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<br /> •f�'"���:��. TOC3ETHER WITH aU the improvcments now on c�rcufte�erectcd i+n Ihe prc►peny,and all ca�cmen�ti,appunenancex.
<br /> • �-,;-��s�'a...<- - nnd tixlures now or hereafter a pan of the property. All replacemems und uclditiunti�hull ulr�be rnvered by Ihic Securiry
<br /> . ' � lncin�ment. All of the foregoing ia referted to in thix Secu�fry Insuumern us ihe"P�otxny." __
<br /> '�"�"�^'�°"•.;�;"'��` n HORROWER COVENANTS ths+t Borrower ix lawfully�eitied af Ihe eslutc hcrchy convcycd und haw the right 1�►gront
<br /> �3:rt�,,,:�,�.�tir_�.,� : i�nd convey the Propeny und thut the Praperty is unencumbered,except for encumbrunces of recorJ. Sorrawer wurrunls and F
<br /> J� 9 �-M_:•�_�,-_
<br /> -- • , � will defend generalty the title ta the PropeAy aguin,t all claims und deiuunJ,,+ub'�ct to un cncum6rances af rccor .
<br /> �� � � � r THIS SECURITY W5TRUM8NT cambines uniform covenun[s fur nadan�+l use nnd non-unifwm covenants with ��•�____
<br /> '� ' limited vadations by jurisdiction to con�tiwte a unifortn security instrumen�covering real pmperty �-;4-�—
<br /> ° � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant und ugree us follows: Ir-T`�"'
<br /> — ' L Payment of PrincipAl and Interest:Prepayment and LAIe Charges. BoROwer hhall prampUy puy whcn due the _r.;,_vr'A��
<br /> • ' . pdncipal of nnd interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prcpayment And luta charges duc under thc Note. - _.,��;a� :
<br /> ��' ' �� ^ ' 2, Fbada for Taxes And Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender,Sorcower shull pay to R.�:�.t_,;,�_ _
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due undcr Ihe Note,until lhe Note is paid in full. u sum("Flmds')for:(A)ycurly �1 _—
<br /> • � �axes und assessments which may atlain pria�ilY aver this Securiry Instrument as u lien on the Prapeny;(b)yeurly leasehald ; �.. �.
<br /> . �1 payments or ground rents on the Prapeny, if any; (c) yeady huzurd ar propeny insurnnce premiums; (d) yearly flaod .;.��,�,,..,,,��'t;,y,.
<br /> `4 •"�`''`` . '�''.• �. r� ''.f insurance premfums, if any: (e) yeurly mangnge insurancc premiums. if nny: and 111 Any sums pnyable by Bonower to �y�;�:_�f:•�---=-
<br /> .;�.
<br /> " �#��d����;;`���4�.� i�; Lender,in accordnnce with the provisions oi par�graph R, in lieu of the puyment af mangage insu�unce premiums. These „r .
<br /> ',� , �,;t;��,;r��u, tYLr, • , items are called'Escrow ltems•.' L.ender mAy,nt any time,collect und hald Funds in an amount not ta exceed the muximum � ,u -
<br /> ..���, , � ���:1:s-- _ amuunt a lender for a federally related mortgage laun muy rcquire fur Barrower ti a�erow account under�he federt►I Real -
<br /> � ,d'4.r• �'� ��' E slate Sep lemen t Pr c�c e d u r e s A c t o f 1 9 7 4 o ti a m e n d e d f ro m l i m�w l i n i e, 1 2 U.S.C. �21�1 c�r sc q.("RESPA"),unle+x unother �Y'.. � _
<br /> , �i ';:" �• . � law that applies to the Fundx tietti n lesser amount. If xo,l.endcr muy,at Any�imc,collcct und hold Fund�in an umount not to +�
<br /> :e
<br /> � � � ° exceed the lesser umount. Lender may estimutc Ihe amount of Funds duc on tha bs►sir� of currcnt datu and teaxanuble �;�V._y��
<br /> estimates uf expenditures uf future Eticrow Itemx or athcrwise in uccordance wilh uppllcad�le luw.
<br /> ' The Flmdc shnll be hcld in an institution whosc dcEw�itx urc insured by u fcdornl ugrnry, inrtrumentsdily, ur emity �L_ ..,� .��
<br /> ^ �� (including Lcndcr,if Lendcr ix tiurh nn in+tiwiion)or in uny F'r�krul Homc LoAn Bunk. I.cnckr�hull apply Ihc Fund��o puy =._,,__,�
<br /> thc Escrax� I�cros. l.cndcr muy nnt churgc �►rcowcr fur holding und upplyin� thc fund,, unnuully unulyiinu ihr c�cr��w r
<br /> _a,v�°_.
<br /> •� uccoun4 or vcrifying �hc �urow Itcmti, unlc+s Lendrr puys B�►m►wcr intcrc,� on thv Fuixl. uixl upplicuMlc fuw �xnnil. �r,' �_�_,
<br /> � Lcndcr�u mukc.uch u churgc. ��i�wevcr, l.�nJ�r muy r�yuir� Fionuwcr tn pay u uno-Umc ch�rur ti�r un �nJr�xnd�m rcul
<br /> �� ". rxtu�c wx mponing�rrvicc uuJ by l.cnJc�in conncc�i�►n with thix loun,unlctiti upplicahlo luw pruvidc�oth�rwi�c. l Inlcr�un ���,_",;::_
<br /> � ° • ugrrcmcn�ir.mudc ur applicublc luw rcyuirc+inlcre�t�u Ix�pufd,l.end�r shull not Ix roquircd in pay Ham►wcr uny imcr�+i ur _..
<br /> ° .. • cuming�i�n thc Funds, Rnrrowcr und Lrndcr muy ugrrr in wriiing.Ix�wevcr,thul imoro���hall lx puiJ�m�hr FunJti. Lrndrr ���W
<br /> ---- — :.hall giti�e la Borrow�•r, wi�h��u�rhargc,un annuul ucrounting of tlx Funds,showing orcdilr unJ d�bil�l0 1hr Fund�und thc �x.��
<br /> ��_•—._,_
<br /> pur�xi�c for which cuch debit to�he Fundr.wu+mude. Th��Fund.urc plydged u�uddili�mui �uriiy iin aii tiumti srrurcc!by ,�_.;�;;;
<br /> � . " �his Sccurity In+trumcn�. z...�xs �
<br /> •� If the Funds hekl by L.cndcr excecd thc umounts permittcJ w be hcld by appHcublc I•rw. Lcndcr +hall aca�ud b ��''' .
<br /> Bortowcr for th�excess Fw�ds in uccorJuncc wilh thc requiremcnts of upplicublc luw. If thc umuuni uf the Funds hcl y �,;..>;.
<br /> • • Lender ut uny time is nat sufficient to puy the Eticrow Item+when due, Lendcr muy sc�notify Bonower in wriling,und, in 4
<br /> � �• such ca,e Borrowcr,hull puy to Lrnder thc umount necc�+ury tu make up the deficienry. Borrower �hull make up the _��_.___�__��
<br /> de�cicncy in no mo�c thun twelve monthly puyment+,ut LenJcr's tiole discrelion. y `��Y
<br /> �� �� •;;i; :i.,:,."' Upon payment in full of all sum�secured by ihis Sr:curity Instrument. Lender shull prumpUy refund to Burrower an
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender. If,under parugruph 21, Lcnder+hull acyuirc�x scU thc 1'roperry.Lender,prior to Ihe ucyuitiition or —'-�1�,;-��,�,=._:_,_.
<br /> �� xolc of[he Pmpeny,shall oppfy nny Funds In:ld by Lendcr ut thc timc ol'ucyuisilian or sule us u credi� ngninrt �he sum� . , _
<br /> • ,��.� • secured by this Security Instrumenl. �''�
<br /> 3. Application of Payments. Unlc+s upplicuhlc law p�rnidc. athcrwi�c, ull payment. reccivcd by I.ender undcr .,, :
<br /> , paru grn phs 1 nnd 2 shall be upplied: first,to any prcpuyment churgcs due unJer the No�c:�econd,to umounts puyable under ��,-ti,�,,.',_.,-_
<br /> parugruph 2:third,to interest due:founh,�o principu l due;un d lu,t,�o u n y I n l e c h u r g e s d u e u i x i c r t h e I�o t e. . __ _
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bonower shall puy ull taxes, assc.xments, churgc+, fino� und impu,itionti unrihutublc lo ihe _
<br /> � ' Roperty which muy utts►in priority over�hi+Scruriry Inxtrumen�,und kaschold paymem�or�round ren�+,if any. Born�wcr _
<br /> shall pay thesc obGgutionx in thc munncr provided in paragraph 2,or if nut paid in thu� munncr,Borrowcr xhall puy them on
<br /> ' time directly lo the pertion owed payment. Borcawer shall promptly fumish tu l.ender all n��licr�of umoum.to he paid under
<br /> . �his parugruph. If Borrower mukes�he,�: puymenis direcUy.Burrower tihall pramMly�fumixh to Lender rereip�s evidencing ..
<br /> �..
<br /> . Ihc payments. . �':
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly dischurge uny lien which hus priurity��ver�his Securily lu.in�mcnt unlc,ti Borrawer:(u►ugrees
<br /> in writing to thc payment of thc otdiuutian secured by thc licn in u manncr acrcptublc to Lendcr:(bl contcsts in gcxid f•rith the � ..�,::,�r,o,-`
<br /> licn by.or detend�uguim�enforccment of thc lirn in.Iegul prcxreJing+which in tlx LenJcr's opiniun aprrutc ro prevent thc ,.._
<br /> ` enforcement of the lien:or(c)xecure�from tiu hidder uf Ihe licn an�greemrnl.uti+fuctury lu Lender sulxirdinating thc lien . ,. _
<br /> �� � to this Securi�y Instrument. If LenJcr delerminrx thut uny purt of thr Pr���xny i� �uhjeci w.►lirn which muy at�uin priority
<br /> � ovcr this Security Instniment,Lendcr muy givc Horrower u noticr iJenlifyin�thr licn. Hnrrower shAll wutixfy the licn or take
<br /> � one or nwrc of thc uctions sc�forth ahovc wi�hin 111 day�uf thr�:iving��f no�icc. �
<br /> � 5. Haza�d or{'rope�ty Insurance. Burmwer shall I�rrp thr impruvemrnt�nuw exi�iinp ar herrafter crcctcd on thc
<br /> ; property inxured aguinst losx by firc. h:v.arJ�included within thr tenn"exlcnded rovcr��Er"�md any other haiurdx,including t
<br /> • flc�ods or tliwdin�, for which Lendcr rcyuircs insuraixe. Thi� inwranrc �hall tx maintainrd in thc amount+und For the
<br /> ., Furm J0211 4/Y11 �rd¢�•:u�n�wKe�� �,
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