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<br /> '' c H TUCIETHER WITH a0�hc improvcments rn�w cx hercaitcr cr��:ted on the prnpeny,und ull caremenl�, uppunenanccs,
<br /> .�}�".ns'��, . U
<br /> ' and fixturea now or hercoftcr a pun of tlie praperty. All rcplucementx und uddilinnx ahull also be covemA by Ihix Security
<br /> .. ���� •� � Instrumem. All of the foregoing is refcRCd�o in th�s Security Instrument us�hc"Pro�x:ny:' _.___
<br /> , ',,!,,..K:';,':,,.•;, " BORROWER COVENANTS�hut Bcxrowcr is luwfully sci�ed uf thc cstutc hcrchy ccmvcycJ unJ hux�hc righ�t�►grant ___
<br /> a and canvey the Property and thnt Ihe Pmpeny is unencumbered,except for encumbMnces��f recc+rd. Borrower wurronts und ��
<br /> ��� " wfll defend generuliy the�itle w ihc Piropcny aguin+t ull cluims and demundc,suhjerl to nny encumbrunces ol'record. �.:
<br /> ,...�: :,,,.. . . .
<br /> . .. � ` THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combine4 uniform covenant� fur nutional urc und non-uniform rovenanl.r with
<br /> , limited vAriations by jurisdictian to constilute u uniform security inxuument covering real propeny. —
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. eorrower und Lendcr rnvennnt und agrec us follaws: �..�+_="°-------
<br /> • � 1. Payment aP Principwl and lnterest;Prepayment and Late Charges. BoRawcr shull promptly pay whcn duc the �p��
<br /> fi.�.•� � principal of und interest an the debt evidenced Ny�he Note und uny prepuyment and Inte churgex due under�he Note. � •..s•,;,,------
<br /> Z. Funds Por Taxes and Insurance. Subjec�la upplicable luw or to n wriucn wuiver by Lender,Borrower xhall pny to _N,__
<br /> •1 l.ender on the day monthly paymcnts are due uader the Note,until the Note is pAid in full,u sum ("FunJh'1 for: luf ycurly �.,�^___
<br /> taxes and ati,etisments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument us a Ifan on Ihe Pn►peny: (b)yearly leasehald `
<br /> �:•:,���.:..,a
<br /> .t ' . ,._,', ', carl hn�.urd or ro rt insurancc remiums; (d)yciuly flood __
<br /> � " payments or ground ren�s on the Prope�ny, if any; Ic) y y P Pe Y P �_�?�'-�--�--
<br /> , �.�,,..,?��,;i1t':�:�;,�,. insuruncc premiums, if any: (e) yeurly martgAge insurnnce premiums, if any; and (Il uny sums payuble by Borcower to _ —
<br /> '`:'.;'.. ,'h°„���{`f�• Lendor, in accordsu►ce with the provisions of puragruph ri,in lieu of thc puyment of mohgage inaumnce premiuma. These F__
<br /> . i�r .
<br /> � � items ure called"Escmw Items.' Lender may,at uny Ume,collect and hold Fundx in un amount not ta exceed the maximum �f_,�
<br /> } ''}�� : �� �� amount a lender far A federolly reluted rm�rtgage IoAn muy requirc far 8orrowerR escrow accoum under the federul Real �yr T
<br /> e�,� -
<br /> � Estate Setdement Pr�xedur��Aci of 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.#2601 er xey.("RESPA"),unless another . _
<br /> �� law that ppplics ta�hc Funds sets n lesscr umount. If so,Lcnder may.At uny time,collect und hold Funds in an amount not ta 5�;:�ty;�,,,�:.:
<br /> • "'�•�'� ' exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimute the amount of Funds due on �he busi4 of current data und reasonable �t;;��,,;;,; -
<br /> , ,r..,.,r
<br /> � ectimoles of cxpenditures of future Escrow Item�or otherwise in accordance with applicubl�law. ;�.��.
<br /> ' The Funds shull be held in an instiwtinn whose deposits urc insured by A federnl ugency. instrumentality,ar entiry •.�_ ;
<br /> ' ' • (including Lender,if Lender is sucb un institution)or in any Feckrul Home Lann Bank. Lender shull upply the Fu�ds to pay �T____
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not churge BoROwer for holding und npplying the Fund�,annuully unalyzing the escrow .....-,�.
<br /> .. nccount, or verifyin� �he Escrow Items, unle+x Lendcr pays Borrower interest an the Fund�and opplicubk Inw permits "�',1;�,;��:'
<br /> "�`� � Lendcr ta make such a churge. Howevcr,Lendcr muy require Bnrrawer to pay n onc-timc chs►rgc For un independent real � �;, !�t�'
<br /> .�..,�::
<br /> ' estute tux rcporling+ervice used by Lender in connection with thi�loan,unless upplicuble luw provides olherwise. Unlexs un ,,r k;:';:.:_:.
<br /> � ugrecmcnt is madc or upplicable luw rcquirc+imcre.r•t to bc paid.Lendcr yhul!not bc rcquired to pny Borrowcr any intercst ar � •���W
<br /> � enrnings an the Funds. Borrowcr und LenJer muy agrcc in wri�ing.however,lhut intcrest xhull be pnid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> �'lr.�._ ';,
<br /> shall�ive to Bixrower,without churge,an unnuul uccouminF of the Funds,shawing credilz und debits to the Fundc and the F�i.-��r;�::
<br /> . - ;A`.'�- purpose for which ench debit to the �unds wu+n�uJe. The funds arc plc:dged as addilional sec��riry for ull sums secumd by __�_____
<br /> �hisSecurity Instrument. �+�"��
<br /> If the Fundti hcld by Lendcr rxcred thc umoums permiucd to hc hcld by upplicablc luw. Lendcr �hall account to
<br /> • Borrower for the excezti Fundr in ucrordunre with�hc reyuirenunts ol upplicahle luw. If the umount of the Funds held by _..._„o,_,:=_.
<br /> Lender ot nny lime is nat cufficient �o pay the Escrow Item� when duc, Lender muy so nutify Bunower in wri[ing,und,in ��
<br /> JTI..^�.
<br /> sunc�use Borrower +hall pay to Lender�he umount necex,ury to muke up thr Jeficiency. Burrower tihull muke up the �^ysL�
<br /> " dePiciency in no more than�welve monthly puymcnts,at Lender's sole discretion. -_
<br /> Upon p�+yment in full of ull.um�xecured by thi�Srcuriry In+�rumcnt.L.rn�kr shull prompUy rcfund lo Borcower any
<br /> Funds held by Lcnder. If,undcr parugruph 21,l.cncicr shall uryuire ur tiell thc Rnperly,Lender, prior to the acquisition or ______
<br /> sale of the Propeny. +hpll upply uny Fund. held hy Lender ul�hc timc M'ucyuisition or tinle as u credlt againxt the xums ��w_
<br /> secumd by this Seeurity Inslrument. �*�����'
<br /> ' 3. Applkadon of Poyments. Unlex+ applicablc law provide. athcrwi.c, ull p»yments rcccived by Lendcr under r�w-7��.;�. _
<br /> paragrnphs 1 unJ 2 tihull be applied: iin�,to uny prepuyment chargcti duc undcr thc Nute;second,to umountx pnyable under : �%j+;;;�_
<br /> puragrnph 2;third,to inlercyt due;f�wrth,to prinripul duc;and luxt,to any lute churpex due untler Ihe Nate. , '�:�'..';_�-_
<br /> 4. Charges; L.lens. H��nowcr shull pay all taxcs, a,tictitiment�.churges, fines und im�sitions attributuM.: to tho -��r•,.�;:_�.,
<br /> � Property which may uuain priori�y over ihis Sccurity Inrtnimcnt,unJ Icuschuld parymcnt�or ground rents.if•rny. Borrowcr �� "•_
<br /> shall pay thesc obligntion�in thc munncr proviJcJ in paragruph 2,or if not puid in that manncr.B��nowcr shull puy thcm on -�. �_,_
<br /> timc dirccdy to thc pcnon owed paymcn6 Rorrc►wrr.hull prompUy fumf�h to Lcrnicr ull no�irr+��f amountz ta be puid undcr •,. , ___
<br />, , this pnrngruph. I(Borrower makex thrsc p.+ymrmx directly,Borrower tihull promptly fumish to Lender receiptti evidoncinb � �_'
<br /> • . thepaymen�s. � :. -----
<br /> Borrowcr shall prompUy di+ch�rEc any licn which hu�prioriry uvrr Ihis Securily Inslrument unlc�s Borrowcr:(al agrccs �
<br /> in writing to the paymcnt uf Ihc ubligution sccurcd by 1hr licn in a manncr acccplablc la Lcndcr:(bl contests in gcxxl faith the � ._ �y.-
<br /> lien by,or defcndx againtil cniorcemcnt of thc licn in.Icgul pr�xcrJing� whirh in thr Lendcr',opininn operutc ta prevent thc � �.;,
<br /> enforcement of the licn:or(c)secure�from thc holdcr of the lien an uFrcement,atinfuctury�o Lrnder sutx�rdinatin�the lien � �• �
<br /> ` , lo Ihis Security Inrtrument. If Lendcr determinc+that�my part of thc Prupeny i,.ub.ject lo u licn which muy auain priority
<br /> over this Securiry Instrument.Lrnder muy�;ivr Borcower a nuticc iikntifying Ihc lien. Burrmver�hull satist'y Ihe lien or take � '
<br /> one or morc of thc actions xt forlh alwvc within 10 Juy.ul'thc givinF af nuticr.
<br /> '� 5. Hayard or Property Inaurunce. Burrowcr+hall k�cp Ihr impruvcmcn�+now�xi��ing ur hereuftcr crectrJ on�hc
<br /> ' Piroperty intiurcd againsl lo.�hy firc,haianl+incluJcJ withm thr tcmi"catcnJ�J r��vrragr"and any uthcr h•riard�,including :
<br /> � floods or tlooding, for which I,cndcr reyuins imur�mrc. 'fhi� inwrutxc shall Ix muintuined in ihr um�unts und for the �
<br /> � Form M12M 9/9U I�rJI'�'-��/A�NlI'CN
<br /> I
<br /> . , I
<br /> i I
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<br />