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<br /> �� . � ;�`_�`�' .. � A��d���a p�r�;L�ndw In po�sM�lon.As oddlllanpl senurity herwnd�r.Borrow/e
<br /> • �� hK�by�siQns to L�ndK the renb of th�Prop�rt�r.prov�d�d tlut Bo►row�r ahdl,prior lo anaaler�don und�r psrp
<br /> , ��-• MNno�w�bw�d��t ol tM P►op�ty.haw tlN ripht to colloet�nd rN�in wch nnt�e�ttlt+y b�aom�dw ond p�y �.
<br /> � U �aoN�atlon under p�npnph 18 Mrwt or�bandonm�nt o11h�proMr1y.L�nd�r.111 ,by ap�nt a ay l���r
<br /> s�ted racNvar.4ha�I ba enUded to enter upon teke poebesion ot and manag•ths Propr and ro aoll�at th�rsnb o1 tM r __ -_
<br /> � ' �` Prop�rtyinaludin�I�patdw.ANr�nbcollra�adbyLmd�►offt��r�Nvsral►dlbeapp11�Aflndtopoym�ntofHwc�ot
<br /> ��..� • ' , r~. ' 111wM NIIMI Of ths Prop�rty and coll�atlon of r�nl�,includinp,but not Iimit�d b,reaiever�fes'�,prem:um��,f��!r�
<br /> :� �� •+ „ bondi�nd rnsombN attomhr's t�t,and th�n to tf►s wm�s�cund by thls M�d ol Trutl.l.andK and th
<br /> .. liabl�to account only for tlw�r�nb actually��oei►rod.
<br /> — �1, Fulun Adv�ecM.Upon nqwst of 8onower.Lendrr.�t L�nder's optlon,prlor to lul l reaanveyence ol tho Prop�Ay by
<br />� � Tru�to BoROw�r,may m�ks Future Advanca to Borrcw�r.Such Futur�Advanca.wlth IntareM thorecn,sha��bs s�ound _Y_
<br /> ' by thi�O�sd of Ttist wh�n svidsnc�d by promi�ory nWn stsdng d1�t Mid nObs Ofe Seaufed h�feby.At no Nm�sh�ll the __:__
<br /> princlp�lemountoftMindebt�dnutseeuredbylhleDeedofTrust,notincludingswnsadvanaedin�ccord�nuh�nw�thto `__—_'___
<br /> probct the weuriry of thfs Dwd o1 TnisR�xcMd the orlpinel amount of the Nota plu�UB S '
<br /> �, q�cpw�y�.UponpaymantotallsumesecuredbythldOeedotTruet,Lende�fha0�equoetT►usteetoreconveyth� �`��•�.�_'.;�ti�,-.,.
<br /> Prcperty and shNl suaendsr thla Osed of TNSt and all n�tes�vldsncinp fnd�btadnefs eeaurad by thi�Ds�d of Trust to -�
<br /> Truqse.Trwtee ahall reconvsy the Propertfr wfthqut werranty and without charps to tlw pstion or persons lapelly�nNtlod __
<br /> � qwreto.Such penon or psnons shall pay ail coets ot racordadon,if any.
<br /> p9, 8ub�uNTnntM.Lende�.atlonder'aopNon,meyfromdmetodmsremoveTrueleeandappolntasueceasorbueeee
<br /> to eny Trusbs appoInted h�reundar by an inekvment racorded In thecounty i�which this Deed of Trust is recordsd.Without L
<br /> . aonvsyanceof tlseP�operty,th�succ�swr Ovetea sha11 wcceed to all th�tftle,power and dutlsY conbrred upon fh�T►ust�e �^
<br /> ,. .' . � heroln and by applicable low. ` -�`1����:•�
<br /> , � ' � �., • 2r. R�quwt la NoticM.8orrower requeats Ihat copies of the notice of deleull and natlae o1 selo be aw�t to Bor►owor'a
<br /> . oddnss which is the P�opsrty Addr�sa.
<br /> • � I . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,BORROWER hae executed lhis Daed of Tn,at � Y�r�
<br /> . � � �-�.r,. 1�,� =-
<br /> � sfiawn ax ersao�•
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