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<br /> �u 'j'Q('1�'j���9u fbC!tIlpfOY�tl!ltltS ifOW 6C�fG[C�Cf tfCCtC(1 Ol1 i�1C p[0j1CRy,�Q 3ll C3SCf0011i5.3�`
<br /> and fixtut+es now o►GaraRe�a Pazt of the property- All teplacemrnts and additians shall aiso,be coveotd by this Sarority ,
<br /> teswmen�. All of ttrc foregaiug is refermd.to in dtis Seairity Luwment as ti�e"Roperty:' - :,:
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN'f5 tda[Born�wci is lawfally seisod of the estate[tereby conveyed�nd has tbe right to grant �
<br /> , , and catvty the Ptoperty aud that ti�e Ptapeity is uAencum6e�d.except for enaimbrances of mcord. Boimwer warrar�u aud
<br /> v�iilt defend genaaUy tt�e titk to the P�npe�ty aSainst all claims and dema�xls.subject ta any eocembrances of recocd. _._
<br /> - -- - - TEIIS ���7Ri'I9! Il�SS7RUMENT tantbines uaifant coveaams fo�national use and.nan-uniform cavenants with = - _� ___._�_�.
<br /> I��d�ariuions(ry jurisdaction to constiwte a unifo�m security instrument covering ieal proporty: ' . _
<br /> LTDTffORM C1QVENAN7'S. 8ortowesxM Lsndecrnvenant and agree as follows: _,'
<br /> - = L �iysnt otPrbuip�l aad Lterest:PreWYaKatasd Latc C6si�s. Batawer shall P�mP�IY PaY when due tlie - t�=_�—-___
<br /> - principal of add ime�est on the debt evidenced by the Note amd anY FreFaYme�t and late chuges due under We Not�. �_��__------_—
<br /> L Fti�ds for Tues a�d las�ra�ca Subject to applirable taw or to a writitn waiver by Lender.Barnwer sdall pay to� ___- __- v_
<br /> � Lender oa d�e day monWIY 1�Y�nu are du�undes thc Nau.andl the Note is paid in fuil.a sum f"Funds')for.(a)Y�Y . =--�---- -
<br /> . taxes�d assessments which may attain priaity ovcr this Secucity instiument as a lien on ihe F�operty:A�)Yearly.ieasehold .� . •_- —
<br /> � - PaY�s°�� mnu on dre Propeny. if 3ny. lc)YeartY �d°r ProP�Y ��e P�was: (d) Y�Y � •�r '�°6.
<br /> mns,�f an .(e3 Y�Y�iasurance premiums.i f any:a n d t�anY.�Pa S�te b y Borrower to ���•."°'
<br /> _ � � ingar.asce premi Y' ,='
<br /> .. F� �{ Lerder,in�anca witi�tl�e.pmvisians qf pacagrapiy 8.in lieu of the payrnent of mattgage i�.�e pcemiusn.s. 11x�se ` �'". ._ -----=n-
<br /> pa a
<br /> _ ;�;� items are called"Fscrow Items." L�ender may.at�y tirne.coRect and hold Funds in an arnount aot to exceed tl�nraximum �-„�,,::�.___�
<br /> amount a lender far a federaily relafed martgage loan may require[or Bortuwer's�escmw ac�.rount under the federal Rea1 =-�-� -_-@°�°`°
<br /> ., -,�:;,�
<br /> ' Estate SeWea�ent Procedures Act of 1974�s amendcd from time to tiine.l2 U.S.C.$260t et seq.t"RESPA'�.nnless another ';;.'s:�._:=, --
<br /> raw d�at appties to!he Funds sets a tesser amoun� If so.ixnder may.at any time,collect and hotd Fimds in an amamt not to _ '.�-.;� _�`
<br /> - exceed tt�e tesser a�namt Lcnder may zstimate the amount of Fands dee oa the basis o€currenc�ata and reasonable . -..M1.*-�=�:�
<br /> ,:-;.
<br /> -�`: estimates of expertditnres oi future Escmw Itetns or otherwise in accordae�ce withapplicable law. �:. . . ��:�;:'�
<br /> �� 1Le Fvads shall be hetd in an institution whose`dePasits are insurod by a federal agency.itt�x�tality,a�r eatity :..r`_�-
<br /> . �r c:•�_
<br /> �;�: ("mciuding l.ender.if l.endec is such an insdtution)or in any Federet Home Loan Bank. Leader shall�'��.'te F�ds to pay . ,f._;�
<br /> •�.��.-
<br /> - :�- :' : the Escrnw Items. Lcnder may not charge Bomower for holding and aPP�nB�Funds.annuaily anaiyz��esrrow ...:•":-:s-,t=.,,
<br /> .�;s.t..t,` . � .';i—
<br /> ,.,.�,. aocuua�or verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays B�mnwer interesc on the Funds and applicabte caa�emtits . :,:�., �
<br />- ''' -i,e�der w Atake such a charge._However,I.ender may reqai�e Borrower to pay a nne-time charge far an indepe::dent real _• s„!'±;t,�:•R-
<br /> � ` ' {�'�'T�'-� , .,?. estate tax teporung secvice used by Lender ia connec6on with this loan.unless applicable law provides otherwtse. bntess an =
<br /> F•.r -/;`, . ' ' -n
<br /> �`��.`� °*�:.��.''_: ag�eement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,l.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or , .
<br /> ."��`=`:r.<. •' eamings oa tl�e Puads. Borto�r.�and Lender may.agree in writing,howeYer,that intenest shall 6e paid on the I�ads. Lender . '�
<br /> ��y,•:'
<br /> � •'�~: sfiall give w Borrower.wItho�charge.an annual accounting of the Fvnds,showing crzdits and debits to the I�i.��and the , .�`�,:' "'��;;
<br /> ' ' . pu�iwse for which eac6 debit ro z'�e Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addiffc��al securitY for all su�s sc�nred by . -
<br /> KyrI�F'�'i ,ii.�i`.. . . .- ' .,, t, ,t.s.&e�icF
<br /> �'4�;rs l . � , �L4.�CCUt1t�l IQSIItiq18i11. ' � �-
<br /> . . ,�� '•�_-':-' ..�►t' ,;,,f :' ' S tlie FimiRs.held by I.ertdes exceed ttce amounrs pertnitted to be�retd by applica6le taw. E.�.:�s�ea9!account to l ., - -
<br /> ��. �,�_.;,_,_;, ,,,,;�,_ � Borrower for the'e�ccess l�mds in accordance�rhh the requirements of applicable law. TC the amoer,:r of the F�sk7s held by `,f ,. _�
<br /> ` :-��f.,L,, ._,� • I.�der at any time is not sufficient to pay the'E.gcrow Itemc when due.L.ender may so noGfy Borrower in writn."7g,and.in , ;js;�;�. -
<br /> , ��:r• .
<br /> •\`' . .,,.�: .....; .
<br /> +��-....:.:. -.,,:,,T:.• • such case Borrower shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the d�ciency. Borrower shall make up the �;��,;�;;: • ;,� �-
<br /> ` : � " deficiency in no more than tarelve monthly paymentb.at Lender's sote discceGan. ' . ;,..,, '`:�
<br /> . :�1��
<br /> '� `.J'l:•'.-':v�:.�. (• �A"';_-
<br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any , ,�-L
<br /> � � Funds held by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21.I.ender sha13 acquire or sell the Ptoperty.Lender,gisiaz ia the acquisition or � ,
<br /> • � - �` �� ` 'j sate of the Property.s ha l l app ly any F un dc he l d by L c n d c r a t t h e u m e o f a c q u isition ar sale as a cx�dit a gainst the sums �};`��
<br /> ���• ��� • secured by this Security Instrument. � . • �''.
<br /> �=;y�;1��{= 3. ApplicAtion ot Paymeats. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments r�eceived by Lender under • .��.�
<br /> - _.�:�,?� � paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the lvote;second,to amounts payable uader - , �� �-
<br /> �.r�. •.:-� patagrapb 2:third.ta interest due:fourth.to principal due:and las4 to any late charges due undetthe Nate.
<br /> , f:.�°°��;=-;'.;�•=' - 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes.as.resxments,charges.fines and impos3�6:s attributable to the ��-�_
<br /> ' ``. ` . � � Property wlueh may uttain priority ovcr this Securit Ustrument.and teasehold a enu ar aurtd re�is.if an . Borrower. .. - +''��-
<br /> y P Ym Sr Y :.,,.�.n�.
<br /> � � ' �� shall pay these obligatioa's in the manner ptovided in parapaph 2,or if nat paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on -_
<br /> :,:y,,, ' '.;,
<br /> ' �:':'-��,�u``, time dlrcetly to the person owed paymem. Bortower shall prompdy fumish to l.ender alt aoticcs of amounts to be paid under ,.;:.;:
<br /> ;�•�,�r`�L�'•"` this paragraph. lf Borrower makes these paymen�s directly.Sorrower shall promptiy famish tn Lender reccipts evidencing ,. •',=
<br /> . ;'t'_';`` ' , , �e payments. . �,. ,�;�,.,,,..
<br /> ' r:,,,_
<br /> ` " ' Horrower shall promptly discharge any tien which has priarity over this Security Instrument unless Barrawer:(a)agrees '���'"`-�'
<br /> --=-,'• '�K:.�. ,
<br /> ; ���a,,.
<br /> � Fti.:��,"��::,.• :.:' ,�,; in writing to the payment of the obligauon seaued by thc licn�n a manner acceptabte to Lcnder.(b)contes�v in good faith the • ' - r��-;.,�,,,
<br /> . -.�-��,,t,,,,.- lien by.ot defends against enforoement of the fien in,lega!prac�dings which in thc l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the �;�•�L_
<br /> ��•���•:'« • enforcement of the lien:or(c3 secures from the holder of the(ien an agmement satisfactory ta l.ender subordinating the lien � ,�. . ,
<br /> • r,�•.•�: •.'. ' � .
<br /> .�. .�.�•:�.�;'� .:..< • to tAis Security lnstrumen� If ILender determines that any part of the Property i.c subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> ;�,��. ��.�. :..
<br /> •:; t,�. . - - ovcr this Security Instrumen�.Lendcr may glve Borrower a noticc idcnufying thc lien. Bonower shall satisfy the 1}en or take •� , • ,
<br /> ;`.,:..f: .,.r � �: �. ane or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of thc giving of notice. .,
<br /> ,..�. .,• ' S. Ha�rd or Property Insu�ance. Borrower shal l keep c he improvements now cxistin�or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � "`;-:�� ` Prope�ty insured agninst loss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended covera�e'and any other hazard�.inciuding •
<br /> , • `� '�' ��.�` - floods or flooding. for which Lender reyuires insurance. Thia insurance shall be maintained in the amauntc and for the
<br /> �',�'.:';:.;. .. , , •
<br /> . :'.,.• , ' xonn3o2e 9roo ipaxe2�fn�nGe�► � . , ,
<br /> � ,� � ` • .
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