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�". It.' .�. � ,_i:J,t,. . .�.t�T�s..�lat�;_— -- <br /> .'i�ht. � f � i r� � ,.r <br /> _ �;MMV, � i�-+ a.�1_.�'�-.a... <br /> � _ . _ti^m.r•-,- <br /> d�f.. <br /> �� -- . .- - - .-:- :.�.�. <br /> If4.�j .� ,e.r ' I . - <br /> - . . . , .r1. . � � <br /> . . . •,r�b '�'� - <br /> • .. _ , <br /> .. . . -� , . .._. .,.. <br /> �vl � .*J�l. .__...� <br /> . . .. <br /> _- L. .__��- . . <br /> . ...ul� ...�. -_.._�� `_ <br /> _--.. <br /> '� . <br /> .��L...�,Cri�`"_.1�_.�..:,�r� <br /> _:�.�.--��� � �17'7� <br /> � condemnation or�Hhcr taking.�f uny purt ni'Ihc 1'n►�:rty.�N(o�«�nvcyu�wc in licu nl'cw�92 tb.urclxnhy uaxiyiwJ�ux1 <br /> _�,_,='y��r�`,� ' xhull hc puid to l.endcr, <br /> �,�.:-xY.Y••.�;•,+'.:s�:-"- ' In �hc evcnt uf u toial tuking M� thc 1'nqxny. Ih�:, +hull Ix a(�plicd �u Ilx �umr ticcurcd hy �hia Sccurlly <br /> �=�,�Y..�:..�:,;u.�,.." ^ In��n�mcnt,whclhcr nr niN thcn duc,wiih uny ercrr�puid lo NnR��wrr. b�dn cv�nl nf u�•rrliul tuking ol'thc 1'n►�xhy in <br /> ;��.•:u�.r � �`•'�`.`� which thc fuir morket vuiue of thc Prn�xny immcdialcly heti�m 1hr lukin�t i�eyuul�n ur�rcutcr thun Ihc um�rum uf Ihe*umK <br /> � "." ��° . .��:�. - � x�curcd by this Sccuriry In�ln�ment imnxdii�tcly Ixli�rc thr iuking. unlcss Hurruwcr und I.cndrr nthcrwiu ugrec in wrflhtg, � -- <br /> -;���t� �� r° thc+umx rrcurcd hy thi�Secuti�y Inxtrument tihull ix reduccd by Ihe umoum i�f�he pnxceJr multiplicd by �he fuUuwiug <br /> � � ,� . �� fruc:ian: Ial lhe towl umount of thc surns sccun:d immcdiuiely infare thc taking,divided by(b1�hr foir murket value of!hc <br /> �`'._:��'•�.;��-.�''� `�'•.'�, 1 Piropeny immedia�cly befarc the takin�. Any buluncc rhull t+e puid �o Borrower. In the evcm oi'u puniul �uking af thc <br /> '�� ..'�t', �`;;`�r�. ' Pro n in which the fuir mruket valuc of the Pro�eny immedfutely beforc the tuking i�: lear: �hun the umoum�f Ihe tiumK _ <br /> �..i�'bi .e .• P� Y, - <br /> ,.:<.o•.•�. :t1L"�• . . xecured immediutely ticfore the [aking,unl�sx Bnmiwer und l.cnclrr othcrwire ugree in writing or unles. upplicuble luw <br /> `° " �`'•'' otherwisc rovideti,thc ae�d..lWll he upplied to tbe zum%secured by thi�Securfry Instrumem whc�her nr nat tlx yum�ure <br /> 'o-"•`��;iar"'�:h1.'. h P � � <br />-_ �ira�rq�.�.w;�:� . theadue. - _.. <br />' _ . ,. If the Prupeny is atundatkd by Bortuwer.��r if,after�uice by Lendrr to Barrower thut the c�mdemnnr offen to mnkc <br />-`�'� A R � � � an awacd ar.ettic a claim far d:unugex, Borr��wer re�{xind t�L�ncte�within�p day�uPter�he date�he nrnice is given, !s-_ <br /> -"�'. . •.. . � ... l.ende�is authoriced to colkct and apply thr pr�xeed.,at it, opti�ro,eithe�to rc,toraticui ix rep�rir ut the Praperty or to the — <br />_�.v�- � ;c��!•� ,.�, sumg xecured by thi,Securiry laxtrumen�.whelhcr ar nat then due. --- <br /> ��`� ' Unles,Lende�and BoROwcr o�henvitic ugree in w�ting,uny upplicatian of p�cxeeds to princiQal shall not ertend or �,``_ <br /> �'��'��;' '°��;•�; ,,� '; paa�pane the due da�e of Ihe rnonthly paymems refcrred to in p:�raFraphs I und 2 or chunge th�umount of such paymcnts. <br /> -�„���..,� s� �:;-�� <br />_.;�� ;;. ,..._;,;`_�'�'��' ' 11. Borrower Not ReteASed: Forbeurnace HY l.ender Not a Wafver. Esten:ion of the �ime for paym�:n� �x <br /> � mndification of amohizv�ion uP thr�u�ns,ecured by tbis S��curity Instrument grunted b��l.encle�to any�uccessor in intercst �� <br /> :. r � ',ti� ' - <br /> ,. , t f ,,� of Borrower shal!no�aperate w releu.e the liability of Ihe originul BaROwe:or BoROwert ,ucce..ors in intemst. Lender ' <br /> shall nM be rcquired u�commence praeedings aguinst any succe,tior in imercst or retu�e to extend time fix p;�yment or �;�;�= <br /> niharwise modit.amoniza�ic�r�of Ihe tiums�ecureJ by Ihis Security In�trument by rea���n of uny demand made bY the ariginal ���;rr�: <br /> ^ • 1!�:�'�, a_,, $orrower or Boaowers+uce^.x�ors in interest. Any ktth�arance by Lender in exerri�+ng nny �ight or remedy,tutill oat 6e u ■�-•��;y:. <br /> c , ;,.,,. . C4::r.: <br /> waiver uf oc�nreclude�he exe�ci+e of an��ght or mmedy. �"`�' <br /> :'•(.. ' • , ' � � 12. Successora and Assipns Bound;Jeiot aad Several Llability:Casigne�s. 'Rie cuvenuntx und ugrcemems of this �" <br /> �:_� <br /> �'`•• ' ' ` , ,;;'1�'; Security Invtrument yhal!bind and benefit the successon und usyigns oi L�nder und B�rrower,subjecl to the provisionx af —___ <br /> ` �'��:+�� puragraph 17. Borrow•e��cavenuntx und ugreementx shull t�joint und xeve�al. Any Borrower �►•ho cn-sign�thi+ Security �"' <br /> ,;,..;1��`�,'��.,, , ' �; lnstrument but docx noc execute tlx N�NC: (n)is co-signing ihi,Secucity Imamment anly to monguge,grunt und canvey thut �� <br /> � ' Borrawerk interest in the Propeny undu ihe�crm,of ihi�Secud�} Inxicument; :(bl i�na per�onully obliguted to puy the wumti <br /> � � ,.}�.��:t;:, . <br /> � �' ����{;�;�!`r�:1`�.;'�f', '� '�� secured by this Security Instrumem:�nd Ic)ugreew that Lerxi�r und uny other Bartower miry ugree to extend,maciify,forheur �-�- <br /> %' '' �. ��'•:�'!�:'�''� ar muke nny accommcxlati��m wiih rcgurd M thr kcm� c�f �hi� Security lnstrument ar Ihe Note withou� thut Borrowerk <br /> };.'�,?�;;,`,;��y;�;�•,-.,,.�;,, consem. —_. <br /> � '-�•.,t����':,,, , 13. Loan Charges. If Ihe loan tiecured by thi. S�curiq Imtn,mem is subJec� to u luw which +et� muximum loun �:,.-- <br /> ; ., charges,und thut luw is finully interpreted,o�hut the intere+t or other loun charges collecteJ or io be collected in connerlion �-� <br /> ' wUh the laun cxceed�he penniaed limi�+.then: lal uny such loun churgc�hull he reduced hy thc anwunl ncc��tiury ta redurc � <br /> � Ihe churge to the permined limit:unJ(h1 uny,um�ulnudp culler�rJ frcxn Bonower which excerdrd p�:nni�ted limit+will 6e <br /> refunJcd to Borr��wcr, Lendcr muy ch��n+r�o mukr�hi+rcfund by reducing th�princip•rl��wcd un�lcr thc Note nr hy making u <br /> direci puymenl lo B��nowcr. II'a rcfunJ rcdures principul.ihr mduction will he ireu�cJ as•r paniul prepaymrnt withcwt uny <br /> , prepuymem churEc u�xlcr th�Nutc. <br /> 14. Notkes. Any n��ticc �o Rurn�wcr provid�J liir in �hi+ Scruriry Imtrument rhall ix Nivrn by dclivcring it��r by <br /> . •.� . ' muiling it by tint clutix muil unlcti.•rpplicuhlc Ic�w rcyuire�utir u(uni,tlxr mcth�xl.Thc nuticr.hall lx Jirertcd to thc Pmpchy <br /> � � • AJdm+x or uny�►Ihrr uJdre,.Bum�wcr d�.ignulc. hy nolicc to L�nder. Any no�irr 1u Lcndcr tihull Ix givcn by tint cluss <br /> �• ' . mail lo Lendcr+udJr�++��uteJ hrrrin �K any othrr uJJrc,�LrnJcr dc�ignu�rs hy no�icc w R��rrowrr. Any nutice provided far �, <br /> . � in thi, Securily In��rumcnt shull Ix �kem�J to h:�vr Ixen givrn to Bormwrr or Lrndcr wNen Eiven u+ pruvided in this <br /> �u^ <br /> ,. ���� pur•rgruph. ��- <br /> • IS, l:overnin� I.uw: tievcrubillty. Thi�Sccurity In+�rumcnl +hull hc govcrncJ hy tcder+d luw and ihc law ot'Ihe �,y. <br /> ;.;;::;�� Juri�diction in whirh ihe Pn,perty i+I�xuic�l. In ihe ev�nt�hut uny pruvi.iun ur rlauxr af thi,S�curiry In+trurnent ur the Not� ,.... <br /> • .�,�;•' canflictti wi�h iipplicuMc luw..unc�onllict �hall n��t;iff'rc�o�hcr pruvi.ion+of thi+Security Inti�rumcm or the N�itc whi�h can <br /> ., .. .' . be given cl'i'ec� withaut ihc c�mlliclinE priwi,i�Hi. Ti►Ihis cnd 1hc pri►vitiian�of thix Sc�urity Inxlrumenl unJ the Nae ure _�^`. <br /> ,�,:� �,,; declureJ t��hr srvcrublr. -�•.� <br /> , 16. Bnrrower's Copv. Norrow�r.h:�ll Ik Eivrn oiu c��nfi�mird c��py of�hr Nate und��f ihiti Securily Ins�rument. :... <br /> - ;,���. „ 17. TransPer oP the Properl�•or a Kencf'icful lnterest in dorrower. U ull or imy purl��f Ihc ProExdy ur nny intrrest in y, <br /> � � it ix sold ur Irun+i'rrced I��r il'u Ix�neticiul imrrc+� in Born�wer i, ,uld��r nan.ferccd und B�irtow�r i+ nu1 u nuturul person) ��;��. <br /> 3 ' • withou� Lender+prior wri�t�n ron+ent.Lc�xkr m:�y.n� ih up�iun.rcquirr immedinle puymcnt in I'ull ot'all sum,secured b '.:. <br /> y E;�v,.. <br /> .��; <br /> .� ��. .. :: this Security Intiirumcnt. H��wrvcr.�hi,ortinn+hall not Ix�xcrci.rd by L.cndcr if cxcrci�c is prohibited My f¢Jrrul law •rs nf �.��,s <br /> ' �he dutc of thix Sccunty Imtrumcni. ••` <br /> .. . If Lender exrrci,e+this op�ion. l.end�r.hull�ive Rorrowrr nutirc ol':krrlcratiun. Tlx no�icc.hull provide u�xri�xi uf �ri:;' <br /> �_ .;: ,; , noi le�,thnn i0 day+t'n�m thc di�le Iha•nnticc i,Jclivcrcd ar maikJ wi�hin which Burruwcr mu.l��;ry ull wnu.ecured hy�hi+ , -•;: <br /> ,. 3cruriry Instrumen�. If B<�rn�wcr t:�il. tu p:�y Ih�.c xum. priur Io Ihr r�piratian �,f Ihi. �xnud. LrnJ�r mu}• invakr any 'r,.:�•; <br /> • remrdic.�xrmiurd hy�hi.Sccuritv I�i,vunxn�withuu�funhrr mxirr or�Icmand on li��rr„wcr. �'' '` <br /> . ° IS. Borrower's Ri�ht tu Rcin+lute. If B��rru�rcr mrcn ccr�ain r�,ndiiiun�. R��rro��rr ,hall huvr �hc righl tu huve <br /> enlorcemcnt nf ihi.Srcurity In.trum�nt di,rontinurJ:u .m� limc pri��r t��Ihr rarlirr„f: �a► S d��yti���r�uch„thcr�xri�xl a. � <br /> tim�tlr hamd�� Funnk�fur�M'nddk 11iM 1\IFIIK�1 I\�'1'Nl'�IF.\'1' -l mbaa�t'o�cu:m�. 4�411 �p�iara.��n p��.¢r.i i�•.�:• . <br /> L '�. <br /> . �. <br /> _.� cnr , .... . . - - . .. _ .'. <br /> • . � -- . . ._. , <br /> •i . <br /> , ., <br /> r <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> �� . �. .__ _' ._ __ . _ <br />