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<br /> ' ,petiods fE�t L`ender requins. 71x i�.wrar�ce s�rrier pmviding the insura,n�e shali be eht�en 6y Bortower suDject ta Leader�
<br /> , appcovaT which shalt nat be umeasanably withheid. lf Bomawu fnils to mvntain mverage desca'bed above.Lender ma�.at
<br /> Lender s optioa.obt�in coverag8 w ptotect Lcader;s rights in.the Propcn}in xcordaaee with paragraph 7.
<br /> - — AIt iqsur.�oc policies and renewats.sliall be acceqable to Lepder and shaft incltsde�standard mortSage ctause:Lender `�
<br /> ----° • _ shall have the right m hotd the poliries and renewats. If Lender�rquires.Borrower shait prompdy give to Lender all reeeipts � —
<br /> -- of paid praniw�ts and c�newa!notices. In the event af toss,Hortower shall give pcompt notice m the insurance cacriet and ,
<br /> � - Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made prompety Dy Borrouer. __--
<br /> — - - _-_ ' Unlesc Lender and Sbsru�r aherwise a�ee is a�riting.ts�sur�aee praeeeds sha!!6e applied to cestoration ar repait of =_�v__�.
<br /> _ , tiic Property daznaged.if 1he restorarioa or cepair is eooaomicalty fe�si6le and l.ender's securiry is na lessened. If the __
<br /> - -- �on a npair is not eeanomicalty feasibte or I.ender's secutity would be[essened the�ituurance pmceeds shaU be =
<br /> applied to the sums sectried by this Secerrity Instrumen�whether or not then due.with at►y exces.s paid to Bottower. 1f __
<br />�,', - BaROwer abandoas the Prope�ty.or does not an.swer within 30 days�Aotice.from Len�ier that the insuranc�carrier h� � �=-
<br /> , offemd to seule a elaim.then Lender may callect the insurance praceeds. E.ender may ace the pmceeds ta repair or restoce ��.�:_—__ _
<br /> . , the Pcoperty ac io pay sums sectu�d by this Secvrity Insuuinent.wiiether or nat then due. The 3Q�day�eriod wil!begin when ��
<br />� ` the notice is given: • . . �"': — __
<br />� - - "` Unless Lender and Borr�nwer o�hecwise agree in writing,any�pplicadon of praceeds to principal shall not eatend or �--- --�`-_
<br /> _.,..._.� postpone thc due date of the monthly paymen�s refemed to in Para�raPtu �and 2 or change ttie amaunt of�tbe payments. If - 1�;�;,,,�-� ��;;�=;>
<br /> . - � u���p�pt�21 the Property is acqaired by Le�tder.Bomnwer's right to au2Y insurance potic�es and ptoceeds resulting �.:�
<br /> � � . ftom damuge w the Pioperty prior to the acquisitton shail pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secuied by this Security ----:;�..���..
<br /> `u� Instrument immediately paor to the acquisition. =:��`.-�1---�- -
<br /> - ',,�":::� ---_
<br /> ' 6� Occupaacy, Preservatioa, Maiutenance and Protection of the PropErty; Borrowe�'s l.aan Application: �?;�!�.�j
<br /> �' ��-�_ I.easebotd.s Borrower shall occupy,estatitish.and use�he Property as Barrower's priucipal residence within sixty days after - •� : _
<br /> tfie execution of this Security Insuument atid sh�ll rnntinue to accnpy the Pro�eity as Borrowers principal residence for at , "y:�'�?=-=
<br /> -- Ieast one year aRer tf�e date o€occupaney. unless Lender dherwise � in writit►S, which consent xhall na 6e �• :�___
<br /> `� - unieasonabiy withhetd.or unless extenuaung ci�amstances exis�t whicir a�e.�;i�nd Borrowes's control. Borrower shall aot 4� � -.'.�-
<br /> . , . destroy,d�amage or impair the Prapeny.allow the Praperty to deteriarate.c:::a�it w�te on the Prapeny. Bc�rrower shall ._ _ _
<br /> , ;~'•;.ti�, �,_;:�;:-���I be ip default if any focfeiture action or proceeding.whether civil ar crimi�s.��egun that in Lendcrs good faith judg_rt�edt '_ _ - • _-
<br /> '�'= wuld iesult in forfeitare of the Property or otherwise materially impair�a.i'ren created tiy this 5ecurity Instrument or __
<br /> ` �i'ha 4'.' . ,� _—
<br />��: . _ �'� � l.ender's security intec+est. Bomower may cure such a default and reinxtate,as p.�tided in paragaph 18,by causing the action __
<br /> � '�'"�•�� ��` or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling tha�in Lender's good faith dete�e�tion,preciudes forfeiture of the Bortuwer4 �
<br /> . ,::�
<br /> � -�:;- �:�'. �:; interest in the Propercy or other material impaimient of the lien created bp this Security In,trument or i.ender's security �
<br /> � _� interes7. Borrower sha0 ulso be in default if Borrawec. during the laan apphcation process, $ave materially false or -. �
<br /> '`.. •��'E" inaccurate informarion ar statemenx5 to Lender lar failed ta provide L�ender with any material infamration)in catutection witt� • '�=,
<br /> ������� the loan evidenced by the Note. inc;luding, but not limited ta. represeatations concemiag Bonower's• accupancy of the -�s��
<br /> . -...;,� :� ,�,��'{�,:.• � -=�_=_-
<br /> Property as a prinripal residence. if this Security lattrument ison a teasehold.Borrower shall rnmpfy with all the provi.sians �
<br /> � `.���`� ' ���' ���'a• of the lease. If Sorro��acquires fee title to the Property.the leasehold and che fee title shatl no�merge nntecs Lendec agre�s , r_
<br /> � ;,'S�;;�1� ,t`^`�, - to the merger in writu�;. . � oem th covenants and a eements � .. ;;'�-"__ —
<br /> �r�}:�;{.=_;:=r<,���,r'�t4,�,, � 7. Protecttua'of l.e�der's Rights in the Property. if Borrower fa�'Is co pexf e S� ,._`=_-
<br /> = j �:;:,� rantained in this Securiry Insuument.or there is a tegal praceeding that may significant[y affect l.enderti rights irt the N�"-��
<br /> -� �;'�-, s . s•`=.,��';r, , Property fsueh as a prceeeding in baelcraptcy,probate,far candem�stion�r farfeitum or ta enfocce laws.ar regulatians),then ';� �t��.`-
<br />'"�� • `:. ' , l.ender may do and pay for whatever is necestiary to pratect the value of the Prape[ty attd[.ender:s rigMs in the Propecty. '`'•''?
<br /> ' • Lender's actions may iaclude paying any sums secured by a tien which ha+priority aver this Security Instrument,appearing ' . ,� ``
<br /> , • r
<br /> • in couR,paying reasanable attomel•s fecs and entering an thc Praperty to make repairs,Aithaugh Lender may take acuon , �_ F
<br /> � under tfis paragraph 7.Lender daes nc�t have ta da so. • . • '
<br /> ' �� _ Any amountc disbuned by [.et�der under thi.r paragraph 7 shall became additional deb[of Borrawer+ecured by this . •
<br /> ' Sccurity instrument. Untess Borracvcr and l.ender agrec to ather tem�s of payment,thcse amaunts tihall bear interest from thc . . . ; 3
<br /> � date oi disbunement at the Note rate and tihall hc payahle.with intcrest.upon notice from I.ender ta 8arrower requesting _
<br />_ -. - ' Payment. _
<br /> • . `� ,. '_ 8. Mortgage Insuranee. lf Lender rcquired mangage incurance as a canditian of making the loan secured by this , _
<br /> . ' •� Security Instrument. Borcc►wer shall pay the premiums required to maintain the martgage insurance in effect. If.for any • . :.
<br /> � � rea.�an.ihe mortg�ge imurance raverage required by l.endec tap�e. or rea�e� to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the - ,,; �,
<br /> ' ,�:. :.. premidms required to obtain cover.�e substantially equiva}tnt to the m�rtgage in�uranc�e previously in et'fect. a� a cost • ;.•:,,,;,,.,�{�, .-.�
<br /> • � substanti�lly equivalent to thc cast td S�rc���v�r��S thc m�nguge insuranc�pr�viou,ly in etfect,from an altcmate maesase , ,.::;;-�;: .,�}: ..;
<br /> 'f ' ' � -- insurer npproved by L.cnder. If substantially cquivalcnt mongu�r in+urunce covcragc iti not available.Horrawer shall pay ta •_ ,�,��;t
<br /> � l.ender eacb month A sum equal to onc-twetfth of�hc yearly mo»gagc in.suranc�prcmium being puid by Borrawer whcn thr ,.:�.�,,�_
<br /> __ � • . - . iruurance wvcragc lapsed or cr�.yeJ u>�:in cffcct: Lendcr Nill acccpt,u�c and retain thcsc puytttcntz;►.5 a lo.rs reserve in licu k�;',"
<br /> , .,--:,L_,.
<br /> , � _ ; af mortgage insurance. l.a+s rr�erve�r.►ymcnts may nn lungcn c�rcyuircd,at�hc��ptiun�f Lcndcr, if mortgagc inturance _ ,
<br /> � covcrage(in the umaunt and for the pericKi th.0 l.endcr requirc�)pn�vidcd by an in�urcr appraved by Lendcr agam bccome. _ . .
<br /> - - uvailable and is at+ttd�ed.Barrinver.hall pay the premium.rcquirrd ta maintain mortgagc�n.4ur.mcc in effcct,or ta pmvidc u • .
<br /> , . , . � lotis rescrve.until thc�u{uircmcnt far m�mgugc in.urancc rnd+in accord:mcc whb any«•rittcn agrccm�nt l+ctwcen Hartowcr � •
<br /> • �� °• � and l.endcr or applicab�c law. ��' , . .
<br /> ', 9. ln!►pection. L.�,mdcr��r it�agent niay makc rca,onahlc cutricr upun and in�pccli��m vP Ihr Pruperty. l.ender tih.�ll
<br /> • givr Honawer notice at Ihc time��f or pri�v t��an in��xctian�pccifying rca�onabtc c�u�c far thc in�pcctinn. � �
<br /> • • • � . 1Q. Condemnation. The pr�xecd.��F:my t�w,�r�l ur claim G+r damagcti.direci or camcyurnliul.in�unnectian wi�h any .
<br /> Sii�glc Namily-•FenN�t1ac11irQdie�tac 1'�IFI)ICU l�ti'fRi'111�:fi"1'•-t'niWm�C���cnaiur Y�90 ��nit�•�.,ln prii�•.r � �
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