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<br /> - .. _ _ a- .. ._ . ; - --_-_.-__ _ .- _ + y . _-__-__-`-_-_-_-__.-_: _��._1��6�� _ . _, `
<br /> � �pplic�ble taw may spocify�for ceinstatementl6efae sak of the Property pu�suant to any pawer oi sale cantained in t6is , ,
<br /> . Sxurity insuuman:or tb)enb�►of a judgsnent`rnfareing Eti�5ocuriry 1as�umei�t. 'fhose�[ions ac�t that Harowcr.,(aI .
<br /> � �ays 4tnder ail sums which thtn wuuld be duc onder this 5ecuritY Insuument artd the Natc a� it ao accelentian had
<br /> -= ocrurre�(D)cures a�ryr defwlt of any oti�er covenants or.ag�eements:tc)paYs�11 expenses incur�ed in cnforcing thts Security . ,
<br /> - - InsaumePt,ii�cluding.but not timited to.cea.wnable attomeys'fees:and(d)takes sucin action os Lcnder inay te�soiwbly
<br /> �. --— �quine to acsurc that the lien of this Securiry Iasu�men�Lenders rnghts in the Propercy and Bormwer3t obiigation ta pay the �
<br /> -_ sums sxumd try`ttris Sec�ity Inswment si�all continue vnchange3 Upan rcinstatemtm by lTorrower. this Seturity -
<br /> " - - - _ - tnstrumeat_and she obCgaaons secu�d txreby sAaU remai�t�utiy effective as if no accetcrition lr�d aeenrre4. Hov�ve��his ---
<br /> -- . " right to�euutau shall not apply ia ttu rase of acceleraaon u,�:er pa�agraph 17.
<br /> - —_ 1, Saie d Note;Cia�t o[1.aan Senricer '1'he ti�or a pattia!interest in the Note Itogethet with this Security .
<br /> • Instturixat)may 6e sold one or mae times widiout prior�ce to Borrower. A.sale may resuit in a change in the entity
<br /> iiuwwn as the"Loan Servioer")that colte�xs mmtWy pa}a�s due w�der the Note and this Secwity Ia�ttument. There aiso
<br /> may be ane or mone chai�ges�of the Loan Servicer unceia[e�to a sale of the Nae. tf iheee is a chauge of the Loan Service�
<br /> 4��� �' Barovreo w�71 be given written notice af the ch�ge in arcurdance with paragsaph l4 above and appliea6le law. The noEiea -
<br /> ?-`'`' ' w►�1 state t6e name and addtess of the new Loan Se�vicez and the address to which payments shonld be made. The notice w�l _
<br /> • - -�''� also contain any ot6er inforrnation requirod by applicab[e iaw. -
<br /> - •'�-" 2p Har�rduas SoDstanas. Bonower shali not cuuse or pertnit the presence,use.disposal,storage.or retease of any --- ----_
<br /> _ _ Ha7aidoi�.s Substances an or in the Propetty. BoiTOwer shatl not do.nor aifow anyone else to d�.aaything affecting the =- --
<br /> � �• _- Propeity that is in riolation of any EnvimnQientai Law. The p[+eceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or ���;_
<br />� ' �- storage on the Property of sma11 quantities of Harardous Substances that are eneralt reca iud to 6e a to�rmai� ��=-=
<br /> 8 9 S� PP�� ��'y�
<br /> _ _ ;. - ��':` . residendal uses and to maintenance of the Pcope�ty. `. ��`-_
<br /> .,''��� , Borrower shaU prompdy give Lender written no;ice of any investigation.ctaim,demaad.tawsait oratber action by any �'_'
<br /> � �`;�': ..,, . , �i�mental os regutat�}�ency ar private PaztY invotving the Pmpe�ty and any Hazardoas Su6stance or Envimnn�ental :.�;;. `,q.�-r-
<br /> . .�<<..��: :� � :. '
<br /> � -�_;, , _ :., �af ad�icL�,.-Boiroa�r 3�actual �nowTedge. If Bormwer team�. or is aatified by any govemmental.c�:v-�utatary �.. , e
<br /> ��; �`' �ii:'�oiitv.¢b;��jc temavai ur other remediauon of any Hamrrbus Substa�rtce affecting the P+vpatr�3s aecess�.�;�owec �``"'"`_-
<br /> ., '� ;� v��:��,� sSaII take aIt netes:sary remedial actions in xcordance with En.-;sanmental Law. � � �(`� ,
<br /> r�-�c� ���; ..
<br /> '�-.:��:~- ;�_".:- Eis usi�in r�tis pa�a�s 20,"Hazardaus Substances"ace those s4+b�x.^.c�s def�.�ed as toxir:�,•�,�t�s��s°.ances by . , ,%���`"`.,,.
<br /> . . '`� .f
<br /> ..� J�:,��5 'I,�.
<br /> _. • �• Ein-inonmec�aa�l.aw aiid��e.�following substances: gasoline,ketosene,o�:.r P.�.�,a�3�,or toxic perivleum�a�s.toaic }�,�„;�. t;� _
<br /> , ,,�i�td�.s and fi�rrhici�Ies.yo2at7e solvents. materials cantaining as6esws vr fa:�^..�'a��-yde,and raAioactive�;:.=iais. As ���;y}�, _
<br /> ; b
<br />� . � � . ,, '; ; � -;i�e3 in this para�aph 2U"Eurirvnmentai Law"means�fa�eiat laws�d Caw•s tsf t�e;�`s�ction where tfie Propi��°ss located . r}±;f_r{ <.�-
<br /> � '��-, � � thaR rclate to t�eaitls.safet�Pi eavitonmenra4 protettion. ' .: • �.�` '
<br /> r tr� ` ` � �NU1i-En'IFDRMCOVE�ANTS. BorrowerandLenderfuNtetooie:�a.':�aa�a�.G'�easfottaws � <<
<br /> • ',; e; . �..•'
<br /> ,�,:�,,i 21. Ac�'tecsttto»;Re�edies. I.endee sball gtve.notfice to Bos�+�iR-eT�ssonr�acceteration followiag Harrower's �,, .,.'���:_
<br /> breach o[any coveaani or agceeenent in this Security Instrument f�+����to accekration under par„tgeaph 17 �`^`:'.��
<br /> . >��•:�;.,�:,.;' •. ",�".
<br /> ':,f�,. �-;:�
<br /> • ,�.:.`��i;`F.,. .. , uakss applkabk law provides otherwise). The notiee"s�atE��s�{a)the aeiauit;(b)the action r ired tv cure t6e �;�;;fF•,,�, :: - -,�;�
<br /> NN 7,;;:,
<br /> . _ detault;(c)a date,not less tlwa 30.days tsom t6e dadr td�e natic�is.given to Borrower.by wbich the defauit must be -'`=<'- . "'="�
<br /> , .. �`��
<br /> `�• �� � cared;aad(d)tbat taltare to wre the defautt on or before the date specit�ed in the notice may resuU in acceleration at ' ���:�=_.
<br /> - - " � tbe sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument and sak ot the Property. The notke shali further intorm Borrower of � • .�r�-a—
<br /> , � the�lght to reinstate aRer acc e lemt ion an d i h e ri g ht to br ing a cou rt a c t bn to usert the non�existence at a default ar . °Y r:��'
<br />• + � any dher deten5c ot Borrnwer tu acceleration and rak. K the det�utt is not cured on or 6etore tde date�pecitkd in . : ��d'."'��`
<br /> �, ` the notke.Lender at it4 opNon may require lmmedlate pa,rment in tuii ot all sums secared 6y this Security lactrument • " :��_
<br /> � withaut further demand�nSl may invoke the powtr at sate and any other �emecties permiued by applicable taw , . � � �
<br /> � ' � I.ender shall 6e entitled tn collect ati expenses incucred in pucsuin�the remedies provrded in this paragraph 21. _
<br /> � includin�.but not limited to.�eawmabte atturney�'fees and casts af titte e��ide�ce. ; . �
<br /> � ' • lf the power of cale t�iavoked.Trustee+�hall reco�d a nutice ot dePautt in euch cuunty in which aoy part o�the : ;_ _
<br /> ' - Property is loc�ted and shall mail copies of sucb notice in the ms�nner presrribeA by applkabk faw to Borrower and to ,. • . • _
<br /> � � . , . ': • the othee persons prescribed Ay tipplicabfe law. After the time reyuireA by applkable law.Trastee shali�ive pubUc `. ' � . .
<br />. � �w t i c e o f s a l e t o t b e p e�c o n.s a n d i n t h e m a n n e r p r e s c d b e d b y n p p i k a b l e l a w 'R r u s t e e.w�l th o ut Aemand an 8orrowee. E •
<br /> � . shall sell the Propeety at public auction to the hi�hest 6idder at the time and pluce and undee the tecros designated in 1' � _,
<br /> � the notke of sale in ane or more parcets and in any arder'ilrustee determiner. Trustee may pusipone�le o t a l l or any � . _
<br /> . � � � , � purcel o�the Property by pubUc announcement at ihe time and place oi uny pre�•inusly scheduled sale. l.eader or its
<br /> , . d�ignee may purchasc the['roperty at any sute. � ' ,.�, �
<br /> Upon receipt ot payment nt the price bid,Trustee shpll delirer ta tl�e purchatier 7�ustee's deed com•eying the , � •
<br /> , � PropeKy. The recifats ln the 7Yustee's deed s6a11 be prima facie e��ide�ce o�the truth ot the statements made therein. ... ,. .
<br /> 7lrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fnitowin�order. (a1 to all rnsts and expeoxw ot exercising the power , ' •
<br /> , , i
<br /> .. . . �. . . .:E i . . . •
<br /> . , . � �
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