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<br /> ` ` pondetqnation or ottxrtaking of any part of the Ptopen�y.or for canveg�nce in lieu of cor�mnatian.are hereby�ccisned ana
<br /> - shall b�paid w Lmd�r. . ' - �
<br /> � Iti t1�e.e�r�st of a tntal t�king of the I'ivpert}t. the proceeds 'h�t ke applied�tu the tiom.�und by this Security
<br /> - �lnstrumeab whet�r oi not then due.with any excess paid to�Bor�owe�, In thc e��cttt of r p:snial taking af the Property in.. „
<br /> �aluch tlte lair market vatue of ttie Propeity immediatefy befure[he taking ic cyuat to or greater than the amn�nt oi ti�e sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrumene immgQiately before the t�tcins,unless Bprrow•er and t�sn�t�r.Nitenvice agree in writing.
<br /> - � the sums secu�d by this Securiry Instniment shall be redu�ed by the amount of the procccd.ti muttipiicd by th�:foitowing
<br /> _-� ��. Eaf��«��m��;���;m�diately.before the taking.`divided by lb!the fair market valuc of the __ _ �_
<br /> Ptoperty imnxdiately 6efore the taking. Any bata�e shall be_P�id to B�rrow•cr. in thr eaert of n partial taicii�g of the
<br /> Pioperty in which the fair�m3tket value of tbe Pmperty immed�tety before thc tal:ing is tc�r tha�►�he amount of Ihe xu�n:.
<br /> secured immediately before the taking.untess Bortower and Lender othen►ise:�er�c� in writiog or un�ess�plirable trw
<br /> — wt�rwise provides,the pcoceeds sfiall 6e applied to the sums secuned by this Security lnsuumcnt K�hether ur no[the�ums are -
<br /> then duc. .
<br />=5=. � lf the Ptoperty is`abandoned 6Y Bom°""rer.or if.after notice by L.endec cn Bacrowec thri the co�demncx offers ta make __
<br /> an award or settle u clairh for damag�.Bocrower fails w respund to lxnde�within 30 days after the<latc the notice is given. ----
<br />.° (,e}tder is autltorized to cot]ect and appty the praceeds.at its option.either to restorrtion ar repair uf tho Prapecty or_to the -
<br /> - sujns secumd By this Security lnsvument,whethe�ar noc then due. r , _ . . . -_ --_
<br /> Untess lxndes aad Bo�roxer atherwise agree in writing.any applicatioa of proceeds tp prinripa►shall not extend or =- _
<br />. postpone the due date of tde montAly payments r�eferred to ir�paragapt�.c t and 2 or change th�amount of wch payments. ��-
<br /> " 1t. Bommver NoE Itekased; F� By l.endec Not s VYaiver. "Eactcnsian �f �be time for payment or �_-
<br /> modification o€amoct`vatiod of the sums cecured by this Security[nstrument granted by_l.ender ta any successor in intercst =_ __
<br /> of Ba�naw�;�?a1}not operate'to telease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's�nccesson�n interesl.Lender � _--_--
<br /> - �sHaU`na¢��onres!tu'oi�mence P��ceedir�&s aga�nst a�y successor in interest oc refuse to extend time far paymen[or r _
<br /> "•,�uix�ise'mail'�a�'�n of the sums secured by this Sscurity Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original � --
<br /> - • .',gor�uweraicBo�mwe'�'successors ia interest. My for6earance by Lender in exercising any ri�hl or remedy shalt not be a �=_--
<br />��� . . .• .vi�sivera€arp�eciadetheeue�iseofanycightoGCemedy. • ���"
<br /> hJ / �.='---.�_
<br />�:�:,, , �: #2.:S�ooessorg aad Ass�gnc Bauad;Joint and Severst)Liability;Casignec� The cavenants�nd agreement+of this ��-:�:�.-
<br />.:�;t : :i� ' 5ecnrit}.H�srur�ment shall bind and 6enefit the successon and assigns af Lender aad Barrower,subject to the provisivn�s of ��
<br />'"�� - 'r:� � 4'� Bo er's covenants and agreemen��:shal)be joint and several. Any Barrower who catiigns this Security
<br /> �S*aPl� .•` R4w�.�.__ .�f=�`;_��:
<br /> lnstrument but does nat execute the Nate: (a)is co-signin�t�is Securlty Itumtment anly to mun�age.S�ant and convey t6at
<br /> � ;.:��...:.=:�
<br />� • � � Bormwer's interest in ihe 1Pavperty ander the terms af this Security lnstcument: Ib)is nat penonaqy obligated to pay the sumx --.
<br /> . _-•;� � .. secuted by this Security H►�rumen�and(c}ag�ees that Lender and any other Borrawer may agree ta extend madify.fotbear � ' _�
<br /> �:_:K�..-...' _
<br /> E�� --`���,-';;.' o�make any accommodatioas with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the NIote without thai Burrower:s . .
<br /> . .,�;�-r. cansen� �':-:r f ''�..y:.- -
<br /> �'� ,�. . 13. LoAt►C11Arge�. If the loan cecured�by this Security ltutntment ic subject to a Iaw which sets muzi�num loan •- -
<br /> �'�'` ifiarges,and that law i�finalty interQreted so that the i�terest or other toan charges collected or to be collected in connection ;;?f��':� :=:-
<br /> i:1:"� �' �' - `- �-' ,� ::::u,ith the loan exceed the,peimitted limits,then: ta)any ruch loan charge shall be neduced by the amount necessary to ceduce ;,���� ��
<br /> e �-
<br /> .:r!'',.� �� � ,�I-,actrarge ta the pesmiite�;tanit:and(b>any sums already collected fram Barrower which excecded permitted limits will be `}�.#,-�rF_`�
<br /> `=�:.':��' . � -�• =,��� "'� cefunded ta 8osmwes. I.ender may choose to make this refund by mducing the principal owed ander tfie Nate ot by making a -':.=' ?`;'-;—_-
<br /> � �'�'�Y � : diiect pa}iaeat ca Boaower. If a refund reduces principal.the reductian will be tr�ated ati a paRial prepayment without anY t `=��"�=`
<br /> �'�.'"���� prepayment charge undec the Nate. "'!
<br /> ' .f,�''i�� _ RY'ul9!5Yi�
<br />, � �r?�;,;t-.;���.= 14. Notices. Any Rnuce to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument yhall be given by deliverins it or by ,s=,__
<br /> -'� '��=y�(�- ' mailing it by firtt cla.�.s mai!unless applicable law requires use of anathe�methad.The natice tihall be directed to the Praperty : �l,`'':°u-�
<br /> •Y� •�'�'�� �
<br /> • : .i..z -..,� ��. Addres.c ar any other addr�ss Barrawer de�+ignates by notice to Lender. Any notiee tn Lender shall be given by fir5t clacc ' `'•',T�,�;�?
<br /> � •.••., : .�. _- �
<br /> . ��.c�,�.�t _ mail ta Lender's addnss ttated hercin or any other addre,c Lender designateti by naticc to fioaower. Any notice provided for ." .�;r��;:
<br /> a �=�•i=.�' s b P ,.�,�•..;:-
<br /> �.�, } in this Security Inrtrument shall be dcemcd to have been iven ta Borrawcr or Lcn�cr when �iven as rovided in ihis • �
<br /> .±�,� ;�':;:=� paragraph. . , �:�.f':�_'-_
<br /> ��'���'»-��:=,'' 15. (.overning Law;5everability. This Sccurity Instrument +hull be gcwcrned by fedcrat law and thc!aw af the , `����
<br />. =�-��;�-•;;• .:_-__
<br /> .. .�� °•' ` � jurisdiction in which the Pzoperty is lacated. In the event that any provisian ar clause of this 5ecurity lnstrument ar[he Nate -
<br /> � '''-`�"'�� ` �- � aonflicts with applicabt�faw,such conflict shull nat affcct nthcr provi�ianm of thic Security 1ntilrument ar the Nate whieh can ���'�••-
<br /> . . a�;�;,; � • ,,; ••`•,__
<br /> :3F:�-:,;`.�.',`:' be givea�cfffect withaut the conAicuna pravision. Te�thi+enJ the provi�ion��►f thi.5crurity Instrument and ihe Nate are . :
<br /> sa 4•":
<br /> � . r declared taUK severable. . • � L�'�' =°
<br /> � �`.:; .�"..� . 16. Bc�'i'ow'er's(,"6,py. Borruwec�hatl l�e given ane conformed capy uf the Nute:�nd c�f thiti Serurity In�irument. ' ,,.�►_;
<br /> ''� " ` � l7. 7lranster oftl�r�ropeMy nr A Benefldal lnteres!in Borrow•�r. If all ur uny pan of�hc Property ar any intere�t in ' � � �'�'•�"�-°
<br /> tt�T�6.�r�,_,. ,,.'„
<br /> � •.�;,.,� ;�.. it i!�sold or tranxferted(a=if a beneficial intere�t in 8orcawer is.uld or trun�fcrred und Borrower is nu� a n:�tural personT !�"�.� ���
<br /> ti_ �^;.,;��-•_: • . without Lendery prior written conren�l.endcr muy.at it�optian,requirc imm�Yiiatc paymcnt in full af ull sums serurcd by i;:;;�.. `^�-.
<br /> . F -,-- -� �. ehis Security l�strument. Nowever,thiti o�tinn tihall not be excrciscd by Lr.ndrr if rxercise ir prnhibited by fedcral law as af � ; �`��:�
<br /> �. �.,�;_�+,:,.,;:�;,`.,' �-. .a.«-
<br />. ;,;�:;�;�;.:�,;�, the date of ihis Security Instrumcnt. • F ��': �
<br />. L 3-�-_,?:.�i.'� . . . If l.eader exerci�e�this option,Lender�hall give 8urrua•er nutice oi acccicrati�m. The nulire�h;dl proviQe t�pericxt oi . • "'��'��
<br />, . ;:�_'`.. .,, a. , 1.
<br /> nnt Icss than 30 days from thc dutc thc nMicc iti dclivered ar'ntailcd wi�hin which Hurruwcr mu�t�r�y:ill sum�:rccurcd by this
<br /> , . • Security Instrument. If Borrowcr f:�i�s ta pay�hcsc �umti pricu tn.thc expiratiun uf�hi.periud, Lrnder may invukc any � . .
<br /> • _ ° remedieti permitted by this Security Instrument without furlhrr n��ticc ur dcmanJ an Buru���•rr. .
<br /> �'`` � ` `'��� 18. Bo�rower's Iti�ht tn Reinstate. Ii Borrowcr meelti certain cundili�+nti. 8urruaer .rt�all havc tho rigM tu havr . �
<br /> ;,.;
<br /> ��'�,.:=',:""�, � enforcemcnt of this Serurity lnstrum�m�diticominucct ut:nty�inte priot u�thc carlicr nf: ia)5 day�lur�ucl�other�xri�xl as .
<br /> �,'.s. , - , singtr Namiy--iunnic�tac/Yrcd6lc Nac fti1FUR111Vti1'ltT�tE%7'•-l�uitorm C�wrnaot. 9;911 rpu;e J n/'h pp�i•�� ` ' �
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