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r <br /> , •rm.a , <br /> �::P.I�G , _ <br /> , <br /> '��necv <br /> �� ��,H,.., ; ,. , ., . �� h��SC'_: <br /> - � . . .,�� ��i.c �., - — "`*rw,x�r..,���.."'-_:� _.. .. .. -.,.-„e..�..,.�...�� _ <br /> ' <br /> .. ,��� •.MIr3�Of.tUY.`Jnla.viliYb�14.«...�.•.r+•,`f'�""' .• .. ..•• . �. . •�•_-, <br /> • � — <br /> • 7._ <br /> � E3orrower rnay ouro such n delault nnd reinstato, ao provlslod In parnqraph 10, by cuusinp tho acllon or pruccedln� to be <br /> • dl�misscd�alth n Ntinp thnt, In Lcndcr'o pood Iclih dctcrminntlon, prccludr.s lor(clluro ol Iho Borroe�cr's Intcro�t In tho Prnperty or <br /> :� othcr matcrittl irnpn'rrncn� oi lho Ilcn crca;�d by thle Sccurity Instnimcnt or Lcndcr'o occuilty IMCroet. �onowcr nhnll �Iso bn In <br /> dc(autt il Borrovicr,cluring tho Inen appf;c�[ian procuss, Qavo matr.dn�ry fal�o or Innccurnto Intormntlon or otatemento to Lender(or <br /> tulled to provide lerider with any metarlal Intormatlon) In connectlon wllh tl�e lann ovldenced by iho Noto, Inciudlnp, but r�ot <br /> ��' ,'• Ilmltod to, roprasentatlono conoeminp Borroweie occupancy o} Iho Praparry ao u principal reslJenco. II tids Securlty ''� <br /> �- t Inetrument is on e leaaehold, Fiorrawer ahall compN wfth all lho provlalon3 of tho leaso. II Bort�wer ucqulros foo Qtl� to lha �!^" <br /> '' �• Property.the leseehold and the tea tlll�shall nat merqe unloso Lender eprees to tho mer4er In wrltlnfl. �{`� <br /> � � 7. t��otactlon o! Lend�r'e Rlght4 in the Pro(18►ty/. 11 Borcm�ver Inils to podorm tho covennnte end eflreemonte <br /> . ' contalned In Ihls Secudly Instrumonl, or there Is e lagal procoeding that may slpnlficantly eftQCt Lcndsr'a rl�ht� In tho Propc �. <br /> •�.�'''.''`� �� • (such ea a proceedln�In ltenkruptcy, probate, tor condemnatlon or(orteiturR or to entorce lawa or reguiatlons), than Lender ma� <br /> ' �'��' do and pay lor whaiaver �s necessaty to protect the valu� oi th�Property and Lender'e rlghts In the PropeAy. Lender's actions _ <br />' �'=�'���`�`1'- may Inc!ude pay�n0 eny sums aecured by e ilen whlch has ptiarity over thls 3aciidry Instrumem, appearing In courL payinp = <br /> reasonatrle altomeys'teas end onterinfl on the Proporty to mnko repalrs. Although Lender may tnka actlon under this pareprnph� — <br /> --°�:r; 7, Lender does not havo to do so. — <br /> ' '„� , Any amounts dl:buroed by Lender under peragra�h 7 ahsll becomo additlonal debt of Borrower secured by Ihls Security R_ <br /> :;� Instrument. Uniess Bortower end Lender agree to olher terms of payment, these amounte ahall bear Inlerest from tho dato of� <br /> y., ,l �4 dlshureement at Iha Noto rete nnd ohall be payable,with intorest,upon notice from Lender to @ortower requostlnp payment. <br /> _ t�Y �� 8. Mortyag� InRUranae. It Lender required rnortguge Insumnce as o condltion of inekinfl the loen secured by thls� c <br /> .�.;,,,.,... , Secuiity InsVurr��il, �ortower shNl puy tho prem!um9 roqu�.ed to malntnln the mortgage Insurance In ettect. I},tor eny reason,the <br />'; ,i';:�'' ' mortQage fnsuranw coverage requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to bo In ettect, BoROwer shall pay the premiums requtrod ta - <br /> ���"���Y"r�. obtain coverage substantlaly equivalent to the mortgage Insurenco provlously In eNecL at a cast substantlaly equivelent to the <br />-��".�,�",,' cost to F3ortotive o1 the mortgage insurence prevlously In ettect, trom an attemata mortflage Insurer epproved by Lender. 11 <br /> ;:;�;,�,:;���• substnnti�!ly equf�alant mnrtgago insurnnce coverape Is not�vailable, Bortower ahnil pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br />-'y�.�; .,:;ys�• . ono-twotflh of the yearty mortgage insurance premlum being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverafle lapsed or ceased to _ <br />-��:,•;;;.:,•�;,� �- bo tn effect. Lend�r wlll accept, use and retain these payments as e Ioss reserve in ueu of mortgage Insurance. Losa reserve <br /> '��`�'�•����'a�+ paymen4s m3y oo lon�er be raquired, at the cpilon of Lender, If mortgago Insurenoe coverage (In the nmount and for the perlod <br />.a:�..a�';�G <br /> thet Lender requUes) provided by an insurer e�Droved by Lender again becomes avallable end Is obtalned. Borzower ehall pay <br /> s,!;,."�F• the premiums P�quired to malnts(n mortgage{nsurance In eNect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requlrement for mort�age <br /> `,`(�1r� ''•r' . <br /> insurance ends In accordance�vith nny written ac�reement be:ween Borrower and Lender or applicablo law. <br />';-;i;;;; . 9. Ittsp9Cti��t.Lwndor or its sgent may make reascn�4le entdes upon and Inspectiona o}the Propertyr. Lender shall glve <br /> `�.�„` Borrower notico at the Ume of or pdor to an lnspectlon spocl4ying reasonable cause ior the Inspecllon. <br />`-'f"-°� 10. COSti�lBmnatfoll.The proceeds of any eward or clalm tor damages,diroct or consequential, In connection�vRh any <br /> -:�:��,� condemnn9ton or ott�er takinp of any part oi the Property, or for conveyance In Ileu of condemnetion, are hereby uaslpned and � <br /> - shell be pafd to Lender, <br /> In the event of a totel taking o} the Property, the proceeds shail be applied to the sums secured by thls Security <br /> �-�-- InsVument, whel�er or not then due,wnh any exccsa ya�u 40�o��..�Q�. !ss:h�e:•°.2'.�'• e�°staf rwt_In�nf the Property in which <br /> =�- = the talr market velu�e of the Property immedlately betore the taking Is oqual to or greater then the amount o}the suma securod <br /> �._°._= __ by this SecuHty Instrument Immediately betore tha taking, unless BoROwer and Lender otherwlse agree In writing, tho sums <br /> _-_�-_— secured by th�s Secuiily Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muftiplled by the iollowing fractlon: (a)tho <br /> --""— totei amount of the eums secured Immediately before the taWnc�, divided by (b) the talr market value at the PropeKy Inxnadiatety <br /> - - batore the teking.Any balance sheU be paid to Borrower. In the ovent oi e partiai taking o41he Property in whlch the tnir market <br /> _-;���� valuo of the Property Immedlately bntore the teking Is less thon iha amount of the sums secured Immedlately betore the teking, <br /> -�°'��°� unkss 8ortowsr and Lendor otharwlse agree In wdting or unless applicable law oth�rwise provtdes, the procaeds shall be <br /> appYecl to the awns eecured by thls Securiry Inst�ument whether or not the aums are then due. <br /> --- -- 11 the Ropoity Is abandoned by BoRO�ves, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ofters to m�ke en <br /> award or sarita a clalm for damitges, Bortower fa[Is to respond to Lender w(thin 30 days after the date the notice la ghren, <br /> -° - Lender Is authot�ed to collect end apply the proceede, at fts opUon, efther to restoretion or repsic oi the Property or io the <br /> -^��� sum�seaued by this Secu►ity Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unloss L�nder nnd Borrower otheiwls9 agree fn wr(ttng, nny oppllcaUon ot proeoeds to principsl ahsll not actend or <br /> postpana the due dnte at the monthly payments reterted to In part�greph3 1 ond 2 or chanpe the amount of such payments. <br /> - --- -- �.......,a. Ue�:��.........w A.. I��r,�l�r l�Ora� e WalaLor,Fvtanelnn n1 tho tlme to►paVt�1C(It Ot <br /> - _. ---- I�. OOf70W��RYl RO�c��aa�� . +•.••w•• •+7 - <br /> modlflcatlon of emortirstlon o1 the sums socured by thls Security Instrument gmnted by Lender to any successor In interest of <br /> -- - Rnrravrcr :�hatl not opert�to rcleasa tha Ilabiltty ot tho adgina! f3ortowcr or Borrovrer'n succcsaora tn lnterost. Lender ehell not -- <br /> = be requked to commence prnceodings agafnst nny successor In Interest or retuse to exlend tlma for pnyment or otheiwise <br /> -='•� mod{ty amoiUzatbn of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by reason oi any demend made by the odginal Borrower or <br /> - Borrower's eu�cessors In Interest. My forbenrance by Lender In exercising eny dght or remedy sheil not be a waHer of or <br /> proc�ude the oxerc[se ot eny dght or remedy. <br /> 12. Suco�ssore and Asal�na Bound; Jaint end 5ov�ral UaBlllty; Co-signara.7ne covenanta nnd <br /> agre�ements of ihla Secudty instrument shall bfnd snd bene5t the succesaore and easlgns ot Lender and 8orrower,subJect to the <br /> provisions of perxgraph 17. Borrovrer's covenanta and agroements shall be Jofnt nnd oeveral. My Borcower who casigne this <br /> — 5ecudty Inatrumenx but does not execute the Note: (e)Is casigning this 3ecurity Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey <br /> thnt 8ortawer'a Nterest In the Property under the tetms ot thls Security Instrument; (b) is not personalty ob!lpated to pey the <br /> - sums seeured by thle Security Instrument; and (c) sgrees that Lender end �ny other Borrawer may agren to extend, modity, <br /> _.:� torbeer or make nny ac�ammodationa wfth regard to the tertns ui thls 8ecurtty M3Uurnent or tho Noto wlihout that Borcower's <br /> ----- _ cansent. <br /> -=_--= 1�. Loan �hargl8. If the loan secured hy tiits SecuHty Inatrurnent lu �u�j�ct to a Iaw whtch sete maximum loan <br /> __ _ charges, end th�t iaw is finalry interpreted eo that the Interest or other loan charfles coliected or to be coflected In connectlon <br /> with the loan exceed the permitted Iimitu, then: (n)eny such tonn chnrge ahall bo reduced by the amount necessnry to reduce <br /> � the cherye to thd pmnitted limft; and (b) flny sums already collected'hom Borrower which exceeded permitted Omfts wiil be <br /> -- -- rofunded to Bortawer.Lender may choose to make thlo refund by raducing the prindpal owod under tho Note or by making a <br /> - - - dlrect payment to Borrowac It a rutund reduces pHnclpai, the reductlon will bo treated as a partial prepayment w'rihout any <br /> =_-=="� prepayment chargo under tho Note. <br /> -_�=�� 14. NOt1088.My notice to BoRawer provided lor fn thls Secwtty Instrument shall be glven by delivedng ft or by melling it <br /> "'�' by flrst clsss m�ll unles5 appifcable law requlres uso ot onother method. The notice shell be directed to the PropeAy Addross <br /> 1.� L.C�.� �1�.� ...�11 �n <br /> aF�� 0�Blly OthCl' address Borrawer des�gnetos by IIOZlCB t0 L6Yi�lT. Any nolico io i.miooi ortun`vo ynm� ..� •�o• ...o.,.• ••..... •.. <br />��:�``• Lender's address stated herein or nny other eddress Lendor designntes by noUce to Sonov+er. Any notice provided tor In this _ <br />-'i_;•,----- -- Security(nstrumEnt eheli bo deemed to havo been glvon to Borrower or Lender when glven as provldod In thls pnrugmph. <br /> N.'.�1YL1S11C1� —. <br /> -�-�s"�'�� 15. �ov�rning Law; Sov81'abllity. Thts Secudty Instrument 3ha11 be govvmed by tedernl law and thv law ot t e � <br /> '�•"r-�:a _ <br /> _ �.y,�� Judsdlctlon In whleh the Property Is located. In tho event that eny proviston or ctauso of thl9 Secudty Instrument or the Noto - <br /> con8lcts with eppl!ca61e law, such contlict shall not aitect oti�or provislons of thls Security Instrument or tiie Note whlch can be <br /> " pNen ettect wfthout the confiicUng provision. To this ond the� provislons of thls Sacudty Instrument and tho Note are dec�ared to _ <br /> --::'�'�;:�37s."�'u�ki bo saverabie. <br /> -';�,4�r�Y�,. � 18. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shail bo givon one contortned copy o1 the Noto nnd ot thls Secudty Insirument. ` <br /> :rti"���;:"�;rk ' �. <br /> �-�.���_ F1310.L170(7ry5) Pagc 3 0l 5 � � � ° <br /> i �3� 6 <br /> ����L� ( . <br />• �� � <br /> � <br /> • [ <br /> s , r <br />