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<br /> and fuaues nnw or henatter a p�rt vf the p�op�ty. AI!rePlacemm�s and addipans shall atso be caaered by this Security .
<br /> Instrumen� AU of 16e foregoing is referted ta in this SecuritK Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> �.� � BORROWER COYENAN'fS that Barrower is tawfulty seised of the esCUC he�eby wnveyed ar.d t�as the rigtrt ta grant
<br /> and ooavey the PropeRy and that thc Ptoptrcy is unencumbered.eacept for encnmMances of recard. Barow�wart3nt�and _
<br /> wi]}defend ge�callY tDC 6tk m tlfe Ptnpc�rty agains[all ctaims and derttands.subjoct to any encumbrarxes of recm�d.
<br /> - THIS SEC[1RITY INS;TRUMENT rnmbines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenatus with
<br /> _—�__-------- _ _ . rmited variaaoos 6y jurisdiction to,caastiwce a uniform securiry�mx�t covering reat pr,operty. • - — - ---- -
<br /> -= UNIFORM COVF.NANTS. Bor�ower aM Lender covenant and agiee as foitaws: __
<br /> - -- l. Paymeat ot PrLcipd aad Iete�st;Prepsyment a�ad Lslc C6uges. Barrower shai!promP�Y I�Y arhen due[M _ _
<br />-- ' Principa!of and'u►tercs�on the debt evidenced by the Nnte and anY P�PaY��and tate charges due under the Note. —=-
<br /> i Fi�ds fo�Taus a�d 1� Subject to applicaMe law orto a wriuen waiver by Lender.Har�ower sh�1t pay m
<br /> - L e n d c r on t h e d ag m o n t l�l Y P a Y m e n t s u e d u e u n Q e r t h e N o t e,u n t�t 6 e N n t e i s p a i d i u full,a sum l"Furtds")for.(a)Y�Y =---
<br /> taaes an�!�cs whicti may attain priority over this Security lasmrmem ac a lien on the Property:(b)Yearly ieasehotd
<br /> PaY�� °f S�b�ts an tUe Ptq�erty, if any: (c) YeartY i��d or property insurance premiucns:(�.YeutY Aood ----
<br /> - iasuru�ce premiums,if any:(e)YeaslY mortgage insursnce preiti�ms.if any.and t�a�Y sums paya6lc�hy Bor[awer to -_
<br />- Le�s in accotdance with the provisioas of paragr�ph 8.in Geu of tlie Qayment oi moctgage insutance premiu�. 7hese --
<br /> items are calkd"Escrow Items." I.ender may,at ai►Y time,collect aud botd t'vnds in an amount not to exceed the maximom _ --
<br /> � amount a tender for�a federally retated mortgage loan may require fa Borrower's escrow account und�er�he federal Real �_�-�-_
<br /> Fstate Settlemenf Pmcedu�es Act of 1974 as ameaded from titne to time,l2 U.S.C.§2b01 et seq.("ttESPA").iutIess anotlier-' �.:,�.�_
<br /> - law tbat appiies to the Funds sets a lesser aa�aunL [f so.Lcnder may,at any time.collect and hold Funda in an amount not to ;!�-��•,-a--�--
<br /> exceed t6e tesser amoun� I.ender may estimate the anww�t af E'unds due an ihe 6asis of cutEent data and tpa.sonable- ''�-`_
<br /> �-` � �"� ---
<br /> . estiroaus of expenditures of future Escraw Items`or whervYise in accordance witi►applicable taw. • , =-'p;
<br /> -- - The.Funds shall be held in an insritutian whose deposiu are insured by a federat agency.instrumentality.or entity •`'`'"-:fl:_
<br /> ;Y t��� (includiag l.ender.if Lender is such an institutian)_or in any Federrl Home Loan Bank. Lender shail apply the Fuads to pay - -.;�- -
<br /> � the Escrow Items. Lender ntiay not cdarge Borrower for holding and app[ying the Funds.annnally az�aiyting the esccow -`:3��"=
<br /> • :.Y. ..� s Borrower interest on tite Funds and a licable law anits `'r"�?��
<br /> :�:;;�.,�'i l.,N> . accoun�or verifying the Escrow Items.aniess I.ender pay PP Pe _
<br /> , •=���+F,�;;.; ,•; L.ertder w make such a rharge. However;Lertder may naguine Borrower ta pay a one-time charge for an independent�+eal � --
<br /> ,. ., . estate t�c reparting savioe used isy i.cndeF�cortnecdon wiih this ban.unt�applicabIc law pt�ovides 4the�wise: Untess an _. —_ � -
<br /> ��. ..,,_•f•.: a�r�ent is made or applicable taw requims irnerest to be paid,Lender stiall not be required to pay Botrower any interest or . ^:��� -
<br /> " '�"`'•� �' '• " ` � ' eainings on the Cunds. Boaower and Lender may agree in writing,huwever,that interest shall6e paid on the Funds. Lender T
<br /> '-' - '. shail give w Barrower.without charge,an a�m.aal accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits ta the Funds and the . . ..
<br /> '�, . e. The Funds are le ed as addirional securiry fm all sums secumd by - ,�-°
<br /> � purpase for which each debit ro the Funds wasmad p d8 . ��:
<br /> , . . ` ,.",:,�,... r _ , thisSecaritylnswmen� . , , =-�°
<br /> = �_'=- If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the�ainounu pertnitted to be held by applicable taw.Lender shall accouat m� � °- �r-
<br /> �" ' `. . � Baaower for the excess Funds in accotdance atith the reqwrements oi applicable law. (f the amount of the Funds he[�by . � :�:: �`�
<br /> , -� :•.;: Lender at any time u not sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when due,Lender may so Ratify Bomower in writing�����' •.i ;,��f�,'..•',� _'-"-
<br /> ' • - such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount neccssary to make up the deficiertcy. Borrower shall make up the . ```��'' "
<br /> �.:.��` ...,t:.
<br /> � deficiency in no more than twelve monitily pay�rte*its.at Lendet s sote discrr�ion. . _ �
<br /> SCr t _�_L
<br /> �ti
<br /> � � Upon paymem in fuU of all sums secured tsy this Security Instrume�-ikender shall promptly refund to 8orrower any , �.-�°
<br /> Furtds hetd by Le�der. If.under paragraph 2E.Lender shall acquire or seli the Property.Lender,paor to ihe acquisition or � � �-'a
<br /> ' � sate of the Praperty,shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisitian or sate as a creclit against the sums � ." �' `�;
<br /> � • ' secured by this Security Instrumen� � � r
<br /> � 3. Application of PUymeats. Untess applicable taw provides otherwise, all payments rcceived by l.ender under ;�
<br /> � paragraphs i and 2 shalt be applicd:firct.to any prepayment chuges due under the Note;yecond.ta amaunts payabtc under ,. -�
<br /> • - paragraph 2:third.to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,tu any late charges due under the Note. , ti
<br /> ' � •• 4. Charges;Liena Horrower shall pay al! taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributabte to the
<br />• Praperty which may attain priority over this Sccurity In trument,and leasehotd paymcnts or ground rents,if any. Borrower .. ,
<br /> . shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in par�h 2,oc if not paid in that maztner.Barcower shall pay them on � -
<br /> • time direcily to the per�on owed paymen� Horrower shall promptly fumish to Lcnde�aIt r.�tices of amounts ta be paid under . ; ,
<br /> � , this paragraph. !f Horrower makes thece payments directly.Bos�rower shalt promptty fumisfl to Lender receipts evidencing . :h•y,.�.
<br /> the payments. . ., .;...°
<br /> '.:',.°�:.:;;.
<br />• ' � � $orrower sball promptly discharge a�y lien which has prioriry over�fis Securily insirument untess Borrowes.(a)a�tees � ;;,,�Y��;
<br /> - . in writing to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in goad fai�!�the -;°���`'
<br /> ' , lien by.or defends against cnforcement of thc lien in.tegal p:cx:re.dings which in the I.cnder's apjnion operaie to prec�t the � • '.���.�T;;;'
<br /> � ' �� � enforcement of thc lien;or(c>secures[ram the halder of the lien an agreement rati�factory to Lcader subardinating¢h:lien ( � • • ° ��''-,
<br /> • to this Security Instrumem. lf Lender determines that any part of ihe Praperiy is subject ta a tien wfiicl:may attaln priority � ,
<br /> ovcr this Secutity lnswment.l.ender may give Borrower a nalice identifying thc licn. Borrawer shal!saiisfy the Hen or take
<br /> `' . one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of s:otice. � • •
<br /> • ' • 5. Haz�rd or Psaperty Insurance. $onower shalt kcep ihe improvemcnts naw existing or heceafter erected an the , - �
<br /> � Property insurcd against loss by rfne,hazards inrludcd within the term"extendcd cov�rage"and any ather hazard9,inctuding
<br /> , floods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance �hall he maiasained in the amounts and for the .
<br /> ; .
<br /> < < .
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