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� . , . / <br /> -i°'i}r1f!' � <br /> ..:� . ..Rn. •'_ <br /> ,,�{ ��y� ' � ' ��YC�f]��j�.'_�� <br /> "'lY 7r^'M�t:!... � � � ..•�.:ar... . . .•-•�; � �.Y _ _ . <br /> . ' ' <br /> . <br /> . ._____...___.r..... ._ .�.n-.__W,.Y'a:3/i1Yiu.�W��Y'_ <br /> .. ..,.. Si�'.•�.. . ,.... .: • - ' <br /> . . . . . . .a. ' .. _ . ..�.��..� <br /> .. . .. ' .. r.�... ._ . �-._ _/l 1 w�n^^'='n��.._,...._.._._..... ..... -.� -. �._ <br /> ..-r-.�-m�� . ,.... <br /> . . ........ �—�� <br /> �f�uYrw+��/lu�f/f_�.�..i�t.....,... . . . . . . _ . <br /> • . • _ <br /> � 17. `�rA��stur of th• Pvop�rty or a Beneficlal Interost in Bov�awer. �i mi or uny pnn ot tn� Proµerty ot ��,� <br /> nny Intcroat ln 11 lo E;old or trnnctcrted (or If e benailclal intcroat In Dortowcr is oold or irnnotcrrcd and Borrowcr Is nat o nntural <br /> peroon) wilhoui l.ondor'a pdor wriRC�i concent, Lendor may,at Ito optlon,rcqulro Immc�ellato pr�yiunt In full 01 nll aums secured by <br /> . Ilils 9ocurity Inatrument. Howovor,Ihl$ optlon ahall not ho oxerclsed by Lender li oxarclso Is prohibitod by fode�al Inw na ot the <br /> date of thlu Socurily Instrument. - <br /> � ' 11 Lender exerclses thls optlon, Lender ahall�Ive Bortower notlao of acceierntlon. The notice ehall provide a peilod ot not - <br /> : • �, lesa lhan 30 daye Irom the date Iho notice Is delNered or rnailed wlthln which �orrower mu�t pay aA sums ¢ecurad by thls .�� _ <br /> � 9ocudty inatniment. I1 Borrower ta�s to pay these eums priar to the explratlon o1 thls porlod, Lender mgy Invoke any remedles �� <br /> ���: pennRted by this SccurSry Instrumcnt tvltho�rt turthr.t nMlce or demand on Bortower. �[�� <br /> � �._ <br /> :�'�"�� 18. BOP�GW�r s Rlght to Rdnata4e. If Borrower moete certein condittone, Bortower shell have the rlght to huv� � <br /> �:''�� an}arcement o1 lhis 3ecurlty Instrument di^.continuod at any tlme prior to th� eadior of: (a) 5 days (or auch other perlod es� <br /> aapllca6le Iaw may epeclfy for relnstatement)boforo sele o1 tho Property purounnt to ony power ot sele contsined In thls Security __ <br /> -�_ Inatrumont; or (b) entry o1 e Judgment enforcing thla Secudry Instrument.Those conditlons ere that Borrower. (a) pays Lender all M ___ <br />- " � ;�` suma whloh then would 6e duo under thls Secutlty Instrument and the Nota es If no acceleration had occurred; (b) cures any� <br /> N %r� detault of any other covenar,t or egreemente; (o)pnys all expenaes Incurred in ontorcing thls Security Inatrumant, Including, but -- <br /> '� not Ilmitad to, reasonsble attomeys'tees; and (d)tukes such actiun es Lender may reasonably require to asaurr�thut tho Ilen of �- <br /> •� i S h ls Se c u r i ty I n s t r u m e n t, L e n d e r's d p h t a i n t h o P r o p a rt y e n d B o r r o w e r's abll gatlon to pa y the sum3 socurad by this Securlry <br /> _.;.�;,�;',��. Instrumee�t sh�ll continuo unchan4ed, Upon reinstntoment by Dorruwor, this Secudry Instrumnnt and th4 obligations securad(� � <br /> ��,::+ ' hereby shall remaln fuly eNeelivd es (f no acecleratlon hud occurted. However,this dght to ralnstuto shnll not c►�ply in the cese ___ <br /> �.a.' ` of acceleratian under paragraph 17. _ <br />�?:�. <br /> ;,���. 19. Stle 6f NqtY; Ch�lt�e Of IA�1t SBIV�Cer. The Note or a a partlal Intereat In the Noto (together wlth this <br />--�:tit�t,;, Secudty InntrumeM) may be sold ono or more times without prlor notice to Borrower.A sale may result In a chunge in the entity <br /> ='=�us (known as the'Loan Servicer') that co!'ects monthry payments due undor the Nole end th{s.iocurfry Instrument. There also mny .- <br /> �':r::;.:.f��:- <br /> --� �_--y�,� bo one or more changes of the Loan 8ervicer unrelated to a cate o1 tho Note. If there Ic a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> `����. Bortower wlll be glven w�ftten noUco ot the change in accardanco wfth paragraph 14 above end epplicabla low. The notice wlll � <br />'-��r�ltk�� <br /> stete the name end address ai the naw Loan Servlcer and the eddress to whlah payments should be mndo. The notice will also <br />:���*s�p���� contaln any other informatlon requfred by appllcable lew. <br /> ���� <br /> 2�D. Hazs�dous Substar.�. Bortower shall not cause or permit the prosence, use, disposal. storepe, or rsleasa o <br /> _? � any Hezardous Subntanr.os on or in the PropeAy. Borrower shali not do, nor allow enyono etsa to do, anything attecting the _ <br /> '����� Property thet Is In vlolation uf any Environmental Law. The preceding two se�tenees shall no4 appty to the presence, uae, or <br /> _ storage vn the Property of emall quantitios of Mt�2anious 5ubstances that ero generely rncognlzod to be appropdate to nurtnnl <br /> _�,�� reslde�i8ct uues and to mnintenance of lhe Properp�. <br /> _..___ Bnrtower shell promptly givo Lender written notice of any InvesUgatlon, claim, demand, lawsult or ottier sction by eny <br />— °=`� aorez�mental or regulatory agency or private parry invotving the Prope+ty and any Hezerdous 3ubstance or Emlronmental 4av� of <br />,. ------ whlah 8orrower hes ectual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or Is notine3 oy any govmnr�iadai �r rs$al.:iar,r sulhod;, *.3s°t �!; <br /> -_ —°— removal or other remediatlon of any Hozardous S�bstance aHocting Property Is necessary. Botrower shall promptly take ull <br /> ��_— _ noceasary remadlel actlons In accordance wRh En�irrnmentel Lew. <br /> -- A1s uaed in this paregrnph 20, "Hazardous Substancos' are those substancea deNned as toxlo or hazardaue substanc�s by <br /> � Em•Lonmental Law snd the foCotving eubsiences: gasoline, kerosene, other Aammable or toxlo petrolmtim produots, toulc <br /> -�- —= paragraph 20tl Environmentsl�Law'pmeans federal1lawsnandllawssof the judsdic�tlon�where t Q PropAf�ty Is located that�relaie to <br /> = heaHh,satuty or envl�nnmmtal protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM CuYENANT9.Borrower and Londer tuAher covenant and agree ss toltows: <br /> -�,,� ��. Acceleration; Rent�dla�. tendor shail giv� notic� to 8arrower prior to accel�ratlon <br /> -- foliowing Borrower'a breec7� o! any covenant ar agraement In this S�curfty Instrument (but nut <br /> - - prio� to acc�lsr�tion undsr paragrAph 1� unloss �pplicabls law provid�� oth�rwise). Tho r�otico <br /> - shall spacify: (a) th� dot�ul3; (b) tf�e actlon requlrud to cure ths dsfauR; (c) a dat�� not Issa th�n <br /> ---_--- ----- _ . . . .... ._ ..... _...._. ._ �.� ...�•..�•�*. a..te��h muat b� cursd� ertd <br />.. . . - ,Q Q�$ ROII� f11C �wa� u1� �tv►w�a �o ��Sivi. iv wiitivc:vi� .....v.. .. .. .,_.. <br /> _ ___ __ (d) that h9lure to cure the d�f�uit on or betora the dats spocified In th� notic� may rssutt In <br /> accef�ration of tM�sums sscur�d by this S�curity Instrum�nt �nci sale bf tha Praparty. Tha n�21a� - <br /> ahall turth�r Inform 8orrower of th� rlght to roinstato atter accolerpttan and tha right to bring e <br /> court actlon tm aasart ths non•sxlatenca of a dehuR or Any athsr dsfans� of Borrow�r to <br /> �cc�l�r�tlon �nd aal�. B ths d�huR la not cured on or bofor� the dats sp�cfftad In th� noNc�, <br /> Lsnd�r st ib optlon ms�y r�qulro Immodlata payment I� full of sll auma sscur�d by thi• Securriy <br /> Inatrumen4 wfthout furRh�r dom�nd end may Ineokq th� powar of eals rnd sny othsr �emedl�s <br /> p�rmittec0 by appllcabl� law. Lender ahali bs entRlad to collect all expens�a Incur�ed in pursuing <br /> tha r�medl�s provid�d In thl� ptrapraph 27, Inaluding, but not IImI4od to. nasonabin eittorneya' <br /> foea �nd costs of t{tio avldsnce. <br /> -----_ —° If ths power of spiv Is Invaked, Trustee shatl record a notl.�s of dsfau!� lo uach aounty In <br /> -°--_�� whtch any pa�t of tho Propertyi is loct�ted end ahail mall copie+� of such notice in the mannvr <br />--:_::::{P��i �rmac►ttsed by appllcablo law to Borrower and to the other persons prencribsd by�pp�laeble law. <br /> -- Att�r the time required by appltcni�le law, T�ustee ahall g(ve publlc notice ot sale to tho p�rsons <br />__ _°�__,=-� and In the neannor prescribed by a{.M,o]��able law.Trustae, without domr�nd on Borrower, shall sell <br /> °"'°;� tl�e Propsrty at publlc ouctlon to the htghest bicAder at the t0me and ptace e�d und�r thw terms <br /> ---' °``�': dos�gnated In the notice � sale in on� or more parcela and in �ny order Trustee dst�rminea. <br /> ,.;. <br /> -°_�^"`'"�.�`;; Tr��tee may postpone sa0m ot a!1 or any parcel of the Propevty by public annauncoment At tho <br /> ..�,;ui„r:•�};<. <br /> °�-':����;._ time and pl� of any previously schudulod sale. Londer or (is designo� mc+y purchase tho <br />-=— —° Propprty at�y sale. <br />- ----- �... ..�_y_ _���a r��e..�.. a.. �t.e w�we5a�m� Tratetme�Q <br /> __ 'i{7�_.� V�)0�1 receipt oT paymeni oi iita priae v�u� �rvat�o a�m�■ v...��. ... ...� r�.......�_. -------- <br /> =�" _ deed convaying the PPaa��iy. The �ecltals In the Trustoe's deed ahall be prima facie edidonce of <br /> u==--�`� .� the truth of tl�e etatsrnar��� made thereln. Tru3tee shall apply the proceeds af tho e�ale In the <br /> A.��� <br />__ __'._?"T_'. <br /> -:.,aY:.---`�;�� • tollowing order: (a) to all coats and expensee of exercisireg the power of sale� and the sa e� <br /> -==J=e=_�s.--� including tho paymont of ths Trustee'a tees actuelly incurred� not to�xceed three - <br /> :::-�,��- 9'0 of the prfncipal amount of tho <br /> �:;...:, - <br /> =;�.�`t��� � note e,t the timu of the dealaratlon of defauft, and roasonable attorney's tees as permitted by law; <br /> ;;:'_,:_ , s�y�V,'. (b) to ail surns seaured by this Security Instrumant; and (c) any excess to the porson or persons � <br />•.�`;;�:; .�. ._ legally e�titled to ft. _ <br /> - •,� , _. <br /> -�:-'� '� �c� = <br /> � F1J10.LM0 pry5) Pago 4 ot 5 <br /> -'=`6= _ .r� - <br />;;t * • - <br /> �� - <br /> 9G044 <br /> . _ _� - <br />