- .- ---- - - ��� - --- —- ------- - - - . - - -
<br /> ...
<br /> - -=---_ _ =-__-- -_- " --�.. �-. ° . - . . . _ _ _
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<br /> "�-� _ L'� . .
<br /> -i�: - _`.,- '',,-•- � :' - - � -- - -
<br /> . _ _. ._ _ . . ., . . . . ._. . .. - .. -,,-. -
<br /> _ - - - - _ 9�.�iaio�o � -
<br /> V � � ,, periods th�t Lender crquit�. `The iawnncs canies pravid"mg tdc insuraooe s6aU.be.chosen by BormKr�er sub,iect to I�ender�
<br /> ��p�xoval which sh�U not be wur.lconablY�vittthol�. If Boriawer fails[o t�itifais►cavertge descttbed above.Ltr�det may.at
<br /> I.a�der's opdon,dxain caverage to graoct t.er�der's rights tn the.P�operty in accoidance Withp�agraptr Z . .
<br /> pll i�sarroce po�icies aoct reacwals shal!be acceptable to Leader an�shall inslude a standaid mortgage ctause.,Lender
<br /> ' ` shalt have d�e right to hotd tl�e policies and tsaewals: �f Lender ccquircs.Borrowtr shall pmmptlY givb to l.endes�ll�eaipls �y�.�:
<br /> — of paid pnminms anA raK+Nat uot�ces- In tf�e event of tass;B�xtawer ahalk give prompt notice to the instuance carries aad
<br /> Ltndcr. Ltuder may make proQf of loss if qo[piade ptumptty by Batower. —
<br /> - - -- , ' - Untess#.ender s�Bur�avirer abetwise agree in wiiting.m.surance pmceeds_s1�U 6e applied_w restaation or repair of _
<br /> __� _____ _ the P1roP�Y�S�-if the resto�ati�ar zrpair is ecoaomically feasihle and l.endec's security is not Issgned, If tbe �
<br /> �toraaon oc zepair is aot econotricaUy feasibte or I.endet's securty woutd 6e tesserKd.the insuraRx�e proceeds sha11 6e
<br /> --=-------
<br /> - -- appliod-to tbe swns secured bX this Seeutity Iacc�umen� whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Bocrower. If
<br />-=- Su�rawer abandons tbe Ptoperty.or does aat answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier Eias
<br /> - offuod to sutle a claim,theu Lader may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender msy use�he proceeds to repair or restore
<br />���� tbe Prnpeity or to pay swu savted by this Security Instrumen�whett�er or not thett due. 71x 30-day pedod wil!6egin afien
<br /> the notice is given. - - •
<br />�' - Unless l.ender and Barmwer otMrwise ag�ee in writing.any a�rplicatiats at proceed�to principal shaU noe eatend or
<br /> . _ PostPone the due date ot tbe rtwnthlY PaYments cefe�d t�in paragraphs i and 2 or change the arnount ot the PaYmer+u. If --
<br />. , ander parAgrapb Zt the Pmperty is acquu+ed by L.ender.Barrower's right to any instrrance policies and proceeds resuiang —
<br /> from.damage ta the Pt+upe�ty pnor to the acquisitwn shaf!pass w Lender ta the eatent o�the surt�s secured by this S�uritY =
<br /> ` �n.�ument immedi�tety prior to the acquisition. �=—
<br /> ; : `' � Doa�paacy. Pr�rvatiaa. Msd�temnce and Protection ot the Property. Borrovrer's Loan Appl�Cation: --' --—_
<br /> Cease6old�. Bonawer shali accupy.estabtish.and use ehe Ptoperry as Borruwer's principal residena within si�cty days after .. �_==-
<br /> - "`" . the exec�uion of this Security fnnrutnettt and sQal!cantin�e to accupy ihe Prupetty as Horrower's ptincipal nsi�far at ��";.,
<br />;. ` -'� ' least one yea� after d�ee date of occupancy. un1� Lender nthcrwtse agrees in wsiting. whid� a�nsent �aff�na Ue �.__
<br /> ���f vRreasonabty witflheld.oc unless exteauatiag curumstances eaist which arc beyond Ronower's cantml. Borrower�sali not - ____-_-
<br />- . -z: - . destroy.damage a imptir tha•Qtoperry.allow the Property to deteriorate.or commlt waste on the AropeRy. Be�,%-ershatl , ____
<br /> - - 1ir in defantt if any fnrfeituc�e action or prceeeding.whether civil ai criminal.is bagun ihat in Leader's good f�c�:s��at —=----_
<br /> � eould nsult in forfeiture of the Ptupeny or aherwise materially impair the lien created by this Secaric3t : '�L�.--s�-�i�t;�c ..: , :
<br /> � _ ' f'° � Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default anA re�nstate,as provided in paragrapb 18,by causue„�aca�`• .; '•�•.�'' �_;__
<br /> �-�.�} Qcgnuceeding to be dismis�d with a culiAg tha4 in Lender's gaad faith determination,prectudes forfeit�ue of the Bam3wers. , ;.�,. £�"�_
<br /> �......:_, 4��ks,�._-:-
<br /> . _ _ -,.=.�:. ` ' . . ns]?a�st in�d�e P►npertY or-atlicr materia?impairtt�ent of tbe tien createQ by,this Secarity 1n.mmnent or l.ertd,er'sse�rit3`.;:.�:':-�`,` �� � ::��v��., =.-—
<br />_ -=-*,�:�`e`�~_-?'-:�-.. . � e���,�;.;,,�
<br /> +�� Borrower shai! 3lsa be in default if Borrawer. during the loan applicaUion process. gave materialiy� fatse or `�•�,,: '�G � �
<br /> y;`�'` �ttrate infarmatiar ot sfate�nents to L.eaQer(or failed ta pmvide L.ender with any material informadcm)in co�mmection wiu�.'� : _,`. ' - �`'.';•-_— -
<br /> �`•�i=t- �� "`'�'�.'"-,'4_;-
<br /> �._���,.a-...:�.,.t : . . _ . �—
<br /> �e-loan evideaced_by the Note. including. 6ut not limited to, representations conceming Bomawer§occupancy of the• 9----
<br />, ";�;:���-;; 'i= ° Pi�opetty as a�pal residence. if this Security InSUUment is on a teusehold.Botrower shall comp[y whh all the pcavisiaas.. ; ' ;.,.`:�°��
<br /> . .•��~��{�,. ` e.,.-�#eas�:.If Bonvwer aaquires fee title to the Pmperty.the teasehald and the fee titie shall not merge untess Leader a� � � �-
<br /> � :-''+,��+�?--��•� ��tf:e=.��ui writing. • ,� 3 —
<br /> �:_ • �` -- -
<br /> '. .? Prutedion of Lender's Rip,I�ts i� the Property. If Borrower fails to perForm the covenants att�a�.�^-.�s • „�,��
<br />� * �'''�'`��'� •. ' `'�r:aaied in tlus S ecurity Instrument, or t here is a lega l procee ding t hat may significand y affect Lender's r�.'s.ui:�e, . . '�� �;�- ��
<br /> ;��:'_� , �': � ,
<br /> =. ,_�, :�,:
<br /> ,i1_;y:,�;: �, 1' '' � . FrapertY tsuch as a praeeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation or�forfeitu�or to enforce taws or c+e�utat=a�k�� �
<br />• •Ler.de►ma do and a for whatever is necess to rotect the value of�the Pro and Lenderk ts in ttie Ptn � - "�"
<br /> , .��:•..,-�-, . .< Y P Y � az9 P P�Y' � Pertp:•-. -��_
<br />� . �;ec��er's actioas may inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which ha.ti priority over this Securiry tnstrament��Qearing ` ;,�.,-•.,
<br /> .c
<br /> '� � . � :.:��;aiart,paying masonablc attomcys'fees and entering a�the Pcoperty to make repai�s.Atthougb Lender marr r�ce action _��;y:�"
<br /> - • _ �• ��,:��:sr this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have toda so. �;'
<br /> ��i�f� " ` ' An amountv disiwrsed b Lender under this a�a h 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower s��3 b this �
<br /> . • . �' Y Y P S�P . Y ��::>::., .; . f�.::,�•;;� �•
<br /> ' �, ,,:�_,, _ .�;;; ' Security lnstrument. Untes.c Borrower and Lendcr agree ta other terms of payment,thesc amounts shali b�ar in*�:st fram the , '. ;
<br /> ��� date of disbursemenl At lhe Note rate and shall be payabte,with interesY.upon notice from Lertder ta Som3wes�requesting ., � -,
<br /> ;� �:t•t�=�,-�,:, , ' . .
<br /> '' ' f •a�t ' . . •
<br /> . �:��k`�`'��:_.�. ,�-men� �:'=
<br /> ' ' � :�`� �:�:?' � &. Mortgage InsucAnce. If Lender reyuirrd mortgage insurance as a candition of making the loan 5ecu;a�by tfiis . . � , ���.
<br /> �r'���''°`�"� .• S�:rit lnstrument.Borrowcr sholl ,► the remiumti re uired to maintain the mort a e insu►ance in effeiti�-��for an � � �d" �
<br />