- ,w.,, -- .; ; �` . °;;.�
<br /> ` ' ' � - _��.".'x �. .�.,�}�Y- _ . . .",. . _� '-- _ - '- , �-.--i_ - . _.
<br /> �- .. «.,;�,':� �a' `� _ _ _ "G�.'Lniy�•--
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<br /> r _ �-. . . . - .
<br /> .
<br /> ' .'.,�. _.....,��:,��— � - - __ - - . � . . ._. - _---- '_-- - --- ----- - ------- -.---.— - - —
<br /> .� ... _... _.._ ... . ._ . .. .. . . .
<br /> ��.-.� - -_ - n . . � . -' .
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<br /> " ca�dem�atioa or ather taicing o�ac►y part of the Ptoperty.a for convcy�nce in Ga�of¢ondemnauon.are hece y ass� and
<br /> shall fie paid w Lerrder. .
<br /> !n the eveoe bf�tatat wking,of tke Propeny.[he �tocecds sh�ll.bc �pplied to the.FUms sceurcd by tA�v Serurity
<br /> Lutnirtxnt.whether ar not then iiur,with any exccss paid ta$orn�w�er. �n tdie event of n parti�l t�tciog oE the Ptaperty in _
<br /> which the fair market value af the Property immediatctq bcforr the�:dcing ir ei(uat to or�rcatcr th:u�the�mannt erf the s�ms
<br /> secu�ed by this Security Iastr�ucnent immediatel}befo�the t�king.unless�paROwer ond Lcndcr otherwitc agre in writing.
<br /> � the sums seeured by t6is Sccurity lnstrument sf�ii be reduced by tbe amwm�of�hc proceedc multlplicd by the foitowiag .
<br /> � fraetion: ta}tfie w�at amount of ttie�att�scc�reA imrnediatety t�efose the talcing:divided b�r l�+}ttte fair marlcet v�lue of t6e _ .
<br /> _ �ptopertY immedi3tety beface the takiag. Any balance sh�il be paid m Bnnuwer. :In tfie event of a partiai taking of the
<br /> Ptupeciy in whicit ihe fair madcet value of the Property imtnediate�Y beforc the taking is less than the amount of the sums
<br /> � secured immediazety befoce the taking, uniess Bmm�wer and t.ender ott�ecwise agree �n vi+riting or untess applieabte law
<br />= othenvise provides.the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secuned by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums aie
<br />=��:: tt�due.
<br /> -"_ lf the H+opez[y is abcunidoned t�y Botmwer,or if,after tK►tice by Lender to Barmwer that the crondemnor offe�s to make . .
<br /> cu
<br />�`�`.- an award or settle a cla�m far damages.Bor�uwer fails to mspond ta Lender withia 30 days after the date the twtice is given.
<br /> . t,ender is authorized to eollect and apply the proceeds,at its Qption.either to testotation or nepair of the PrapeRy ar to the
<br /> �_ ., - sums secured by this Security Instrumeat,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lend�.t�,Brntuwer othenvise ag�ee in writing.any apptication of praceeds to principat shalt not extend�r
<br /> pnstpone the due dam:t�ri�?�;�:`�ontiily paymeats ieferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change t6e amount of such paymenis.
<br />- ' 11. Borroaa:!4€��:�4.�eased;ForDearanoe By Lender NM a W�ver. Extension of the time for paysnart as
<br /> � ��. madificatian of amor.",�;��r.�:.�su�nc secured by it�is Securiry Inswmeat granted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> ���. af Bocrow�'sMdi!nc���`i�`selease tT�e Gabitity of the ariginal Ba�rawer or Bomower's sucas.sors in interest.Lender
<br /> ,.' shall nat be req�ired Cm Qvmmen�:e proceedings a8ainst anY s�cccs.wr in interest ar refuse to extend tare for payment or
<br /> . ' amaaizarion of t6e sums secured b thi.s Secucity Instnunent by m�on of any demand made by the original �
<br /> - - othenvLSe mod�fy Y --
<br /> ,.� Borrower or Barroaers suecessor:��intenest My forbearance by l.ender in execeising any right oc cemedy shall not be a
<br />;;. =_ waiver m�or preclude the exencise.oTany right or remedy. �� _-
<br />-,,',.-': . ':-�2:"5nrcessors and Assigns Ena�d;]oint and Sevval i.�a6�lity:Co-si�aers. The�nyenants and agreements qf:t�u =:__—
<br /> � �, �.., ---
<br /> ,j� ,s;„ .: a. :y�.t j� S e e u ri t���.s h ument shall bind and be�efit the successors and ats7�s of Lender and Borru�ier.st►bject to the provisiaas of . �=r�A_=,
<br /> �• ���'`;`''�� '� � ��S 17.Borrower§covenants and ments shall be 'oint and sev�3al.Any Batmwer w ho co-:�igns t his S e curi ty
<br /> 'paia p � 3 ��,�-
<br /> ' 7 ,:�.;. s` � ° � - Instir��rst but dces not eaecute ttie`Note: (a)is co-signing this Security icssitum:nt ontq to mortgage.grant and conv�y tirat �„,«
<br /> `'�'�''�"���'�°'�~� � �Borrn�er's interest in the Pro ccy i:n3er the terms of this Security[nsuumen��b?is Rot personaUy o6ligated ta pay the sums ���z#a
<br /> �>�t��i�.�j Pe .. .
<br /> -'��t j��j : secisi����this Security Instrurs3en�:artd(c)ag�es that Ixnder andany ather Borrower may,�ee to extend,modify.forbeaz _ �,�
<br /> < 1�,.
<br /> °"ri�.t:�:�,�' ` :� ' or r,ia�ce any accommadauons'wiiti'cefiard to�he tertns of this Secunty instniment or 6f�Note without that Boriowcf§' y� __
<br /> ' �;�f�t�'�'�%�::�:t,�:f%,,:� consent , . . ,. . .. , ,..� k, _
<br /> 5 s qf>ti'i }rt!_' i , . ' : Y t .� f .
<br /> ,:�,r ,�4�'a`�,„ 13, Loan C4�ai�. I€t}'te"toan secured by this Securicy 1'asuunsent�is subjecc ta a�faw which secs maxlmum to�n ��,r
<br /> 'f:� ��;�'*}���;; :'. � charge��a�d that law is finaSty inCerpreted so that the interest or other toan charges colIected�or.io 6e coliected in con�tlon -
<br /> .. =.�t. /,:r.(�i:?:::U.... 0 �� �, .
<br /> J � J�;�,... with the lcpas:,exc�e3 rhe pem�itte8limits,then: (a)any such laantharge sha116e reduced by�tfie amount nece�csary to'mduce' t�:-�,;;;,.
<br /> � r r the char eto the pertnitted limit;and(b)un sums alread copected from Borrower whicti exceeded permitted limi�c wlll be' �'=�•T�-:�--
<br /> ���'::��. , g Y• Y _
<br /> :r. .:,• __.._ : .A=�`6•:,�_
<br /> k 4,: . refunded to Sorrower. I.e�cfer mny choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by makiag a �•�� ::—
<br /> f ''�;-��'�''=� .f . .: Airect payment ta Barrower. lf a refurtd reduces principal,the reduction will be treated aY a partial prepayment without any �:'_�;,.;�:.._ _
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. � .. __
<br /> =. ; • .- 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provideQ far in this Security Instn�ment shall be given by delivering it or by • _ __
<br /> � . . � mailing it by fint ciass mail unle�.c applicable law rcyuires use of another method.The natice shall be directed to the Property ..
<br /> � Address ar any other addre`s Borrawer de+isnatey by notice[o Lender. Any notice ta l.ender shaU be givea by first clac.r• .. , ?
<br /> � '���•..:�._. mail ta Lcndcr�address.rtated hercin ar any other addrcti�l.cnderde�ignates by natice to Borrowcr. Any natice provided for , . ��`
<br /> ••, ��� •.'':"�- in this Security Instrumcnt tihall be deemed ta have been given ta Borrowet or Lender whcn given a,provided in this
<br /> . '-r.-��'. ..:;,. . -
<br /> ° `•m«-;:•--.�••:,. paragraph � ' -
<br /> �'`'L'`= " l�. Guverning l.aw;SeveeAbilHy. This 5ccuriry Inytntmcnt shAil be govemed by fcderal law and the law of the
<br /> � �.�r...... r.._ .
<br /> ��"`'�''�''�"�� jurlsdicdon in which the PrapeAy is loc;uted. In the evem tMat:�ny pruvision or clause of this Security Instrament ar the�tate �
<br /> ' ��'•'``'"' '� conHicis with s+�plicable law,tiuch ra�flict xhull nnt affcct ather provicions of this Security lnstrument or the Note whichtan ; � . ':r;
<br /> � :;�s;.,,:.�., �.
<br /> ::�`.'�`�•.'.'i?r,';t,;,� be given effect without the cunQictinb pn+visian. Tu this end the pmvixiim.of�hix Security lnstrument and the Note are °' ?
<br /> , , . ` ..•'*�� • declared to be sevcrublc. �. � - �
<br /> r.T.;�.�,f.'•:,. . .. .
<br /> � ��}�!'•.`�;;�:;+''�• ' 16. �or�ower's Copy. 8arrawer shull he given otte runti�mted cc�py of thc Note and af tlrin Security ln.r•trument. f, • '�:.�,;
<br /> • ; ''cd���t�4;���:;',:=�� � 2'� 'fransfer o�the Nroperty u�a Beneflcial interest 1n Borrnwer. !C ult�u any nan af the Praperty or any interest in f ,; �,,�,,,,_
<br /> � ;+!$�:;'��� it is�1c2 cs:trantiferrcd(nr lf a bencft�iid intcrest in Barrnwer is�a W�ir trum ferrcd nn d Borrowcr iti not A natural p er�an� � —
<br /> „ -
<br /> ��?`�;i;"�:-t:;;;�`,, � wielm.,r�Lendcr�prior wdtirn can�ent.l.cndcr may.at itx uptlnn,teyuir�:imme�tiato piiymestt+n full<�f aQ sums u�;ureA by � � ,����,,;:'`:'`—
<br /> . .�...,,- � �.,�:,:.,,_
<br /> �;. ;;.,�..;= � , this 5e;,ur�;y lnst�ument. Hawevc�this opttun shull nu�Nt�Cx���ited by t.cndcr if oxcrc:�K'i.pri�hibited by federal!aa as of ,
<br /> �-•=-� thc datc of 1hi�5ecurety Instrumcnt. � , �',��' •
<br /> 'f ��,4 _� lf Lender exerei5es this�ptinn.I.endcr sh:�ll give 8orci�wer nrnice c�f:�ccek�ratiou. 'Chr natice tihall pravide a period of �
<br /> � � � � � not less thun?b cf:�ys from the da'tr thc natice is d�livcrrd�r muilcd within which Horruwcr muyt pay all tiumti securcd by ihis � •
<br /> �-�1�i��{';::�,r; Servrity Instrument. li Horuiwer fails q�pay these tiwn�priur t��the expiration uf'thi�}�:ricxl. l.encfer m.�y invotcs any ,.�:,�;�
<br /> ''��'.�l;:';,'.;. rem:d:e�permitted by lhiy Security(nstrument withuul Turther nolicc ur drmanJ on Bonawcr. � . �,..;
<br /> , `�';'?';:��' IS. Hnrtuw�r'�Itight tu l�elrtstate. If Borrowrr mcets�rrlain caqditicm�.Bvr(u:�•:r�'�ail have the rigM to havc � �
<br /> _ " enfnrcement nP tliis 5rcuriry In�trua�cnt di�cantinucd a�uny tinu�pd��r t��thr c.�rticr ui: t:�3�days(o::uct�r�ther perial ut
<br /> '� �>';'`. _ ' '_ . ' Singir I�,i�uily..Eannk�taclVrcddie 11nr LTN11t1N�i Iti!CI'Rl'liF1'i-•i•:.�tYSa Covcnam� 9'9D tpm:��J a/n�x�¢ru ` ' '
<br /> �.:. . ��,' . . � � '
<br /> .. . � �
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<br /> }:— -- - — • _ _ .. . .
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<br /> . ' .., � , . ' . . .. .
<br /> .. ,. � .� - . .}� . . , .. .. ' . , . . • • . ' _ . _ .- . • . ; �
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