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<br /> _ . -. . .. ' _'1' ' l' _ - - _ " " .. --F_ .-_ . ___ _— - - _ — ,
<br /> ` _ __ , . . . � � , . . . .
<br /> ' ___ _� ` � ' �. ' . . .. ` - . _ . . . � . .
<br /> ` • —'- --�, � . � — � � .- � --. --� r - -�--� .. .. .. -` -- - � -- ' -- � -----,- _
<br /> , __ _ . . � . . �, . ` � 92- 1U165'�
<br /> � t�,Yl�n/�P�oM�foi�r. o►modiflcstion a amor�r.don a m.wms..cw.a b�r a�is � '
<br /> (�)ebrtowK Not R�d Extenston ot the time ior WY�
<br /> � OeedofTrustprantsdtrylenQe►toa�rysucce�sarinii�terestotBorrowsraAWnotope►atstont�a�R��►Ymansw.lholf�bWry
<br /> ' � otthsaripinal8orrowerand8oaower'sauccessorsintnterestlendersh'stleotberequindtocommencspracNdinpsapaUat �
<br /> anch succassOra ret�aetaexf�ndUmeforpaymantor otherwtee modityenwcdsition otthesumsseeured by th(s 0�sd MTn�tt
<br /> -_ . by[dnaon ot arry demaads made b�the ar(Qinai 8orrower and Borrower's auccessora in imarest; _
<br /> (b)�«M!K'�pow�s.Withaut atfectln�the lia6itity of any other person tiabte tor ths payment of any oblipstion t�et�tn �
<br /> meMtonecl.andwhhoutatfactinyiheifenorchargeofthisDeedotTrustuponarryporhonoflhePropertY�ottixnoElheremtore �
<br /> -- rateasedassr.curityterthefultartiountoiallunpaidobli�atrons,l.endermay.iromtimetotimeandwitAoutnotics(i)rsteassanY
<br />_ ' `person so Itabie,li)extend the matudty orafter any of theterms of any aucA o6tiyations,{i(�pre�t other indui�ences.(iv)releats —
<br /> or all ot tAa Pr
<br /> or nconvey.ar cause b be roteaaed w recorneyed at srry time at Lenders optiort any parcel.patia► �h
<br />- (v)taks or�rdease any ather a additionat securiry tor any obiigation herein m�Uaned.or(v�mske compaitio�s a otAer
<br />. arransemenb with debicra iif telaUon thereto. --
<br /> t��po�bqnnee br L�nd�r Not a Witwr My torbearance by lender in exercising any�ight ar remedy herounder.a . —
<br /> � otherwtse a(forQed by appucable law,shati not be a waiver oi or prectude the exerciae af any such tiQht or remedy.The _
<br /> _ proGucemenlolinauranceorthepaymentottexesorotheNiensarchargesbylendershallnotbeawaiverotLender'ari�htm _
<br /> �ceefe�aie fhe matutity of the indebtedneas secured hy tF►is Deed ot Trusr. The covenants and agreements herein con- -- - --- �
<br /> ::� (a}�uee.aora snd Awi�ns eouna;dotne aee s�v.rr Ltabiitr.Gptlon�. �-
<br /> �`'tairie�.shatl bind ana the dghts here�mder shaU i�ure ta.t6e respectiye successors and assiyns at L.ender and Truatot.All —__.--
<br /> E The ca tl o n s a n d h e a dl o of the para g r a phs ot thia Deed of �`°—°--
<br /> et2� �
<br /> tand
<br /> sev
<br /> � ,'.
<br /> ��:coiret�lts pnd ayreemertls of Trustor shatl be join P __- _
<br /> -� • � ':Ti�staae tor comrenience only and are not t a 6 e u s e d t o i rt t e�r e t o r�n e t h e p r o v t a i o n s h e re o t �L �
<br /> ���
<br />,�, • .. ' . :(e}.�t�qwd ior NoNep.The part�es hereby requestthat acopy of any notice ol default hereundex and a copy otsny ttotice � _.=? -
<br /> ;'��, ; ot sa18 hereunder 6e maited to eacA party to this Deed uf Trust at the address set forth abqYe in the manner presc�ibed by �.�� --
<br /> ,appilcapie law.Eue�nt far any other notice required under appticabte taw tu he g[ven in`anm'�er manner,any notice ptovidsd � �
<br /> i� '�� '- for in this Deed ts���i�shall be Qivan by mailing such notice by ceRifieQ maiS a�dres�edtatha oiher paRiea.at thb address aet � �:�___
<br /> "" fortb above.An�'?�auce provided tor in this Oeed dt T�ust ahaik be etfecti+re"t�u�maiiirtg`in ihe manoe►Qesiynated her�in.�f =+u'.-
<br /> ?�� � TrusWr is mare tltan o�e person,natice seatto ihe addres,g set fortb above shalt he nattce W ail suab peraons. , . ' ..Y.,.;,�,
<br /> .<, :.` � .�pppK�,Lender may make or cause to be made�eas.anabte eritries upa�and inspections of the PropeRy.proviQed r'��� •
<br /> 9 in reasonabis cause theretor�elated to lendera ����` ��`�-
<br />' :..,.e.�, = -•• 'lhnt�.+lFllde�shell ive Trwtor aotfce ptioctn aay,sach irtspe�t►4�$P�fil S. ..r_ ���-.�`�,`
<br /> •� ' �•• iMe�e.ss in the Propecty �- • - ��'^� .
<br /> _ -��.��- , ,. , .'-
<br /> �;, �.- . -.(g) p�eonwrane�.UponpaymentotaltaiiisissecuredbythisOeedofTrust.LendersbatlrequestTrusteetoreconveytha
<br /> ��`. -�`�=�'=°"•r - :� andshatisanenderthis0eedofTnist�zQaltnoUasevtdencin inde6tednesssecuredb this0eedotTrusttoTruatee.' �
<br /> . ,...,,. ,�-��-,;.� - ` 'Pra�erry ' —
<br /> • `'S`;y- � T�ee shati�econvey the Property without warranty and without ehargs ta tF�e person or peraons legally e�titled thereto �`-f `?A'
<br /> ,�;� .,...-- � � ' .�.�-
<br /> :� ,. . : _. ,
<br /> : ,`-:;:�''-'<,''.':,''� `r :'frustOr shatl pay atf costs o1 recorAatian,it any. . . .
<br /> ,,.'<•��..:.;:
<br /> , �N.v�:�,..:---
<br /> {;; ,, -��:�.� h �S�cu�Ay�men�As additionat securiry for the payment o1 the Note,Trustor hereby granb -� * ',�,._
<br /> � �, l ).wnonal P►ov.A�' �:��::'�%_;�•.:
<br />' ��'., +��m=^= � lender underthe Nebraska Unitorm Commerciat Code a securiry interest in all fixNres,equipment,and other personal properiy -. -',..<;,F:
<br /> •� � `" �,�;�;r�� ` • used 1n conrtection with the real estate or ifiprovements located thereon,and not atherwise deciared or deemed to he a part of _ ' : :.::.�
<br /> m
<br /> ,�°.��=,_'��' the real eatate secured hereby.This instrumertt shalt be aansuued as a fiecur�ty Agreement under said Code,and the Lender _":;:., -�
<br /> .r.,�--.,.
<br /> • �;.�..,:;,�f;,-�;��� �, shell have all the�ights and remedies o1 a secureQ party under said Code in a0dition to the rights and remeciiea crealed unQer =_
<br /> "•�=;�;��z��� � _ . artd accorded tha Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust provided that Lertder's rlghts and r�medies under thls paragraph shali :•:� ;Y-�_--
<br /> ' °� ° • be cumufative w1th,and io no way a limitation on,Lertders rigMs and remedies under any other securlry agreement signed by �`;:?:;;=n;;�=-
<br /> ' . Borrower or Trustor. � . �"�
<br /> _ ::�..:-�'. �•� (i) LNns and Encurnbnnca.Trustor hereby warrants and representa that there is no defauit under the provlafons of any ,. '�;���
<br /> - ' rt�aRgage.deed of trus�lease ar purchase contract describing all or any pa►t o1 the Property,or ather co�tracf.instrument ar :.a �
<br /> • ,,�_;�;e,,:. ,,� ayreement constitutmg a:ien or encumbrance against all or any part ot the Property(cottectivety."Liens'�,existing as o1 the .
<br /> �=r''"`��•� � 0ate of this Deed of Trust,and tha!any and all existing Liens remain unmoditied except as disctosed to Lender in Trustors ;._...-;
<br /> ` �` � '` written disclosure of liena aRd encumbrances provided(or f�erein.Trustor shail timety oertorm ail of Trustor's obligaUon�, =; `' :�.:;
<br /> � �``Y~'�� `� covenants,representations and wa..nanUes utlder any a�d alt exisiting and tuture Uens,shall Promptly fonxard to Lender copies 1���,�`' ���'_�;;'-
<br /> � oi all notices o1 defauit sent in ccnn�ctian wRh any and sil exiating or futura Uens,and shalt not withoui Lender's prior written •_'_�'
<br /> � . consent in any manner moClty the protiisions of ar allow any future advanaes under any existing or tuture Uens. � _
<br /> � (})Applkatlon ot Psym�nt�.Untass olhef�v�se required by Iaw,Sums pa�to LenCer hereunder,inCluding wlthout limitation �:
<br /> '�' ` � payee�ents of principal and interast,insurance.prodeeds,condemrtatior�Proceeds and rents and profiis,sflatl be applied by ��!r'-
<br /> ' �?-i�:.' ' tsr,ffar to the amounts due and owing trom Trustorar�d BorroWer in such order as Lender�n its sole discreUon deems desirabte. ; ;;,-;
<br /> ,,.,y. ,� . (i� g�vKahility.If any provision of tbis i�eed oi Trust cunflicts with applicable la+v or is declared invalid o�othErwise �,,,,_-
<br /> �..�-'.:;�;::>•'"*`�" ' unen}oroeabte,such conflict or invalidily shatt not aHect the other provisons o1 this peed ot Trust or the Note whiCb Can be • . �_-:_r
<br /> ��i'°'�`� '�='� �ven ettect wtthout the conilicting provlsion,andio this ertd the provisions of this OeeQ o1 Trust and the Note are dectared to be s'� • .�i_�:.
<br /> ' . .::tyr.,:;.. 7. .; g' E �.r.:�;:_"
<br /> .., , _
<br /> .:..:,.__.,.-,._.. seve�abte. ` f� `� '
<br /> • � • �•)T�nns.The term9"Trusto�'and"Borrower"ahafl inctude botA singutar and ptural,and when the Trustor and Botrower � ,,;- f�� .-•�--
<br /> � :`�• =',�f`1== � a�e C`►e same person(s),those terms as used!n this Oeed ot Trust shail be;nterchangeable. � °�: ,
<br /> ; -�<�:,`.���`I'`�,;;�:. ' ' �m�QoyNni�uw.This Oeea of Trust ahall ba governed.by the laws of tho State of Nebraska. � ' ��' , • •
<br /> • Trustor has executed this Oeed ot Trvst as o1 the dat'e written above. �
<br /> , . „ , .
<br /> ' ��'�r -:,- - .- _ ' , C ' —3]iX'PIZ i .
<br /> ' . . ` �, .�`,, ��� -- � '
<br /> . � � oe�as o rus or I �
<br /> . Ro c3 E. Lulses . • . •
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