P~7wE k iJE' ATTl1ZN E'Y', ~'~, ~,~, Q,~ U ~ a7 3
<br />I, Sohn E. Schwarting, of 182.3 North Kruse, Grand Island, hall
<br />~ounty, Nebraska, make, constitute and appoint my son, Paul M. Schwarting,
<br />,f 2825 Texas N.E., Albuquerque, Bernalilla County, New Mexico 87110, my
<br />!_rue and- lawful attorney ir. fact for me and in my name, place and stead,
<br />can my behalf, and €or my use and benefit:
<br />To deposit ir, my name and for my account with any bank, trust company,
<br />.r other financial institution all moneys payable or belonging to me,
<br />:neluding checks, drafts, notes, bills of exchange and all other comme.rci.a1
<br />~astruments, and for that purpose to sign my name and endorse all documents
<br />for deposit or collection or any other purpose deemed necessary by my
<br />rttorney in fact.
<br />1.. To withdraw all moneys deposited with any bank, trust company, and
<br />*_her financial institutions having moneys belonging to me and for that
<br />,.arpose to-draw checks in my name, sign withdrawal slips and execute any
<br />ther instruments necessary for withdrawing moneys belonging to me.
<br />. To sell, transfer, exchange, mortgage, encumber by security agreement,
<br />artgage or any other form of encumbrance, or otherwise dispose of ar
<br />.ncumber arsy of my property, including real c=state and personal property,
<br />.:ul to execute and deliver deeds, including deeds of warranty, contracts,
<br />::ills of sale, mortgages, security agreements .,nd other documents neces-
<br />irl to act in carrying out these powers.
<br />'to resit, repair, maintain and ~ ;sure real estate nrd personal ,. - ;pzrt;-,
<br />'a collect, sue, compromise or otherwise dispose of any claim or
<br />,~~br_ due or payable to me, and to pay, compromise, or otherwise: di:sehar.e.
<br />.d secure releases from any obligations or claims owed to me.
<br />.. To,,crold, manage, invest, reinvest, trade, ~:~xchange, buy and sell
<br />:~sestrirent securities now awned by me or acyuireci later by my attorney
<br />. .;.,ct for me.
<br />~o lease, rent, manage, terminate leases, ::ontract as to, and ener-
<br />ly deal in and use all of my real estates and .iuCcur:ests in real c~st.rc•,,
<br />:on covenants, conditions, terms and provisions :,y :attc:~rney in t,c. t
<br />r.:11 determine, in the sale discretion of my attorney in tact for ;u~_~
<br />Rst interests, receive and collect all rents and all other .unount.s .3;i~:
<br />as security for the faithful performance of le~rses anti ail rentz> :i~_rte
<br />,std payable to ~, and execute all necessary documents, natives, :::~~r:i~r_s
<br />!trd other papers pertaining to my real estate.
<br />d. To open and enter all safety deposit boxes rented by me, alani, <;r
<br />Ly me and sots other person or parsons, in The 1''irst Natian~ri Ban's; c3x
<br />-grand Isiand or any other- bank, wherever located, and to place ~larirme~.nts
<br />and other papers in and remove documents anc9 other papers from all
<br />safety deposit boxes.
<br />This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by my disability as
<br />principal. I reserve the right to revoke this knower of Attorney in
<br />writing.
<br />A photocopy of this Power of Attorney has the same force and efrec:t
<br />as the original signed and ackncnrledged by me--~.
<br />Signed at Grand Tsland, Nebraska, on :3optember: 21, 1981..
<br />".'
<br />n ~. Sc vtaxt~ gj
<br />:a'I OF NB9RASKA, IiAI,L Ci)UNTY:
<br />The fozegoiny instrument was acknowle:dyezd be:t'c>ce: me this
<br />.,~~,tc:+nber 21, 1981, by .john E, Schwarting-
<br />._ .. f`~ ,f ~ ~JitnAc M,.?knr .~raie MrMrzne,
<br />fx~a it 1 C ~,
<br />?;rf1l r 3='P A
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