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<br /> , ;>• , . . ` .. , • ', ,i" ,.�•' ' �' yF- ;, ` ; , c
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<br /> F. ���' �.rA _ _
<br />. �i c:
<br />- �Ip ���� �4F .
<br /> '[�Dti�TEtE[3 iYtTM all thc impmvemcnts nori ur h�ma4'ter erer,ted on th;.property,and a[i casemcnts, appurt�nances,nnd ����
<br /> fixtures �w or hercaftzr a pait of the pr�pertp. All aplactmsnts and ndditions shait cilso �e covercd by this Security !��
<br /> insttumcnt.All of thc PortgainB is rcferred tu in this Socurity Insuumr.�t ris the"Progcrty.° _��__
<br /> BORROWEli COVENANTS tltnt Borto�vcr is Inwfully�ised of tha estate hercby conveyed and has thc right to grant and �"`
<br /> �
<br /> convey the Property und that the Faope�ty is urtcricumbered. ea�cept for encumbrances of record. Borrawer�vs�rrnnts znd will _
<br /> defend geaemlly the dtle w the Property ugainst a11 claimv and demands.subject to any encumbranoes of record. �_ :
<br /> THiS SECURITY INSTRUMEN7'wmbitt2r+uniform cavenants for natianal use and nan-uniform coves�tts tivith limited �-:
<br /> '�, variatiors by jurisdiction to wnsticuce a wuform securiry instniment covering real property �.' .
<br />.. � UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender coveuant and a�as follows: �-��.-
<br /> �� 1. Payment of Principal and Interest; F�repayment and Lfste Ch�SCges. Borrower shall pmmpdy p'ay when �ue the -
<br /> s
<br /> •u' principal of and interest an the debt evIdenced by the Nate and any prepayment and late chs+rges due under the Note. '`�
<br /> � �,F��s for Taxes and Insurance. Subjecc to appllcable la�v or to a�vritten lvaiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to `���;.�'
<br /> �� L�nder on th�day monthly payments are due under the Note. until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fun ds")for:(a)yearly tnxes ¢:
<br /> - ,4 azrd��u?nts vituch may attain prioriry over this Sacurity Instn�nsnt as a lien on t6e Praperty;(b)yetu'ly lensehold payments ��
<br /> j� ca�grou�tens,s vn the Froperey.if any:(c�Yearly hazard or propert�1 insuritnce premiums;(d)Yefuly ttood insurance premiums. --
<br />;°';1� �s�;(e��.zray mortgage iusurance premiums.if any;and (�any smns payable by Bornnwer to Lender. in accordanec wiW ���:
<br />"��� t�►e.��i:�s oF paragra�h 8, in Geu of the payment of�rtgage insurance premivau.These items are calted"Fscrow ttems." —.-----
<br /> , �2�,3rr�ssg,�t any time,rnllecc and kold Funds in an�unount not ta exceed tfte manimum amount a lender Eor a federulty
<br />;�� ;�;ated mo:€3�ti loan may t+equi�for S�aaati��r's esc�ow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Pracedures Act of t��
<br />`;�'i� 1�74 as amended from time to time. 1�L3.S.C.Secd� 2f�01 a seq. ("ItESPA"),unless another law that applies ta the�?unds �;-�T�.-.,:,
<br /> :.; �ets a tesser arttount.If so. Lender anay, at any tune,.a�aUect aad hotd Funds in an amount not to excx,ed the tesser amount. ,
<br /> � Lender may estimate tfne�:�'t of Funds due on tAe basis of current data and reasonalsle estimates of expendin�res of fuiittr ,.
<br />"t;,� Escrow Items cr othecRZSe i�s�rdance with applicxble law. ..' �""'�
<br /> ,._;s. 'I9ie �� sha11 be h�id in att �•r�usion whose deposits sm�insured by a fedetal agency, instrumentality. or•enrity l,,,,_
<br /> __ (utcludingT�r,�.�r.if�Leader is such an z�t;�n)c�ii�s any �a��l�ome Loan Bank.Lender shAll apply the Funds to pay t� ---
<br /> -��:` Escrow Iter�s:Lendet maS not chazge Borr3wer for ixl+���.�d app2Ying the Furtds,annnally atzil�jrdng the escrow acxaunt,or �:t',<
<br /> 3''
<br /> �sc�rcx�ing t;�e Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Bontr,�cr,:a�reat on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender w inake such �,�..
<br /> � ��u�ti�arge.Iimwever.I.ender muy require Borrower to��s one time charge for an independent real estete tax reportt[tg:sc,n+ice �;r.°
<br /> i�..:�3 by �x�er iw ooaneca�n cvit[i ths.s �aan, untess syplicable daw prnvides othernise. Untess an agtee�nent is,n�u�e�nr �.:.�':
<br /> `� .�te fi�,a�rx�uires intea�t to be pa•:�.�nder shall aot be requireni co pay Borrowcr nny intecest or eamings on thc Y?i�cts- f'f�i�.%.
<br /> � �i�w��r.+�aaad(�der m��roe in writing.however.that interest s2►�i}1 be patd an tha�wids. Leader shail�g+„e to Earnov�+r. . ��.`.
<br /> ►ti}
<br /> ���' ��rjii�iisu�ibn�,an annua��ountin$of the Funds,Shm�ing cred�ts aad dtbi�.e�the Fands aztd the purpa'so.for wW,c�t:eacfs �_;:
<br /> :, ' ��:�r.��9;�celf�a�s was made.The Funds are pledged as additional seeatiry" ftit af]Uvms secured by this Sdduiry Insnutnedt.. �::•
<br /> :� :� , If tI���Uir�is held by Lender exceed the amounts pelmimod to br�eid by applicabie law.L,ender s�atf accos�nt to�oj�`re� e_:„
<br />: ��; for the excess Funds in aocordance wlth the m.cluirementa of applicabie law.If the amount of tho Funds held by I.en�er�t 2.ay
<br /> • �'` tune is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,iu such case Borrow�er -• -
<br /> shatt pay to 1.Endet the amount necessa�y to make up the deficiency.Borcower shali make up the dehciency in no more than �,
<br /> ;' twelve monthly paymenis,at I.ender's soie discretion.
<br /> '� � ' Upon payme�►t.in full of all sumc secured by thia Secvrity Instnunent, I.cnder shall prompdy refuad to Borrower any
<br /> `''{ Funds held by Y.ender.If.uuder paragrap4�21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prios to the acquisition or sale �
<br /> '. � . of the Property.shaq apply any Funds hetd by l.endu nt the tiau of acquisitlon or sale as a credit ugainst the sums secarcd by ��� `
<br /> this Savdty Instcutnent.
<br /> �� 3.Applics►tion o!POym�nts.Unlcss applicable!aw provides otherwisc,a11 payments received by Lender undcr p�ragraphs _
<br /> 1 and 2 shail be applied:first.to a�y prepayment charges due under the Note:sxand.to amounts payable under paraa aph 2: � ;..
<br /> ..�'.,'� third.to iaterest due:fourth.to principal due:and l�st.to amy late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> ,,, 4.Clw�ges;I1�.Borrower shaU pay all taxes.assessments,charges.Enes and impositIons attributabls to the RoPe�'�Y
<br /> ": wLich may atu►in prioriry ovar this Security Instnunent.und lease�►otd payments or graund rents, if tu�y. Bo�rowcr shall paY
<br /> • tlxse obligations in th�mu►ner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower sha11 Qay tt�em on dmt dinxtly �;
<br /> to the person owed payment.Bonn'�ve*s1�aU promptlY fiimish to Lender all notiees of amounts to be paid under this paregraph.
<br /> �� '� If Borrower makes these payments dlrectly.Boirower shall promptly fumish tai.ender receipts eviden:ing the paymenu. �
<br /> Borrowet shall pmmpily disc3iarge any lien which has priarity over this Socari,ty Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agre.es in
<br /> _� � writing to the payment of tha obligation secured by the lien in a manner ncoeptabte to Lender;(b)cantests in good fsiith the li:n
<br /> • _ by. or dxfeads ngaiasY enforcement of tha lien in, Ie�al proeeedings which in the I.enBer's opinion operate W prsvent the
<br />,;; ,: enforao.-�srent of the tien;or(c)seares fcom t4e holder of tlie lien ua agreement sa6sfactory to Irender subordinating the[iea to _
<br /> � this Securiry Instrument.Tf Lender deter,�tines that nny patt of tlte�P�operty is subject to a lien which raay attain priority over �
<br /> "'` this Securlry Instrument.Lender may give Boaowet n nottcc identitjriag the tien.Borrower shaYl satisfy�he lien oe k�ke on�or �-
<br /> •�?;i��:
<br />;;':.`t;' cvore of the actions set focth ubove within 10 duys of ihe giy�ng of notice. �'
<br /> :'`.•� . Form 3Q28 9l90 c .
<br /> � ci
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