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~~~~~~~~~ ~oo7io~7o <br />~,~ 1'a;degaei~ maaep,- rithdras, .inzest, amd Othe?i18E deal g].th tan~lhl@ prOQerty. Tp t~An091t any 00IlEyB NhiCh day C312~$p~19x11dIld1~`39jSdC~ <br />attor~ey ~ with any bank of banker in my Hasa, . sad to withdraw any of such dopey or any other coney to which I as entitled which nor is or 9ha11 be so <br />deposited, and either employ such saneq as he shall think fit in the payment of any debts, or inter@st, payable by d@, or tales aasess,ents,. <br />insurance, and ezpenseB due add payable: ar to became due and payablB on account of ay real and perBOnal eatat@, or in or shout any of ~ the'"pnruoses <br />aerezn mentioned, in my name is nay stacks, shares, bonds securities or other property, rani or personal, as tie ray tbrnk proper and tp rec@ive and <br />gire receipt9 for nay iacose Br diridend arising ftod such inv@steents, and to vary or dispose of ail and any such iavestaents, Br ether iavestdent <br />for sy use sad benefit as he day think fit. <br />10, Ta rote at atoekholdera' deetidgs, B:acute proxies, and otherrise sabstitate far aRner. To rotE at the deetings of stpckholders or other <br />neetingB of any corporation nr corpany, or otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with power of substitution, in respect of any stacks, shares, <br />bonds, debentures, or other evidences of ownership; or securities, now or hereafter held by mE and issued by ar an account of said corparatian or <br />cospamy and for that purpose to ezECUte nay prBRies, limited or general, or other instruments. <br />11. To eiecate deeds, bills, cafes, sad airilar iaatrnaenta. Rat all or any of the purposes herein stated to enter into and sign, seal, execute, <br />acknowledge, and deliver any contracts, deedB, .or other instrudents whatsoEVer, and to drat, accept, Hake, endorse, aiscount, or BthBrwiae deal with <br />any bills of exchange, checks, prosisaary Hates or other commercial or mercantile instrnmeats. <br />12, To do all other things necessary in connection heregith. In general to do all other acts, deeds, setters, and things rhatsaerer in or about <br />my estate, property, and affairs, or to concur with persons jointly interested with dyself therein in doing acts deeds, matters, sad thugs herein, <br />either particularly or generally described, as fully and effectually to all intents and purpose as I could do in my awn proper perspn if personally <br />present, it hBing my intent granted to my said attorney a general power to act for re and in dy behalf, and not a limited or special power, limited to <br />the specified acts herein described. <br />i3, Parer of attorney effectin notpithstaading disability of principal; cantinuea iu effect after priacipai'a death uatiI notice. Pursuant to <br />the provisions of Nebraska Probate code section 30 2662 and 3D 2663, I dBClare that thiB power of attorney shall not be affected by my disability or <br />incapacity, and that the authority granted herein shall continue during any period while I as disabled or incapacitated., Further, pursuant to said <br />sections, all such authority shall continue after dy death, antil notice of such death shall have been reoeived by ny attorney sachet he has actual <br />knowledge of the fact that I bare died. any action taken in good faith by said attorney during nay period while it is uncertain ghether I aw alive, <br />before he receives actual knowledge of my death, ar, in any event, taken dnrin; any period while I an disabled or incapacitated, shall be as valid as <br />if I were alive, competent, and mat disabled. <br />Dated January 4 ~!20~06 <br /> <br />STATES D~ NEBRASKA ) <br />COT1N'TY D~' HA,I.L ) <br />B T gN0 , that on January 4 , '2p06 , before me personally appeared <br />_ _ _ __ ,~L• ~L.-~~ , above named, who is to be known to be the person <br />described in and who executed the above Durable Power of Attorney, and z~.eknowled«ed the <br />same t;o be his voluntary act and deed. <br />IN TESTIMONY w,~EDk', I have hereunto subscribed my name and (fixed my official seal, <br />the day and year last above written. ~~ <br />NOTARY I~rCIBL,IC <br />IIAL IWTARI 511b of Mlkltb <br />JOSEPH E. GRABOW"KI <br />My Lamm. E~. Dme.29. x009 <br />