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<br /> -- ����-"'�'�; pPPliwhk law mwy �+eclfy fur rclurialcmenll hrfi►n; rule uf Ihc 1'�'op►hy pur►uWll�o u�►y �►wer of �nlo cunlwf�lcd In Ihi� -
<br /> Secu�iiy In«wmen�;c►r Ihl en�ry uf u judgnxnl r�f�KCing Ihi*�i��'��rily In.rtrumrnl. 'I?���µc�+��iU��nN urc thwl Hurruwcr: (a1
<br /> , ` �� •• payx Lendcr ull �urnx which 11►en wuuld hc dur urxlcr Ihl. tirruri�y In�lnm�r.nl und IIw NMc u� if m�+kcelc�atinn hwd _
<br /> ," :r �"' ,.: ,�• ,r'�,�,: uccuRCd:(bl cu�es uny defuuU��f uny�Nhrr cuvcnunlM or uRrermeoln;lc�puy�ull cKpcare�inruncd in cnf��rcmg Ihix��curfly
<br /> . . "'r T�' . Infilrumeat, im:ludinp, hu� nnt limltcd lu.tcuMmuMc uuumcy.'1'ce.r: und Idl tukc,�uch a�linn u. I.rncic� may n�u�unuhly
<br /> - - .._ - ... _ rcqulre ta nssurc thnl lhe Nen uf ihiv Sceurity Ina�rumcm.Lendrr�righ��in�he{'rn�xhy und Nurruwc�;nhliKati�►n�o�y thv r -- '
<br /> , . ;��v,k '. 4� Rums securcd by thlti Securi�y In�lrument .hull cominue unchunged. U�m rema�mcu�cni I►y (i��RUw.•�, ihi�+ Securiry
<br /> � .•, • • Inntrumcnt unJ the ubligu�ionh rccurcd hcmby.rhull rcmuio fully el'fective u�it'n�►ucco�eruu��hud�k�urtc�l. f�uwtive�.lhia
<br /> � �:, �n";r`i'. �ght ta reinstate shull nal apply in ihc rusc of uccclerulian undrr pumg�uph 17.
<br /> x ' � •� 19. Sate of Nae; Chonge uf Loan Ce�vlce� Thc Note or u purtial intcrc�t in Ihr N�nr Uogcthrr with Ihix Secu�ity
<br /> InstrumenQ muy 1►e r,�ld one ur m��re Ifines withau� prior natice tn HoROwe�. A +ulu muy m�uli in u changa in the enlity �.
<br />�"� � � (known as the"l.oan 5ervirer"1 thut collectK monthly puyments due under�he Noto und thi�:ticcuriry In*trumenl, There ulno _--�i�`{
<br /> ' muy be one or more chunges e�f the l.oun Servicer unrelated�o u sule of thc Nnle. If therc iK a chungr nf iho L.uun Scrvicer, �;�:�� �h���
<br /> � , � ' ' Barmwcr will b�give� wriucn no�icr uf the chnnge in uccordance with purugruph 14 aix�ve und upplicuhlu law. Thc n��tice ��u j�.;�_�:
<br />. , ' • . will�ta�e the nume und Addresx uf�hc new I.onn Service�and the uddresc to which puyment.�Ix�uld be mude. The nutirr will �_—__
<br /> ulao contoin any a�hcr infi�rmutfon mqurced by upplicabk:.�w• _
<br /> '' , . . ,.:,� 20. Hpwrdoue Substnnc�.w. Borrowcr ah�tl�t cawy:,�r�rn�i�Ihe presence,uxc.dis�x�sul.rlittuge,or rcleutie of any �_
<br /> Haznrdous Substunccs on or in the Pmpeny. ��n'a�ver shall nr do,nor uUow nnyone eke to do, ony�hing uffecting thc ���,�___
<br /> • propeny ihat is in violAUon of any Envirnnmenta�L.aK• �4'he�pr��:�':ting tw��sentencex shall nut upply W the precence,usce,or ��_-.ry,.�
<br /> �' �' " storage on the PropeAy of hmall yuuMiliex of Hazard�au�Subsluni�.s Ihat s�re senernlly recognizcd to Ix:upprapriutc ta normid �--_�.
<br /> , � . - ��::.�,� ,••� residenaai u�e�ancl tu rnuin�enance of thc Property. -
<br /> ��=--�_
<br /> t•'•.; '�� Bortower�hall promplly give LenJer wrinen,xwi�;e of a�ty imestiga�ion,cluim,dcmund,luwsuit ar aher action by any ��r aY—
<br /> . ;��;. ;.::`��i, . -
<br /> • gavcmmental or regulatory ugency or privutc pany involving �he PropeAy and uny Huzurdoux Substance or Environmenta :� � _ ._
<br /> � � • . �'���;:°;�+s•� La�v e�f which Borrower huti actual knowledge. If Borrower le�vns, or �s notifieJ by vny govemmental or regu�atixY
<br /> , ;'ti.`.• ` n is nctir.so Borrowcr ,r..,,�;..,}•;_;:_
<br /> ,�);, Authu►ic�.tha�uny removal or ather remediution of Any Hazardous Subxtancc siffrc�in@�hr PnWe Y ry'• �,�J...;,,_
<br /> ' .};;•�1?: ;..
<br /> . � �.,; �hall promp�ly take all oece�.ary rcmedial actions in uccordunce wi�h Environmental Law. .,it��, +.;:--•
<br /> �, �„n.,..
<br /> • � Ay used m Ihi.p:uagruph 211."Hazsudous Sub+tunces"ure Iho+e hubstanceti defined us toxic or h:va�dous subslances by -,` ,
<br /> � Environmental L.aw�und�he following sub.�ames: gusoline, keraxene,oiher flammable or toxic petroleum praducts, toxic . � ���,�y�,�l;t'=
<br /> ' � ��� pc�ticidea s+nd h►nhicidr�, valatile solvrnt>, mate�alx con�aining aslx:tito.or formaldehydr.und radiaactive muteriulti. As ,i.: ?�fx,.,
<br /> �;y.•.�:r1F��:•,
<br /> t ' � � �- ��� . ; .,,..�
<br /> r. ,%�%11i u.r�in�his par-agrs�pfi 30."Environmental Law"means federal law,und laww ai tlu jurisdiction wherc�he Property is locu�ed � <�Jr�;•+,.
<br /> .� , },''t �,:.�+�.�', tPiat er;atr to healt�e.�u0ely or em•ironmenlal prdec�ion. , ` c'.J`F:'
<br /> ,,r�.••iti•iFEi.
<br /> •'��"' NON-UN1FCbRM COVENAti'fS. Borroae�and Lenckr funher coccnant nnd agree•r.follow'.: .
<br /> .,'.'.:i, I 'i.::�� t: ; _ 21. AccNleratan:Remedles. Leader shall�i�e aalia�e ta Bavrower prior to aceeleratioa idlewing Borrower's -_ ;<'"'.j�o�:s..;�-
<br /> ; • --_ .__
<br /> � . ' ; . � — breach of any covenant or agreemem iw ii�i.�ccurit: f�-i�u�rai i�s�prlor to acce�•atiou aader peraRraph 17 __ —. _ _
<br /> � unMss applicable IAw provides otherwL+el. "fhe ndice�haQ�spPCiPy: lal the default;lb1 the actiun re�a�ired to care lhe r��r;�r_=
<br /> defaull;lc1 a dAte.nut less than ill days from the date the nMice is Riven lu Borrower.by wAich the default naast be '+.;
<br /> wred:and Idl lhat i�ilare to cure the defaull on ur before the dnte Specified in Ihe nutice may recult in acceleation of ,.,_;•,<<_�'
<br /> the sums secured by Ibis Security In�+t�ument und tiale��'Ihe Praperly. The notice shall Purther ininrm Burrower of �.�.�7�,i._
<br /> ' the riRhl to reinrlule aGer ucceleradon und the riRht to brinu u rourt urtion to ussert the non•existence uf a defuult or .�n��
<br /> any other defense of Borrower to uueleration und+ule. IP the del'uult is not cured on ur bePore the date rpecified in a����--
<br /> the�ot(ce.l.endcr al it.r•oplion mu�•require immediule puymem in full oP ull+ums secured by thic Securily Inrlrument ��;:
<br /> � • wHhnul furlhcr demund und mu�� imoke Ihr p��NCr oP wlc and un}� other rcmedies permilted by appllcable Irw. � - '
<br /> • � I.ender zhall be eptitled lo rolla�t ull ca�penscr incurr��d in pur,uin�thc remedieti provided in thix pyr�kruph 21. �^� ____
<br /> includfnR.but nul Ilmiled lo,rrutionuble utlorne�•x'P��s und co+Iti oP tiUe e�•idenre. �^A: �-:
<br /> " IP the power oP �ale is in��oked, l�ustee.r•hull record u nolice uf defuull in euch connl�� in which unv part nf the "�'.,:=;�� .,
<br /> . 1'ruperly is I�KUIed und sholl maN copicti of wch notice in Ilx munner prt�scribed b}•upplfcuble luµ•tn Horrower und to r
<br /> • • � Ihe Mher perWms pr��rib��d b�� upplk�blc Inw•. Af�cr Ihc lime reyuircd b�� upplicublc lae•."IYuslee shall �i�•e public ,a,�,. . ----
<br /> nolice of wk to Ihc pe�m��nd in the munnrr presa•ihed b� applicuhlr lu��. 'I�uslee.Nithout demand nn H�Krowe� T�
<br /> shall sell Ihe Property ut public auclion to the hiKhest I►Wder ut thr lime und pluce and under the trrm�desiRnated in -.._
<br /> ,:.
<br /> the notice uf'cule in une or more p�rcels und in an�order 7Yustcti delcrmines. 'I�uctee ma�po�tpooe xu�e oP v����r an!� • ,. .,�•
<br /> parcel of the Propert��by public unnouncemrm al the limr und place uP un�� pn�•inusl��scheduled wle. I.ender or its :".a� =�-
<br /> "' designee mav punhux the Pr+�pertc al un}•.r•ule. �
<br /> ' ' ` • � Upun rrceipt of pu�•menl oP Ihe price bid,'ll�ust�Y+hull delh•er lo the punhu�er'1'ru+ter'ti deed con�•e}•in�thr
<br /> ' Pr��perlv. The rrcllal�in the Truste�'ti derd�hull Ix primu facie e�•idenre uf the truth of thr Mulrments made fherein.
<br /> . 'I�ustee xhull app13�Ihc prnreedx uf'the�ule in thc i'o11owM}t iMde�: Ia I lo ull rmt!�und rxpen�e+of'exercisin�tl�r power ' t •..:_
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