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:, ~s 1, ~ ~r R i. ilw. ...._..,.~..., <br />2'~ 1 ~}O i 4 U Q .l]URA,~Y;~ ~ ~l'~i7~+lER C]F ATTC~I~N~3~" 2 Q Q 7.1 Q ~'~ U <br />That T, Cecil Hulm? of436 N Webb Rnad,Grand Island, IVs,' <br />Catiint;y of xa , Nebraska, have made, cans~ts.tuted and appoi:n-t:ed, acid by <br />these presents do make, constitute and appoint Thomas u e Sr. <br />of 18312 Potash Hwy,9h?1i:nn,Ne. ~ County of Nebraska m -true , <br />and lawful attorney for me .and i>a my name, place anti stead, and on my behalf, subject to <br />the provisions of Para,Praph 13 hereof, to do and execute all or any of the acts," <br />deeds, and thingsi <br />1, Tn receive debts, p$yaenta sad property. To ask, desand, sue fur, rEGaver amd receive as sups o,f money, debts, dnea, goods, wares; <br />rerchamdise, chattels, effects and things of whatsoever nature or description which now are or hereafter shall be or become doe, owing, payable or <br />belonging to ne in or by nay right, title, ways or scans howsoever, and upon receiat thereof, or of any part Thereof to rake, sign, execute and <br />deliver sack receipts, releases ar other discharges for the sane respectively as ry said attorney shall deer advisable. <br />2. To nettle acconnta. To settle nay account or reckoning whatsoever wherein 1 now ar or at an tine hereafter she 1 <br />y l be in any wise interested <br />or concerned with any person whomsoever, and to oay or receive the balance thereof as the case ray require. <br />J, Tn satisfy security interest and mortgages. To receive every sun of coney which noW is or hereafter shall be due ar belonging to re upon the <br />security or by virtue of any security interest or agreESeat or mortgage sad on recEipt of the full amount secured thereby to execute a good and <br />sufficient release or other discharge of such sEGUrity interest, or rortgage by deed ar otherwise. <br />4. Ta Gamponnd, smbdt tr arbitration ar otherwise .settle ar adjaat differences. To corpaund with or sake allowances to any peraos for or in <br />respect to any debt nr derand shatsosver which now is ar shall at anq time hereafter becare due and payable to se, or by re, or upon my account, sad <br />to takE and receive, or to pay and discharge {es the case nay be), any composition or dividend thereof ar thereapon and of such debts or demands. or <br />to settle, comprarise, or submit to arbitration every such debt or derand and every other. eight, ratter, and thing due to nr cnnGerning me as ry <br />attorney shall think boat, and for that parpose to enter into and execute and deliver such boade of arbitration or other instruments as my attorney <br />ray deco advisable in the premises. <br />5. To proaecate and defend. To cnrmenGE, prosecute, discontinue, or defend aII actions or other legal proceedings touching ny estate or any <br />part thereof, or touching any natter in which [ or oy estate may bE in any wise concerned, <br />n. To manage real estate. Ta enter into and upon, all and aingnlar ay real estate, sad to ter, manage, and iaprove the sane or any part <br />thereof, and to resair or otherwise iaprove, alter, or reconstruct, and to insure, any buildings or structures thereon, and further to contract with <br />others for the ranagerent of such real estate and to grant to such nthera all the pacers with respect to such real estate usual in real estate <br />aanag.ereat contracts, and granted to my said attorney herein. <br />f. Po great lessee, receivE rents, and otherwisE deal with tenants and leased property, To contract with any person far leasing for such <br />periods, including periods longer than my life, and without regard to the termination of this power of attorneq, at such rents and subject to such <br />Gonditiona as ry attoraay shall sae fit, all or any of ry acid real Estate;. 'and :ta let any each persons into possession thereof; and to ezecate <br />all such leases and contracts as shall bE neeemrary or proper in that behalf, and to give notice to quit to any tenant or occapier thereof, and to <br />receivE and recover fora all tenants and occuriers thereof or of oay part thereof all teats, arresra of rent, and nuns of mar~ey which now are or shall <br />hereafter become due and payable in respect thereof, and also on man-payment thereof or of oay part thereof to take all necessary or proper reana and <br />proceedings for tErriaating the tenancy or occupation of such tenants ar occupiers, and for ejecting the tenants ar occupiers and recovering the <br />possession thereof, <br />8. Ta sell or Exchange real ar personal Estate. To sell, either at public or private sale, or Exchange any part ar marts of ry real estate or <br />personal property far such consideration payable irnediatel.y or upon such terse as my attorney shall think fit, and to ezecutE and deliver good and <br />sufficient deeds, bids of sale, endorsewents, assignments, or other instruments for the conveyance or transfer of the same. with such covenants of <br />warranty nr otherwise as my attorney shall see fit, and to give good and effectual receipts for all or any part of the purchase price or other <br />consideration -«~.:..~,~.,,~ .,.,, .,. ,.... - - <br />tdt ~ N'~: r,~ ~4 ,,;paw,;1 <br />''~ 71rr wS. .~ ry~ <br />... w .rwrsany:w.r. ~ ...:tea.. <br /> <br />