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If sort�wer f�iu w main�irt coverage aeuril�Oa ahove.l.�'�►•� . <br /> � I:rndes'sopqo�,aEl�in coraage to potrct I.endcr's rigdtc in tbe Roperty in xcad�nce with par�graph 7. <br /> ` .Ali isuu�aace PolicKS and rasewaLs s6alt 6e aaceptabtt to Lendtr and shall includc a staudard mortgage ctause: Lsnder <br /> , �at!have the rig2u to ho{d the poltcies and n�ewals..If Lender requires.Barower shall pmm[x�Y 8�ve ta Lender aU teceipts <br /> . oE�id pnemiums and�enewat na�ces. Tn the evrnt of toss.Barowa stdl give.p�ompt nouce to sha insutapce�.aod <br /> ; LsndeL Leoder may tn�Ye Proof.uf[oss if nut made pmmPBY bY Bo�wR si�be lied co restoratiun ot ttpair of <br /> < Unkss[.end�er aad Bamwer otlte[wise agrse'sa wnung.insar�pmcad� apP� <br /> . the ptoperty dun�grd.if the�aation or repctir is ecornomicaliy feuibk and l�e�er's security is not lessened. If the <br /> cestorati�+q or n�paR is na eennomicalJy feasibk a I.ender's security wnuld 6e lessensd.the insurrnce prac�eedc s1�11 be -. <br /> `applied to the aumc savc�d by this Savriry Instroment. wh�ettxr a not then duG with aay excess paid to Bor�ower. If � . <br /> Bonower a6andons the Ptupeny.or doas not�swer within 30 days a rwtice fmm isnder thu the insu�ance curier has <br /> - o�eoed to settk a claim.then 4eader may coUect tM insurance pcocoeds. I.erder may use the prnceeds co�ir or nsta+e . <br /> the P��nperty or to pay swns sec�uod by tdis Saurity tasdumrn�wlxttur or not then due. 'I1K 30�day perivd v�n7t begu►.when � <br />—_ — the nodce is given. • <br /> Lenda and Banawer wi�itivise agree in writing.any applicauaa of proceeds to pr'sncipa!shall not extend of •-- <br />-- postponathe due datt af the manhlY PaYments ref�red m in pacagraphs 1 and 2 or ctiaage the atnount of the payments. If <br /> -- under par�graph 2i the Ptvpeny is acquired by Len�der.Borrawer's right w any insiaance Poticies and p�oce�s resWtiqg,,,• <br /> a <br /> _ from d�mage m the Praperty pnor to ehe acq�isitioli st�aU pass to Lender w the extent of the.sums.S��nd by this Securiry�;. <br /> • (nstrument immedi�oely prior w the acquisidon. <br /> f. O�cy. Preservafbu. 1Vlaieteoance aad Prote�tjar ot tLe PraQerty, Borrower's I.a�n Applicatio�: , <br /> � I�old�. Borr�dwer shall accupy.esc�blish,and use ihe Ptoperty as Bomawers pritxzpal msiden��e arithin sixty days aftet <br /> tse eaavtian of ehis Secvrity Irrsmune�n and shall continue m accupy the Pnoperty as Horrowu's princip�l residence for at <br />- k�st one. year after d�e dat� of occapancy..m�less l.ender otl�erwise ag�ecs in writing. a�iich ccmcem shaU not be <br /> un�asooa6lY withheld.ot uakss entrnnating c�numstances exist which are 6eyond Bomnwer s cr�c�ol. Bamnwer shatl not <br /> destroY,dama�e or im�ur the Ptnpecty.altow the Prupecty ta commit wasta on tfie Pmperty. Bomawu shall . <br /> be in defauit if any forfeiture action or proceeding,ahether civil or begun that in Lender's good faitI�judgment _ <br /> :��•- could result in forfeiwre of the Property or otl�erwise materialiy impair the lien created by this SecuritY Insuument or =__- <br /> � �r:: ---� <br /> " , ;_` I,.ender's securiry interest. Borrowet may cure sucte a default and Provided in paragraph causing t1►e action �_- <br /> ,.-.. or proceeding fo be dismissed with a.niling that,i»l.ender's good faith determiaatian.preciudes faifeiturc of tite Bornaw�"` �;,.�,.�-_ <br /> � �*="; inurest in the Propetty ar other matesial impaim�ent of the lien created 6y this Security In.ncument or Lender's socurit� ,' ��-$' <br /> , ; i ��-� interesG Sorrower sha11 atso be in defautt if Bamawer.duting the toan applicatioa process. gave materially false or .' =-A====--� <br /> inaccurate infom�ation or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with arry materia!intbrmation)in cannettion wItl� ' �'•°-- <br />' �_�, the laan evideaced by the Note, including,but not limited to. representations concerning Bormwerk occupancy of the �'��- <br /> .. Y �".-.' Property as a principal residence. �f this Security[nstrumertt is an a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the pruvisions _�"— <br /> � `� of the Irase. If Borrower acquires fee utle to the Property.the leasehotd and the fee title shal!not merge anless l.endec agcees <br /> � to the merger in writing ��'�'�_ <br />: 7. pnotection ot l.eader's Ri�is in the P���'�i: If Borrower fsdls to perform the covenants and agrart� —��.- <br /> :� ,�:r " contained in this Security lnstrument,or there is a tegal praceeding that may sign�candy affect Lender:s•rights in�e �:��s. <br /> ' i.� ' robate,for condemnatio�or forfeiturc or to enforce lav�rs or regulations).t6en y� - <br /> .�': ;�;;, ; FropertY(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.P ':;�.,:__ <br /> `�� «=> .<�-�..-: l.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Prope�ty and Lender�s righu in the Property. -:..�;.- , <br /> `�'�"``';t''� Lenderk actions may mclude paying any sums secured by a lien which h�s pciority uver this Security Instrument,appeaang - - <br /> , ••.�.,.. � .... <br /> ='F�^�:����'��� in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.A[thougb Lender may take action L:.<� :. `_ <br /> 't e-.�".~;�_�=;::��� under this paragraph 7.I.ender does nat have ta do sa. `� ; - <br /> ��-�. :: Any amoun�q dis6ursed by Lender under this paragrapA 7 tihall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this __ <br /> Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender abmee to othcr terms of payment.these amauntc sha116ear intercst from the . <br /> � - date af disbursement at the Notc rate and tihail be payab2c,with interest upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requesting � _ <br />� . . . ' PaY�G , , <br /> :;�s�;,;��yr .-. S. �'[cKtgage Insuranc� If�nder required mortgage insurnnce as a condition of making ihe loan recured by this <br /> �-�x�.;:,•;�: Security Instrument.BORPW@���:�y the premiums required to maimain the mortgage i�surance in effec�t. If.for any <br /> :..y.���.`._`f.�- ' ... <br /> ,: reason, the mortgage insusance covesage required by Lender lapuw or ceases to be in effec� Borrower shall pay the <br />� • „s��"'":�� premiums required to abain,caverage subctantially eyuivalent to the moRgage insurance previowly in effecl,at a cost = <br /> �;�-:'�- ' substantialfy equivaler.t tc��he cosc to Horrower of the mortgage insurance previou�ly in effect.from an pltes^ate mortgage • _ <br />• � ' �i.:,,�. insurcr approved by Lender. If su�x.ta.�tially eyuivalent martgage incurance cavcrage is nat available.Barrower shull pay to � _ <br /> .,:•'�:> Lender each month u sum equal to one-twelfth af thc ycarly mortguge insurance premium being paid by Borrower w6en the , <br /> `,�'�- `.,, ' �'�'' in.curance caverage lapsed or ceasect to be in effect. l.ender will arrept.use and retai�these paymen�w As a loss reserve in lieu _ <br /> , �?��' ' of mortgage insurance. Loss reservc payments may nn longer be required,at che optian of Lender.if mongage ia�urance �, <br /> . �f � � �'�� • covernge(in the amoumt and far the per�od that Lcncler requires)provided by are e�.curer approved by Lender agai�becomes <br /> , �r�^ '�''.3�:�`' ''� avaitable and ls obtaine3.Borrowrr str�il pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurancc�n effec�or to providc a . <br />� . •�:r'� ;• ,'i 5�,-�,�;,� . � �a�s resen�e.until ihe requirement for mortgage in�urance endr in accordanre with any written agreement betwcen 8orrower , <br /> ,..'� . - ki:. . <br /> =� and Lender or applicable law. <br /> �% . - 9. Insptclion. f.ender or its agent may m:�ce rc�snna6te rntries upon und intipections of ihc Properly. Lender shall � . <br /> �'� ' give Botrower notiee at the time of nr prior to an in�pection+pecifyin�;re�wnahte cauye&�r the inspection. • <br /> r-'";:°: � s 10 Condemn�tio�r. The proceeds of any aKard ar claim for��r consequentiai,in comi:etlon with any E � <br /> �' • <br /> • 5iogTc F�mity-•F'annie Mx'i'reAdie Mx l��E(eRN ItitiTRCS1�rT•-Unifutm C�rvcn;mt� 9i90 r�u�P.�.�Jh furgrv If� <br /> 1' ' '•'�t�'. . txeat Latea Bc+h�Vmne.lae.■ I , <br /> . �;'_ , To U'Qn l'aIL 1�dbOS76lqlt3 U 4A1161&7�J/4131 l <br /> .�`• ''+., �. . <br /> ' --..-.. - .--. .-- ,. . • ' " . ,i . � . _ : . . <br /> .. . , . • c . . .. . . . <br /> . .. � , � ... � • , . <br /> ' , . . . . ._ _ _ .. � . . . � -� . , � ( - : . . � , • - . - . � - . <br /> ` ._ . .. •..:_�_���_-- -�-----..._ . ._ : .. " ' . � - <br /> _ _-_ .. --- -------------- <br /> _.. .__.. ._ ... �..---- . .. ,.... .... . .� . <br /> . . _ . � , . .. . �- .. <br />. ' c. '' ' .� , ,� -- - -- - - -- ---- - - -- -- --- - ----- -- --- - -- ----- -------- - - --- - ---- ---- - -- <br /> _ . - � -• ' � , . - � - - - . : . . - - . . . .. . . 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