� . ..�_ . :, i\.•, . k;:�r.�p� . - .,... ��' •vj....�_�..._ .
<br /> �'�3!*-�, ,rh�b�. � f.�Yti '� r-�. . !{_t''.� -.
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<br /> �,�. .- . � .`r� ..a�h,ar..._... . ..�.. ..-.- . ^----`----- - -----
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<br /> � '° pedods ihut I.cndcr rcyuirex. Thc inxurunce currier providing�hc inxurunce r;hull he chusen by B�►rrawcr subjcct ta Lender R 'T��--
<br /> ^�� ;,��.���•� '', appmvul which shall not be unmuhonably wilhhcld. If Barmwer fuily w maintain cuvcrugc dc+crihed ubnve,Lcndcr muy,at
<br /> � „ � ti j;� Lender�option,oMtuin c�weruge lo pro�ect Lendcrc righl�in the F'rupeny in ucc��rdunce wilh paru�rnph 7.
<br /> ^ ''"" All insurunce�licie+und renewal++hall Ix ucceptuble io Lender:mJ xhull inrludc u+�undurd mnnguge cluurx. Lende� �__
<br /> tr��'�r:;'' �hall huve the righ�to huld Ihe pc►licies and rznewulx. If Lender reyuire+.BoROwcr+hull prampdy�tive Io Lemler u0 receipts
<br /> , ' _ _ _ . ' of puid prcmium�und renewul notice+. In thc cven�nf k�++,Soru�wcr.hul!givc pn�mpt nutice�o the in.rurunce currier und � _
<br /> , . ' Lendc�. L.ender muy make pmof uf los�ii nm mude prompdy by BoROwer.
<br /> • Unles+Lender und Borrawer utherwise ugree in writing,inxuranre prcxecd.shull he upplicd to nztoruliun or repair of
<br /> ^ ' . . Ihe Prc►perty damaged, it'the restoruli�m or repuir is ecanamicully fea.iblc und Lcnderw +ecurily ix rn�t les.ened. If the
<br /> � � reslarntion or repair is nat ecanomicully feu�ible or Lender+ .recuriry would tx Iessened, che inxurnnce pruceedx shull be �a--
<br /> ;�o ' ' �_ applieJ�a �he sum� secured by this Securiry Instn�ment, whether or nw then due,wi�h uny exces,puid to Borrower. If °--_ _
<br />"','': • ' BoRawer abandonr the Nroperty, or dc�ee nM unswer within i0 dnyc a natice from Lender Iha� the insurunce carrier has �-
<br /> �:�-=----
<br /> � ' offered ta�e�tle a claim,then I.ender may rallert the inxuruncc prcxeed�. Lender muy use�he pax:eeds�o repuir or restore �--�.,�,,,_�_—
<br /> ' • the Propeny or ta pay�um.r•cecured by thix Securiry In,tnimenl,whelher�tt nrn then due. The 3li-duy pc�iod will begin when __ - -
<br /> .. � the notice is given. - -- -
<br /> Unletis l.ender and Borrower otheru�ixe u ree in writin , un u lica�ian of raceeds�a rinci ul xhull nat extend or ;�ti.� --
<br /> Le R Y PP P P p F'�—--__--
<br /> ' powpone the due dute af the manthly puyments referred to in purugrnphs I und 2 or change the umount of thc pAymants. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Pm�xny ix arquired by Lender, Borroµ•cr�righi to uny in.rurnnce�licics and proceedx resulting •:�°r=m--_
<br /> ,.�- . �.:.�.r-�:
<br /> , ,,;;,,,'t:�.,.. .�y.�. . � from dnmAge to the Pmperty prior to�he acyuismon shull patiti to Lender to the extent of Ihe aum�securad by this Security ,.•,,.�.:«°•
<br /> lnslrument immedialely prior lo the ucquiritiun. ,,�r,•';�14 s
<br /> ,�v ��� . � _ _..
<br /> '` t '� ' �' - b. Occupancy. Prescrvation. Muintenance end Protection oP the Property; Barrower'x Loan Appllcalion; ,• �
<br /> +,,,:;•,��,; , ':^`r, ,
<br /> �• Leaseholds� Borrower shall accupy.estu61ish,und ure Ihc Propeny��s Borrower;principul re�idence wilhin sixty duys ufter r!;,. ,
<br /> '���,�s��`�• , • the executian ol'this Security Instnament und zholl cantinue to accupy Ihe Propeny ati Borrow�rk principal residence for ut �":��`:�� ` `• �'�—
<br /> ;.,.:.� • . ,..�. ,,,..
<br /> � 4 leust one yeur afrer the dute of accupancy, unless Lender othenvi,e ugrees in writing, which conseM tihall not be �`"',(r;'S`°r,_-
<br /> :,:,-.
<br /> "..;`�.`:;,'. ':.>. • -
<br /> �,�,c,,, unrea�onahly wi�hheld,ar unlesx extenuuting circumstunces exist which ure beyund Bortawer;wntrol. Borrower sbull nnt _
<br /> ',�, •� • de�troy.dumu�e or impuir Ihe Propeny,ullow thc Property lo deieriora�e,or commit wus�e on the Property. BoROwcr 4hull �+,n'�ti�,.,;,-
<br /> �• be in default if uny forf'eiture uc�ion or proceeJing,whether civil or criminal,is begun Ihu1 in Lenderk good fnith judgment �.�_w�._
<br /> ` could resul� in forfeiwre of �he Propeny ar othenvise muteriully impuir the lien crea�ed by this Security Inxirument or
<br /> ' Lender:security interezt. BoROwer muy curc xuch u defuult und rein.�ute,�is pravided in purugruph I8,by cuuxing Ihc aclion �;�.:.e;�..
<br /> � • � or proceeding to be ditimissed with u ruling ihut,in Lencler;gixxl 1'uith detenninu�ion,prccludes forFi:itu�of the Barrower+ ---y°ry'�
<br /> ''•;, imeresi in ihe Propeny or other mnteriul impuirmen� of tlx lien cRU�ed by thi� Security Ins�rument or l.enderti security ���,__..���
<br /> '�,�' intere+t. Borrower shull ulso t►e in defuult if Borrower, Juring the laun upplicution process, guve muterially fulu� or ��W��?"!'
<br /> inuccurute infornwtion or stutemenl+to Lender lur fuiled to pr��vidr Lendcr wilh uny muleriul infortnution)in connectian with -;'-`�
<br /> ; - ."� - the lonn evidrnced by the �iote, inciuJing, bw uut iiuti+ted t.�, repre,eniati�r.r• conccming B��ro+,ti�er; cxcapuncy of the `��-�=-�..-.�
<br /> ' ��'. Pmperty us u prin�ipal rexidence. If thix Securiry In.�rumem is an u ku.ehold,Borzower xhuU cum 1 wi�h ull�hc rovixians b
<br /> P Y P i'.'�..'.�v;�•_-
<br /> � of the kuse. It'Borrowcr ucyuins fee tille to thc Piti�xny.�he Irasehold und thc 1'cc tiUe zhull not mcrge unlr�s Lendrr agree+ __ ^_.
<br /> . to the merger in writing. �=---^--__.
<br /> 7. Protection of Ixnder's Ri�hls in the Properly. If Rurrawcr i'uils �o perf'orm the covenunt� •rnd ugrcemeni� -.;..�R�,;,�, _
<br /> � contained in thix Securi�y In+trument. or Iherr i� u Iegul pnxerJing iha� muy signiticanQy affect Lender+ right+ in the
<br /> . . Pn�rty(xuch ar�u pr�eeding in bankrup�cy.proMa�r,ti�r can�lemnutinn or ti�rlcitum or to enforcc luw,�ir regulutian+l,then �M-_ �
<br /> Lendcr may do�nd puy for whatcvcr i.nccez,ury to proicri thc vulur of Ilx�Propeny and Lrnder'x righ�+in thc I'roperty. f''"�»�=H�;ti{
<br /> I..ender�uctions may include paying uny tiums,ecureJ hy a lirn whirh ha.prinrity over thi+Srcuriry In�trumrnt,uppruring ' -
<br /> in coun,puying rcu,onuble uttornry.'fec.and enicrinE�m thc Propeny ti� m•rkc mpair+. Although Lender muy tuke acticxi ;�_;_,��,�-
<br /> �� under thix para�raph 7.Lendcr dixs nin huv�tu Ju�o. , _ �-'_
<br /> , Any umount.r di.huned hy Lender undcr�hi�purugaiph 7 tihall Ixrumr udJi�ional deM ai'Born�wcr xecurrd by [his � ��;;�:•.
<br /> , Security Instrument. Unlcss B��rrowrr imd Lender ugrcc a�oihrr�rnm��f pa��mcn�.�hrsc umount�+hall Ixar imcrc.t fmm the � -
<br /> ' � dute�if dishur�emrnt u� ihc Nu�c ratc and ►ha11 fk payuMlr.with intere��.u�xm notirc t'rom Lcnder lo Rorrower rcyuesting _ -_-
<br /> •{. .�
<br /> . puymcnt. ' ;'. --
<br /> ' 8. Mortgaae Insuranee. If Lendcr rryuireJ nu�nFagc in.urance a.a canJiiion��I'making Ihe loan�ecured by thix _
<br /> ; �� � Security Instruntent. Bi�rtowcr.h�ll puy Ilk premium. rcyuired ti�mainlain thc monguEr in.uriinre in cffect. If. fur uny � .�•�'.`""�__
<br /> rcux�m, the mongugr insuruncc covcragr rcywRJ hy Lrndcr I�ip.r. ur rcu.c� 1�► Ix in rifrcl. Bi►rmwcr .hull p•ry thc ..
<br /> ` . •, prcmiumx required to ohtuin ccweru�e sub�tamially rquivulem tu the mun�tugr inwrunre previnu.ly in efi'ect. ut u co+t ' ' _
<br /> � ' ., whsrrnti•rlly�yuivalent tu thc co.t to B��rmwrr nf ihc m�mgugr in,uranrr pmviou.ly in cl'frrt.from un ultcmutc mon�uge
<br /> " insurcr upprovrd by l.cnder. 11'sub,tantis�lly cyuiv;drnt mort�:i�:c in,urunrr ravcraF� i,nut availablr.B�irtower+hull puy to =".�r
<br /> - Lcndcr ruch month u wm cyuul�o onc-�wclfth��I'th�yrurly nxxiga�;r inxuranrc prcmium Ixing puid by Borrowcr when thc . ,.r.. :
<br /> ' " inxurancr cavcrngr Iup+eJ or crutieJ 1��Ix in rftcrl. Lenderµ•ill arrept.uu:md retuin�he�r paymcnt�us a lo�s re+crve in lieu -
<br /> of morlgagc insuruncc. L��+,rcxcrvr paymcm.may n�► kHi�:rr hr rcyuircd.ut thc��ption ol'Lcndrr. if mongagn in.urunce � _-
<br /> � � .� �, covrragc lin thc um��unt und I'or the period�h:u Lrndcr rcyuir�.l proviJeJ B}•�m inwrrr uppmvrd by Lcnder again bcc��me� `
<br /> � �,.'., .
<br /> uvailuble imd i+ohluined.Bi�rrawrr shul)pay th�prrmium�re��uircJ io mainlain mortgaEe in�ursmr�in�fferl.ur Iu provide u
<br /> •� la,+reservc,until thr rcquirrmrnt tor munEu�r in.uraikc�nd,in arrorJanrr wilh amy�vriltcn a�:rremcnt txtwccn Horrowcr
<br /> •`' � und Lrndcr or uppliruhle law, '
<br /> , 9. InKpectinn. Lcndrr ur il.a�.nl m:►� matir rra,ununlc rntrir,u���m;inJ m.�xrtiam ul'Ihr Pru{xn}•. Lendcr shull
<br /> givr Born,wrr iH�ticr al thc limc o(�,r pri�,r w un in,�xrliun.prc�t��in�;na,imahlr c:iu.r li�r th�in,pcc�iun.
<br /> 111. Cnndcmn�Uon. Thc pnxred.��i:im.n+ard nr��I:um ti,r�I:rocigr,.dinri ur rnn�r��u�nli+d.in runnection with nny
<br /> � , timFl.�1•:mulq -FunNe�1ae'Freddh��1uc I'�IFIIR�f IV\'I'Rl'S1E\'1' 1'ndami('u�cuam. 4�911 ��ruar+.yn�u�er��
<br /> � , • Iir.N I.i��Bu+mn..Fbn�+.Im� � . .
<br /> tn 11nkt I,AII IdNM�3.11►�klll:l!.YA71 61�.1!11�11:11 . .
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