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<br /> S. tiis�ei oe lenpeet!Lw�a�o� Bo�rer s�ti iceep t6e-impiov� now e�cisting or bemRet ecated on tLe
<br /> � Pmpaty.i�uea a�c wss by ru�c�h�r�i�dutka wiwia tbe tecm'eatmaod cove�gs'�aa�ay oebec t�az�t+as,iacivains .
<br /> fbods or tloodin�.for whicl�lender.rrquices ensuruice:This inwranoe shaU be m�intainod in tl�e artwwnts and for the periods
<br /> ' t6it I�ender tequires.'Ih insurance carriu providing thc insara�oC shaU be`chos��by Bdrrowu subject w Leoder's appmvat �
<br /> ahidt sti�ll not be unrrasoa�Diy withl�etd. If Borrnwer f�s.to maintaiin caverrge descnbad above.Londer may.at L+tnder's
<br /> — q�Eion.o6roin oov�r�ge w pmtxt Lender's rig6ts in a5e Propecty ia accordu�ce with garagraph T. ,
<br /> , IUI inw�noe poUaes and rmea�ats siuli be acce�ble to I.euder au�1:�ha11 include a standard mortgage clause. i,a�der .
<br /> _ s�ll 6sve the dg6t w twld the Qolicies and ceawals.If Leader reqoites;33•��tiver sbali P��Y 8ivc to Lendcr alt r�ipts af . --
<br /> -- pdd pnmiams aad�eaewal notias.tn tfie eveac of toss.Bormwes shalt g�{��iampt notice to the insur.�nce carrkr a�d t,ender.
<br /> _— Leoder taay m�lce pcoof of tass if uot imde pmmptly by Borroaer. � `;�';�.:.°."
<br /> -- [Inkss l.pder and Bomowec od�erwise agme in wiiti�ng,iasutnnoe pmo�tts�alI t�e appliad to restotation or repair of We .
<br />'i:.
<br /> pmperty.dunagcd,if tbe restoraNan or repair is eoonomicaliy feas�3le anc�i�er s sea�city is not less�eacd.[f We cesto�ation or
<br />, r�eptir is not eooaomically fpsibTc vr I�ender's sewrIiy wauI�be lesseoed;the i�raece praceods shatl be appli�d to tt�sums _
<br /> '-..� sxt�ad by t6is Sxurity Insuum�at, whether ar not tttiea due,arith aayr euess paid o�Borrower. If Bomnwer abandons tt►e
<br /> Property,or daes nat answer with:n 30 da!�s a notioe from I�eader th�t the iasuraace carrier has offerod to sdtle a claim,thet� -
<br />" Lwder may ooUect tbe insarartce Proceeds. E.eader may use tbe procea[s fo repair or reswre tbe Pmperty or to PaY � —
<br /> se�rrd 6y this Secuaty Insuvmaie,wi�ether or nat then due.T6e 30�day perco�l will begin wlten the notice is givea. -
<br /> � , Untess Ltuder and Borc+nwer atherwise agne in writing,any appiication of pmceeds to principal shali nat eatend or �__ ---
<br /> postpoae ihe due date of tde motuhly pa,ymerlts nferred to in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or sF�ange the amamt af the payatentq. If . �:"_-
<br /> �' ander par�grrpN 21 the Fropetty is 3cqaired bg Ixades,Bomnwer's rig�t to any inwrarice poucia and Qrn000ds msuttiag from �,s��;�•
<br /> � � .,�` � d�mage to d�e Property prior to dje ao�ssuoi�•�iall pass to l.endrr to t6e eztent of the sums secuc+ed bg this Securiry iacuameat ���- --.
<br /> ::.�° . c•�-��
<br /> . immediately prior to the acquisitibir:.�; - ' . , r.�,:;_
<br /> ��,�:;v,:
<br /> _,�, -}:,; ,s::;
<br /> � • i.O�cop�e�y.P r e s e r v a t i o�..�aad ProtecHon ot tie Plvperty:Borrower's Loao Appiicatio�;l.a�sebolds. _���i•-___
<br />� �', BoYrowSr sha11 occupY,establisir:.'.�iii�'.I�se ttie Pir�perty as Borrower's principai residencc within siaty days after the executian of ':'r�;.�y,
<br /> - r r �> . :��•i;'<St"��'
<br /> ' ''"'..r. "��j-`:•.�� this Secority Jnsuument and s6�ll,.ccr�nae ta occupy the Property as Borrower's principal cesidence for at Iea�t v��ear after � .
<br /> � � 7,�� '�,
<br /> . ' •�:'-�; .: • :.:, the date of occupaney,anless iea�er isttfreca��ise.a�m�s in '' w6icE�oaasent shall not be unreasonaisE -
<br /> _ is eca wnu�L- }�v�8,os unless �
<br /> � s,.,;•:.%' r"';:;:. extenuating circum�rt� eaist xsfueh 2re 6exizad,Bormwer s �aii�E�.l�atrower shatl not destroy. � � `e or impair the � - =-
<br /> �:5,_< �.-..... .�r.
<br /> i �� . � � .. . pnnperty.altow the�cuperty tu d�'iiorate,ac<vammit waste�tn the��- Borrower shall be in�it if any forfeiwrc ; .'
<br /> .. f. :�af`;:;,�'. . . . . =
<br /> �•�.�� f`��.. '�f ��"`��� actioa ar ptnceeding.whetkeS ca�si�:t?�.crim;s�al.is'begun tha�iu.�:ender's�ood faith jadgmeat coutd result in fodeiwne of d�e �
<br /> F �•. r�i,�i.�,',,�.(#�i. .. . , m i -
<br /> =� '� ''`��+h�:;!<` Pioperty or othetwise matertallp'ii;s��i�i;the lien created by a�is 5v:uriry Iastmment or I�rder's security interest.Borrower may . '`-'
<br /> ::r�:,��t�t���+�a:,r.,t I —
<br /> �`.r:t3�r�a�.�4�..�•'�•� - cune such a default and reinstate..��Tvidcd�%ayr,.�Qraph 18;'b�rausing ttae.s�iort ar�,a�ing to be,�ismissed with a ruling . _- .
<br /> . •�::•S:r�`'" `•:'���`•.��" tfiat in Lender's gaod faith deteic"._inatian,pi�3uii�forfehnre of the�,:ri�.�'s i��r�t`In the�?Lrp�.y or other material i-
<br /> , '�:�..<<...-.•. � • ,. .... .
<br /> ,,,� . - impaim�ent of the tien created by'ihis Secnrit���rs"trumeat or I.eadei s��::�+i� Interest. Borrower:�'a�1];aJso be in dcfauli if ' _-_
<br />• �' �'• �,�=-s;'�L'".i��`" - � Borrower.during tlie loan apptu��:3 process,gave material�k;:tse or inac:;c*a*.e infomiation or statec�to I.ender(or faited �� - ti,,
<br /> ��,..
<br /> ,. ..,�._:.�:.'..F_, to rovc�Lendec with an a���fom�atian)in cannecr�n::�:w`�t►the loan evideaced 6�tfse Note,iaci�din but ixK limited � ." .. � �:_
<br /> r `.•' �► j� •, 4 P Y. ..... ::" �' � —
<br /> to,representations Ca�GemingB�ier�wer's occupancy of the Prs�-ierty as a�rin'cipal residence. If this Sec�sy Instrurneat is on a F • - � �;.
<br /> • . leasehold. Barroaer�wtl comply with �ll the provisions of the lease. Lf�rrower acquires fee tiCG:'ao the Property, the ` . � -
<br /> •. leasehold and the feeia;e shall not merge unless Lender agrees ta ttie mer�cn writing. ' � '` �.
<br /> • • 7.Ptatectbn of l.ender's Rights M the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the wvenants and agreements contained in � ''•' =_
<br /> • ' � this Security instrument, ar there is a legal proceedins that may significantly affect [.cadePs rights in the Paoperty(such as a �o �;�
<br /> ' , proceeding in bankrupuy.probate,for candemnatian ar farfciture ar to enforcc laws or regulations),then l.ender may do and . , , `-
<br /> •�•� ' pay for whatevcr is necessary to protcet the valuc of thc Praperty and Lender's rights in tk8 Propes2s�:I.ender's a�ions may . , ___
<br /> - - -� include paying any sums secure�by a lien.�iTich has pdarity over this Security Instromc,mt. a�'�ng in co�rt. paying � - •
<br /> ' • � . .. reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the I�tuQerty tv mako rcpairs.Althougb Lendcr may tako acrsn under this paragtaph � . _
<br /> . ,r . •:�;.�•': ' 7.l.ender does not have to do�o.. , , . �
<br /> .,`',,, ��,. �: � .. ..
<br /> �- -r;% ' My amounts disburse� fn�•f�.r,i�.�r.aa�this paro�.�i.? stiull bccornc additional dcbt of Borrower sccxtr�P:by this • • �.
<br /> � : ::;�;�,,;, � � .
<br /> ' ..��,i.��r��,` Seeurity lnstrumertt,-Unless Bcrrc•a�,,a::� �:�::a�,r'agrce tc-c;!h:�rcrms�s€�ayment.these amnunty shalt be�r intes�sT from the �
<br /> 'if� 1�'r.a�l . . date of disbursemem;az�;�o, �c:..e ana��.�:��e a ablc:with inte�:�a�on rtotice from Lendcr���orrower uestin f . - . �r",'
<br /> . tt, �, �`'r: P Y �1 $ ` .
<br /> R�. ��•.; , �NC�t. .,� ' '- :':,, ...+'; . '�' ..; , . .._r: ` ,ti.�*;
<br />, ;��,:,�;.._.�.,� • ,... ::
<br /> , .-,�_.;,;,�;��:. S.Mortg�ge las�ac�`CL(�.R;�ri rec�uired nwngage insurance as a condition nf r�u,�Cina the loas��r,ecured by this Security ( : . . -. --
<br /> _ � :';:;' • . lnstrument. Boaowcr shaii���•izv.�;it'iniums required to maintain thc mortgage insar.ra� in ei'fect. If. for any rcason.the f, ` ' •,'�
<br /> - mortgage insuranee coveragc re;;�ti�v��y Lc��lapses or ceases ta be in effert.Borrow�;,;�ali pay ifte premiums required to t '
<br /> ' � � �. abtain eaverage substantialty eaai��s.:r:t t�y�ii.`,:,3rtgagc insurance previausly in effcct.at a cast sub$tarttially equivalent to the � . "._ ,
<br /> ' �• ' cast to Borrower af the martga�u�-,s�raaa:�n;•riously in cffe��t, from an altematc murtgagc insurer approved by Lcnder. If t ,
<br /> � substantially equivalent mortLa4���;4.:�'srance coveragr is nut uvuiluble.Bnrrnwer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to . �._ . .:
<br /> ' '���' onc-twelfth of the yrariy morti;:i:,���:surance premium bein��reid by&�rrawcr when t(�e sn�rrance cwvcrrigc tapse�t��seased to • ��-.'•; '.
<br /> .���l�.�' ; � be in effect.l.enQer wilt�e.��:�bnJ retain these{raymctir�as u lusw reserve in lieu �I;mongage insuwance. �.�us reserve � '� ''`' �
<br /> �' • , � ,i.�il(��;���.��' .
<br /> ;. . . .. . . ' . • . '�7��1.,'.
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