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<br /> � � cademnatiai or ot6er qking of any parc of thc Pmpe�ty.�c foE canvey�tce ia lieu of condemnaaon.ace hereby ass'sP.ned a�t
<br /> . sball be.paid to Irendes ,
<br /> � In the event of a tatal faicing uf thr PtopenY• the Practeds shall be app6ed to tbe sumti secured by this Secursry .
<br /> .Instr�nnen�whether or aoCthen due.with zny excess paid ta Borrower. (n the e�ent of�p;utirt taking of the.PraF�-rty u!
<br /> which tha fair ax�rlcet value of the Ptoperty imm�diaz��Y�f°re`tt�e taking is equal to or g�rater than the;amount of ttte swns
<br /> secund by this Secwity InsmrrtKnt immed'iatety befoce the taking,uniess Borrowec and l.ender otibenKise agree in writing. , .
<br /> -_ �y����bY��rity�n�shall 6e ceduced by the amount of the proceeds rtiWaptied by the faliowing - - �
<br /> 5action: (a�tlie tdal amouM af the sums secured ima�ediately befoir the taki�ng.divided by[b)tbt Sair tnarket value of the .
<br /> . � property imrnediatety befae tlie t3king. Any balance s6a11 he paid to�ormwer. Tn tIx event of a partiat taking of the
<br /> p�perty in which t6e fair market vaIue of the Propert�f unmediatety 6efoce Ehe taiang is less than the amnun�of ihe sum4 _
<br /> secured im m e d i a t e ty b e tore t h C t a k i n g, unfess Barower and Lender otherwise ag�e tn wrifing or w�tess applipbte!�w ---
<br /> atberwise p�ovides.the Qcoceeds shall be appred to the sums secured by this Security Instiumenc whether or na tix sums arc
<br /> =- � tLert due., • �
<br />:v_' �
<br />�--' If the Praperty is abandoned hY Bo�rower pr if,after notice by L.et�ter to Bomnwer that the eondemnor offers to mate
<br />_,�
<br /> an award ar settie.s►cL�im for�5�,.Barower fa��f s to�espond to Lender witfin 30 days after thedate the notire is given.
<br />�• l.ender is autiwci7.ed to coU�t and apply the proceeds�at iu opuon,either to rtstoraeia�ar repair of the Propcity or tu the - - -_--__
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrumen�whethe�or not then due. ` .
<br /> ' Unless i.ender and Bonuwer otherwise agree in writing.any application uf procceds to princip�}six►il t�extend o� .
<br /> pastpane tbe dne date of the monti�IY PaYmetits refetred w in paragraphs i and r ot change the amoetnc qf 5uch paY�ats.. ---
<br /> 11. Borl�ower Nat Released; ForDauance BY Lende� Not a Waivea E�tension of[he,tirt�e..for,payment oc �__
<br /> � �firation of amortiza[ion af the sums secured by this Security ln.strument gaated 6y lxnder to any succe.ssor�n mte�st �-
<br /> oEff,i�rower shap not operate to reEeaye the liability c+f tfie origie�al Rorrower or Born�wec's successors in inte�est•[.ertde�' __
<br />- ` s[ta:t'.r�at be�mquiied ta commence pcoceedinSs aga�nst any sncces.wr in inten�st or refuse to e�ctend time foe payment or _
<br /> •m
<br /> othenwise mvdifg amottization of the sums secureA by this Security Insuument by reason of airy demand made by the onginal , --
<br /> ��y Bortower or BorrBwers successors in interes� Any forbe�arance by Lssder.in exercising any nght ar remedy shal!not be a -_-
<br /> E - waiver of or preclnde the eaercise of any right or remedy. . , _ -
<br /> •a _ � 12. Succe.csors and Assigns Boand;Jdnt andSever�l Liabiiity;Co�signers. The covenanu and agreemeats of this �s_
<br /> • Seauity Iruuument shall bind and 6enefit the successors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of ,
<br /> -- -� .,. z.-��`� ..:' ` paragi-sph 17.8aaower's eaven�nts and agroement4 shal!be,;oint and-severaE.My Bomnwer who co-sign.s[his Security �""
<br /> � :�--. �•.;.�_t"'. _ �.. . �:��9,..--
<br /> Insuument but daes nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inctrument on{y to mortgage.�grant and convey that
<br /> f-�� `��= � ' _ �.-_
<br /> ��=_:s;T BorroKer's interest in the Property unJer ehe t��ms of this Securiry lastsumen� (b)is not personally.obligated to pay the sums• ��`�
<br /> �:����:��,�., .•.', . .=� �,.,��
<br /> " �. ,�.:„ ; ,:_..• . . secured by this Security lnstrumer�k and Ic)�_?�s i6ai Leeder and any other 8ortower may agee to eatend,modify.forbear �,
<br /> ° � °�•� �' _ . ar make any accommodations witti regard to the.tertrs c,��is Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower:s __�'_�__G�-;;.'�=;--
<br /> �i'.°:'...•.: ,A;� .�°. ,.:
<br /> ` �`--�-�r:w : catrsenG �v�.�,::.
<br /> �. =��...�;,��._ ' -- _
<br /> "����,;; ; 13, Lapn Clwrges. If the toan secured hy this S�•c-arzcy Instrtttaent is subject to u law which sets maximum laan - �
<br /> ���,s
<br /> . '•��`: charges,and tha€L3w is finally i�terpreted so that the intenest or othertpan.c�arges coltected or to be collected in canneciion,,, • .. ---_
<br /> ���'� with the loan excc�i the permined timits,ttien: (a)any such toan clra re�-:tl be mduced by the amoum necessary to reduc�.• —__-
<br /> ����� ' ' the charge to the permitted lim�i:and Ib>any sums already collected fro�-8orrawer��h exceeded permitted limits wi11 be.: . -----
<br /> "`•'��'�°"� 'j� refun de d to Borrower. L e n d e r m ay c h o a s e t o m a k e i t�i.c t Y f u n d b y r e d u c i n g t h e p r i n c i p a T a w e d under the Note ot b y tpakin�e� �� : • �
<br /> t. .
<br /> . f'"'���"� '� direct payment to Borrower_ [f a refund recluces rinci ai.the reduction will be aeatai as a panial.prepaymtent,withoat_any„; _ _ ,�=�
<br /> , ,�,,,� P P ;,+�;F?:��
<br /> . � � . pmpayment charge under tfie Nate. {'n``.�--'
<br /> e":',..*tia.3�
<br /> • � 14. Notices. Any naticc to Borrawer provided for in this Security,lnstrument s�a11 be givea by,delivecing��it orby,: _ :- . �.�,
<br /> • " mailing it by fir.st class mait untess apptica6ie taw requires uce af another method.The ao�ce shaU be di[ected to the Property,�•: =R;;�.: =;;:
<br /> ,�:�°i.. .�,�, Addre�.s or any othec address Horcawer designates by notice to Lender. Any no[ice t�1.ender shAll be given by fins class .
<br /> mait to l.ender's address stated herein or any nther address[.ender designates by notice cv 9armwcr. Any natice provided for
<br /> -�,...Fr��.�_.';' � in thiti Security Instrumem shall bc dcemed ta havc be�n given ta Barrowcr nr Lendcr when given as provided in this :y.�� . _
<br /> . • � parngraph. , -
<br /> r'"" ' 1S. Coverning Law; Severa6ility. Thiti Security lnstrument sSsa(E i�c govemed by fedcral law and the luw of the ,
<br /> � ,.-, � jurisdiction in whieh the Property is IocateQ. t�e the event that any prati•isia:t or claure af thi�Security Instntmenl or the Nate _
<br /> �� � - � conflict�with applicabte inw.such conflict shalt nnt uifect ather provi�ions af tbiv Security Imtrument or thc Note which can
<br /> •'�;,�:,, .. .
<br /> • �'•.,.;,��; .: be given effect withaut ihe conllicting provisian. Ti�this end the pra�:isioati oi thi��Security lnv�trument urtd the Hote are ?::�,;i; �_
<br /> , ,�.:. declared to be severable. �
<br /> Y�.;i,�, ,;����.. 16. Barower's Copy. Horrower�haQ he given one canfarmed copy,af the Nate•undof thi�5ecuriry(nct�ument. , .
<br /> �.;',��„s.._ . . . 17. Transfer otihe Property or a Beneflcial Interest in Barrow�. lf ail or a�y pan of�Ae Properiy oc any interest in �,._
<br /> ' '�`�'r_".`' • tt is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Barrower ix tiold a:tca:�tiferrad�nd Borrower i9 not u natural per�on) .
<br /> �:.,yF^ _. �. � ..� '.�.�
<br /> " � -�;•,,.° crithout Lender's prior written canvem.l.cndcr may,at itti optian,req�'srr imm.ediarep-ayment in full af all sums secured by . _
<br /> � `����r�~,•,.:f°:• '' tf�tv Secudty instrumem. Hawever.thiy��ptian shall not he exercised try Le�dcr if 4�xecri�e i�prohibiteQ by federa1 la+.v ay of ,;.;; .
<br /> �' '{`'''�` � thc date of thiy Sccurily Instrumcnt. '
<br /> ' �`='.T�.�i_,.• .:��.'�1 �.. .
<br /> " �{-• ` lf Lender exerci.reti this nption,Lender.r•hall give Bvrrower noticc a.`accelemtion. The n�tic:rh�ll provide a period of , , ,
<br /> � � . nol less than 30 days frum�hc date the na�icv is dclivered or mailed with:�.which Borrawcr mu�t pay:ill�ums�ecured by Ihi�•
<br /> Security Instrumcnt. If Bcmower fai{ti to pay �he�e�um�prior to the expir.itian ai thiti perial. Lender may invoke any
<br /> • • � remedics permitted by thi.Scrurity In�trument withnut fu»her nrnice or dcmartd on Bunnwer. .
<br /> '� . . . - 18. Barrawer's Right to Reinsfate. {f 8nrrowcr mcct�ccrtain cundi�iart..Aarcowrr sha0 havc thc right to havc t
<br /> � � enforcemcnt of thi�5crurity In�trument diycootinueQ ut:my timr prior to thr�cartier i�f: luy 5 days lor�uch othcr periad as i
<br /> ' � � . ' ' Singlo Fnmity.....Fana��lneftYtddk M1L•h I-�IFON3l�/�1i(tli�i[ilTt•-t'nifonn Cu�•cnrnW,.9lyp Ipuac�nt n pa.r�•.�� ��' .
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