U NtF6aF/ COVt'.NAttlTS. Bt)r rriwer and t.eltder C+,vtnam and agree as tolluws' ~~ ~-'- 1J V
<br />I- Payrneot of Principal and loirrest. Borrower ,halt promptly pay when due tht principal of and intarc,t on the
<br />,rldebtedntss evidenctd by the Note, prepayment and tare charges as providtd m the Note, and tht princrpai of enJ imerest
<br />on ang5' Fuhve Advance, segued by thts Deed of "Tntst.
<br />i. Pttpda "roe Toes clad lasot~rtee. Subject to applicable {aw or so a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />tq1 Lender on the day monthly installmenu of principal and incerest arc payahtt under tree Note, until the Nutt is pail m full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds"1 equal to orx-twelfth of the yearly taxes and asstcsmtnts which may attain prwriry over thi;
<br />Clem of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for ha[urd insurance.
<br />plus ant-twelfth of yearly premium installments fur mongagc insurance. if any, a!I as rcawnably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable e,tinratcs thtreuf.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or account, of whtth art: insured nr guaranteed by a Ftdtral ur
<br />stair agtncy fincludmg lender if :~ndtr is sorb an instiU.ldon). f_endtr shat) apply the Funds to pay s::id raves, assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may nor charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analynng said account
<br />or verifying acrd compiling Bald assessments and hills, unles, Lender pays Burruu•cr interest tin the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Ltnder to make such a charge. Borrower and Ltnder may egret +n writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the FunJ, ,hail be paid U, Burruwtr, and unless such agrecmem a made or appbcabtc law
<br />requires such interest to tx: paid. Ltnder sh:dl nut be rcyuoed to pay Borrower any mttre;t or earnings on the Fundx, i.endtr
<br />shall give to Burruwtr, without charge. an amwal accoiamng of the Fund, ,bowing cretins and Jthih ro the FunJs :aid the
<br />purpox for which each debt[ iu the Funds was made. Tht Funds are pledged us additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />!f the amount of the Funds held by Ltnder, mgcthrr wnh the looter monthly installmtms of Fund, payable poor n,
<br />the due dates of taxes, asstssmena, msur:ultt prtmiunn .uul ground trots, ,hall txcttd the amoum rcywrcd to pay stud rave,.
<br />assessments, insurance premums and ground rents a, they Lill +luc, >uch rxctss shall ht, at Borrower's optwn, either
<br />promptly repaid to Boerowcr or +.redited m Harrower on monthly installmtm, of Foods. If the amount of the Fund;
<br />herd by Lender ,hail not be sul6nent to pay roves, assr,smtnts. ulwrtnct prcnuunts and ground trots as they fall due.
<br />Burrower shall pry w lender any amount necessary to make up the deficrtncy wnhln iii day; Iron the dart nutlet is madtd
<br />6y Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in lull of all sums secured by this DtcJ tit Lrust, Larder ,hall promptly rtlund to Burrower an) FunJs
<br />held by Lcntier. If under puragra~,h Itf htreol the Proptnv r, ,old ur the Pazperty is uthcrwtsc acyuireJ hp l toiler. Lcndtr
<br />shall apply, no later than rmmedtzlcly poor w the +alt of the Nroperty o€ its acyuistuun by Ixnder, gay Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of apphtauon as a credit against the win, ,ecurtd by thu Decd of Trust.
<br />3. ApplksHoa of hymeatw Unltu apphcablC law pruvtJe, othtrwtst, all payments recrtled t+y I ender under the
<br />Note and parrgraphs t and :. htrcuf shall ht apphtd by I ender lust m puymtut ul amounts payable t.. Lntder by Burruwtr
<br />under paragraph 2 htrcuf, then to interest payable tin iht Note, then to the principal of the Nore, and then to interest and
<br />prlnctpat on any Fuwre Advances.
<br />4. Cfstuges: Liens. Borrower ,hall pay all ta.vt,. esse,smeun anJ ,uhrr charges. tints ;old nnpu,ttions aurihutablc to
<br />the Property which eery att:Un a pnority over tilts Detd of Trust, gad Icasehold payments ur ground rents, if any, in the
<br />maoner proved under paragraph 2 hereof ur, if nor paid tit ,uch munutr, by Borrowtr makiug payment, when titre. directly
<br />tD lhe', payce rhtrecYf.. Borrower Shall prfinipdy tlirttr5h tU I.tlldtr :tit rllYll4'~t'> +,t :Ir11C)umS Jitt under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event. Biirrawer shah Inakr payment durttly, Burrower shalt promptly furnish to Lcndtr rcctipts tvi+lrnting such payments.
<br />Burrower shelf promptly discharge any hen wlur:h has prturrty over this I.h:ed tit I'nrat, pruvidcJ, thus liarruwer shall trot tr+.
<br />required to discharge any such hen so luny; as Borrowtr ,huff egret in writing to the {+aymtnt of rht ubltgation secured by
<br />such ben IrI a rnatttsrr a~etptablt u, Ltnder, ur shall rn good Ranh c,untrst such Itcn by, ur Jcfenll eniorctlnenr of such irru rn.
<br />Itgal pr ~ din s which optratt to prevent the tnfcYrcemcnt ui the. btu or furttiturt oP the Property or any port Ihtrcuf.
<br />5 lilpwraacc. Burrnwrr xhuli kttp the impruvrrnrnts uuw existing tit" Iltrtufttr trtcteJ tin the Pruptrty i#lsured
<br />against fuss by flea, ha;tards inetudcd within the ttrru "extcridetl cuverugc". and we h otbtr haxartls as i.tndcr may rtytnrt
<br />and in such atmrunts and for such penuds as Lcndtr may rcyuuc: providtJ, that Ltnder shall nut reywrc that the amoum of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of cuvtragt reyuued w pay the sum, ,twred by thn Dttd of iYust.
<br />Tht: insurance tarrrer providing the insuranct ,haft be thnsrn by Borrowtr subtler w appluval by I tnJtr. providtJ.
<br />that web approval shall cwt tx uureawnahly wuhheld. Atl premiwns tin mun:unc puhrres shalt ht paid in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hert:ol or, if not paid in such mumter, by Burrower nvakiug paymtm, when due. Jlrectly to the
<br />insurance t:arrter.
<br />All insurance politics and renewals thereol shall bt tit loon acccptablt to Lcndtr and ,huh utclude a stnndarJ nwrtgagt
<br />clause in favor of and iii fwm acctQtabte to I.cnth:r. I enJct itlall haul IIIC Itghl IU hnltl IhC puhclCS gild fCnCN J1S IhefCUt.
<br />and Bstrruwer shall pturttptiy furnisn tv t tndtr all renc,vai nutlet, and at! reveipts of patJ ptemuims In the event .,f lu,,,
<br />BrSrr'kt;#irr shalt glut prttraipt nuust to the tttaluarict catrttl anJ Lcndtr. I..tnJer Wray ntakt rtrtwf tit loss rt nut ttutdr pi timptly
<br />by Burruwtr.
<br />Unlttis l.endtt' geed B,:xrtrwtt attutrwr~d agttt In wquutg. n'#sulauvc plotctJs ,hu1N iw apph.J ua tc,airauun t+r' rupau ul
<br />the Prc:i,triy ifan•iaatd 1 r:t:'rda::! ::v to € stur.ttal=n err stpart ~ rturit 4 fly Er,t,thf+_' ,rrcif ttrt scturuy ul thss Dttd ul 7ttts! „
<br />ttr>t tlierchy !mpg+r.,+! It au4h rtsturattun ur rtpwr r, nut tv rnulutcalty tvasrl,tc or rt the st. rutty of ttil, 1)erd trl f nr>N r+oulJ
<br />t!r tnapalrrd. the riisur ;net prt~te 4s ;haft Ira :tpp I t.; tilt erns set tired k? 1hr. lleecl ,tf I asst, w1t}+. list t,+c. s! ant- part[
<br />lu Burruwt'r. If It14 Irsup_ arty is abanduricJ bV Burtuw'cr. ,u tC tiuiti,wts Y,ui, i,i rt,pin~td to Lt'udtr .iuhtu ill 13~~t,1, tr't41u the
<br />datC tttti,lit Iv Mr'latlC:.i by Ltrtil+u€ to i'Xrf its tr th.d th ri+t##a itlE 11t .1 r.urr a .ta nt 4t .:., nt _' t,e-r fft, 1 itxJtt
<br />aitlhutirfal fu czr+ker arm apply ti ~• .naa#a#s::c- { t,=sz.~~ti, ni ! _eut€r's =plluu ~o yr #u rtstur,ti lu +'tr r n a .,t tree I"s.,pcnr
<br />ur to the stints atcured by Ihts Drat of "iYust- -
<br />Unlts Leltder and Burruwtr uthtrwrst agree tit wnlmg, grey ,u:h apphtau+tn .d PiutceJ; u, ptuivtpal ,hall n.n etlatJ
<br />tit puslpuilr; the Jac Jute ul the nwothly insiatlnltut, rclcncJ tow patagr.t pits I .tad hcrtol tit thangc elm :unuuut nl
<br />such mstallnttnts. if wider pnragtaQh It; hereur the Pruixny i, .riywtttl b} 1 ruda..dl nght. title .urJ unerc,t tit Bouuwcr
<br />in and to any insuranct pcthrics and m and to the prt„eeJs thaeut rcwlung from Jumagc w the Property prn,r to the ,ale
<br />or acyulsiuon shall pass w LcnJer to the extent tit the soon ,t4urtd by thu Dettl tit I rust nnmtdiuttl) peon to ,uch s.+lt ur
<br />ucyuisition.
<br />g, Fr~icsailaa anti MWletiaate of Yrtsperq; LeatxltuMb: Curaduminiunis; Planned Uuit l)cvrrtspnienW, lionowa
<br />,liuN kacp the Propeny tit g+a,J rcpa+r and ,hall not ,.sunlit N.a,#e ,n penurt uupaunreut .a Irttri.,ranun al the Prupany
<br />uitd shall cuntply wish the praustum tit :toy kart rt this E ktJ of I not „ uu .+ Ic,uthulJ h thu [)tcJ tit Tntst a .at a uo,t w .t
<br />condominium pea planned amt dtvtlup/tcent, tiorruwer shall ptWurm all tit Boru,wtr'a obhgauuns unuet the dttlarauuo
<br />ur covenants crraling ur gtwenung iht cutuiomimum or planned curt devtlupment, the by-fawn tint! rtgulatr:,n, ,>t the
<br />cursdotriinium su planned wal Jeveluplixm, and cwuututm dtwun#cut,. If a euudununturu ur planned unu Je,ehgnnrnr
<br />rider is eritcutext by 9urruwer and rwurtkd together wuh thta I'ked tit I rust, the covcnonts :utJ agacuttnt, tit such radar
<br />shall ta: tncurln~rated ling alai shah amend anJ supplement tttt .urcnant, ,nx! agrcaucnts u1 this [bed ra Trust us rt the !tJtt
<br />were a parr het~euf.
<br />~, PrencllaA ts( L,ader's SKYrilj. fl Bunuwet lads t., {x:ri+,nn the c ,tenants anti ugietnitnt, ~.=tntauteJ uz du,
<br />fyted tit Trust, ur if any action or pr+xetdmg is cumoltuad which ulatrnaUy :dfeets LatJtr', untrest m the Pn,lstrtj.
<br />inclwitng, but not limited to, rnumnt Junnui, uuulvcrlc). -ttJt aniui ttautut, or ar r,mgtultnb or prutteJutg. nn,,lvng .,
<br />Liar--rapt=tr d==~~-rat rile#a L?~t#dcr at Lens4tt's up!iuu, urtuu uous:e^ to Boltuwti, nia} rttakt utth apix:.itan.es, Jt,lnu,t ,u.h
<br />st!rns and fake sua:h acln!Ir as 1s ntctssaty to prutt.t 1-coder, udac,t, +ntluJntg. Init n.,t 'mtiltd u=, dr,hut,ertrertt :=r
<br />tcasitrlahle ututrney's lets and entry uptru iht Pn.y,stty t„ ru,:l.c rcttalr•. It ! ~Inlct retirttteJ inuttl:.tgc tr!,ur,t+r. t• ,~, :
<br />curulrtlon of makiug ttu loan secured by thu nerd of Trust, Hun.,wrt ,hat's pu) the pttuuunt, rtyuncJ t„ nr,nulan~ ,n,h
<br />Mn~UtariCC In 2~eCt unld SitCh lht~ aS IhC rCyUUtntL'tt/ tut ,#I4h #rr,Uran~C rertnrnate> :n a++~rJan.e w,th Il.,tr~rw et .,,5
<br />l.enderi written agttemenr of applicable taw Burruwa ,half peg the ,uuuuut of ;+11 uwrtg.lyt ,nuu.ut.t' {,#eruruu„ ... rh+
<br />ntanttor ptovidrsl tinnier paragraph ? hereof.
<br />Anyy atlWUUts distwrsed try I.tlldtr pursuant n, this paragral+tt 7, wuh uuttest thcrc,nr ,hall t+t~,nur .iJJ~rr.,:,.r;
<br />irulebtedilrss of Borrower sr:cuttd i,y Ibis C)etd of Trus! tinlrss Borrower grid t cudtr ague t.. oihtt terms r,t #z,tj~ucnl ,t..h
<br />amounts shall Ise payabit upon tttXtce from Leader m Bon uwtt rtyur,ung I+av urcut thcttot, anJ ,hall brae uite else rt.,n, the
<br />date of dtsburumeat at the tart payable from Knit to time on outstandutg pnnapa! under the Nutc uutes, pavmcnt ,=i nu:ic,t
<br />at arch tart would be tunuary to applicable law, in whl: h rvtm ,uch amoutn, .hall Ix.+r .nrcrr,r .n the hrghe,r rate
<br />parmisstfsia under applicable law Noshing tunlaitied in this paragraph "' ,hall rtywrt Lcutirc ro incur an) cxptnst +,r take
<br />my wlion iMEFiutidBt.
<br />tk ~ l.eitder Wray make ur .nose to br: Windt rtas+n}able .: „le,e> ,.p.+:i ., n.i ue,tx,t,ott, tit the Pr,=f4;.rt1 l.t.,+~.r~,~
<br />shat I.Cndtr Yhall glut i3tMrtrwCf notKC prltSr W any xti~h ttstiptxrlllrr sptiityirrg rr:s>.tn,:hlc .a:..e #..ere#=;~ ::lattJ :,• e:`Jt't
<br />rtilFae3r in i~ ~pErfY
<br />