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<br /> _��Y��N►�,�i��' •„ TO(3ETHER WITH all Ihc impmvementa�w on c�rcuficr crcctcd i�n�hc pro�x:rty,unci ull cu+cmcm�.uppunenunccti.
<br /> �._�4�.6}�.�, r..,; w�d fixtures naw or hercaficr a pa�t of�hc pmpeny. All rcpluccmcnth und uclditionc�hall al�so bc roverrd by ibi�Secudly
<br /> t_,�,, ,.;_.`,�.�i . ' Inspument. All of�he foregoing ir rel'crtcd�o in Ihix Sccu�liy Inx�n�ment ua thc"Pr.�xhy.'
<br /> R��`'° ' BORROW[?R CQV�NANTS thM SnROwcr iti luwfully+ccixcd��f thc cslatc hcreby cunvcycd And hur thc rlQht In grant
<br /> .����. �l and c�nvey Ihc Prupeny+md Ihut thc Pn►pcAy i�umncumhcrcd.cxccpt fi�r cncumhruncex uf rcc��rJ. HiNrc�wcr wurrantn und ---
<br /> ; ' �;•.,', will dcfcnd gcncraliy Ihe UUe to itu Pn�{x�ny u�tuinxl all cluin�x und�kn�und.r.�uhjcrt�u uny r�xumhrurkc�uf rccurd. �'�,_°-°
<br /> • ;, �.,. . • '� .,_ THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT c��mbinc� uniGxm covcnum. fi�r nuti�►nul ux� ond m�n•uniforni cuvenumx wi�h
<br /> _ i '�': '=�.�,. .:`<: � tim�ted vanwtions hy jun�Jicti�ni 1u aNi.iilulr u unit�mo.ecurlly in�trumeni cuvrring reul prupeAV• � �_ ..
<br /> :.�t'~�:��...r�;;•:.,a.
<br /> , .�,,�,_ , ,,.. . , ' UNIFORM Ct)VFNANTS. H��rc.�wcr u�xl l.endcr ruvcnant und ugrce ar fidlown: when duc the = s
<br /> " 1. Payment uf PrincipAl wnd Inleresti Prepwyment nad 4ple('harRer. Qn�ruwcr s;hwll prnmptly puy _ __�
<br /> ` ,'° " � ' ' pnnripul�f and inlerc�l an thc�khl evidenced by ihe Nute and any prepaymen�aixi latc churges due under the N�Ne. ___
<br /> •.. �. . � ' 2. F u n d a t o r T a x e s A n d I n s u r s�n c e. S u b j c c t w a pp l i c a b l c l uw o r��o w�fucn wuiver b y l..cnder,Bortower xhall pAy�o �
<br /> � . �'� � l.ender on the day moMhly puymenl�iue due under ihc N��te,unlil Ihc Note i+puid in full,u�um("Fund�")for. la)yewly �;__J
<br /> ` �'.'�':� � ' taxes und�ssestimcros which may alluin priority aver this Secu�ity Insuument us u licn on the Propeny;(b1 yearly leasehold ___
<br />'�� • • � ` • earl hazcud or ro n insurumnc ramiums: Id) ycsuly flood 6=:=-�-
<br /> ,• ; . , ', ,:, . •� . • payments or ground rems on the Prnpeny, if any: (c) Y Y P 1►� Y P
<br /> r''• � ' ` �� earl moh a e inrumnce remiumh. if an And(tl an sums a uble b Borrower to
<br /> 3.- inxurance prcmiums,if any; (e) y y S B P Y� y p y y �,��:
<br /> ., ,.`; �,:::�;:� . Lender, in nccardunce with the provisions oP pArngraph 8, in lieu af the payment of mongage insu�unce premiums. These v``_
<br /> i�; ;� �-.;, '�.� : ' s items ure called"Escmw Items.' Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an wnaunl not ta eaceed the maximum �Y_, ___
<br /> ,. '.,;',::,�;�..;,;; .�'' amount u lender for u federully related martgage loan may requine for Borrowerk escrow account under the tede�►I Real �._._._--
<br /> �, f,.• ; ; Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from lime to time. 12 U.S.C.�26t11 er se ("RESPA"),unless Anather v��—=-
<br /> ��;� r::• '��,:��� _�: y ��:",�.;-.
<br /> t• � � • IAw that applies to tha Funds sets a lesser amount. If'sa,Lender ma ,nt un time,collect and hold Fu��ds in an nmaunt nat to
<br /> �.—•
<br /> �'� .�i - � : =`',c�• exceed tivz Icsscr amoun�. Lender may estimate the nmaunt of Funds due on the basis of current daia and re�sonable ��Y
<br /> �� '�•:. '�'t� ' estimates oi'expendilures af fuwre Escrow Uemc or atherwise in uccordance with�pplicable law. � �___„�
<br /> '�' d�� �• .� '°� �',f The Funds shall bc held in an ins�itution whose depasits Are insured by A federal agency,inswmentulity.or entiry � -
<br /> � lincluding Lender,if Lender is such un institution)or in�ny Federal Home Loan Bank. l.ender shull apply the Funds to pay ��____
<br /> � the Bscrow Items. l.e�der may not charge Borrower for holding und upplying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow ,.•_,,
<br /> • • , ' � ''•` ..�' ' ' �' arcoum. ar verifying the Escrow Items, unless l.ender pays Borrower interesl on Ihe Funds and applicable law permits ��,�,:�'.-:;
<br /> � ' • ' Lender to make such a chargc. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-lime chargc for pn indcpendent reul ��'�;;-
<br /> �.e;.�_.
<br /> estate taa reporting service used by Lender in connection with lhis loan,unless applicable law pravides athenvise. Unless un ..
<br />'� � . -�,�%. �� •• ;1.,., pgreement is mwdc or applicable luw rcqui�ns intcrest to be paid,Lender shall not be required ta pay Borrower any interctit or �N�'�:;
<br /> �,iz�,_,�1�
<br /> • �..:E•., ' . eamings on the Fundx. Barrower and l.ender may agree in writin�,twweve�,thpt intcrest�hall be paid on Ihe Funds. Lender ��•
<br /> • shall give to Borrower,withaut charge,an unnual nccounting of the Funds,shawing credits and debits to the Funds nnd the ;',,��`:�`_'_�
<br /> ' ' ' . . . purpose for which cach debit to the Funds was mude. The Funds are pledgeci as additional security for ull sums secured by :• ;G*?r'F
<br /> :,:�,•_,...
<br /> � this Security Instrumenl. �' �`
<br /> ;_. ,. �,�
<br /> It the Funds held by Lendcr excc�J ti�e �oiaunis pctmiiicd to be held by upplirablc l�w, l:ender.hall uccaunt to -______ _
<br /> + � Hortower for Ihe excess Funds in acrardunce with Ihe rcyuircments of Applicablc law. If lhe amount of Ihe Fund�held by �-�`�=•=,
<br /> � Lender ut any timc is no�aufficicnt to pay thc Escrow� I�em.when duc,l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in t'"y�'������
<br /> R Y�.�'!� �
<br /> ��"���. ` . • such case Borrower shall pay to Lender �he amounl necessary to make up �he deficiency. Horrower shall make up �he ��,��,� '
<br /> � deficiency in no more thnn twelve monthly puymems.ut Lender s sole discretion. .�a,.�,.:—
<br /> � ' ,,:�:,i, ': Upon payment in fuU of all tiums xecured by this Sccurity Inxtrument. Lender shall pramptly refund to BoROwer any -;��,,�.�_:_
<br /> • � . � Funds held by Lender. li,under para@mph 21.Lender tihall acyuirc ar sell the Roperty.Lender,prior to Ihe ncquisition or
<br /> '. � ���� sule of the Property,shall apply any FLnd� held by Lendrr ut �he time of acquisi�ion ar sule as a credit against the sums ���` .�;•,:.-
<br /> � . • • ��T',,::;�,�.
<br /> � . secured by�his Security lnstrumern. °'
<br /> 3. ApplicAtion of Peymentq. Unlc+s applicahle luw provides othcrwise,all payments received by l.ender under `h�'r�''''
<br /> ,' � paragmphx I and 2 shs�ll be applied:firsi.ta any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts pnyable under ;�t,;.qtiy�;V-;==
<br /> � � paregrnph 2;third,to imcretit due;fourth,ro principal due;and lust,to any late charges due under the Nole. �TMy�',:'�:-
<br /> ..`�}: :�'.� x_�.➢i Ta'.__�_�
<br /> . 4. Charges: Liens. Borrower shull pay all Inxez, assessmcnl�. charges, �nes ond impositions auributuble io the �:�_n�;�.-�-,:
<br /> ' Property which may uttain prioriry over thiti Securiry Instrument,und leasehald payment,or ground rent�,if any. Bormwer � .. �
<br /> � • sh�ll puy these obligationti in�hc munner provided in parugruph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower sha11 pay them on �� •.'�"-°`
<br /> t.,';{.:��' ' time di�+ectly ta the penan aweJ puyment. Borrower shnll promptly fumi.h to Lcnder all notices of amauntc to he paid under �`f t�,...
<br /> , , ' '"' �' Ihis pan+graph. If Borrower mukes these paymenls direcAy.Bamwer shall pmmptly fumish to Lender rcceipts evidencing
<br /> u: � the payments.
<br /> .. � Borrower shall promp�ly dischurge uny lien which hu�priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)pgrees �,.+�.,";
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secured b�•thc lien m a munner accrptable to Lender;Ib)conteslx in good fnith the • ,�;
<br /> ?t:;�;:'�;i� . � lien by,or defends agAinst enforcement af the lien in.Icgal proceeJings which in Ihe Lendcr's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> '3�`�:•' � enfarcement of the lien:or(cl secures irom the holder of thc lien•rn agreemenl�ati�fac�ory�o l.ender subordinating the lien ..:;,;� -
<br /> F`�"•� ' to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines that�ny prrt oP the Proprrty i�sub;ect to a lien which muy uttain priority ' '�� �
<br /> 1' ovcr this Securily Instrument.Lc:nder muy give Borrowcr u notice identifying lhe licn. Borrowcr xhall satisfy the lien or take �+��� ��?�f��
<br /> ' . _,;;,. •. ; one or more of the actions set forth ahovc within 10 days of Ihc giving of notice. •
<br /> ;�:.:�� . 5. HAZard or Property Insurance. Burtowcr.rhall kcep thc improvement.r now cxi.iinF or herea(ter erected on�he ,
<br /> Property im��red against loss by firc.hazarJs includcd wiiiiin thc tcrni°extcndcd co�•rragr"and uny o1he�h;�ards,including
<br /> ° . . floods or flooding,for which Ixnder reyuire� in.urunce. Thiti in.urance ,hall lk m:+intained in the amounts and for the �`
<br /> FormJ02J{ 9190 rNRr:n/nry�p�s� i.
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