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<br /> t of ail swns�ecurea by this Security Inswment.LeQder shatl request 7lrustee ca
<br /> ?i Recoave'�ce. iJpoe PaYmen
<br /> teconvey the PmpenY�nd shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt suured hy this Sectuity
<br /> Insuumtnt to'Ihtstee. '[ir�ustee shall rcconvcy tAe Property without warru�ty and without charg�to the person or persons
<br /> tegalty endtkd w i� Such person or persons shali pay a�ry[e�an costs. --
<br /> 23�Srbstihte'ItiYStea ixndet at its option.may fram time to time temQVe'O�ustee and appoint a successar austee ta .
<br /> any'�nstee appointed hereunder bY an insuument r+xorded in the caumY in w6ish_this Secvrity Inswment is[ecorded.
<br /> Without conveyance of tIu Properry.the successor tnutee shall succeed to alt the dtle.Power and dyties confe�ned upon _
<br /> 7kustee hetiein�nd 6y hpbk taw. - . � .
<br />�_-- _ ?q; �{p���, Bomnu4er ceque�su tfiat copies of the notices of deiautt and sate 6e sent to Bamwer's addciess�
<br />:-_}� which is tbe Pmpctty Addrcss• .
<br /> - ' Z5. Aiders to t6b Security It�truarea� if ane or awre riders aae sxecute¢by�otrbwer and recorded togetber with
<br /> - this Securiry ln.strum�nt,the coveaants and ag�enu of each such rider�shalt be inco�porated inw aud_shati annend and
<br /> -- - suppiemeat the covenac�ts aad agreemeats of this Secunty inshument as if tite rider(s)were a part of[his Security lnstrumea� , ` -.- - - ---
<br /> (Check applicabte box(es)1 ' .
<br /> �Adjustnble Rate Rider �Condominium Rider . . �I-4 Famify Rider � , � _
<br /> . _ _ --__
<br />._. _
<br /> . : . .
<br /> •_ � :-; �Gruduated Payment Rider �Plannaf Uat�teYelopment Rider �. BiweeklY�Y���� - --
<br />,:• •.- '.f .,.. . `� -
<br /> ` �Halloon Rider �ltate'I�mcement It�der , . �Second.H6iriG Rider:� —
<br />.r�: `,,�,+. . � QOther(s)[sp'ecifYl NClW�WLEOGiqENT . , ' � + . a -
<br /> 3.y . . . ' .. ,, .
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<br /> Y �� �` ..B�C.SIGNING"B�[.OW�Borcowec accepts and agtr�es rathe.teirris as+i�eovenants;coritained in.tdisSeccurity tustrut�i�.. _. - . : :_�"'�
<br /> ; ��jf8� and in any r�der(s)execuced by Borrawer and recorded with i� - . -, . ,s -
<br /> . 'Y�' . . ' . .. . . . . - . . . �..L�+Y�c
<br /> � .� . . � _ . . L _
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<br /> '4F r ' � � RICNARO A. LOtY0W5KI � . ._Bormwn � :�!�-
<br /> . ,�� ''' .'�y:- � . Social SeCUC[ty Numbet 545-Sf}-�563 ;.., ,,._
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<br /> .�'���.;�;'�� -Horrawer <:''�'�• _
<br /> :'��.�°�r`':-� ,#r .' 3ocial Securiry Numbcr � _
<br /> -����-,:35..__;:�_ . . -
<br /> ..:i x-_:,:: .- '.` Caunty ss• -
<br /> '"{��''' '� - STA'f'EOFNEBRASKA. HALL • '
<br /> � , � __
<br /> ' �� �'�`3=�-- , FEBRUARY 1992 ,before me.the undersigncd.a Notary Poblic . -
<br /> { On this 26TH� �y of x'_
<br /> s: _, i„�: - -
<br />,, • - - ;�..:.. dn1y commissioned And quutitied for said couoty.personaUy came ,ta me known to be ihe -_
<br /> . ;_..�•.=:.:;:�`:.' �
<br /> . • .. °�-��,:•?� � identical penons(s)whose name(s)ara subscribed ro the faregoing instrument and acknnwtedged ihe execution thereof to - -
<br /> �-�•3 j'��-� ' � HIS valuntary act and decd.
<br /> , :�#�:"r::•- �.
<br /> . �_�- �-. Vlritness my hand and natarinl scal at GRAND ISI.AND, NE in said counry.the
<br /> • � �`,'��` - . date aforesaid. ,S /9 q,Z ���h+�'1/ ..;.-
<br /> _ � , !.�_d.i�,c.f �t/� �
<br /> '• My If�lik� Nouuy Public . . �'*.1z
<br /> : ���'ia. +� _ -
<br /> '' ' ' -'� . ����� REQUE5TFORRECONVEYANCE . � � _
<br /> .. ` �•.:"�";i k}. Illr h�.ExF�5,199? .
<br /> • ,. ...... TOTR • � �
<br /> _ ;Y;������f;,.` . g
<br /> f,,, ' Tfic undersi ned n the hoider of thc note or notes securcd by�hiw Dccd af 7ius� Said natc or notes.togcther with ap _
<br /> ' ;:��.:.., ;:,,;. , other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7Yust,have becn paid in full. Yau arc hcrcby dirccted to canccl c�id notc or notes (' ,
<br /> xi.•,•:r;: � .;,+ and this DeeA of 7tu�t.which are dclivered hereby,and tn rccanvey.without wenanty.:ill the estate now hcld by you under }
<br /> ' � i• c �_=-=�r• ' . this Deed of 7iust to the person or per�onti legally cntillcd thereto. .
<br /> ... . � .
<br /> '�, � ' '�'' �t'r:.� Date: �
<br /> � •, ' iorm�028 9/90 Ipq(rde�h�XlxPf) � �
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