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<br /> ffN Prop�rty fs ao takin ar damapad.Land�r shall havs fh�optlon.tn t��ote ind abwtuts di�cndarF.to�ppht all suctrRsocNdb
<br /> :�a1iK d�dw�np thsrNrom�aQ eosb and e�enses incunad by it In conn�ctlon witl►wch Procesds.uponsnY ic�d�hMdnMS s�cwd ,
<br /> Mnby and in suel�ordK�as Lende*may detertnins.or to appty a1!�uat►Proceeds.aRer such daductlo�!.to the rssb�atlon o�1M
<br /> -- prpperryuponsuchcondiUonsaaLendermaYdetem�ine.MyapPticaAonotProcesdsmindebtedness3�iailrtotaxe�ndoPposlpone
<br /> -- fhe due date ot any payments`under ths Nots;or eure any detautt thereisnder or hereurtder.My unapplisd funds sUatl bs piid�o
<br /> _� Trustor. ` ` •
<br /> -- 8,p�elonnana py LM�d�r.Upon the occurrenca a!so Event of Oefauit hereunde►..or if any act is taken ot le�al procadinp
<br /> - - commencedwhicf�materFaltyat[ectsLertdeiainferesiinthsProperiy.LendermayinRsowndiscretion.h:itwitha�odii�ftiontoQo .. . --
<br /> ' ao,and witl!out notice to o!dema[c�upon Trustor and wiMout r�teasinq Trwtor irom any obiigatton.do any act which Truata has .
<br /> ° ayreed but fatts W do ana rt�y atso do any other act it deems�ecessary to protect the securiry hereoL Trustor aflatl�immsdislsly
<br /> ' upon demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender a1i cosis and expenses i�curred and sums espertdad by Lender in connection with �
<br /> - . the exercise hy Lendef oi the foreQoing rights,together with interest thereon at Ne defauit rate provided in the Note,whieh shali bw - __-_.
<br /> _ re
<br /> adQed b the indebtedness ser•ured heneby.Lender shall rtot incur any Iia6ility because of anything it may do or omit to da __
<br /> - .�` hareunde� � � _ --
<br /> - , g.Harardous MsNrisb.Trustor shall keep the Property in comptiance with alf appticable iaws,ordinances and regutaHOns ___
<br /> "" retatin�to indushial hygiene or environm$nffit protectian(callectiveiy referred to herein as"Environme�l Laws'}.Trustor ahati =- - _
<br /> _ keep the?raperiy free tsom atl substances deemed to be hazardous ortoxic under any Environmental Laws(coltectively reterred to ___.
<br /> herein as"Hazardous Materials"►.Trustor hereby war►artts and rep►esents ta Lender tba!the�e�ue ae Hazardoua Nlatenals on or _ _____ ______
<br /> °,'` -l under the PropeRy.Trustor hereby agrees to indemn(fyr and hotd harmtess Eender,its directors.otficers.employees and agents,end —__ -
<br /> ' `'1• any successors to Lender's interest,trom aad agarnst any and ail claims,dar-±ages.tasses and IiabiC�ties arising in connectian witA ��_
<br />'.�'4i�' ,u.:'
<br /> Lr: • , the presence,use,disposat or transport ot any Hazardous N,ateriat3 on,.'u�`..�r,ftom or about the Prousrty.THE FOREGOtIY(i ��.�
<br /> �,;
<br /> "��� SURYNE fiFCdNVEYANCE OF THIS DEE�t�F TRUST. `:�•: - � �_r�a=
<br /> �`` t0. Asai�onNnt o1 Etenb.Trustor h@retr}�assigns to Lertder the rersts.issues and profits o!che Property;provided that Trosto( :.T
<br /> :�.:., T.
<br />;'t.i<<r - -. ' shait,untittheoccurtenceotanEvenioti?e?�:.��t�tereunde�,havetherightto�olfectandrefainsuchrents,is�uesandprafitsasthey �.�9_;,�_=
<br /> r;,ti 6ecome due and payabte.Upon the occ4?ei��of an Event of OefautL Lertder may,either i�person or by agen�with'or without , s� =
<br /> :sY fI bringing any action or proceeding,or 6y a rece�+er appointed by a caurt and withaut regard to tne ade�uacy o1 its sacurlry,eater � ;-
<br />.'F;�S.'•�; v � . � �`��`
<br />�;�,;.� ,_ upon andtake possessian af the Property,oreriy paRthe�eof,in its own name or in the name of the'Crust�and doany acts whichit . _
<br /> ;:%�._,s*,.`-� .- deems necc�arv or desiratleto preserve the vatue,marketabiliry or rentabitity of the Property.or any part thereof or interesttherein, !� _
<br /> - - ' �. increase the incoma therefrom or protect the securiry horeof and,with or�vithout taking possession ot the Praperty,sue far or ,
<br /> - � �- .�"�"r'�'-""�� - otfie�wise coAect the rents,tssues and Frofds thereof,rnctudirtg those pas!due and e�npaid,and appty the same,le�.s costs and . -,__- ____' -
<br /> (., `^�_{'j.•::; „ expenses of operation artd coileCtion inetuding attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedngss secured herehy,aN in suCh order as Lender � , . u
<br /> - rs�ay datermine.T he en tering u p o n a n d:a ki n g p o s s d s s i o n o f t h e P ro p e r t y,t h e coltection ot such renis.�ssues and profits and!he : ., r�.
<br /> � • .�°� �' `� � application thereof as aforesaid,sha�l not cure ar waive any defauit or notice o1�efault hereunder o�:^�saiidate.any act done in � _�«
<br /> �^� ' response to such de?ault ar pursuantto such notice oi defauit and,notwithstanding the cantinuance�rt��ession of the Properry or • . _���-
<br /> �;.ti :-,F,Q��
<br />� , , ,;�„-, � � the coltection,receipt and application oi renb,issues or profits,and Trustee and Lartder shall be er:`xed to exercise every�ight �. .� " :-�
<br /> ,;�•:.�.
<br /> � `. �'�}�,!-���'t'��;'.� provided for in any o}the Loan InstruRents or by law upon occurrenoe o1 any Event of Default,including without limitation the right ° :��_
<br /> " �`::��;%t`� • to axsrcise the power of sale.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this pa�agraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way a . _ __
<br /> f.;:!1�_:,; . � � '? limitation on,Lender's�ights and remedies under any as�ignment ot leases artd rents recorded againsithe PropeRy.Lender.Tcustee � :G��-�--_
<br /> �:�'� ;r`:':}f:' -• and the receiver sha116e liabta to account onty for those rents actuatly�ece�red. . _
<br /> ;r,:. ,;�,r��f�_F;s� '°.'' . 11. Events ot ONaul�The foltowing shal:cnnstitute an Event of pefault under this Oeed ot Trust • �
<br /> r`".,'• `,'%:f: .:';.<:F P , �,�.,
<br /> ,...,(.�f;�,,+ . (a� Failure to pay any mstallment of princ�pai or interest ot any other sum seaured hereby when dufl: ! �
<br /> - ' :;�f�;l�r;;,.S;. • (o)A breach of or detault�nder any provision contained in the Note,this Oeed of frust,any ot the Loan Instruments,orany �' �, _ �'�
<br /> J ` `41:;f� •• z
<br /> .. ,., other lien or encumbrance upon the Pr�peRy; , ° r�
<br /> " � (C)A writ oi execuUOn or attachment or any similar process shall ba entered against Trustor which shall become a liea on �. . :_
<br /> • • � the Properly or any poRiort thereof or interest therein; � . '
<br /> (d)T h e r e s h a l l b e f i l e d b y o r a g a i n s t 7 r u s t o r o r B o r r o w e r a n ac t�on un�er art y present or future federal,state or other ;
<br /> - � � ,.,•?�:.4� . statute,law or regu�ation relat�ng to bankruptcy.insotvency or other relief tar debtors:or there shall be appointed any trustee, k
<br /> .:•-4��,.,, . recefvei or liquidator of Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part of the P;pperty,o•the rents,issues or profits the�eot,or Trustor E .°
<br /> �`•��,�•, or Borrower Shall make any general assignment for the bene}�t ot creditors: �� , � :L-_
<br />�� .;;,�, : : � � (e)The sale,transfer,tease,assignment,conveyance or further encumbrance of ail or any paR o}or any interest in the E , � --
<br /> ;;;.;;,, .1 ; , , , . !j Property, e�ther vo�untarfly or involuntardy:without the express Nr���consent of Lander, provideG that Tru9tor shall be ;��r j::{.
<br /> pe►mitted ta exec4te a lease otthe Property that doe�not conta�n an o�i-.an to purchase and the term of which does noi excee� ' ; ,;,;.;'rr,�`^�.�
<br /> . -�:t� • , aneyear. ' •.�.�_ . . �'�r ` ..
<br /> . ,.:'r,<,.,. ., .
<br /> • � •+,�,.:, . (Q Abandonment of the Property:or :':;c;�:��� `, ••
<br /> ' • . (�)Ii Trustor is not an inai�r:�ua�.the issuance,sale,transler,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total ';;f,��
<br /> 3. � .�':. .. , .. . ' • ' •-::�:;,.
<br />;��`;•;�.;.,:;;- '' • , ' . , �' �f perCent of(if a tarporat�on)itg�ssued and outstanding stpck or(it a partnersh�p►a total ot perCent ot � ., . :� �.,e_ `
<br />..; ,.,,;.;..7, . . partnership intereats dwirtg the period this Oeed ol Trust remains a 1�-�on the Property. i
<br /> �,�,.,�;,,, •,'.. • 12. Ram�dN�;Acc�bration Upon O�hulb In the event o1 any Event of t32fautt Lende�may,vnthaut notice excepi as required b�r - �
<br /> ��+•�� law,dectare all inQebtedness s�.ured hereby to be due a^�payab�a and tne same shall thereupon becomo due and payabta i '
<br /> � -t;.r''�'�� without any presentment,de�^a:�9,protest or nobce ot any ktnp The�eaft�r Lentler may: ' , . ',
<br /> ; .;��.' •�a�+`' • ' .
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercis0 the POWER OF SAGE gva�tad he+ein,a.^.d Trustee shatl thereatter causa Trustor's
<br /> '` ,;,�•r fnterest ln the Property to be sold and the proceed9 to be d�stnbuted,c t�n the rra�nor provided in the tlebraska Tru91�eeds • �
<br /> . . •.`. Ack
<br /> .: ;_,. .,. ,. .. .
<br /> ';,�;�1-�I,,.• (b)Exerc�se any anC a:l�ights provided tor m any ot the Loan In;,truments ar b•,�law upon occurrence of any Event c1
<br /> . , ,;,.,,;. ,. Oelau�t an0
<br /> !��`�"" (c)Com,*.+�^.�an a�-:o�to toreclose th�s Deod of Trust as a mo�tgage,appoint a�er.eiver,or specit�catly enforce any o;the
<br /> . s,:r.,..
<br /> +"•���;�-5' covenants he:e��. • .
<br /> � No remedy herein cCnterred upon or re9erved to Trustee or Lender is�ntertded to be exalusrve at any other remedy herein,in the , ,, �,
<br /> , - . Loan Instruments or by law provlded or perrt�titted.6ut each shall be cumu��t�ve,shall be in addit�on ta every other remedy gi�e� 'y,�,"
<br /> • hereunder,in the loan Instruments or now ar tt�reaiter existing at Iaw or;rt equity or by statute.and may be exercised concurreretty, . • •
<br /> ' independently or succes9ivety.
<br /> 13. Tru�t�a.The Trustee may rostgn at any t�me wlthout cause.and Lander may et any tune and without cau�e appolnt a
<br /> successor or sub9titute Trustee.Trustee shall not 6e Habl�t0 any party,�ncluding wdhout timitation Lender.8o�rowar,Trustor ar any
<br /> � purchaser o}the Property,for any loss or damage umess duo to rockless or wdHul misconduct,and sha�l rtot be requ�red to take any
<br /> " actlon lf1 COnnCCtiOn with the entorcement of fhis Deed of 7ius!untess�rtdemm}ied.�n writirtg,tor a0 costs,compensat�on ar . .
<br /> _ . , expenses which may be associated therew�th.In addit�on,7iustee may become a purchaser at any sate of the Proporty�udiclal o►
<br />• urtder the powe►ol9ate granted hereinl:postpone tne sale of al1 or any portion a}the Prooerty.ds prOvlded by law;ot Sell the
<br /> - -- - Property as a whole,w in separate parcets or tats et Trsstees d�scretion. - � . .
<br /> � � 14. F�es and Exp�n���.In tne event Trustee selts the P�operty by exercise ot power ot sate.Trustee shall he entitted to apply •
<br /> � . eny s2ile prOCeedB tirst to{ieyment of att costs and e�penses ot exercising Power o1 sa(e,includ�ng aU Trustea s f�es,and Lender's �
<br /> ' end Trustees attomey'atees,actually incurred to extent permitted by appl�caAte faw.fn the event 8orrower or Tru9t,ar exercises any
<br /> . � • . ' right provided by law to cure an Ever�t of Default.Lender shafl be ent�ttad to recover from'lrnstor all costs and e�penses actualty .
<br /> • � incurred as 8�esu�1 ot Trustor's deteutl.inCtudmg wiihaut timitation all Frustees f�nd attorney�'s tees.to the extent permitted 6y
<br /> '. appllcable law. � ' .
<br /> =, ' � 45.fWur���nce�lJpan reQUest Ot 8orrower;Lender may,ai its opiian,matce addiUonat artd-tuture advances and re- --- •
<br /> _----==='
<br />