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<br /> , �. '�$�F�M�i'H r1�6 i�l�OY�R iDM Cf�1C1E�[ELbCIQd�IbC p[0(bty.�al!p�f.�pf[�.� ` .
<br /> ��QM �f �C[� i�l.C�fIIG �OpE[ly..All t�f0l�Elllt !Od�011� i��l�bG OWCtCd`bY 1� �► ,
<br /> �Ot.l�Of tbC fCll�+4i0�jf t�.t0 IQ t�!��j►�!R 1�fC.�F[OpC111►•■ � .
<br /> ' BORRO�VVER.00YENAN7'8 th�t Boreower is IawfWty�eisod of t6e�st�tc beceDi►oanveyed`a�hia tht ri�t to�o�t aad'
<br /> � c�on�,by tbe pncpeety�od th�t the Fmpaty is mna�cumbeeed.a�oept for a�cumbraooes of�eco�d. BoROae�wramots�od uill
<br /> , defad�eaenilY t6e tltte w thc P�ope�ty ag�inst aIl ct�ims sod de�ads,wbjat to aa9 a�b�of rxord. _
<br /> � 1'HiS SBCtIRPPY INST[tU11�N'F combioes uaifona covennts for e�tiaml use md mo-uaifam�ooven�►ts vritb timited'
<br /> vari�tians b�r jurisdkiion to coostimte a unifomt�avsiry iautument oovering ta!pcnpertY• � �
<br /> [JNIFORM OOV@lAN7�.Bortuwer�od L:eoder coveitfnt�wd ag�oe as faftows:
<br /> i.l�,t�at d Pti�dp�l aM G�taeit:PapaY�sa�t ar�e Cl�t�Bormwa sh�i}�P�h►�i'+�°due tbe
<br /> P�PJ of aad inte�est oo the debt evideaoed by tLe Nate and aoy pce�ymmc�nd T�xe c�Bes due undee tbe Ndr. -
<br /> 2.Fi�ir Gr Tar,a aM I�wra�ee.Subjai to sppliablc law or to a wriuen waiver by Ltodcr.Rorroaer a6�12 pry to
<br />� I.mder on the dry moatbly pym�ts�ane due under tde Nate.unu'!d�e Notc is psid in Yull,a sum t'Funds`3 for:Cs)Y�Y�►
<br /> �. and ast�nts whedt mty attairi priority over this Sxurity Iautua��a Tiw oa the PtapeBy:tb?Y�F��� �
<br /> - o�gmuai!nats oa the PmP�tY.if any;(c)Yea�rly�haTacd or pcopeRy;,,�i}9*•,�pn�niart�c.(�Y�Y��'a�� -
<br /> - if�ny:(e)Y�Y�SaB��P��uas,if aay:and f�ar►Y sums PaYabte by Bor:awer m f,ender,ia accacdanoe�
<br /> t�p�ovisioas of paeagraph 8.in liea of the p�yma�t of mo�tgage iusuraace p�aai�s.Tbese items u�catiad"Esc�ua�It�s." ,
<br /> I.ader a�y.at any time,�collod and finid Fwds in wt�u�ou�not to e�coeed thc�amount a M�der for a federatlg
<br /> zeT�ted mortgage ioan m�jr require.for Bo�:+,�wer's escmw�coouat under the fede�st Rat Fstatc Settiq�t Pe+acadaces Act of,-
<br /> � 1974 as ama�ded from time co dme,12 U.S.C.5ecxion 2601 a seq. ('RESPA'�,ankss amWer faw t[uR appties to the FwWs
<br /> sets a{a�er amount.tf so. isuder a�y.at any►time..cotlect aad lald Funds ia an�mount not W exaad tde Iesser amount.
<br /> Ieadet aay estim�te the amoaat of Fuads due on tl�e ba�is of cuneat data and nasonable�of eapeaditures uf�fimue
<br /> FscaoM Items or atlkrwise ie accoMance with APPlicablt laa. _ . .
<br /> �e Fands sl�ll be IkW in aa iastitutioa wlase deposits ane insurod 6y s foderal ageuc.y, instnirtxnalitY. a e�i�Y.
<br />.. (inclnding I.eoder,if l�eader is such an institution)or ia any FeQeral Home Lo�n Bwdc.I�ender shaU apply the Fwids to pry it�e
<br />: �_, Escrow Item�.lsrxkr m�y not charge Bormwer far hotdiag and applying the Funds,aanually analyting the escrow account.or ___-
<br /> _. � vriifyieg t4e F.scmw Iums,unless lender pays Borrower.iaterest on We Fuads aad applica6le law permits I.ender to maice such __;___ -
<br />� . � �`�,:,� :::��.. a charge.However.I�ender may t�equire Horruwer W pay a or�e-time charge for aa iadepe�ent i+eal estate tas'�poKipg secvice ��.___°
<br /> �.`: used by Lcnder in cannectian with this toan, unles4 applicable law provides ot6erwisc. Uaiess an agr�nt is made or �?=`-v=.-_--
<br />, # .�tiJ: aipp�icable law nequins intemst to be paid,l,ender sha1I not be reiluircd to pay Bocmwer aay interest os eamings on the Funds. ��_:=�-
<br /> . -:T_ , :.. � -
<br /> �—�
<br />. �:�.�• : �`=.:;;,,.`.: �omawes and l,eader may agree in wciting,however,tdat inte�est shall be paid on the Punds. Leader shall give to Bomnwer, �.,��,�::
<br /> �-Y' R�itbont chatge,an anmiai accaanting of the Fw�ds.showjng credits and debiu to thc Fund�and tf�e putpose for which each �".''..,.,,:s';
<br /> � �M.�-„�__
<br />:.i-' � _.° ���;; debit to the Fwids was m�de.T6c Funds ane ptodged as additioaal se�curity far all sum4 secured try this Socurity Instruroec� _�
<br />' � ,-��-�p�s:,; If the Fnnds held by I.ender cxceed thc amounts permitted to be i�eld by applirable law,I.endcr shall accounc w Bon'ovvcr ���,�_.
<br />�',, ,` �:,N.`s,l.-;, far the euoGSS Fands in accardanoe with the rcquiremcnts of applicable law.If the amount of the Fuads l�eld by Leadcr at aay ��r.�
<br /> . �`, . '_ `'�:i�?�
<br /> -,�y,�,;:;��;»�;,;;s.. �me is not spfhcient to pay the Escraw Itcros when due,L,ender may so notify Borrowcr in wriring,and,in such:case Barrower
<br />� ��i��'�'a`.'l�1,'' _ -����w{�'
<br /> '�; . �..s,'�all p�y to I.ender the amaunt necessary ta make up ahe deficiency. 8orrower shail make up the de f icicqe}�s`a�n v m o r e t h a n . -,�--,=�:
<br /> ��,:�.�{;�_.�;�:{::; twelve monthlY PaYments,at Lender's sole dtscretion. � � � --
<br /> . . �..,.�,
<br /> ;:'.,,:;�.�
<br /> ..;:i:��,`��;`.•....,,,•::;.. Upo�payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, l.ender shall promptfy nefund to Borrowet aay : � . - -_
<br /> � ' '`'' `'% <- •'' • Funds held by Lender.i[,under paragraph 2l,Lender shall acquire or seil the Property,i.ender.prior to the acquisition or sale . ,
<br /> •°',`.::'.. ' • . �.. '�-
<br /> '.; ry�;b.;=•;�_.t. ���property,sl�atl appiy any Funds held by l.ender at thc time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by - ___.
<br /> - ' ir-�L�'�.;.?. . .�
<br />. . . ,; . ,��;:�;t,c,s•`;:l,�.,� , �3�ds Security Itisttumenl. „ -
<br /> _ M�� 3.Appliwtbn ot Ps�yments.Unless applicable law pravidcs atherwisc,atl payments reccived�by Lendcr under Paiagraphs . . '��
<br /> ; .. �. ;+*.';_ -
<br />;,l,,''. . ':: ,=�'1;`�'�:�;:;j':;:` 1 and 2 sha7Il be applied:first,to any psapagment charges dae undcr ahc Nutc:secand.w aawunts payablc under paragap�2; . _ -
<br /> • =:=r�.:'.=-. • • tbird,to intcrest due: fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late eharges due undcr the Note. � ' �;-
<br /> ; ;;{,,,,:" . :� ,' ,, 4.Cha�ges;Uens.Borrowcr shall pay all taxes,as�essments,charges,Gnes and impositions ann'butable to the Pcr3perty .,
<br /> ' . =�' =���.��-,,:w' . ��vhich may attain prlority ovcr this Sccurity Instrur�ent.and lcasehald payments or ground ren�c. if any. �c,rrower shall pay ��:.� � .,:L`
<br /> ' � ''``'�'•�� •• these obligations in the manner pravided in paragrapb 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrawer shall pay tE�ems nn timc directly • .�
<br /> � � ,n'�'°�? to the person owed paymcnt.8nrrower shaU promptly fumisb to l.endcr all notices of amounts fo bc paid undes this paragraph. �' ,` � , ' •�'
<br /> = E �: �..,'- .
<br /> t ' .
<br />`'• � . ,,�'�'!�;rj�;a, � If Borrower malces thcse payments directly.Borcower shall pmmptiy furnish to Lendcr receipt��'JidencinD tlse payments. .� '� �+�;_4_-
<br /> ,, r�-+� r.,:;; �. Borrowcr shall prampily discfiargc any lien whioh has priority avcr this Security Instrumcat untess Sanoic•ex(a)agrees in �;. ,, . _ _
<br /> � ,� • ;,�•,�-� writing to the payment of ti�:.obligatian secured by the licn in a manner acceptable to Lendcr:(b)contests in goo�faith the Iien �'•.,. . .
<br /> -�: rt -�r:Jsr. :�_ : � � j� ...
<br /> ' •T--* ° by, or daPands against enforcement of thc licn in. �egal proce;dings which in thc Lcndcr's opinion operate to prevent the ,
<br /> ��`' { • enfusaeme�t al'the lien:or(c)sccures Pram the holder af iTie licn c�ti agrccmcnt satisfactory to Lendcr snbo r diaating t he fien�C�v
<br />`i'�i:,, . � �
<br /> • � ' fhia Settirity Instrument. If Lender detemnines that an}�part ai t:ac i�rnperty is subject to a licn which may attain priority dver
<br /> �k�: � , • this Socurity Insttument,Lcndcr may givc Borrow•ec�nuticc idcntifying the licn.Banower shall satisfy the ticn or take ane or
<br />.� :,���,: , �... .,, mote of the sictlans set forih xbove wilhin 10 days af ehe giving of notice. .
<br /> , • Eam+3028 9/90 '
<br /> . . .:; . � .
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