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<br /> 5. �nr�rd or Pro�ezty Insar�se. Ba�ao`rrer sd�all &ecP the �mFrovements now extsting on c�aeafter etected on the m
<br /> Property in�ured against loss by fire. har,ards includod tivithin the terrn "exeended coverage" and eny ather harards. insludin� —
<br /> t3oods or flooding, for which Lender requires inswance•This ins�rance shall be ma�ntained in tlrF smounts s►nd for the perlods
<br /> that Lender requires. The insurance camer providing the insuranoe shall be choxn by Bomawer subject to Lender's apprav�l =-
<br /> ��- which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fidls m maintain coverage describe�above. GenQer may, at LendQr's
<br />: optioa.abtain wverage to pro.ect Lender's rishts is�the Property in ecco�ance with paragraph 7. _
<br /> pp �nsw�anx policies and reaewals shall be s►eceptabie to l.�nder and shall inclade a standard mortgage dause. Les�er
<br /> shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals•If Lender requires.Borrower shail promptty give to Lender all r+�aipts of
<br /> paid prentiums arK!renewal norioes.In the evenf of loss,Borrower sha11 give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and l.ertdcr. -
<br /> Lender may make praof of Ioss if not made pmmptly by Bnrrower• -
<br /> Unless L.ender and�orrower otherarise a�ee in w�sting.inserar�ce proceeds sliall Be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> progerty damaged,if the restoration oa repair is economirally feasible and Lgnder's security is not tessened.If th�restoration or =
<br /> �pair i�not economically feasible or Lender's seturity wouId be tessened,the insurance pmceeds sha116e applied to the swns _
<br /> secured by t6is Securiry Instrument, whether o:not then due,with any excess paid 4o Borrower. If Borrowzr abattdons t6e —
<br /> Property,or does not answer arithin 30 days a aotice from Lender that the insusaitce carrier has offemd to settle a claim. then _
<br /> � I.ender may coAect the inswaace proceeds. i.ender may »se the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums `�
<br /> s�By this Security Instrument,whexher or not then due.The 30�day period wi11 begia when the nodce is given. �
<br /> iJniess L.ender and Barrower othera+ise agree in writing, any apAlication of praceEds to principal sha11 noi eatend or
<br /> postpone the cEue date of We rnontlily paycnents referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the araount of the paymems. If
<br /> �¢�'P�8*�P�21 the Property is acquired[ry Ixndea.Bonower's right to any insu:ance pul'scies and promeds msulting from
<br /> ��fo the Properry prior to the acquisi�on shall pass to Lender to the eutent of the sums secured hy this Security Insmtment
<br /> � i.��ately prior to the aequisition•
<br /> :,��� 6.(iio�gs�n�,,�4�'eservatton,h'Iainl�ra�aud I'roted€on of the Peopc�ty>DoremRe�s Lcr��plicatinn;I.easettatds.
<br />';;r1 �� Be�c:�s -�T o�r�qY v,e�6lish,and use i�►x9�roparry es Borrower's mmm'r�al resideac:.within s"r.r�qi�'!s after the execuuaa�r,., —
<br />• tF�is A�ts'w;:y'.,-��a��sha3.�continus w occupy.t�e L�gefty as�r�u��e�r's prin�!r�.rz'Fa at teast o�yesr�::�..
<br /> �:��c"��;:�f_�::�s�-1er otherwise ag�ees i�,xn?�:.�;, a'�:�-co:�as s9rsit�rcr:'��unreason.bly'aritt�S,or ua�less -
<br /> e:�ttr�.ng ci��:s��:'.-x�s ���•wlnch are beyond Boisc��r s ao�u�. ��-:vc;.,. ��� �ot destroy. damage �r�i�pair t�.e _
<br /> :•.:� � �'::. .alla��.tPrager.y ea deteriorate. or cammit cr�;rw�z �e I�rqp�r:g�. �^,iz��s�all be ia default if�,.r,Y farfeiture � __
<br /> .; ,�<. z�;fan�ar prQCeedirno,wtte�r�:�ti�l or criminai.is begun t'�aa sn I.Endei��ood fa,itti�udgm�t ce-'�t�tTt in��of the _
<br /> s.: '�
<br />:��;�. 1�lt�es2�or otY�emrise mate�izt3y impair the lien cceaied is>>�►`.�zs Secutity Instrumeat os L�d�s s s�iaterest.�tt�rower may �
<br /> .;r,�'��: ca�'sach a default and reSnstata,.AS pmvided in paragraph 18,by causing the acbion ar pn�eeding eo be dismissed with a niling -
<br /> :.•„'• that, in Lender's gaod faisb determination. prectudes forfieiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other tnaterial
<br /> -��`� • impair[�nt of t�e lien c�eAted By this Security Insunment or Lender's security interest.Borrower shall also 6e i�t defanit if
<br /> Borrmver.during the loan appiication process,gave materially false or inaccurate inforn�dan or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide Y.ender with uny material informatian)in connection with the loan evide�:ed by�e Note,inctuding.but nni litnited
<br /> '. to.reQreserrsatiflns concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propercy as a principal residence.lf this Setnrity Instrument is on a �
<br /> Ieasehold, Bonower ahall comply with hll the provisions of the lease. It Bonnwer acquires fee dtle to the Property. the
<br /> � Ieasehotd and the f�e titie shali not m�rge untess Lender�s to the merger in wridng.
<br /> 7.Pratecfi�n oY i.zn:kr's Rlghts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements containad in
<br /> this Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding that may signif�cantly affect i.ender's rights in the Psoperty(sacb as a
<br /> .% " pmoceding in banfcruDtcy,probate.for coademn�tion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or re�ulations).then I.ender may do and
<br /> •' pay for whatever is neces�ary to pmtect t�:e vatue of[he Pro�eny and Lender's rights in the Progerty.Lender's nctiorn m�y
<br /> .r.J:
<br /> �:'';; include paying any sums secured by a lten vrluch has priority over this Sec�riry Instrument, appeasing in court, payIng
<br /> reasonab2e utwmays'fees and entering on ehe Property tu make repairs.Although i.cnder may take action uader this paragraph
<br /> 7.Leades does not�ave to do so. �
<br /> Any su�ou�s �isl�ursed by Ler�der�:e�der tius paraBraPh 7 shall �::ne ad�i��nal.debt of Bomower secured'by this
<br /> Socurity instcnment.lJnless F�m�cssc:er and Lender agee to ather ter�as��,��.�'�u�se amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> �� r date of disbu�zment at the Note rate a��all be payable, wiW int�a°,,s:,;.-�e����c`e from Lender to Borrower requessiag
<br /> ,:.,x;? PaytnPm• , •
<br /> �,�,;;��:v. S.Mortgrge Iasarancc.If Lender neqnire�mort���i�surance as a conditio�x e�maldng tS:a i�ur.secured by this Secariry
<br /> ' '' Inst�vment, Borrower shall pay the premiums require.�t9r.rr�.�iniain the mortgage r".��araace in e�:t• df, for any reason,the
<br /> :�;;�� mm�tgage fnsurance cover3ge requimd by Lender laps�s�,�cr°.�ses to be in effect.Ba�wer shalll(:e�(°we premiums required to
<br /> y�� nb[ain oover�;e sn�standally equivaient ca rJs;a mortgage insw�ancc previously in effect,at a w�t sc�`ists+ndally equivalent to tLe
<br /> ..�;�. cqst to Borrawer of the mort�e is�surana�yreviously in effect. from an altemate mo�4gage�iY!na�r approved by Lender. If
<br /> ;.•-;� substa��tially equivalen.t mortgage insurance raverage is not avaitable.8orrower sh:21 r�ay to Lender each manth a sum equal to
<br /> ono-twelfth of the yearfy imrtgage insurance premium beiag paid Dy Borrower whr�t�e iasurence ooverage lapsed or cea�ed to
<br /> .- ;;� 6e in effect.L.uudep aill aocxpi.use and retain these paymwnts as a loss reserve In lieu of mortgage iasurance. Loss reserve
<br /> • ;�! . ' Fonn 3628 8J90
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