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<br />; { , �� ����r� ;1
<br /> � gaymeats may no longer be required,at the option of Gender, if mQrtgage onsurance cuverag�e(i�che amount and for the period ��_ _
<br /> that Ixnder re�uires)provided by an insurer approv�d by Lerd;r aaain becomQSa�ailab[e and is obtained. Borrower shall pay ���
<br /> the premiums reguited to maintain mongage insurance in effect.or to provide a loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage �
<br /> <.�. iasyrance ends in accardance with any wriaten agrePment betwr�Borrot�+er and Lender or applicable laiv. ___
<br /> 9,Inspectton. I.eader or iu agent mxy matce reasonabt�enuies upon and�nsPe�tions of the Proyerty. l.ender shall give N
<br /> � Borrawer natice at the time of or prior to an inspection specify:q3 reasortabie c�se for the irspection.
<br /> _� 10.Condemnatton.'the proce�ds of anY award ar claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connertion with any ��;
<br /> �: oondemnatian or oiher taking of any part of the Property.or for vanveyance in lieu of condemnation. aze hereby assignad and �l ,
<br /> shall be paid to Lender. �_-
<br />, ! In the event�f a total taking of the I'roperty.the PTOC�Sh�l�be applied to ths sums secured by this 5ecurity Insc�umen�• _�_
<br /> ; whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In ths event of a pacEial takin8 of the Property in vrhich the fair ��_.,
<br /> • market value of the Property immediately before the taking is eq�al to or grr,ater than the amount of the sums secured by this �_;:
<br />; � Security InsWment imme�iately before the taking.unless Bozroti��er and Lender othenvise agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> this Secur.:ty Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the ploceeds n►ultiglied by the following fraction: (a) ihe tatat �. .
<br /> amount of t�e sums se�red immediately before the taking, divid�by (b)th$fair markei value of the Property itnmediately
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shall ba paid to Borrovrer. IIn the event of a partial taking of the Property in whic6 ti�e fair ��:
<br /> •`:� market val¢e of cha Property immediately befom tbe ta�T'ng es lsss tlian the amowa of the s�ms secured imcae�diately hefore t�:• —^—
<br /> taking.unless Borron�a~•d Lender otherwise a�ee in wriiin3 or unless applicabte taw othervrise grovid�s,t�e proceEds�ha�i
<br /> ;� be appIied to�°,sa�ns s�vred by this�..~urity Insuument wt�t�.r or aot the s�nms are then due. {�,
<br /> _;[ If t�z t�_-��ty s��doned by�'rarravrer.or if,after r.oti�e 1�1 Lender to Borrower tt�':d�ne eon�aT y,.�rars to�a�sa
<br /> ��':��
<br /> �`. award or �tI�s►claitn dar:U�l�:lj'�.Bcin+ec�� fatTS to tes�o��o�-ttder tvt'`.�..... 30 c�a}s xnea=.'�._e�:,.`���tice ;s�an., ��.
<br /> ►
<br /> u I.ender is�.^��ao���a�1eFt a.�.3�ap1y �t�s��c]s,�S�'i'JA,z�as�e�r�:�u�,T� ''D2�t�`C I:AG'D:jJ�FL�'07�O t�51'L� ��, �r
<br /> _.s'- e �}
<br /> $2��rv�3�iJ.s S �. '��'P{s�[�TL3°=::�S}12Z�t�C•^•^"i3lt�iit�v.. l��Y{"
<br />: :a. L��iE�Lender and Borrower o?h�s:::F.w �n�3. .�,nY�Plication of proce� Io gr-.�.'�'� �h�ti n�:�d oF 'Si,��;t::
<br />;:..e� _ �s:r^.
<br /> � �o�e�e due date of the monthly pa;;.�,:7s��rr�te��.��+a.r�� hs l and Z or change�e�ar-t c�ssc3�.pn��.n�: ,,,,
<br /> �t IIIl.�rrower Not ReleasRd;Fa�earaace�w II�d�N��a Waiver.Extension of t�e time for yayr,�ex�t rFr rtrti:i��ic'�tcior. � ����''
<br /> ::•�� �r
<br /> � of ama�ru�.on of the sums secured by tlais Security Instrumen�gr�ated by 1�der to any successor in inte:�5r.vf$uaa:+�z'.a�al]
<br /> 4� not aper-�..te.to release the Ilability of the originaa Borrower o�Bo��wei s successors in inter�st. Lend-Pr shall not be rPye:.��to �'
<br /> .�E �ommenae�roceedings against at►y successor ia interesc or re�u3e to exeend 6me for payment or otherwise modify amorti�adon �:'_
<br /> ' : of the sums sewred by this Security I�strumeat by reason of any demand ma�e by the originai Bo:rower or Borrower's �
<br /> suscessors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercis'sn3 any right or re�y shall not be a wpiver of or prectude the ��
<br /> � .� ' eaetcise of any right or remedy.
<br /> - lZ. Suacessors And Asslg¢�s Bound;Jot�t end Severa! Llabllity: Co-slgnera. Tiie covenants and agreesnents of this
<br /> •. � ' Secucity Instrument shFill bind und ben:fit tlie successors aaid nssigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisioas of ���'
<br /> ' para�raph l7. Boaower's rnvenunta u�d agreements shal! be joint and seveml. Any Borrower who ca-stgas diis Sesudty
<br /> �., .
<br /> ' Instrurnent but does nat execute the Note:(a)is co-sign�ng this Security Insnument only to mortgage. grant und convey that �
<br /> � Borrow�r'�intesest In the Prop�ny urtder the temrs of this Sec�:rity Insaument;(b?is not Qersonally obligated co pay the sums ��..��
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument:nnd(c)agrees that Lend•:r and eny other Bomower may agee to extend,madify.forbear or �^,
<br /> ' ,•; make any a000mmadations with regard to the terms of this Sr.�,�rity Instrument or the Note wtthout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> ". l3.laan Ch�g�.lf t6e loan secured by this Securi�y iasavment is subjoct to a law which sets ma�ciimum toan charges, �
<br /> . .;� �d that taw is.finaUy interpreted so that the interest or ot�r taan charges collected or to be wlleeted in connection witb tke �'
<br /> � loan exceed the pemnitted limits.then: (a)any such loan ch�sgt shal!be reduad by the antount necessary to redua_the charge
<br /> � to the peimitted limit;and(b)any sums elready coliected fram Borrower which eaceeded ptrmitted limiu will be refnnd�ta ._
<br /> � Boaower. Lender may choose to make this refund by rec[.cing the princiP�l owed under the 1Vote or by rnaidng a direct �'--
<br /> � payrtrent to Boxrawe�. I� a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as n partia� �priePaYment without any .. �.':
<br /> �`" � prepayment charge under the Note. � - •
<br /> ' �•`; 14,Notkes.Any natice to Borrower provided for in thig Security Instrumeat shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> • ,�. it by fiist class mai!unless applicable law requires use of gs.otAer method.The norice sha14 be directecl to the�roperty Address
<br /> � oi any et�er address Borrower designates by norire to Leader. Am�notice to Lender shall be given hy first cla�� r.�il to
<br /> Lendes'��dress stated herein or any otFe�address Lendeg designates by notice to Hornnwer. Any notice provided f.'��i�thia �;:_
<br /> � Securitg instwnent shall be deemrd to have Ueen given to Bonower os Lender when given a�pmvided in this pazagraP:• o
<br /> • l.S,(;overntng Lt�w; Sever�abllity. 'Ttus Secusity In:,trument shall be govemed by federal law and the !aw of the ���-
<br /> .„ ��' jurisdic�..^.n in which the Property is located.Ir►the eveas s2�t any provisiora or clau�of this 5ecu�ity Instmment or the Note =
<br /> .: ,� conflicE�with applicable law.such conflict shall not aff;et atLer pmvisions o�this Security insuument or the Note whieh can be __
<br /> � given effect wiYhout the conflicting prnvision.To this er,d tLe provisions of tDis Socurity Instrnment and the Note are declared
<br /> „.�i� W be severable. �� '
<br /> :� ::; 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be given one conformed copy of tBe Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> - �,� Form 30�0 8I9�
<br /> �
<br /> •�! v�a ote =
<br /> ��
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