, .a��__R�*_ .�.>.? .._ y� �SG�ti..R!��__ � •i�•..:.J'rr.
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<br /> ��;_.�,R. +ti od��hnt Lendcr R uim.r. Thc fnKUrnmc carrlc�providing Ihe in�urunce Ahall be chu,cn hy sam�wcr�.ubjcct�o LenJer'r
<br /> _ -at��,e�_'�.� t� 4
<br /> uppr�ovo)which�hwll not be unrcaronubly withhcid. If B�xn►wrr Pail,lo muintuin cuvcr+�gr dcxrl6ed almvc,Len�kr muy,+�1
<br /> ,�,��1d1�s � ' l.enckrk op�ii►n.ol�tafn caveruge�o pnNec�Len�cr'r rightK in the Pmr+erty in acc�udunce wilh paragn�ph 7• —
<br /> - �'- r' . Ali innu�c puliciex und rcncwal�:�Iwll he�uco�tpblc�o Lender and�+hall inclwle u c�unJurd munguKc ciuuwc. Lct�ler
<br /> ; . ; Khdl huve�he rlght lu hald�he pcilicie•und rc�ewul.r. If LcnJer n�yuimc.Barcower r+h++ll prom�xly pivc tu l.rtKler ull m:ciptx _
<br /> �, '" ,i,,,i,;,�, m Ny of paid prcmium�und renewul�dice.r. In the evem�d Ici,ti.B�wn►wer�hull�ivr prompt naice w the imurwue corrier wul
<br /> �_ ..•�. L.ctKkr. L.eixicr muy makc pnxif uf Irnx if nut made pn►mptly f�y B�Nruwer.
<br /> =�.. ". A.� Un1e5s Lcnder nnd BoR�►wer�+�hrn+�ise agrca in writing.in�uroncc p�aeed��hull bc applied w r�titoraiion cK repair oi R
<br /> . ,
<br /> --�.
<br /> �
<br /> �• ��� �.== the Propeny dAmAged, if the rcxtora�ion ar rcpair i.ecanamically feurible and l.eixlcrk ,ecun�y �w not lantienad• �1���r
<br /> r��:+���• .. 'r r�es�oralion or repair i+ nat ecunomicully feu.wible ar I.ende�k securiry would be Ie+�med, tFw i�urw�ce pmceeds sit�ll,bo
<br /> ..�r....r. . .
<br /> c�pplied to�he sum++se�ured by ihis Security intitn�ment, whether or nw �hen due, with uny rxcass paid Iu H�xmwor. Ii
<br /> �,��.�,r��. Homower ubandons�he Property,or dc�es nrn unswer wi�hin 3U d�yw a aatice from l.ender�hs�t ttrs insurwica cartier hax �
<br /> offered ta setlle a cluim.�hen Lender muy callect the iorurancc pnxeedr. Lender muy urc ths pmce�d�to re�ir ur rcstorc
<br /> . . , the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Inxtrument.whe�her or not then due. The 3Uduy periad will begin when _
<br /> � .+ .°� ihe nmice is given.
<br /> ��'�� '='"�" ��' Unles.c Lender und Borrower otherwisc agree in wri�ing, uny application of proceedti to principal chull aot extend or �F
<br /> "�- �.�;µ�� :� postp�ne the due dnte af Ihe montbly puyments referred to in pamgri+ph� 1 nnd 2 or changc tlw umount af ilw paymentn. lf
<br /> _::�"' � , under parugraph 21 the Property is ucquired by Lender. Borrower's right to uny insurance pnliciefi vnd praceeds resulting
<br /> . • from damoge to the PropcAy prior to the ucquisuion shull pass to Lender ta the extent af the xums securcd by�hig Security �
<br /> ,:"�: Inwrument immediutely priar ta the acquisilio�. � �
<br /> b. Occupancy. PreservAtlon. Mdntenonce and ProtecUon oP the Property; Borrower s Lo�n ApplicAtlon; �
<br />-:�%^= Leaseholda. Borrower xhall occupy,establish,und uxe the Property As Borrower's prinaipal reSidence within sixry days after �;;
<br />;: ,. �� the execution of this Security Instrument a�d shall continuc to occupy the Propetty ag Borrower�principal regidence for ut �_
<br /> � le�st one year after the dute of accup�ncy, unless Lender othenvi+e agrees in writi�g. which conssent shall na be �_,
<br /> ; .. � unreasanably wi�hheld,or unle+s extenuu�ing circumstances exis�which�re beyand BwYOwer's contraL Borrower shull not i��-
<br /> . . ��. . � destroy,damuge or impair the Propeny,ulbw�he Praperty to deteriora�e,or cammit wasle on the f'roperty. Borrawer shall �,
<br /> :.; �•�;?;��. - be in defpult if any forfeitw+e nction or proceed�nS•W+hether civil or criminul,is F�gun thnt in Lender+good fnith judgment �
<br /> . 'se muteriull im ir the lien creAted b this Security Instrument or '"�-=-`,;:'
<br /> „ cauld result in forfeiture of the Property or ahcnvi y pa Y
<br /> � � Lender's security interest. liarrower muy cure such a defuult nnd reinstxte.as provided in parugraph I K,by causing the action �'��'
<br /> , � �.:,,,, ' `',. or proceeding[o be ditimissed with n ruling that,in Lender+good faith detem�inalion,precludes forfeilure of the Borrawer's �;
<br /> � " .. interes� in the Prapeny or other ma�eriul impairtnent af�he lien cremed by this Securiry Inwtrument or Lender's securiey _
<br /> � �. inkrest. Borrower shull ulso be in default if Born►wcr, durin�e thr, loon upplicution procegx, gnve mu�eriully false or --��-'W�.•
<br /> . ineccumte information or stulementx to Lender(or fuiled ta provlde Lender wilh any muterial informulion)in connecdon with �T
<br />- the loan evidenced by the Note, including. bu� not limited to, representa�ionti concerning Borrower's occupancy of th� �^
<br /> _ Prapeny as a principul rexidence. If this Security Ins�rument is on a leaselwld.Bormwer shuU comply with ull�he provisionH _
<br /> ' oi�he lease. If Borrower acquirec fee title to the 1'ropeny.�he feasehold and�he fee�ide�+buU�wt n�i�ca u�ilar+[.ender agrccs
<br /> � � to the mcrger in wri�ing. �
<br /> ��:" • 7. ProtecNon oP l.ender's Rlghts in Ihe Property. If Borrowcr fuilw to perfarm the covenant�r :uid ugreements ----
<br /> ,;i'��,�.:
<br /> • �n �• " contained in this Security lnstrument, c�r there iy a Iegal proceeding thut may sigmficantly Affect Lender's rights in tha ��;
<br /> L°�operty(such a.s a proceeding in bankruptry.pmbutr,for condrmnation or forf'eiture ar to enforce Ivwx or regulutions),then oc::,
<br /> Lender m•ry do and pay for whutrver i� nece�.cury to pmtec�the value of the Property and Lender;ngh�s in tho Pruperty.
<br /> Lender's actions may include puying uny sums zecumd by u lien which has priority over this Securiry Imtrument,appearin� ���
<br /> _ • in coun,pnying renxonuble uuomcy�'fer�and entering on the Propeny ro muke repuir..Although Lender may t�:e aclion
<br /> � under thi4 pnragrnph 7,Lender d�x�not hnve to du,a. �='�
<br /> . Any nmountti dirbuned by I.endcr und�r thiti paraFraph 7 rhall becamc aJdi[i��nul debi of Bo�rower hecured by this �::.
<br /> ' � Security Instrument, Unlexs Borrower und Lrndcr uFrrc to othrr trrm,uf�ymem,the�,e amountx shull bcur imeRSt from the �'r,
<br /> . ,,i date of disbunemem ut the Note rute und shull l�c puyahlc,with intere,t,upon notice frcxn Lender to Borrower reyuesting �
<br /> ' payment. �_
<br /> � � S. MorlQa�e Insurance. N'Lender rcyuircd mortgage in�uranrr ati a r�xiditiun of muking the Inun xecumd by this
<br /> • • `�` � , Security Instrument, Bnrrower xhall pay Ihe pmmium. required to muintain [h�moct�uge in,ur,uice in effect. 1f, for any 1;:;�;
<br /> � . �+��.' • reason, the modgage insurunce covcruge �eyuired by Lender lup�e� or ceu+e. tu Ixr in effect. Bartawer �h•rlt pay the .
<br /> • ' �'-� . � , premium� reyuired to ob�ain covcruge +ubtiumliu0�• equivalrnt to thr mongu�tc intiurancc previuu,ly in effect, at n cost `:
<br /> ' subs�untiully eyuivukm to the co.�a►Burro«�er uf thc monguge in.ur:uirr previi�uzly in ctTecl, from•rn alturn:ite mongage ._
<br /> . � iasurer nppm�•ed by Lender. If.uh.tantially eyuivalem mimgagc in.ur.�ncr covrr��se i�nut�vuilublr,Borrower�hull puy to �,,
<br /> � Lender euch month a sum eyual ta une-Iwrltih ot'Ih�ycurly mortgagr in.ur.►nce premium Ixin�e paid by Bonower when the �
<br /> '•. insurunce coverrge Iap+eJ or cea�eJ i��Ix in�ffert. Lender will acrept,u�r anJ rauin�h�u:puyments a+a lutis n�*ne in lieu �
<br /> �?F'_
<br /> of morlgage insur.uice. Lo�s n.ervc psymem+may no Inngrr he reyuind,al �he op�iuii�if Lcnder,if mortgage insurancc __
<br /> • ' covcrage lin the amount and fi►r�he period that Le�xlcr rcyuirc,►provided by un mr.urer appmvrJ by Lender a�nin tx�ometi ��,�
<br /> �• ' uvuiluMr and ix obtained.Bo�ro�vcr�hall pa)'thc prrmium+Ryuircd ta muint+iin mortgu�r m�ururxe in effect,or t��providr u – _
<br /> .'. ' Irnti reserve.until the reyuiremrm i'or mongage imurrncc rnd.in arrord:uice wi�h nny wriu�n ugrcrment hrtween Borrower . .
<br /> +-
<br /> • anJ Lcnder or applicabk law.
<br /> 9, Inspectian. Lrnder or il�•rgcnl m:�y mal�r Ra.anaBk�n�rie.u�xm anJ�nr.pechnn�of thr Prt�pem. [.enJcr.hull
<br /> ' glve Barr�►wer nmicc at thr timr uf ur pn��r t��un in.�xc�i�m,�xcitl in�rca,nnaM�rauk ti,r the ii�,�x�•uun.
<br /> 10. Condemnrtion. 'I hr pax�cJ�of ao�•:�«arJ��r rlaim ti,r damai��.diirrt�x cankyucn�ial,m cunncrtion wilh any l
<br /> C
<br /> timgl�I�.und�••tmnic 11yc�Freddlc�tuc l�IFIIR111\51 Rl\1F.A 1 �l�nwm�l'���¢nant, 4'9Y ir4:.•:��/n�ipru
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