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_,_��'(� --_-. ��� . . . ... ,� _ _ � °�_ -- -- _ <br /> ,'I-' r � �;. <br /> . . .'t 'h�• -'�'-:__..T�� <br /> . ' r ,M• .'!'.. . � - _. <br /> � �.� _"_. — --. . _- <br /> '1. <br /> ' �.�! .J�'.�.�1�n�1lIMYB I��vO� Y+j+ i O��i • �_� . . <br /> !1d <br /> �T J . <br /> ----�°�'"�'�� cundcmnution or�KNcr lukin�ul uny pun oF thc Property.or fur ronvcyanrc in licu of c�indemoutinn,un ixrcby u»ri�{ned Wnd <br /> -�°�%�.'u�.'�.� +�hull b�p•riJ�u Lrndcr. — <br /> -=------ -- In �h�; event ai'u twul taking of �he Propeny, �hc procecdx shall Mc opplied lo ihc ,,umx ticcurcd hy �hir� Sccudty <br /> ��}` �x,°.�-' Instrument,whclhcr nr na Ihr.n duc,with any exccss paid tu Borrawer• In thc even�of u partiul�uking of�hc Pn►pcny in _ <br /> �"''�'�� " which thN foir murMet vuluc uf�hc Propeny immedialely beforc�hc luking ix eyual Io o�grru�cr�han thc umaunl of the xumx _ <br /> � ..,s, ;•:e• ..;• ., — <br /> � � r,rcured by Ihi.r Sccurity loxlrument immediutcly t+efbre the tuking.unle�+Bormwer und Lender��Ihenvi,e agrcc in writing. -- <br /> � �!s,%;,�,r:r�`;.,.,;a tlk�umx r�crured by�hiy 5�curi�y Inxaument�hall lx�reduced by Iheumount af tix prar��Jti muUiplicd by Ilu� fullowing _ <br /> ;•. <br /> ,-; • <br /> f;° ,`;�.:, .. . .. � fru�:�ian: lul�he toud nmount of tha RumK rccured immediotely beforc ihe�uking,divided by IMI thr fuir murket va uc u 1 e <br /> �.. u:�„:.. Pmpcny immcdiutcly hciorc thc �ukin�. Any haluncc .hall lx:paid�o Rarrowcr. In thc rvem uf a�,nnial taking ot'thr �____-_�---- <br /> .-1Okr`'.:+�����' property in whirh�he fuir murket vuluc af thc Propeny immediutely bc-fure�hc tuking is Ic.ti thun tlk umuunl uf thc�ums _ <br /> _ � � •- • secured immcdiu�cly 1+rf�re �he�akinR, unles+ Harn�wer and Lcnder otherwi+e agrce in writing or unlc�x applicuhlc luw !_ <br /> .� othcnvi�providec,�he pr�KerJx+hall be applied to the.ums�cwreJ by thi�Security Inxtrumem whetlkr ur not tha�um�ur� _ <br />— then duc. —_ -_— <br />�'�,^.� 'r"'`'� If tlx:Pn�peny i.ub:uidonrd by Born�wer.or if,ai'ter notice t�y 4ender to Bcttrawcr�hut�he c��ixkmnix offen to muke <br /> '`��°"' ' � on owurd ar u�Ue u daim far dAms�ge.r.Bcxre►wer fuils to respond eo Lender within 311 duy+aticr thc Jaic tlx notice is givcn. �=��"�'— <br />.�""�� '� . Lender is awhuri�ed w collec�und apply the pnxced+,ut il+upliun,either to rer,torrlion nr repuir of the Propcny or to the _i� -�.��_ <br /> -::.�` sumz r.ecured by this Serurity Intitrument.whelher or no�then due. _ <br /> -- Unle+:,L.ender und Borrower atherwitie agree in wriiin�.uny upplicution of pm�eeds �o princip;d shull nut euend or <br /> ' poslpone Ihe due dutc uf the momhly p�yment.rcierred to in purograph� 1 und 2 ur chunge thr umount uf such puyments. ��� <br /> `'� , Il, Borrower Nat Rele�.sed: Forhearanre By Lender Nat a Waiver. Extcmian of the timc f�x puyment or �,._. <br />- � � �• modificution of um��rtixniion of�hr sums xecured by this Securiry Inatrumen��runted by Lendcr�o any wcceswr in interes� �''�""'_ <br /> .��'1 �:�-��_.� <br /> •• of Hormwcr�hull not operate tu releu�c the liability of the wiginal Bc�rrawer or Borrower's.ucce,xorti in in�eretit. I.ender �-�„-�---- <br />� �:i`• ��vT���,� <br /> . _.. �hull no1 he mquind to rommencc pax:eediogs u�euin+t any ,ucces�or in imerex� ur rcl'u�io extend time fiir puyment or �;,�.�; <br /> � ��� ' olhenvise mndify umani�ution af 1he�ums recurcd by this Securi�y In+trument by rea+on of ony Jemund mude hy Ihe original •t�__-+";K_�,.__ <br /> � Bortnwer or Borrower+ruccessors in inlercsl. Any forbeurnnce by LenJer in exercising uny right or mmaiy shull nW be a ,�.�.� <br /> �• wniver af n�preclude the exercise of:my riKht i�r Rmedy. ��'':°� <br />� 12. Successors and As4igns Ilound:Jolnt and Seve�al I.iab{Uty;Ca4ig�ers. The covcnant�;md a�lrremenl�of'this b`°- <br />. � �'�' �"'�'.'� ' Security Instrument tihull hind unJ txnetit the,urcrsson und u+signx of Lender and BorruH•er. nahjeci to the proviniuns uf �_:"`�' <br /> � • p:uagraph 17. Borr��wer ti cavrnumr•rnd •rgn�ment� +huU be joirn und +ever•rl. Any Born,wer w�ho c�-,iEn� �hi� S�rurity �.�.----_ <br />- ;'�,''�t"`.'•..•��' ' In+tn�ment bm d�x.not ex�rutr thc Note: la) Ihis Securiiy Imlrument only to murtgage,@ram und cunvey Ihut �-u�'d�' <br /> ' � Bortower's intere+t in�h�Pmperly unJcr the term.of�hiz Secudty Imtn�menr Ihl is not pen�x�ally obliFuted to puy the xum� �._- <br />