9. Comtemrtatioa. The prcuerJs of any award ur ,!arm rue Jatnegc. Jrre.r :,r tonsey~e~ral. u~-~Afi~i~ti(,~w~ith :;m
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. ur pan thrreot. ur cur ennveyan:e in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shad be paid to Lcn~t.
<br />!n the evetti of a total ;eking of the Property, rhr pntacrJ+ ,ball he .,pphcJ to the ,ums srcttred by this DerJ of Trust.
<br />(~ wrt6 the exra".Sr, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of ,, ixania! takrng u! the Prtprrty, unless Barrawer and Lender
<br />r otherwise agree in writing, there sfial4 tee apphrd to rhr sums ucureci h+ th+< (keJ u! Trust ,nth proport,un of the prurrrJs
<br />as is egera! to that proportion which rhr amount of the sum, x•arred by thts Deed of Trust immrdi:dety poor u, the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately pour m the Ja4~ of takrng, wrth she balance of the prrtceeds
<br />paid- to Borrower.
<br />!f tht Property rs abanektned by Burruwrr, ur if, after notice by lender m Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim far Damages, Borrower (ails w respond ut Lcrater wrthin l0 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, f_rnder is authorised to coUrrt and apple the pntceeds, at l.endcr's uprmn, richer [n ra~storation or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this lktd of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Bo-owcr otherwise :rgrce in writrng, any such apphcatian .rf proceeds ro principal shall not extend
<br />or [~stporte the due date of the monthly installrtecnts referrrd ut m paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />sUCit intiallrfttttt3.
<br />19. fiorrower Not Released. Extension of the time (ur payment or muJrfir:uion of amorutauon of the sums settrreJ
<br />by this Qeed of Trust granted by Lender to any wccrssur m ~nterest ul Burntwcr shall not operate to relra>r, in any manner.
<br />thr liability o€ the onginal Rorrowrr mtJ Borrower's successor, tr. interest Lender shall nut tx rcyuired to atmmrncr
<br />prortxdings agaenst such sweesstx ur refuse kr extrnJ umr for payment ur ofherwrac modify amorti[auon ut the sums
<br />secured by thrs Deed of Trust by reason ul env Demand nraJe by the anginal Burrower and Borrower's successors m interest.
<br />1 t. Fnrbrarancr by Lender Nw x Waiver. Arty turbearance by 4 ender m rxcrcisrng any nght nr remcdv hrrrunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shalt not he ., w.trvrr ut ur preclude the earrcnr of any such right ur remrdc
<br />fhe procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes ur raher Irene ur .hargn by Lender shalt not tte a waiver of Letrder's
<br />nght to accelerate the maturity of the urdrhtrdness ueureJ hs thrs 1)ccJ vt Trust
<br />IZ. Rataedks Cuartdsrirr. .Ali rentedres pn+vutcJ m tors Ihat ul ~l'nut .ue J,suoct :ut.l cumuhruve tut arty other nght
<br />ur remedy under thn fAeeJ of Prust ur afforded M law ur ryuuv, anJ may iti exercned c:mcorrcnt h-. mdepenJrmly or
<br />successively.
<br />13. 5rse•cessars and AstiKns &rand: Jtrhtl and tievrral LixtsilNy; /'aptiuns. fhr .ovenants ;utJ agnemrnts herein
<br />eontarrred shall bend, and ihr nghn hereunder shall more tu. the rc,prcusc tu:cessors .out asrgm of Lender and Uorrowrr.
<br />+ubtect to tf>< provtsrons of paragraph !7 hrrcut All a.rvcnauu .,nJ a4rn:mrnts of Uanuwcr shall he 7otm anJ several
<br />Itra captions and herdings ul the paragraphs of thrs Urrai of itust .ue for .onvrnrcnce onl+ anJ are not to hr used to
<br />rmerprct ar drone the provtsruns hereof
<br />IA. 'Votire. Except for .toy Hinter rryuurd unJrt apph,ablc raw a. hr Lncn rn anmher manner. cal any notice to
<br />Burrower ptovuted for m Ihts IktJ nl 'trust shall tx grscn by matting such Hotter by crrntieJ marl aJJressrd to Borrower at
<br />the Pmperty Address or at such other aJJress ,u Wsrruwcr may de>rl;natc by ounce ro Lrndrr as prorrdeJ herein, and
<br />Ih) any rtutice to Lender shall tx grvcu by certdirJ road, return teccrpt rryuctrd, to t_rnJers aJJrrss stuteJ hercm ur to
<br />such roller aatdress as Lender reay Jrsrgnate ht nonce ro Burruwrr ,n pnrsrJrd bettor. :Any nonce provrdeJ form thu
<br />lked of Trust shalt rte deemed to have Ixrn given w Uorrowrr ur LcuJcr when green ur the manner Jrargnuted herein
<br />IS. t;a:far~l iieari of Trust, i.orrrnerryt I aw:'serrrobfiiiy Ihr. t.rrm ,i ,iceJ ut trust combures unrturm cov .Hants for
<br />national use and non-uniform cavetrants wrtir Irr,ritrd vurrmorr+ t,y tunsJr~lrna to ronslitutc :t uniform seourrt+~ uuu~umem
<br />.uverrng', rCal property, !his Decd ai `}'oast ahaif hr guscrnrYl by rhr i:tw of the turrsdia Iron rn which the !'ntprrty n Iterated
<br />In the cvem that atty provision ur clause at thrs I)re•d nt Tnrst ar the Note catttlistx with applicable low, such aimHrct shall
<br />= nett affect other prowsiuns u[ then [:)a:rJ ul 'trust ur the Noir which .an tx )nrven rtlect wuh~uut the cenJlt.:nng pruvrsrirn,
<br />.u'tJ to tht+ end the proviaiitrw of the Decd ut `!"rust ,end the Notc ace drelarcJ u+ Ix xeverablc.
<br />tb. iarrarrer"s Copy. Bo~u'erwrr shall t»r furmshrd ^ ci>nhn lord .opY r+l Ih+ Notcr .rnJ u( this fYcrJ .rt I1 ust at the umr
<br />ut rxccnuon ar after rcccrrdatrun hcnot
<br />1'7, Trnrat/er of the Pnspretlyi rllewmptlwr. It :JI rn awy lairi'r v>f the 1'rulx•rty ut a[r intrrrat therein rs sold .tr transft:rtctk
<br />'try Burrower without Lrrtaker's prior writecrt ion>ent, racirtJrrik tai the crrauun ul .r Iron or rncurnhrarter suhurJrnatc to
<br />thrs DCCd of Trust, th) the creanun ut a purchase uwney seeunty uttrrest for hoiNChO1J .IpplldltCC>, 1 C 1 :1 Iramicr by dev,x,
<br />Descent ur by uperatmn of law upon the Death wwf a court teuam ur
<br />!enJrr may, at ! cnJrt~s upu.m, deduce all the sums accurcJ hr thrs 1)ral of Trust ro trc
<br />rmrrretiiately dtx and payxbk. IxnJrr shall have waned such upn,m to accrlcratr rl. poor to t}te salt ur trunslrr, tsndrr
<br />and lht patron to whom the Property n to fee >a1J ur uanslcn cJ reach agratnrum in wrung that the :redo of such Ixrson
<br />rs satlsftu:twy to l_rnJCr artd that tltc interest payable :vr the sure, ee.meal My ttrrs 1>eeJ .N I nrsi +huli tin at such r,ue ;n
<br />Lenakt shall reytrest. It Lender has wxweJ the opuon to .,:crleraa• pnnrJed ut thrs paragr,+ph 1 7, anJ rt Horn+wrr \ successor
<br />'_ rn interest has rxnuteJ a wniten asstempuuu agtrenrcm avseptcJ to w:qm{t h~ !.enJrr. Leader ,hall telcasr Uurn,wer tram
<br />:d! ohtigauamv urrdrr the l)0rJ of "trust and the Nutr
<br />1f I.rnder s:teressc~> nukis .rptron tc. a~r,ricru€c. i enure •,n.rli nruri Borruwar +rut+;u r,; a~:.c•Irratr:+n r.t .,.,r,rdur:a•e roots
<br />pwrttgrxpft I+t herCOt ~SUth nrrircC sha31 ;xusrdr ,r panuJ t,t N,ut 9cs+ than tU dup~+ Irr'mr the tl»uc tha^ uuu4C r, rn,rtted wdhrn
<br />whrc't Bnrirowcr may Itay the aur'us deularud,lue If Bcrn,,~wcr tl,nls to pe+ ~'~uah ,.rtrra Ilrnatr b. the celtrrarturtr .al >rreh yxnoJ.
<br />Leidct• rt'ray, wttttuut firtltrr Hoare ur dreuxuJ oet l~orrowcr rrnLL~i,c au} rrtur0.t++~a txrnnucJ tty patagr'ap#r Ih hrrcaJ
<br />!si:t~i..L,:e.a'azeI `s.....tiEfry~;•.ra :r~rrrizins:.€i'! l.:rtJY:r rtlrth;: w:,+.:.t,.r„1 r„aP ai{„ "1:tl c, it+it,,w,.
<br />!M, !-irrlrrxtfws_ Ifrnwdies. Excrpl as pruvfdrJ to p,rragr±fplrr 17 cetera}, upuu Rorruwrr's trractt of arty cersrtumt !.r
<br />xflrr°ravBat of 13trrrrrwrr ilr tbkr fAtrd ul i'ttrarf, iaeiudiatt for cusenxnts to pxyi whru duz xuy +unis secured by ibis 1)erd
<br />of Trrs/, Lehr pri.~r to xccrirrni~rru sgxN mxB ,uttfar ru Burruwrr as prwidrd in parxkrxpfr is hereof aprcifyiug: tlt rhr
<br />bretecA; fly tbu wtiaa rryttircd Ix clue swb brew b; fJl a tlatr, nW Irss thin W days }tour Ihr dale tltr Holier v utxilyd to
<br />ltaarruwer, by wbkb +wb brcwb ittwl br oared; and ti! thrtt ftdlurc to curr +uch brrxrh on ur tirforr the date sprcitird
<br />iw that nafirr Hwy rrsaN in wcrlrratwu of tlrr wrro ucurrtd hr this Iked of Irust and role of the Properly. fhe Holier
<br />+bMll fw'tber fMrum Uorrowrr of the riBbi lu rciwslate after xcrlrrxtlwt and the rittht to bring a roar! artiun to xssrA
<br />tbt nun-rtLsfrnrr of x drlaaN ru my iolbrr defrwsr of Burruwrr ro wcrirrxtiua xml axle. It Ihr breath is nut cured
<br />ua ur before the tbdr specilfed in flee natkr. laewder xt I.rndrr's opliuu Wray derlxrr all of fhr suhu xcured by this Derd
<br />of Troy/ lu be irumrdiatdy doe and payrtbk wgbuW further rlematrd xud may iuiukr the power of salt xnd any mhrr rratedirs
<br />perraifttd by appiieis6k law. Lrndrr ,belt Ise rrtiikrd to carlkct xtl rrtssunxblr :osU and erprnars incurred in punuirgt the
<br />nrsrrdies proridrd fa tbL pruxifrapb IN. ~ItrdfaK, Mtt rw1 lirniled N., rrasunxbk xttunrry's frrs.
<br />If Ihr poever of sat !s ipirrkrd, Trvuire shall rscwd x twticr of default in rich cuuul) in which the Property ur wine
<br />pert }hereof {s Iw•afrd and+.Arfl mail copies rd rwb twt-rr in Ihr manner prru~rihrd hr applicabfr law to Narrower xnd to Ihr
<br />WMrr persutss ptssrtibed by xppYcteWe law. After the }apse of wch time trs ntxy br rryuirrd by xpplicxDlr law, 7'nwtrr shall
<br />glee, ptiMk autMr of sale to the persons lead is for maxxrr prescribed by appik•utrk law. Truster, without demand un
<br />Uarratrer, rJsal! seU for Property W public aYatiua to for Mgthr+t bidder xt Ihr time and pleat xud under the toots drsignxlrJ
<br />W Her notice of saki is rrM w more pw crb acrd fn sw~b order as Tooter utxy drtrrntinr. Tnt+k~r tux} pustputtr salt of aB
<br />urr aa) parse! tH the Pttapegy by public xaaaunaerrrrnt w fbr time end pixer of xny prrriuusly x~hedulyd suit. Lrndrr ur
<br />I.rtder's iesiRasr rsay prrebrwr rkte Property tM any situ.
<br />!!purr rw-eipl of NYtseN of ibe prier bit. 'rtstattrr shah deUrcr it the purchaarr 7'ru+trc's deed cunsryiuq Ihr 1'ruprnt
<br />rubt. Tire rrcMafs 4 tltt 7~rrwtrr a seed ibaU br prima faqir r,Nk`nar of the trwb of thr statements made therein. Truster
<br />riva'~ >y iar proceeds ref trot slit ~ tier frflavri~ air: in to off rrxsurtx(~e c,.stx and ecpertres of the +xk•, iiaa4udtrrtt, trot
<br />:+t+i ~ tea, Trissite`r frrs art asN mute tbrgt 1: ~ ~ i t =: of 3hr prus+ safe prior. re:uurwDtr aiturnry'+ frrs xnd .usts of
<br />IMt evirltarr; fbt Fa trY srtgir steered by lt~ lkrd of f rtni; atut tai the rsa'rss, i/ xnt, to the pawn ur prtsuns trKxlt} enttNrd
<br />fbftafe.
<br />t4» Uattower's fEigiq to /ktiarrate. 's,',re+ifniaa.trnb f cnJCr ... ctrr.,tmn ..r Ihr .;um ...toed h+ Ihr. Ih•ad ,,: t r.„~.
<br />Barr rstwcr +.hall have dx riylhl w base a pr.-w.uc.hng+ Iwgun is Crueler r,l nr.c tl+u Drrd „1 Irr~.t ,r,..,,,,n ~, r,.,t .,r
<br />any unx pf'xer to the reelect to rwuu ut r,i tlx:. ttith .la) !"`cure tfk- ..de of the 1't alnrtt+ p,u w.un la the ta..aet ,,t »,di ..au.r u,ao
<br />nrthislk.:kdo[Yrusl,rt(urentt}.,fate.Jgnrcrunnfor.in>;tht.fkra+,thm.ta talU..nn..a,t,a.,lrnd:r ill,+mr.+,h+Jt,..•~rt.l
<br />tic: direr dur under lbw lJerJ ..t Fr,eat. des Nrde anJ Hulas „.ur net: Fukuc M1+i.an+a~ ,t .,++. h.~,l rr„ . M~,,:; u.u , .d
<br />tht itCriu.arr cures .JI h, ca,trfic r,l any other .osauants +a _r Krrrexru+ ,rt Uutru.. c, „nt:uarJ .n th+. 1),rcd nt~ I~r~u+t
<br />rs) tiro r,~war swys all ra..,nn.+hlc rst>t~nac+ rrx ur oat h! I rode, aad -fnnu=, + r :nt „r. me rt:c ,, :rnanr, auJ -.fir rc uea•nn •'t
<br />tta.rru~,v .,.ntau~d rn then 1}reJ of cowl .ru! ro eutur~n,n ! rnderA .n4i t:u;rcr-. ++,,..Lcs ... pr ~dcd in Isar-rt;+.,i,6 I_+
<br />f+a-leaf ,eW to>btag. hot nor l+nErtcd te,. ,ra+u,rahk atturnty\ h~c:. a.,.) ;,ll Ik,r sr,+, rt Ia:, r. ~.,+.h a .-n a.~l a•nder mat r ., , ,<.rl~ir
<br />r syr,crc to a,surc Ihxt the tees, .,i tfr.x f?cc-d s+l fYu+i I enJrr teti'rv; m rhs Pt utee r:s .,, e,1 ~B,~nn.,cr. „hhgatr•m ~+,~ t'-n
<br />