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<br /> _--. -- -- •' � - _"- . - - - -.-- -_--= _- --� -, - - - -
<br /> �.+: � _ • .
<br /> . � ' � � ACKN�WLEDQEMENT OF DEED OF:�eusT `_ �2— .i0��5? �
<br /> 'f RUSTOFi REAO TkNS BEFORE SKiNtNG: �_ � � . , ' .
<br /> . . Trus�orund�r�,n�alwtfMdocumsnllhatTa�orisibauttoexrcut�isaQ�dolTiustan�natamqrt�p�andlhatfh�pow�r �
<br /> — ofsat�P�avi�sdtorint�s0esdolTnatP�deswbWntWrytd�ftarantti�tsandabli�ationstoTrustorthapsmorlpsp�iath��Kr .
<br /> _= of a defiuit or broach of obti�atlon under 1Ne Oesd of TrusL Inctudi�Q.but not Itmited W.the L.ender's riphtfo have ih�Propeiry aotd
<br /> —= by the Trusted without any judicial p Tnntor ropra�ents and wirranb tdst thia acknorrtadpeme+►t was ex�culed by
<br /> --—` Tiusbr before fhe on ot B�e�eed rust � , ,
<br /> — — . � PI ]&iJdfD. INC.: '
<br /> - �, � ���hY, '�--� .
<br /> . Thoraas J an (Rana.l . Lukesh)Trustar
<br /> ,. ,�,, � .
<br /> ' - ���=�:. .�
<br />- _"�. THfS DEEO OF TRUSi;is made as of the�BL�day oi �ob_ - -- .18�,b7/and amonp -- �_-T - --
<br /> "�:+i :tne Tniswr,;- �- SAIt PIZZA OB GBAYD ISLAfID ' IKC •� __- -
<br /> 74� - �._.—�-
<br /> - P 0 BOX 1076 Grand I�laad i[� 68802-�24 . _..-y
<br /> ., ;.,:4,s.:. ,: wfiose ma311ng address is therein'TnisWr.^vrhether one or more), --
<br /> . ���.:t_-
<br /> _-J�"� � � �e T��� Fiv� Point� Bsnk, a ilebraska Corporstion ' . �z;�;��_
<br /> _ . E ;fr' --- --
<br /> , '�� ���_ P.O. 8ox 151/7 [irand Islsad, Y6 68802.,. ���=`
<br /> • .•�� . wf�o�e mailing addreas ts (herein"Troatee'�.end
<br /> �-._%'P RL%'• - � .: . � . ���_
<br /> .•'� �''; Fivi Poiatt Hant ��.-_-
<br /> � �'� �the Beneflc , -":�
<br />` 'i;F�, � iary. �
<br />, .. - , �'�,;*:�. . � : , _
<br /> t• � . p O Hox 1507 Grand Ieland. 1tE b88OZ-1507 (herein"Lende�. :'•'—
<br /> ._ : - M�ttlas0 mailiny address�s . . _ _ .. ....... . ,.. --
<br /> - ... �. T:,
<br /> - �°`. `� , ! . FOR VALt1ABtECt3'.NS�£�►TIOI�.including Lender's extension of.credit iden�ed herein to • �`,;'r`', ' .;___
<br /> °. �.��..
<br /> _ ' � . - ' :`1 •.; . .`.7':
<br /> ' � SAI[ PIZZA tsF GSAYD ISLAIiD, IKC _(herein"Borrower",whetfrer one or more)and the mis!herein.aceated: - �''�:'��
<br /> . " � the receipt of which is i�etsby acknowtedged,Trustor hereby iaevocably grants.transfers,conveys and assigns to Trustee.M . !���-
<br /> ��ri�`� � �' TRUST.YY(THPOYYEROpS�a�£,tortheben�titandsecariryoflender,underandsubjecttoti�etermsandconditionshereinaRerset • , ';_���
<br /> :.`�5;q� . , .
<br /> ,��.��3 f ��; �: . furfh.the real propefly.dese�:�ed as fpllawx ' ,(Y-�s
<br /> �J � SEE ATTACH!lEKT 'd�� � ���
<br /> ' '` ir".-:'''� . ` . � ' `;,. ;;�—
<br /> '�F .: . . , ::I.>.:",.W-�
<br /> . , .. '.r�Y�• . . . . • ��). �fY1�I��8�'f�if�"
<br /> . . F . . .'F ',��a.
<br /> , ;a: ' ' '�}>���_
<br /> • �. : Together with ail builQings,improvements,fixtu�es,streets,alleys,passageway�,easements,rlghb,privitegas and appurte- �` � ..s•-
<br /> � ' :. nances located thereon or ir�anywise pertainiag thereto,and the re�ts,issues and profits,reversiona and remainders thereof,and ; � . • � ,��.'�"`
<br /> � ,� ` auch personal p�operty that is attached to tha improvements so aq to conatituta a fixture,inctuding,but not limited to,heating artd 4 �
<br /> ' • cooiing equipmenX and together with the homestead or marital interests,it any,which interests are hereby released and watved:atl ; �
<br /> • of which,inCluding reptacements and additions thereto,is hereby dectared to be a paA of the real estate secured by the Ilen of this � �.1 ,��=?•
<br /> , " � :�. Daed ot Trust aad all of the toregoing befng reterred W herein as the"Properry". , � . ' _
<br /> . �.
<br />• � ,� ,�.,. This Oeed of Trust sh�i'�seCUre(a)the payment ot the principal sum and mteres��videnced by a promissory note or credit , . .,-
<br /> ' , '' F�h+�++�«� "JAt6 ,havin 8 f118tUt1 48tA 01 Msrert+ 1 at- 201G1? � ,�,�'��r-� _
<br /> ` agreemeM dated ,_.. 19g2 9 N • �
<br /> �::y:;`r.",a.,, °,
<br /> • � 75.000.00 ,and an and all modi(ications,extensions artd renewats ���� �
<br /> � . ia the ortginai principat amount ot S Y • � �'��"'� � • '
<br /> � ' .� , . lhereof or thereto and arry and ail future advances ana readvances to 8orrower(or any of them if more than One)hereunder � .
<br /> .1� . . pursuant to one or more p��,,..sssory notes or credit agree*r:ents(herein calted"Note 7;(b)the payment o1 other sans advanced by i� : . _
<br /> �,,y�_ .- • • :�� Lender to proteCt the secus+y of the Nota:(c)the performartce oi ali covenants and agreements of Trustor set forth iietein;and(d)all : �
<br /> ' �� ;`�"�'�� p�eaent and future inGebtedness and obtigations ot Borrower(o►any af them if more than one)to Lender whether dlreCt,irt�irecR ' . . ,
<br /> ,..,;, . , ..
<br /> ' ' absolute or contingent end whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraR or otherwise.The Note,this Oeed oi Trust an0 any and� � , � .-
<br /> � -, � other doCUentsthat seCUreE"�e Note or otherwise executed ln conneCtion therewi:h,i.^.Cluding withoutlimitation guaranteas,seCUrilyr �: .
<br /> , � � . agreements•and assignm�^�of leases and►ents,sha11 be�eterred to herein as t�n�"�oan Instrumenis". . ;
<br /> .,����� • Trustor covenants an0 agrees with Lender as foltaws: , •
<br /> � � t. PsynNnl M InQ�bledt�s.All indebtedness aecured hereby shall ba paid wnen due.
<br /> 2. Titl�.Trustor is the owner o11he Property.has the right and authority to convey the Property,and warrants that lhe tien
<br /> . ., � Creeted hereby is a first artd prior lien on the Property.excepf tor liens and encumbrances set forth by TrustOr in writing artd . � •
<br /> delivered to Lender betore executiqn of this Oeed o1 Tru9t,and the execution and delivery ot this Oeed ot Truat d0es not viotate any •
<br /> conhact or other obNgation to which Trustor ts subjec� � , ,
<br /> • . 3. Taxa,Assy�m�nb.7o pay before delinquency a'�taxes,spec�al assessments and aU other charges agamst the Properry
<br /> • now or hereafter tevied. '
<br /> • 4. ln�uranea.To keep the Properry insured against damagv by t�rv.Hazards inCfuded+ri�thm the term"extended coverago'.and • •
<br /> � � ' suCh other hazards as Lender may require.��amounts and with companies accepfab�e to Lender,naming Lender as an additiona!
<br /> � � named insured,wlth loss payable to fhs Lender.In case of toss und�r such poticley,ihe Lender is authorized to ad1usR colfeC!8nd � �
<br /> • . compromise,all claims thereunder and shalt have the oplion of apptying aIf or part of the insurance proceeds(�)to 8ny indebtedness .
<br />• ' seCUred hereby a�d In SuCh order a9 Lender may determtne.i�i)to the Trustor to be used tor the repair or restor�tion of tha Property
<br /> or(iii)tor any other purpose or objeCt satistactory to Lender w�thout aftecting the I�en at this Oeed o1 Trust for 1Na fu�t amount secured
<br /> hereby betore such payment ever took place.Any applicat�on ot praceeds to�ndebtedness shall not exten0 or po9tpone the due
<br /> ' � . date of any payments unde►the Note,or cure any detault thereunder ar hereunder.
<br /> • 5. Eserow.Upon written dem8nd by Lender.Trustor shall Qay to lender,in such manner as Lender may d9signate,suHic�ent
<br /> � � sums to enabte LenEer to pay as they become due one or more ot the taltowing:(i)all taxes,assessmepts und other charges aqainst '
<br /> . the Property,(�i)the premiums on the property insurance requuetl horounder,and(di�the premwms on any mortgage insurartb9 �
<br /> , . , requlred by Lender.
<br /> � • � 8. Msk�t�eanet.Rp�tn and Compllanc�wlth�awa.Trustor ahatl keeR tt+e prave�ty�n good sond�t�on and repa+r;shall ,
<br /> prompUy repalr,,or replace any improvemenf whicfi may be damaged or destroyed:sha11 not comm�l or permd any waste Cr .
<br /> ' . deteNoratlon ot the Ptoperty:sn�ft nat remove.demot�sfi or substantiatty atter any oi the�mp►ovemenis on the Property:shall not
<br /> � � cammlt sutter or permit any acf ta hedone in or upon the Property ln vioiation o1 any taw,ordinance.or ragulation;and shall pay and �
<br /> � ' prampUy discharge at TruSi6Ps cast and expense ap Ifens,enCUmbrartces and tharges levied.�mpased or assessed ag�inst She - ,
<br /> - -=----•- -.:�--_ R�a(�nfiy w sny p8rt t�erec,t. - . _ . .
<br /> - •--.-�. ..
<br /> -- - -• . . .___.. -°---------- _
<br /> � ' T. EminNft Oanaln.Lander 1s hereby asslgned aU eompensation,awards,damages and ather payments or relref(hereinafter �
<br /> • ; ' "Proeeatt�')in eonnectton witb eondemnaUon or othertaking bf the i'rapertyr orparttt�ereot,or for conveyartce�n heu af condemna-
<br /> � , tion.L�nder shatl he entiUed 8f it9 OpttOft t0 GCInU1enC9 app@ar in and prbs9cute in i15 awn nam@ any aCt�On a�piOCeed�ng9,and •
<br /> . • •- shall also be entilte�to make arty compromise or setttement ia connecuon with such tatc�ng ar cl�maqe.tn the evenL any poRien ot. _. ._______
<br /> --- - -.- � - - H�esu��r�K„a�uao..e►R«�a�ee -- -- -- ------ _ - -
<br /> . O t�N�tbnu e«r M eannwe.vw�eee s�v�p,s Aaoewwn.t�nmH.wer.�.. 9
<br /> w
<br /> , ,t � .
<br />