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_ PO"rIE R, OF ATTORNEY ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ 5 9 ~ u <br />I, Johanna M. ''Schwarting, of 2825 Texas N.E., Albuquerque, Bernalillo "" <br />County, New Mexico, make, constitute and appoint my son, Paul h7. Schwarting, <br />of-2825 Texas N,E., Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico 87110, my <br />true-and lawful attorney in fact for me and in my name, place and stead, on <br />nay behaif, ar~d for my use and benefit: <br />1. To deposit in my name and for my accounts with any bank, trust company, <br />or other financial institution alI r;~neys payable or belonging to me, <br />including checks, dcafts, notes, bills o£ exchange and all other commercial <br />instruments, and for that purpose to sign my name and endorse all documents <br />for deposit or collection or any other purpose deemed necessary by my <br />attorney in fact. <br />"l. To withdraw all Honeys aeposited with any barilc, trust company, and other <br />financial institutions having moneys belonging to me and fur that purpcs~ to <br />draw checks in my name, sign withdrawal slips and execute any other instru- <br />ments necessary for withdrawing moneys belonging to me. <br />3. To sell, transfer, exchange, mortgage, encumber by security agreement, <br />mortgage or any other farm of encumbrance, or otherwise dispose of or <br />encumber any of my property, including real estate and personal properti~, <br />and to execute and deliver deeds, incl~iding deeds of warranty, contracts, <br />bills of sale, mortgages, security agreements and other documents necessary <br />to act l.n carrying out these powers. <br />4. To rent, repair, maintain and insure real estate and personal property. <br />S. '1'o collect, sue, compromise or otherwisa_ dispose of any claim or debt <br />due cir payable to me, and to pay, compromise or otierwise discharge and <br />secure releases from any obligations or claims awed to me. <br />6. ~o hold, manage, invest, reinvest, trade, exchange, buy and sell invest- <br />ment securities now owned by. me or acyuired later by my attorney in fact for <br />me. <br />7. To lease, rent, manage, terminate leases, contract as to, and generally <br />deal in and use all of my real estate and interests in real estate, upon <br />covenants, conditions, terms and provisions my attorney in fact shall <br />determine, in the sole discretion of my attorney in fact for. my best <br />interests, receive and col lec*_ all rents and all other amounts due me as <br />security for the faithful performance of leases and all rents due and pay- <br />..- able to me, and execute ali necessary documents, notices, receipts and other <br />l(apkrs l:ertaininy to my real estate. <br />8. Ta open and enter alt safety de~Zosit boxes rented by me or by ma. and <br />sair~ other person ar persorzs, in any aational bank, w-zerever located, and to <br />place documents and other papers iz: and remove documents -.:nd other papers <br />from all saf~:ty deposit-boxes. <br />This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by my disability as <br />prirzcipai. I reserve the right to revoke this Power of Attorney in writing. <br />A photocopy of this Power of Attorney has the same Force and effect as <br />the original signed and acknowledged by me. <br />Signed at Albuyuerque, New htexico, on _ _ ~~ ~_ /_~_~, 1981 . <br />i l~ %Y~1.1.'T+~~~ ~~ a}~ 4-`Lw tZjJ~ ~,p(. ~~ <br />' ~'~(Johanna M.hwa'rting) <br />S'iATE OF' NY:W MCsxICO, B3;kNALILLU C:OUN'1'Y: <br />E... <br />T fareg©ing instrument was acknowledged before me this <br />S" , 19131, by Johanna M. Schwarting, husband and <br />~'_~1.~:_..... L. <br />wee . <br />T ~1h.~ _~ <br />~'~~~ Nofia~Y,y Public <br />~~ OffU'inl SEAE <br />t(A7NERtNE CABALLERO <br />_,~ +JIAkY "uBCiC: - ;~.:Y .', L.~: i.n <br />-'-~~' Q~~ry &x~d F S d rceih 1n rwt ry or 4fi <br />xX Ci~Ftli 45hY1 r.'(ti(f; <br />3riltil'1' ~ <br />