the sums secured by this S3ecd ut Trust shall ro~tinuc unimpatrcd. Upon such payment and cur ~6y Sor of e~t~s~[3zed ut
<br />Trust aixi the abl+gat~tts setumi hereby shall retnuin in toil force attd effect as if no accekratmn had occurred.
<br />2i. d Rates: Appai~ametu of ltaeeirer, i.endicr is Pascttariar+, As addutanai security hereunder, Botrowtr
<br />hereby assigns [o teawier rise reins rrf the Property, provided that Uarrawtr shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph iN
<br />Iwreai ar abartdanrnttni of tht Prapeny, have the r:ght to cal4ect scud retain such reins as they becottu due and payable.
<br />ilpcm u:.eierztiart urtder paragraph i8 herrwf tw abarsdanmert of a#te Property. tender.:n person, by agent or by
<br />yiatlicuiiq rxnvtr, shat! 6e cmitled to enter upon, take possession ui and managt the Property and to rotlect tht
<br />linos of tltete trY tnciuditsg thane pest dur, A!! rents culkued by Ixnder or the rece+ver shalt bt ap~lted Atst to payttsem
<br />wJ; the taps of mana=ement of tht Property attd cailcciian of rents, ancittding, but trot limited to, receiver's tees< prcmrums
<br />an recertxr's ~~ sad reasonable attwttey's ftxs,rnd then to the sums ses:ured by this Deed of Trust. tcndee and tht
<br />rewrt:iver sAaN be iittbie to account only fw these: rents actually received.
<br />Ei. F~ AAeataes. Upat requrst of Borruwtr, tender. at Ixnder's option, prior to full reconveyance of the Propertx
<br />ny Trustee sa 9orrawer, may nuke Future Advances to ifarntwcr. Such Fuuerc Advances, with inttrest thereon, shall bi:
<br />attuned by ihh Deed of Trust when evnlettted by promissexy noes statiri$ that ,aid notes are soured hereby. At no time shall
<br />thin pntrcipat amount of the irtdeiN..mess ste:urcd by thn Died of Trust, not including suttts advan~¢ to acSSordancc herewuh
<br />to protect the suuntp of thss Decd of True, a:teed the ongtnat amount of the NWe pins US S 50b• DU
<br />22. Rietwtveta~ee. Upon paytnem of ai! sums ste:ured by this Reid W Trust, i.ender shall request Trustee to recunvcy
<br />the Properly acid shall surrender this Decd of Trust and au owes evidencing indcbtrdtsess secured 6y this Deed of Trust
<br />t~ Trastte rriruee shah r'cconvcy tht Property without warranty and wethaut Charge to site person or persons Icgatl±
<br />entitledrbereto. Stroh person or persons shah pay all casts ut recurdatiwe, if any-
<br />23. SiabeWitgt Trtaieeca. tender, at Loader's upi+an, rosy trcnt tome to seine remove Trustee and apppooins a successor
<br />uustce to any Trusttt appointed hereunder by on tnatrumcm rerurdrd to site county to which this Deed of Tnist is recorded
<br />Witnaut canveyattee of the Property, tht succeuor trustee shall succeed to a!1 the title, power and duties conferred upon
<br />the Trustee herein and by appticable law.
<br />2A> Rs+,wst far Notkea. &trrower requests that cupres of the notice of dtlault and notice of sate tx scm to Borrower's
<br />addreu which is the Property Ad+:-css.
<br />lrt Wftrot s Wttt:etcor. Hi>rrowt:r lots rxccuted this [)cod of "l rust.
<br />~'{r ~~ . ~lfj7tl ~ .......... .
<br />Art r C Sims '.ea,.o...,
<br />~har~n K. Sins ao.i~.•.
<br />STATE i~F NEBRA61SAl
<br />/# ~ ~S.
<br />CtriliTl Y 4f" ,,T(~ 1
<br />Ttte fcr,aypoxng anatruastrnt was ac:knowledxlod twrslore reue thls nth .day ot,.
<br />~1c,~t~mi:r>. 1sE~Y„ by~lt"~~}.tlC ~«. Suits ,lnd„ Stiarau K, ~isnsl,, husi~anrwf. aiui.twri,~'.e
<br />Hitnetss my hand and seal at. . ~~ ~-~ . ~.• . B7rgadwtel i., .Grand .L s Land, ,DIE
<br />:n said county, ttw data aforesaid.
<br />tl~ ttRiM-° {tau K arNsr+r
<br />tsFWCarnm.w+sO.+~G.;stt4 ~lr~iC~''.t~~'' '`~E-~t'a;i.~:
<br />- ,,,;Notary i'ublic
<br />My Comsaiiiatan utcpiri#tt:
<br />iiEVtiEST Pi3N tt£CONVEYANn.k:
<br />'Tit "i'REkSTEi}:
<br />1"tte trntiteraiyreed an the holder u,f the note or natexs ~cedcurred ixy thr.a 13eed cif ^i^rust.
<br />~ll~tf tte5ts of noi:,e&ts, togathar with ail atirest indalrtadnesa rtercutred t,y ehra dead cif "Cruet,
<br />hter~tt ktysm paid in full. You err hsrrtnby diro+:ted to cancel said Hate or notes find 4his
<br />i7t~1d wE 'Trust, which are delivered tureoy, acrd to reconvey, without watranty, all khe
<br />sts_a-t~,d_'my =,o_ uas ttzis t~r~ be m_,•uat to the L~raon or raone le.~ally arttitled
<br />tfctttatss..
<br />
<br />