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<br /> ,.. . .
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<br /> __s_ ..._�___�.__.._.L_. _"' .. ._ _- ' _ -__ __' (� - -- . �.. .____-__-_
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<br /> -- � _ . . . . .. . � ' � . , ��•��JiO��M� � _ . .
<br /> pa�,�ets'may no io�r be i+equired,�t tbe aption of Leuder.if mo�tga�e insunace�ve�age(iu sbe naaant and for the period -
<br /> ' yrt lt�er reqnines)Pwti'idod 6Y aa iosu�+er�pproved 6y itnder sgaia becomes av�t�hk aad+s obtamod.Bormv�re�sbill pey ,
<br /> t�e premiutns ieqaind w m�tatain murtg�ge insurau�ce in ef�oct.or w provide a loss mseive,aniil the�+equirecnau for mat8�e
<br /> ' incura�e cnds ip accotdance with ar►y written agcxment betwan Bormwer aad LeQdet or applicAbte 1aw.
<br /> -- � �.L�pec,tto�.Leadet or its sgent,may m�ice rasoi�ble entries upon and inspections of the Pmpe�tY.Lender shalt give
<br /> Horrowes ootia�R the time of flr prior to an in�e�tion specifying teason�bJe caase for t�e inspection.
<br /> _ � 1i.Coada�.The p�ocecds of.any awud or ctaim for damages.dizect or conseque�cial.in wnnection with any -
<br /> — �on or atNer talung of any Past uf th�PropeitY,or for conveyanoe in lieu of condemnation.a�e i�ercDy'assignM�ct -
<br /> sh�U be p�id to La�der. .
<br /> - — In tbe event of a total taking of the P�uperty,the pi0000ds shall be applied to the sums socured by tbis Sec�uify Ins�ent. -
<br /> _- vvhetber or nat then due.witb any exass paid ta Bomnwer. W tUe evcnt of a partial taking of the Property in wAicb the fair .
<br />-:s�,_ m�dcet value of the Pmperty imnxdiately 6cfo�tbe taidng is eqaat to or greater tfwn thc amount of tbes sumg secured by'this .
<br /> Se�urity Insuument im�odixely befote tl�e isking.unlssc Bormwer sujd Lender'atGervrise agree Iri wrlring,the i�ns socuroa•by __
<br /> � Wis Securiry Insnument sbali 6e roduood by tbe anwant of the prooeeds muldplied by the fotiawing fractiati:`te) tt�e�om� __.__
<br /> ` mwuat of the sams soa�red iaunodiate[y before the takiag,divided 6y(b)the faic mlrket valuo af the Ptopecty_immed�tely -_ -�..-w,
<br /> .. befoea ti�c taiciag. My balu�ce sbaU be paid ta Borrawer. In thee event of a parcial taldng of the Property in;vwbich il�e fair W
<br /> � markd value of the Prope�ty iounodiately before the taldag is tess than the amount of the sums secured im�ateiy befone the �---------
<br /> � taicing,unless Borrawer acd I.ender otherwise agnee in writing or uatess appiicable law otNerwise pmvides;�i::pmceods sbtlt: '`�:-:, �:si:-�:�=
<br />:�:.' :.� be applied ta t6e sums secutod Dy this Securiry Inswment whether or nat the sums are thrn due. • `'�" " �'°` _
<br /> ,,.;.,•,,
<br /> .,;� � •,..,_� � ��h ;_
<br /> : If the Prepetiy is abaadoned by Borro�ver,oc if,after aoNce by Iendcr to Bornnwer that ti�e eondemaor.,�ffees to�iake M = :�c�„�t :°
<br /> `" `` - awand or settle a claim for d�a�ages.Bamnwer f�'ls to�espoad to I�oder witlun 30 days after the datc 3��ice is giveu, 'a: >��';�t�:'
<br /> or to the soms •�e.,u,:�.,-:
<br /> Lender is auttarired w collect and-apply the proceods,at iu option,either to restoratioa or repait of the Pr�stry .�z�._.
<br /> ��' sccurcd by tt�is Socurity Instmmen�wbether or not then due. '�� ' . �-�'�'. '�`� -
<br /> . �� �. / Unless l�ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of pcaceods[o prir�ipat s6�il mt.extead or ��n;�_�:-
<br /> ir� �- *�• � postpone the due date of the monthty payments�efert�d to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the acpount of such payments. - :,��;4,_
<br /> c
<br /> �•::'' ."';t:. . •� - 1��gocruWer N�t�d;FabeAr�nce By l.ender NM a Watver.�xtension of the titac for payment or modifiqtion -
<br /> � . �� .
<br /> � ,:��,.-.,, =:, - ---
<br /> ' , ��_ -.�±•,�.;~;�, of aunorti�ation of the sum�secured by this Securiry instrument granted by I.ender to any suceessor in interest of Barruwec shatl •
<br /> s
<br /> � -�"=�='=�'-- '"'==� not bperate to release the Ilabiliry of the original Borrower or BorcowePs suooessots in interest.I.ender shall not be required to - � _
<br /> .'.�.�rc.i.�.C4.�;::_':.:4 r� � . , '--
<br /> =T'F:...... .....:...:''
<br /> " . ,,:, . . .�:;•,:F,,' oomm�lce Proceedings against any successor in iaterest or refuse ta extend time for payment or othecwise modify aniottizatioa ;--.
<br /> �' •` •`; 'j� �� of the�sums secured by this 5ecurity Instnirnent by reason of any demand made by the original Bomnwer or Horrawer's . '. ` „�
<br /> y�,�:t;"'.'�: :, . ,. � • ;__--
<br /> ,;,y. t �:;. . successors in iaterest.Aoy forbearance by�I�ender in excrcisiag any right or remedy shall not be a waive�.of;pr pno,dade�tltc°;,- •`f _
<br /> j � `,:-� eaeiseise oF any right or remedy. : .: `' '` ;.,.; ._ `
<br /> � �, � �''. •�
<br /> zr. . � _
<br /> { s-, r �- � IZ.SaooesSOrs pnd Assigns Botmd+Joini and Severr�l Liability;Co-�et's. The coveaants and agreda�a►ts of�s ' .Y , " , _-
<br /> � -•:•��;f�'�*�,':�:;,.. Socarity inguurrient shalt bind and benefit the successocs anc�assigns of i.ender and Borrowcr,.sllbJa4_�to;the provisions of �_,��_"_ :
<br /> • �. " '�,r�'`.'.� 17. Borrower's cavenants acid agreements shall be joint and several. My Botrovrre�.wlw'�oo�signs this Security
<br />, ' F .�Yj;`.':'.:,i};'�{:x•fil/' � � - . - , -
<br /> '�`��" '1',:`� '�`•�''`;��.`'� �nstrument but dces note��te the 1�4�: ta) is co-signing this Secarity Instrument anty toniartgage.•grant,aad convey that •i.•� ��t
<br />. °�� 7
<br /> ��'k•`s}�: .' l�orrowei s iaterest in tt�.L��perty under the tcrntis uf this Security Instrumcnt;(ti)is not personalty obligat�d.to pay the sumg : �� ` .
<br /> , • rt,�;,,., . m .-
<br /> ,_
<br /> ' _ 's�cured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees tEa»t l.ender and any other&►rrower may agree to exte�lq;.modify,forbear or _
<br /> :.� ,. � �tVaice any accommodations with regard ta the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bo�rower's consent. . ,
<br />�;!"�,�:`s,. � - 13.Luas Chsitges.lf the laan secured by this Scxutity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum taan charges,
<br />.�.':+;;; ,. _ _�� ���w is finally interpreted so that the iriterest ar ather loar�charges colleMed or to 6e collected in ccmnoctinn wlth the . ;..
<br />� � � - � loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such toan charge shaU be reduced by the amount necessary to tcjduce tt�e charge • ;••._.
<br /> - - . : • to the permitted limit:a^d(b)any sum�already coilected from Borrawer whtch excecded permitted limit�.wUl be crfuncted to �. . .
<br /> � � � ` Borrower. Lender may chaose ta make this refund by reducinD 1he principal owed under the Note or�by making a ditect •
<br /> � ' ;•�:>: . payment to Bonower. lf a refund reduces principat. the redaction wiU be treatod as a partial prep�yment wtthout any
<br /> :�,�',,:: ' ,. �
<br /> .. :�r..•� prepayment charge under the Note. , • : - �
<br /> ` ' � � 14.Notias.Any�iice to Borrowcr provided fnr in this Security Insttument shaU be givcn'by deliveiing it or by mailing .
<br /> ��'�'°� °-�� � it by firse ctass mail un9�s applicable!aw requires usc af Anothe�methad.Thc.qotico shall be directed ta the,Property Address .:y
<br /> ..;, .:-<...,. . .�: �'`
<br /> f°_w,;=:-� ar any ather address Borrowcr designates by natice tn Lcndcr. Any notice�to Leadcr shall be given tiy first ctass mail to � -
<br /> ' L�.mder's addres.4 stated herein ar any othcr address I.ender de�ignates by notice to Bonower. Any notice provided.for in this � "��
<br /> . „ � � Security Instntmcnt shall bc dcemed to havc b�:en givc�to Horrowcr or I.ender whcn given as provided in this paragraph. . .
<br /> � � � `:.�-��'. ,._ - ��� 15.Govereieg Law:Scvea+611ity. This Secority lnstrument shall bc,g�vemcd by fcdcral taw.nnd thc law of the , . .
<br /> - jurisdiction in which the PropeAy is located. ln the event that any provisian or cluuse��i this Security [nstnrment or the Note
<br /> � , conflicts with applicable law.wch conflict shail nat affert other provisi�ms uf fhis Security lnstrument ar the Nate which can be •
<br /> • •.,'.�... given eff�without the rnnflictin�provisinn.To this end the provis�iuns of this Security Instrument and fhe Note are declared �"
<br /> • � .::
<br /> . .. �.. , tu be.severable. . �
<br /> . - �6�,Barrower's Cupy.&m��wcr s7�all bc givcn one confom�cd ropy of thc Notc and of 1hi35acurlty.�lnstniment. �..
<br /> . �.. . .. � . . . . .�. . �Y1/� i�� q.;' .
<br /> . ' ` . - vego 4 of 8 . • - ' � • . .
<br /> , . � ..
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