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<br /> � �, Cond�mnNbn.The proceeds ol any award,h.��m orfor conviyenco in�I�eu ol cond�mnitlon,are hir�by��slpnod _ - , 1,,�
<br /> � condemnallon or othsr takinp of the Property,or paA � i;�,�•n---�
<br /> and shall b�psid ta Lender.
<br /> In Ihe event of a Wtal takinp ol ths PropeAy,the proceeds ehell be app�led ro the�uma sscured by thi�O�ed o1 TN�t,wllh ��^� � �� =�°-`,�-.,
<br /> � 1 the exeesf,lt eny,p�id to Borrower.ln the evsnt of a peAial teking of the Prope►1y,u�les�8orrower and l.ander ath�rwise , �
<br /> 89ree In writinq,there shell beappll�+d to the sums eecured by this Deed ol Trwt such proportion of thsprocesds��I�squal to � :,���;�;�_
<br /> thet propoAlon whlch tho amaunt ot the eume Yscured by this Daed of Trust immedletely prlor to the dete of takinp beusto ths -�
<br /> j Iair merket valus af the property immsdistaly prior to the dste ot teklnp,wlth the belencs of Ihe proceeds pafd to 8orrower. ,
<br /> � � Il the Propery ie sb�ndoned by 8orrower,o�if,�har notice by lender to Borrower Ihat ths condemno►oll�rs to make an
<br /> � eward or eeltls a clolm lo�damapes,Borrower fAfls to reapo�d to Lender withln 30 dsys aRer the date euch notice i�rn�iled, �
<br /> Lende�is authorized to collect and apply the prxsMs,at Lendor's option,elther to rpsta�tion ot npair of the Properry o►to � , ,f�::,
<br />_ , the suma sscured by thls Dsed of Trus� 4 ���`^',��
<br /> � U n l e s s L e n d e r m d B o r r o w e r o t h e r w i a e e p r e e i n w r i t i n g,an y such e p pllcatlon of proceede to principal ahell not extend or � , —
<br /> postpone Ihe due d�te of thQ manihly installmenls referred to In perapraphs 1 and 2 hereo f or c honpe t hv a m o u n l 0 1 a u c h � �• �,-.
<br /> {netallmente. �
<br /> � 10. Bonoww Not RNNnd•Extenefon of the time for peyment a modiBceHon ol amonizalbn of the eums sacured by thla � `T_
<br /> � Deed of Truat y�anted by Lender to any auccesso�fn Intereat of 8orrower ehall not operate to release,i�any menner,the , . ��
<br /> IlabilUy ot the orfyfnH Bo�rower and Borrower's aucceanora fntereel Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceedin s
<br /> ageinet auch aucceasor or retuse to extend tlme fa peyment or otherwlae modiy amonizadon of Ihe sums aecurad Ey th�s �
<br /> of Truat b resson of eny demand mede by tM oripinal 8orrower and 8orrower'a euccesaors fn intereahereunder,or � �
<br /> �, Deed Y
<br /> , ��, porb��r�nw py L�ndK Nol a WalvK.Any forbearance by Lender fn exercising eny rlyht o�remedy � �
<br /> otherwlse aHorded by�pp���eble law,ahell not be a wafver of or preclude the exerciae ol any such ripht or re The �
<br /> �, procurement o1 i�aurance ol the peyment of taxes or other liena or cherges by Lend�shall not be a waivar of Lenddr's r hlto ,: �
<br /> accelerete the maturity of the indebtedness aecured by thfa Deed of Trust. 'y
<br /> ,• �Z, p�n1�d1��Cun►ul�tiv�All remediea provided fn this Deed ot T�ust are diadnct and cumuletive to any olher ripht or .;:��_
<br /> � �emedy under thia Deed of Trust or allorded by law or equity,end may be exercised concurrently, independently or .
<br /> ' suCCessively. • � �`�
<br /> ! 1g, guecason and Aulpns Bou�d; Jolnt and S�vaal U�Wllt�l;C�pllona.7he covenents and apreements herefn � .;.
<br /> contelned shall bind,and the righta hereunder shall Inure to,the�eepective succeasora and aaelpnsof Lender end Borrower, ,� i�__�;
<br /> eubiect to the p►ovlsions ot peregraph 17 hereol.All covenams and agreernenta of Borrower shall be joint and eeveral.The
<br /> ceptions and headinga of the peraqraphs of Ihis Deed ol Trust a�e lor canvenlence only and ere not to be used to interpret or y�"z��
<br /> detfne the provislons hereof. ' .�--
<br /> 11. Notic�.Exceptfor any notice required under applicable law to begiven in enother menner,(a)any notfce to Borrower � � �
<br /> provided for in this0eed of Trust ahall be given by meiling such natice by cerllNed meil addresaed to 8orrower et the Property , , ��,�o
<br /> Address or et auch other eddresa as Borrower mey deai�nate by notice to Lender ea provided hereln,end(b)any notice to �
<br /> � lender shell bepiven by certilied mefl,return recelpt requeated,to Lender's add�eas atated hereln orto auch other address as
<br /> lender mey deaiynateby notice to Borrower ea provided herein.Any notice provided br In this Deed o1 Truat ehaU be deemed -`;�
<br /> 9 i to heve been piven to 8orrowe►or Lender when qiven In the menne�desfgnated herein.
<br /> 1 16. UnHom� O N d o l T�ud;G t o v�m i n p L a w;$�v K�b i i i t y T h e f a r m a!d a a d o t t r u s t c ombEnes unifo�m covenants lor .
<br /> national une ond non-uniform covenanta with Nmited variatlons by jurladicUon to constNute a unlform securi�insUument :=�''#'�
<br /> � covering real property This Deed of Trust ehall be yoverned by the lew of the jurlsdlctlon in which the Property s located.In •
<br /> the event that eny p►ovlaion or alause ol this Oeed of Trust or the Note coMlfcts wlth appIicable law,auch contlict shell not
<br /> .r� ' aBect other provielona of ihis Deed o1 Trust orthe Note which can be given eHect without t he contlicting provislons,end to thls
<br /> ;�. end the provinlona of the Deed of Truat and the Note era declered to be severable.
<br /> � 16. 8onow��'�Copy.Borrower shell be furniahed a conlormed copy ol the Note and ol thfa Daed of Trost at the time ot ,
<br /> ' execution or eRer recordation hereot.• ••,�•�^�•�•�'`� �` '�� �
<br /> . 'Q�d��� t3tthp property or en interest iherefn is sold or trenaferred by �� `
<br /> 17. Trand��ol th�Prop�Ay;AwinipMoY�: •t :
<br /> `� � Borrowerwfthoutlender'sprlarwrltte�Abonsenl�bi��Hl�crballonolalienorencumbrancesubordinetetothlsDeed ,
<br /> ofTruat,(b)thecreatfonofapurchese�olt�yllBd�Al�i�sr 6 eholdeppliences,�c)etransl8rbydevlsedeacentorby �
<br /> operetion ot law upon the death ol e foMt tenant or(d►1h9Q1
<br /> eeaehdd interest ol three years or Ws�not contefni�9an
<br /> option to purcheee,Lender may,et Lender's optfon,declare all tfie auma aecured by thia Deed of Truat to be immedietely due
<br /> and payeble.Lender shell heve weived such optlon to eccelerate If.prior to the sele ot trensler,Lender and the person to :�
<br /> whom the PropeAy is to be sold or transferred reach agreement In wrlting that the credit ot such peraon Is setfetactory to
<br /> Lender and that the interest payable on the sums secured by Ihis Oeed ol Trust ahall be at such�ate ea Lender shall requeat.H
<br /> lende► hea weived the optlon to accelerate provided In this peragraph 17, and if Borrower's auccesso►in interest has
<br /> executed a wrltten eaeumption agreement accepted in writing by lender,Lender shall release 8orrower trom all obllpatfans .
<br /> under thla Deed ol Tr�st end the Note.
<br /> II Lender ezercises 8uch optfon lo accelerate,Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleratlon in accordance wlth
<br /> pareyraph 14 hereof.Such notice shell provide a period ot not leas than 30 deys from the datethe notice Ie meiled wllhln whfch
<br /> Borrower maY pey the suma declered due.II Borrower tails to pey such sums prior to the expfratlon ol such pe�iod,Lender
<br /> may.without 1u�ther nobce or demand on Borrower,invoke any remedles permllted by paragreph 18 hereol.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT8.Oo►row�r and Lend�r turlh�r eov�mnt and�pr�aa follow�:
<br /> te. Acc�larslbn;R�m�dl�s•Except as provlded in paragreph 17 hereof,upon Borrower'a breech of any covenant or
<br /> agreement oi Borrower In thls Deed of Truat,includfng the covenants to pay when due eny sums aecured bythls Deed ot Trust,
<br /> Le�der prior lo acceleretlon shall mail notice to Borrower as provided in parag�eph 14 hereol specl�fnq:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br /> .� actlon required tocure such breach;�3)a dete,not less than 30 deys from the date the notfce ia mal ed to Bo�rower,6y which
<br /> such breach muat be cured;and(4)that fallure to cure such breach on or belore the date specified in the notice may resul:in
<br /> accele►etlon of the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trustand sale ol lhe Property The notice shall lurther Intorm Borrower ol the
<br /> � right to relnafete aRer acceleratlon and the ri�ht to bnng a court ection to asseh the non-existence ot a delault or any other
<br /> Lende s�optlon may decle e'all o�f the sumsl a c�u edrby t is Deed of Tr st lo be immedlet9ey d eCand payebl without fuAher
<br /> ►" demend and may Invoke the power of sale and any olher remediea permiHed by appllceble law.Lender shell bo entftled to
<br /> collecf all reasonable costs and expenses mcurred in pursuing the remedies provided m the paraqraph t 8,fncludlny,but not
<br /> • � Iimlled to,reasonable attorney's fees.
<br /> ;'r'�'. If the power ol sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a noUCe ot default In each County m which the Property or some part
<br /> ' thereol is locatedend shall meil cop�es of such nohce m the manner prescr�bed by applfcable law to Borrower and lo Ihe other
<br /> ���' peraona prescribed by appllcable law.ARer the lapse of such time as may be reqwred Dy applicable law,Trustee ahall gwe
<br /> publlc notfce o1 sele to the persona and in the menner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> �4 . shell sell the Property at publfc auct�on lo Ihe highest bidder at the time and p�ace end under the terms designated fn the�otice
<br /> of sale in one or more parcels and f n such order as Trustee may determ�ne Trustoe may postpone sale ot all or any pa►cel of
<br /> the Property by publfc ennouncement at the time and p�ace ol any prev�ou�ly scheduled sa�e.Lender or Lender's desiqnee
<br /> may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> � _._a_.,.........�..��ae...��o ru�1 7r��stee shall delwer to the pu rCheser Trustee'8 deed conveyi��lhe Properly sold
<br /> � VpGi�ioi.efiM.v�yo��.w.........-�"-'- -•.
<br /> The recltals in the Trustee's deed shall be pnme tacie evidence o1 the tnilh ol the statements madet�ere�n.�ruaiero ni�aii nNNir
<br /> the proCeeds ul tlte sele in the lollow�ng order:(a)to all reasonbble costs and expenses ot the sele,Including,but not limited to,
<br /> Truatee'sfeesolnotmorethan_ 46olthegrosssalepnce,reasonableattorney'sfeesandcostsoft�tleevldence;
<br /> � (b)to all sums secured by this Deed ol Trust;and(c)Ihe excess,d any,to the person or persons legelly entitled thereto.
<br /> 1�. Bortowe's Rl�hl to R�Inshl�.Notwrthstanding Lender's acceleration o1 the suma uecured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Borrower ahell hevethe right to have ar.y proceedings begun by Lender to enforce the Deed of T�ust diaconUnued atany Ume
<br /> p►for to thw earlier to occur ol(i)the tiflh day belore the sele of the Property pursuant to the power of sale contalned in the Oeed
<br /> ot Trust(ii)entry o1 e judgmant entorcing Ihis Deed ot Trust if�(a1 Borrower pays Lender all sums whlch would be then due
<br /> under ihls Deed o1 Trust.the Note and notes secunng Fulure Advances,d any,had no acceleratfon occured:(b)Borrower
<br /> � cures all broaches of any other covenants or egreements of Borrowor contained in this Deed ol Trust.(c)8o�rower pays all
<br /> reesonebleexpenses incurred by Lender and Trusteeentorcing the covenants and agreements ol Borrower conte�ned in Ihis
<br /> i� Deed of Truet and in enlorcfnp Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in paragraph 19 hereof,mcl udmg,but nol lim�ted
<br /> i to,reasoneble etlorney's fees;and(d)Borrower tekes such ection as Lender may reasanably requfre to assure that the I�en o1
<br /> �! thie Deed ol Truat,lender's interest In the Properry and Borrower's obl�gaUon to pay the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trust
<br /> � shall continue unimpafred.Upon such payment and cure by Borrower.this Deed ol Trust end Ihe obllyatfona secured hereby
<br /> Ishell remein fn lull loree and eH•�ct as�f no Acceleration had occurred
<br /> . , �
<br /> ,I �-
<br />