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Ch1uq�s,Ll�ns.9orrowers shell pey all taxes,assessments and other charges,linea and�mpoaftions attributablo to the <br /> p�pperty whlch may ettefn e pdorlty over this Deed ot Trust,and leasehold peyments or ground rents,it ihe manner <br /> «tool ar It nflt afd In euch Borrower making payment,when due,d+rectly to the �..� <br /> � provided undar peia$reph 2 he�3 R <br /> �•� . payee thereof.Borrower ahall promptly lurnish to Lender all notfces ot emaunts due under tnia paregraph,end in ihe evari ��- <br />' � � Barower shell make paymeni directly,Barower shall promptly furniah to Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br /> � Barrower ahall promptly discharge eny Ilen w�ich has priority over thfs Deed of T�ust:provided,that 8or�ower shell not be <br /> � required to disahargeanysuch Ilen so long es Borrower ahell agree in w�itfn�to the payment ot the obligatian secured by such <br /> lien in a manneracceptable to Lender,or shell in 9oad fafth con/est such lien by,or defend enlorcement of such Nen in,le9et �� <br /> � proceedin9s whlch operate to prevent the enlorcement of the lien or foAe�ture of the Property or any part thereof. <br /> •� � 6. Nl�sard In�ur�ee�.9orrower ahall keep the imp�ovements now existing or hereaNer erected on the Properry inaured -f .• <br /> agefnst losa by Il�e,hetards included withfn the term"extended coverege",and such other hazards as Lender may require , <br /> + � and in auch amounts and for euch periods es lender may require;provided,thet Lender shall not requue that the amount at : <br /> such coverage exceed that amount ol coverage reyufred to pay the aums securod by thls Oeed o1 Trust. ; <br /> This insurance carrier providing the insura�ce sFell be chosen by Borrower aub�ect to epproval by Lender;provfded,thet j <br /> undeeparag►�eph 2'hereot or,II no�pabd in such man�ner,by Borrower mak�g payme�tgwhen due dlre t y to the insu ance <br /> cerrfer. 't <br /> All insurance policlea and renewals thereot ehall be In form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgege <br /> clause In favor of and I�torm aCCepteble to lender.Lender shall heve the nght to hold the policfes and renewals thereol,and <br /> , 8prrower ehall promptly lumish to 6ender all renewal notices and all receipts a1 paid premfums.In the event of loas.Borrower _ <br /> I ahall glve prompt noflce to the Insurance carrler and Lender.Lender may make proot ol loss�f npt mede promptly by Borrower. <br /> � Unleas Lende�and Borrower olhervulse agree In writing,inaurance proceeds ahall be applied to�estorat�on or repair o1 the <br /> Property demaped,provlded such restoretbn or repeir fs economlcafly feasible and the securl1y of this Deed of Trust is not <br /> thereby Impairad.H such restoretion or repair Is not economically leas�ble or if the secur�ry o1 fhla Deed ol Truat would be <br /> � ' impalred,the fnsurance proceeds ahalt be appllec�to the sums secured by thia Qeed o1 Trust.wNh the any,pa�d lo <br /> Borrower.II the Property fs ebandoned by Bo�rower,or if Borrower tails to respond 10 Lender wfthin 30 days from the date <br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance ca�rier oNers to settle a claim lor Inaurance benetlts,Lender is <br /> authorfzed to collect end apply the Insurence proceedset Lender's option either to restaration or repa�r u1 the PropeAy or to <br /> the sums secured by this Deed of TrusL <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower olherwlseagree i n wrlUng,eny auch application ol proceeds to p�incipal shell not extend or <br /> postpone the due dete Ot the monthly Instellments referred to in puragtephs 1 and 2 hereol or Change the nmount ol such <br /> � Installments.lf under paragreph 16 hereot the Prop erty is ncquired by Lender,nll right,title and fnterest ot Borrower�n and to <br /> any Ineurencepotfcies end in and to the proCeedsthereof resulUng Irom damage to the P�operty prror to the sale or acyulsltlon . <br /> � ahall pasa to Lender to tt�e extent of the sums secured by ihis Deed ol Trust Immediate�y pnor!o such sale or ecquisltion. <br /> g, pr�rwNon and Ma1M�nanc�ol Properly:L�afeholds;Condominiums;Planned Un{t Dawlopm�nts.Borrower shell <br /> ' keep the Property in good repalr and sh811 not cornmit waste or perm�t impa�rment of deterforation of the Properly and shall <br /> comply wHh the provisfons ol any lease If this Deed ol Trust is on a leasehold.II thls Deed ol Trust�a on a unft in a condommwm <br /> or a planned unit development,Bortower shall pertorm all ot Borrower's obflgation�under lhe declaration or covenants <br /> creatlng or governfng the condominium or planned unit development,the by-laws and reyulatfons ot the condominium or <br /> :f� planned unft development,and constlluent docurnents.11 a condomirnum or planned un�t development nder fa excuted by <br /> ,;;� Borrower end recordedtogether with this Deed of Trust,lhe covenants�nd agreements ol such nder shell be fncorporated <br /> �..,<< Into and shall emend and supplement the covenants and agreements ot this Deed ot Truat as if the rfder were a pah hereof. <br /> 7. ProNclbn ot L�nd�r'�8�eurNy.If Borrower fails to perlorm the Covenants and agreements conteined in this Deed of <br /> 'i�' Trust,or If enyactlon orp roceeding Is commented wilh matenally HHects Lender's�nterest In the Prope►ty.Includ�ng but not <br /> �] limited to,eminent dornain,inaol�ency.code enlorcement,or ar�angements or proceedings involv�ng a bankrupt or decedent. <br /> �7' � then Lender et lender's optlon,upon notice to Borrower,may meke such appearances.disburse such suma and take such <br /> � 1 � ectlon as Is necessary to protect Lender's mterest.mcluding,but not limitad to,disbursement of reasonable attornoy'a lees ond <br /> �� : entry upo�nthePropertylomakerepafrs.IfLender reqwredmo�tgage�nsuranceasecondltionotmakinglheloansecuredby <br /> the UeeC ot Trust.8orrower shall pay the premiums reqwred t0 mamtain Sucli in5uranCe in eHect until 9uch IIRfe 88 Ihe <br /> , raeulrementforauChinsuranCeterminatesfnaCCadencew�thBorrower'sandLender'swnttenapreementorappliCalbelaw. <br /> ..�.�...r.n�u•nnronranh 9 hwren} <br /> j ' Boirower aheM p8y Ih@emOU�t OI911 rtlOrtgBge�nsuran�n Nnr�Yiiu�7�5 i��:�a-�r-�:;.:�.•....-.:••--• �-.-o -� �- <br /> � ; Any Bmounts disbursed by Lender pursuent to this paragraph 7, with �nterest thereon, shall become additional <br /> ; indebtednesaof Borrower secured by thia Deed of Trust.Unless Borrower end Lender agreo to other terms ol payment,such <br /> amounts ahall be payable upon notice lrom Lender to 8orrower request�ng payment hereof,and shall bear interest Irom the <br /> date of dl9buraement atthe rate payable Irom Umeto time on outatandmg pnncipal unde�the Note unless paymenl ot�nterest <br /> � I et such rate would be contrary to applicab�e law, in which event such amounts shall bear�nterest at the highest rate <br /> f permfssfble underappllcable law.Nothmgcc+ntained m th�s paragraph 7 shall reqwre Lender to incur any expense or take any <br /> � ectlon hereunder. <br /> 8. In�plCtlon.Lende�may make or cause to be made reasonehle entnes upon and�nspections ul the Property,prowded <br /> ' i that lender shall give Bo�►ower noUtepnor toanysuch�nSpecUon spe�•��y�ng reason:�b�e r.auselherelore re�atedto Lendei�s <br /> j� � �nterest m the Properiy. <br /> }� ; <br /> 1 <br /> ' i <br /> � _J <br /> , _ _ _ _ _ <br />