-R.� _ . . . =c-.:� :::,'.7,' - .. . � - . - -- ... . ._' _
<br /> - - •� y_,^„i-S� ; - � , ', _ . __
<br /> , . , .. - - - . ° .. . . � .. . _
<br /> - . . _. .::. -_- -. - - - - .__�. . .. _
<br /> . . . - - - -
<br /> -• . , . . � - - -------- - ----�- ----- - --- - -•--
<br /> ._..._�._,.r.- -- --- --- _ J �
<br /> _-- -- - --- -. - - — �
<br /> �= --�ay -t .� _. . �-_ _. :° � _�. � �- . i 9�--' .�o�,�i� . � -
<br /> . applicsbie taw ma}-specif3►for ninauemenc)befae�ak of the Ptopetty�t w any power`of sale oa�air�al in this .
<br /> . �pj�i��mvne-Or(H)e�trY of i jud$m�r1t eAfo[Clilg Lh'is Serluiiy LlShim1�11F. 711ost CO�xCtiqu ue!I�[SOROweF. (a)
<br /> piys I.eoder all sums whicfi tbea woal�be d�unckr ttis Sceurity Insaumeat and the N�te as if ao acoeteratian had
<br /> oecarsed:(b)cv�es aay defaalt of any otba covenants ar a�ents:.Ec)WYS atl expeoses incumd in enfoning Wis Secutity
<br /> . Iastnumw�iacl�ing,but.mt limited to,reato�bie attomeys'fas:and td?takes suc6 action as Lender may reasonably
<br /> tcquine w aswre tl�at ttw.liqA of Wis Securityinstrumea�Lender's rights in the Pioperty and Bor�ower�obligation.to pay the.
<br /> s� sav�+od by thisi5e�uric3!.tnsuu�nent shali cuntinue o�nged. Upno eeiastatement by Borrower. ttiis Securiry
<br /> -- L�sorua�a�t aad t�e ohtlg�lions secu�d Irmeby st�all remau�fisfty effati�re ss if av acveieratian t�ad accurre4. However,th�s
<br /> cigLc co teiauafe sball na apply in t�e case af ac�xternion uader paragraWt 1�. . . • � �
<br /> , �9 Saie at Notr,Cia�a[�,o�s Sp'rieer. 'ltie NoUe�or a pa�tiat interes�in ti�s Note(tagether witb tbis�Seca�iry r.
<br /> Insnument)may De soid oa ar�ho�Qo.ti�?'!'�dwut pria notice to Hamawer. A saie may resuit in a chu�ge in the e�ity
<br /> ; : - (Imown ss the"I.oan Setvicd`)tha"t coUects,$���aly�nents dge andCr the Nae and this Secnrit5►Instruaxni. 'R�ece alsa.
<br /> ` �Y�p�a�o�e chan��d�L�tn'setyy�{ �,�ted to�s�le of the Nate. If tbae is a chauge of the I.oan Senicu,
<br />` � Bamwa wili be given wriaen notia of tbe ctiaaga�in:AocoManoe with�ra�apl�14 above and a�ppiica6le law. Tbe notice
<br />-- � w�!state tbe aame l�nd address of thF new i..our S�cer�xt.d�s add�ess to wLich pay�nents should 6e made. T6e�wtice wilt _
<br />- also cantain any othet inforaiatioa m�ed 6Y aPPUcabiq taN►,�;. -- —.
<br /> _ E, ' storage.or release of an •
<br /> 20. Hmrdo�s S�6sta�ces. Barnwa shall not eadse or,pGnniF tite p�esence.us�e.disposat, Y
<br /> Hazallous Substuicss on a in the Ptapaty. Boaower shat6 not�do:_nor a11oaF anyane etse co do.anyti►ing affecting the
<br /> PtopcKy t6af is in violatioa of any Envimo�tal Law.:Tl�t preooding�two sentapces shaU not ePPty.ta the presence.use.or . _ _-_
<br /> � • staage an the Ptoperty of small quaruities of Hazacdou.s Substances that are generally�recagnized to be appmpriate to dormal . ____
<br />< . _ cesidentiat uses and to maintenance of t[ie Pnoperty. , _-�
<br /> � Bortower sl�alf p�omP�Y Sive Lender vuritten notice a��;uri�stigaEion,claim.deinand,,l�wsait oc c,tbu,.actiai��any -
<br /> - - goYe�nental or�egulatary aBencY ar private party involving d��toperty and any Ha7aridaus�Substancc or.Enviranmentat � '��„'^`--
<br /> Law of which Borrower has acmal imowkdge. If BorE+u�iea�ns, ar is notifie4-by any govem�Y_or.mSulat�Y =_
<br />, autf�ority.that any remo�ial ar other remediation of ari�.$ar,�i'dni�s Substance affecting the Propercy is�y.Borrower =_`---
<br /> � shall p�amptty talce aII necessary remedial acpons in accordazx�e�E[►vironmental Law. , ����� =i=�
<br /> • As ased in this paragrapl�Zl?."Hazardous Substar�ces"are tt�su6stai�ees defwed as toxic:or ha2ardous su6stanees bc• � _,
<br /> • ��,•!�'; - Enviro�ual Law and the following substances: gasoline.k�as�e,other flammable or touc petroleum pradacts.w�uc ' "`�i.�;
<br /> ' .�nd t�erbicides,voiatile sotvents.materiats coataiAieg asi�stos or fom►a2dehyde.and radioactive materials. As � '
<br /> - _ Pestic�de.'� » _ �°r =
<br /> fi • �: .� ,� used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law means federal iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Ptopeiiy is tocafed
<br /> �' that relate w health,safery oc environmental protection. •_s�°
<br /> = ���� :.• � NU�t-UNiFORM COVENANTS. Bomower and Lender futtlier covenant and agree as follows: -.:'•
<br /> . 4 ,��'. �`�=y��� •'� ! 2 L A c c e k r a t i o n:R e m e d i e s. L e n d e r s d a U g ive notice to Borrower petor to acoderation tolbwiag Bon�aaev5� . "�"°".•�
<br /> '"'"-` • � brsac6 nt'auy covenant or ty I n s t r umen t(bu t no t p ri a r t o a c c e k r a t i o n aa d er b 1 7 `�"`'' '
<br />_ .. � u agreement in t h i s S e c u r i P A�Y�P ;:�.... -
<br /> • � .ankss applicsbk taw pravides atherwise). Tbt aotke slwll spccifj: (a)the default;(b)tUe action reqnirM to cure tUe '6`��='';,
<br /> ,: , .
<br /> � ; ' defsalt;(c)A date,aot kss tiwn 30 days trom t6e date We notke is given ta Barrower,by w��ch!Le de€ault must 6e
<br /> .:; .,: , �.
<br /> , cared;and(d)tlu�t tailure to cuce the defantt o�o�betare tUe date specitied in!he notice may resaT���ecekrotion ot _�:�°
<br /> �-�:.-. � tl�e sna�s securM 6y tMt�Security[nshument aad sak of the Property. 7'he�fotke sliait fastAer intorre Borcowee ot —«.��-..;-
<br /> i d_~�' IY�1'1_:� L.
<br /> �- �;•� � tl�e right ro�einctate atte�acalerntion and tNe r�ght to bring a court actioa to assert the eix.ex�stence of a detaatt ar . �.4_,, . -
<br /> `� �-r any oWer dctense o�Barcawer to accekration and sate. It the deiAUl!is not cured on oc before tt�e date apecitied ia ,�;��.�,,}.::•
<br />< `��� �-�t� �� � the notke,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in fall of all sums secured by t6is Securlty it�strument . . __
<br /> 'I�;.�"�' " wit6out turther demand and may invoke the power of sale and any ot6er remedies permitted by applka6k law _ •_
<br /> • ?•�1��"-'-'�^"'°�_ ` Lender sAall Ae entltled to collect all expenses irtcurred in pursuiag the remedies provided in tbis pata�raph 21,
<br /> ��''`�'•�•-'��.� • � including,but not limited t0.reasonabk attorneys'fees and casts ot titk evidence.
<br /> =f;�f-�',��-M,:, It the power ot sale is invoked.Tiustee shaU cecord a notjce ot defauft in each county in which any parl of the ,-
<br /> - �r.••j3�:: '
<br /> ���:3,�t.�; propect�is tocated aad shall mail copkw otsuch notke in the manner p�e.ccribe�l by applkable law to Borrawer and to . � r�
<br /> •��_ _ ..`_�?� , the other pe�ons prescrlbed by applicable taw. After the fime required 6y appiicable faw,Traviee shall give public . _. .
<br /> ���� �o t i C t o f s�l e t o t h e p e t�s o r�.9 a n d i n t h e m a n rt e r p r e s c r i D e d b y a p pli c sble taw Truste�wlthaut demand on Borrower. . • -
<br /> � V '" -""`' '' � sAatl sc11 the Property at public auction to the hig6est 6iAder at the time and place and ander the terms desipnatM in
<br /> < ._:..v:�;.,_��__: .
<br /> -�-� �:� tlie natice of!�te in ane or more parcels and'm airg order Trustee determines. Trustee muy postpone sak ot all o�any , . .
<br /> !,; : _�;.;',-�'`" ; parceE of trhe Propei�ty by pabltc announrement at the tlme and place ot any previouslp scheduleA sate. l.ender or its . �
<br /> t., , ��� . designee may purchase the Prapeny at any sale. :
<br /> � ��•�_. � '`• . Upon recelpt aF payment of tde price bid,Trustee shall deliver!o the purchaser 7rustee's deed conveying tl�e. . . ,
<br /> � '�' ='`�t"Y�;-_.` Property. The rccitays m the Trustee's Aeed sh�I[be prima tacie e�•ldence af the trath of tfie statements made therein. �i�;, . _
<br /> . • K ;#•:{�. ; f Trustce shall s�pply ti�e praceeds of the sale in the followinR ordee: la1 to all costs and expenses ot exercising the pow�ec ,:-f'',., , _-
<br /> ' • ��f��Y ' r ; ! , 1 . .•"
<br /> �" E� ,,�,�,�`�:�;. � .
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