.'.?. �he Property or ta puy sums.ecured by this Security Instrumcot.whether or nat then du�. The�lAduy period will begin when : :•;,�? {+ys v,:•:.
<br /> ���:"�';:•a. ' ,: El, ;;` thcnoticci�given. r �S�.ti��� ...
<br /> ?��+;��f'�'�'�'s��a'�'�'t`:'�""�• Unless 4ender und 8onower athenvise ugree in writing, ony�pplicution of prcxeedx w principal tihull not cxtend or
<br /> '�fia< .. 51r;:.;.,} . �.. :.,.,�,:t >'�Y;_1.��'�._._�'..
<br /> � • ?:`'+�i�i•''��,'', • � ``''�'' postpone thc Jue dutu��f�hc monthly puymems refemd w in pumgmph. I und 2 or chun�c ihe anoum of�he puyments. If O �A�,w��._
<br /> "` under aru ra h ?I the Rn rt is uc uired b Lrnder. Horrower's ri ht to un imurunre �licirs und c.edti re,ulting --�_— -_
<br /> P B P F� Y W Y F Y P� Prc'c� �.<,, ..:--
<br /> � • � t�om damugc to Ihc PraExny priur la thc ucqui�itiun whull pa�+a�Lrndcr li�the cxlcnt of tht sum� �ccureJ by Ihi+Sccurily ,.,;;�_�
<br /> � In�trument immrdiutcly priar�o�hu ucqui�ition. 1" �'-"�-
<br /> - - • 6. Occupunc��. Prese�vatinn, 4faintenancr and Nrut��liun nt Ihe property; Nn�rnwer'� Luun AppllraNnns t�`''`�.' ____
<br /> l.c�vcfiold.r. Hurruwcr,haU�hrupy.c�.iuhli,h.nnd u.r th�Pro�kny uti H��rruwcr:principid rr.idrnc�� wilhin�ixly duy�+►ticr ..---'
<br /> � Ihc rzrculi��n ut'thi.Sccurf�y lu*trumum und�h�dl r�►minur lu�k�upy Ih�Pro�xrly u�N��I7��w�f�prl�xi��ul t«idencc li�r�U
<br /> +J_ .
<br /> �=`—
<br /> la�.l unr yrur :dirr Ihr di�tu ut �k•�•upunry. unlc„ Lv�►drr olhrrwi,e u�!r.r, in Krning. w•hich run�cm ,I�ull nul Ix �� ;-
<br /> unren,�NU�hly wi�hhrld.urunh�.• raluuuunoµcucwn,N�aa�.r�i,l whirh��rr t+rynnd HarruWer',c�NUral. Hunuw.r.hull o��� � �.� —. •`_
<br /> dr,tr�►y.dm�aipe��r impuir Ihc I'nq►riw.,dlnw ihr I'ro�xny lo ilelrrinriue.ur rummi� wii,t�un Uk t'u,�r�y. N��rruH�r,bull s�:'__
<br /> ix in JuluuU il uny lirelciwru n�•uon ur puM•r�diu�.wh��thrr rivil ur�rimiuul.i.Ik�tun Ihul in l.cn�kr:µawwl li�ilh judµnknl :
<br /> � cuuld re.ult in li►rlciturc ul Ibu 1'ru�w•rly i�r ntl�rrwi.e in,nrri�dly impuir Ihr lirn �rruird by �hi. ticruri�y In,lrume�u or •.• �i
<br /> Lrndcr:,eruri�y imen.�. Hnrru�rer n�uy ruir,urh+i drliwU und r�in.�a�e.u,pnwiikd in pnragr,iph I K.hy cuu.inE ihr ur�fun .:r.�,,.-;
<br /> ur pr�KCCdiug�u Ix di.nu•,rd w►th n ruliog�h�u. in Lrnilcr',µ�NKI t�ailh dr��rminu�ion.prerludc+Inrfciwr�ul Ihr Nor�nwcr; =;.�'�J•° '
<br /> in�cR,l in �hu Pru�ny �K�Hhur nmlu�iul imp:iimicm of OK licn crrutcd hy Ihi+ S�curiry In�ln�mcnl��r Lcod�r: ,cruriry �;a._a_=:t`
<br /> int�re.l. Borrowrr .hull :dN� Ix in dcl�null d' Hurmwc�. du�ing thc loun �rri��uu�H� �xixess, g+�vc nwleriully ful.r ur �;?.�:;i:_—
<br /> inurcurutr inti►nnuti�m�►r huilum�nl�a►Lrndcr ior fuilcJ i�i pruvide l.rndcr wi�h uny matcriul inti�miuti�x�l i�i ci►nncction with ��j=�" -
<br /> -- — Iho luan �vi�knccd b dx �iu�u. inciudin . hut iiu� iin�itrJ iu. �c ir.eutuii�ni. conr�rttin S�r+'oa•cv�. ixcu�sn�y' of thc �'��'
<br /> Y N N � r,:,,� _._
<br /> Pn��xny u,u principul rc.idrncr. If�hi.tirrurity Iminimcnt i,an u Ir:�,eNold.Horr��w�r,hall c�unply with all thc pruvi.i�►ns � . �•`---
<br /> ' uf thr Icu.r. li'Barroaer uryuirc�Icc�iUe in thr Pru�x ny,thr Ir:�sclx�ld.md the fcc tidc.h•rll n��l mcr�c unle..Lendcr ugrrc� ��'°,;�-
<br /> to thc merg�r in wri�inN. ;��.�—=:
<br /> �i+yw i
<br /> 7, Prulerti�m oP I.rndur'y RiKhts in the Pruperly. If B��rr��wrr fail. �o Fxrtiinn thc awenant.und a�rrement, —�_���„��,�
<br /> . rantuirxtd in Ihi� Serurily In�trum4nt. or thrrc i. a kg►d prixcedin�. thal may ,iti�mfican�ly a(1'crt Lender: right. in the
<br /> Pro rt (�uch ati u rucreJin in h�mkru tc . uhale.for rundemnation or tittteitur�or tu eni'onr lawti��r rc�ululinnsl.�hrn �.��'�`: .o
<br /> Fk Y P B P Y fN E °o::
<br /> Lcndcr may do und puy fo� N�huluvcr iti ncrc.,ury a�pru�rrl thr vulur ut'thr F'ro�xny unJ Lrndrr; riEhi+in thc ProFxny. ��_��_"
<br /> Lcnder±uction+muy includr puying uny sum.�rrured b�•u licn ahicl�has�,rioriry ovrr this Securily In�tmment.ap�xunn►� �:�.�:�;;r��;�;
<br /> •: in cuun, paying rca.onubM uuonic}�,'Ice.unJ rn�rring an thr Nroprn�•�o ma{.c rrp:�ir+. Althou�h l.endrr may tuke uclion t�,;: ,.'.,�,�`,..�,.-
<br /> , undrr thi.r•parugruph?.Lendrr d�us not huvr lo Ju,�►. �.�•, ;',.� -�.xr
<br /> . Any umi,un�� di�burnid n�- Lendcr undrr Ihi,para�ri�ph 7 tihall Ixro�n� udditionul debt ��f B�►rmwcr,ccureJ by thi, ';,,.�6.:,.i`.'_�
<br /> , Securiiy Ins�niment. l�nlc.ti Burrowcr and l.rndrr ugrrr a���iher irrm.nl'piiymrnt.thr,r unx,un�,.hall Ik:ur imrrr+�t'rom the 't�'�+`;^-`:
<br /> �:?7;S`�=:��:
<br /> � Jute uf di,hur.emrnt ut dx Nu14 rale uuJ .hall lx puyuMr.wilh inlerc�t.upun notire from Lrmlcr to t3�Hrowcr rcyur+ting ,;;•�.:„__
<br /> .;�.. payment. ' � . �--
<br /> ' . " • 8. MorlQa�e Insurancc. If Lr�xlrr requir�J mon�u�!c in,ur:�nrr a. :i cunJiti�m ul'm:ikin� thc luan.rrurcd hy�hi� .�'�rR'
<br /> �. Securily Imtrumrnl. B��n���v�r.hall �i�y Ihr prrmium, rrquirrd t�� mainlain ih� mungagr in,aancc in cflcrt. II: li�r uny .,"�;='.`__
<br /> rcu+on. Ilx� morlgagr in,ur�mrr cnvrruEr rcyuircd by l.cndrr laptic, ar rra,r, lu ix in rt'fik�. Burru�vrr �h:dl puy Ihr . � ._
<br /> ,. premium� requircd to aNlain ru�•rra�c ,uh.luntially �quiv;denl lu the mor�ga�r in,ur;inc. ��revi��u.l�� in cff�rt,al a cu,t . ` `.
<br /> ' ' � auh.�untially ryuivalrnt tu dtc ru,l lo Burruwcr ut'ihr mungagr in,uranrr prcvi��u�h• in rflrr�.lnnn an allcmatc nx►r1�!a�±c ��?"
<br /> � insurcr uppr�►vcd M•Lrndrr. II'�uh.iaminll�•cyuivalrm mun�;ngc in.uranrr ruvcr:i�:r i,nul��vailahlc.Bi�rruwcr,hall pay to j`,..:,,^'ti:;a: =--
<br /> Lcndcr eurh month u�um ryu:d tu unc-iwrlf�h i�t'Ihr yrarh•nwngugr in,uranrc r«�„����» n���,��aid by Hurrawcr u•hrn Ihc !�•r.;Fr^,�
<br /> insurunrr rovcrugr I:�p.rd��r�ra�cd lu hc in cl7cct. l_rndcr��ill;icrcpt.u,r.uid r.lain Um.c pay nKnl.a,:�lo,�rr�crvc in li�u ,.%��+s�,ic��:;
<br /> , ..
<br /> uf mungagr imurunce. Ln..rr,erve pu�•mrnl, muy nu I�m�.rr h�rryuired, al Ihe uplion uf Lcnder,i( nN�rlgagr in.uranrr ; ,A"�_
<br /> coveruEr(in thc amounl und fur Ihr p�riud�h;�t Lrnder reyuire�l pm�•ideJ M :ui in.urrr s�ppruvcJ h� Lender aguin Ixrumr� ��--
<br /> I� uvuilahlc and i,i�htain�d.Borruwrr�hall pa� thr pnmium.rc��uirrd tu mamiain nwrtgagc in,uranrc inet-tirt.ar tu pr��vid�u �• �.• _
<br /> lo��resrrve.unlil Ihr rcyniremrnt li�r man�!u�e in,ur.nxr rnd.in arr�xJ:uu�•��i1h am ariUCn aprccmcnl iklwCrn Norrowcr ' '
<br /> I i unJ l.rncicr ur;ipplirahl.•la���. �'1`'�'�!
<br /> i 9. Inzprclion. L.�nilrr��r il.a�cnt nu�� mal�r rca.unahlr rntrir�up��n;md in.�xrti�ai+ ul il�c I'ro�xrt��. LenJrr,h:ill
<br /> i � �llVl•�III'I'IHYI'1'Illtlll'l':Il I�IC 11111�Ul��lf(lfl�ll'IU ND 111��1iCUU11��K�'I��)'lI1F:1'CBwll:l�t��C:IU�I'li)1'I�1� Ill��l�i'IN�II. .
<br />� 10. ('ondemnaN��n. l hc��rnrecd.�,1 am a«ard ur claim I��r�Iama�r..dircrl ur r��n,rqurnnal. io�•unn��rlian��ilh am .
<br /> tiur:lr 1•aiud� Fm�ole�1ue�Fnyldlv 11nc 1\IMIIN�11\til'Rl\IF.�'1' 1 nUann('o�rn.�m. 9,411 �p����?,�I n�y�erv �
<br /> rl . ■
<br /> wr.�l Wb•Itu.uti..hnn.hx
<br /> I���Mdn��.dl I�i1���iMV�M�1' F\\h1��7'�41111 1
<br />, t ._ .- ' '. .-c .
<br /> '
<br /> � I� . . .. - , . .
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<br /> . � _.. _. _ _ _1_ _ .
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