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. . _.--.- - -- _- f�' �} r-� ' - -� - --'` - - " -� '- -- -"- --- - <br /> .-' . . � � _ xk'�` -t.�`�.»r r'� � ~ . ` � - ' , ._ -...i.:.�_ . -. <br /> �_ . , . . . - - . <br /> — _ _- _-:�_ --�- --.�-: - ., - - -- - . - - -- -- -s g2`, �aio�o. , -. __ _ - <br /> - � - - _ . ..� . .. . _ <br /> . condemnatiai oe otlier taking af ou�r part oE thc t'�operty.or far conveyanct in iieu of condemnatian.�+r tierc�by a�.cigned and <br /> sha!{be paid�o Lender. . � <br /> � :iq the event of a tda! t�lcing of the Propecty, the pra'eeds sh�t1 6e apPtied ta the sums s+ecu�ed by this Sec�rity ' , <br /> InstFtiment.whtther tx not ti�due,with�ny excess p�id to B�x�ower. [n the event oE a pa�ti�l t�icing oF ihe.�rty in , <br /> — whict�the fair tnaticet valae of tt�e Frape�ty imnxdiateiX befare t[te taking is equal ta or gtr�ier th�n the:unount t�the s�uns <br /> -- s�cuned by this Security lns�n�nent immediatety before the taL•ing.unless Bc►rraue�:snd Lender atl�erwis�agree in wriang• . <br /> the sums secuied by this Secvrity lnsuument siwl!6e reduced by tt�amount of the pcaceedc muItiptied by the fotiavring <br /> — - – �--_ fr�ction: (a)t�tfe IoL1t auicruYlT bf df��umc�ure�d immediate(}6efrn�1he takiag.dir:eded by!bl ihe fair�na�ket vaIue�f the. - <br /> ------ �-- - property iin,nediatefy Deforc the f�cros. Any 6�Iame shalE be paid tu Borrower. tn ttte e`c�t c►f a partia!taiciag of the,. <br /> -- propetty in w6icli tlx fa'u marlcet vatue of t}►r Prope�ty immediately beCote the tatciag is Ics�th�n the amouat oE the sur�s <br /> -- securtd immediateiy 6efoce the i�ing.unless Bormwer �l.ender otherwise ag�ee in writ�ng or unles.ti applicabte law <br />= othetwise provides,the p�nceedS shal!De applied to the sums secumd by this Securit}lasttument whethec or ne►t the sums are <br /> then due. <br /> If the Properry is abanda�ed 6y Anrrourer,ar if.a�fter natice by Lender to Brnroa�ei that dre condemnar offers ta maice <br />� an award or seule a claim faF damages.Borrower fa�ls to r+espond[a Len�tet w ithin 3t1 days af[er the date the notice is given. - — <br /> _ Le�xfer is authoriz�d ta.callect and appsy the prnce�.at its option.either to iestor.�tian ar repair nF the Propert}or to the =_- <br /> sums secured by this Security instrumen�v�•detheror not then due. �- <br /> Uniess l.ender and Brnmwer otherwise agree in writing.anY aPAlication of praceeds to principal shati'not extend or ----- <br /> ' postpone the dtfe date of the manthty payments refened to in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or ct�ge the amount of wch�tyments. _ <br />, IL B�rower Not Rekased; Forbarance B� Lender Not a Wai�er. .Euensian of the time for payment or =-�--w-- <br /> modifcatian of amorcizatian of'the sum.c securai by this Security[r�strument grsnted by i.ender to any svccessos io interesn ��_= <br /> t � of Borrower sha[1 not opetate to release the tia6iti[y uf the original Hotrower or Ba�rower's-successon irt interesi.Lender =____ <br />' sbait na 6e naquued to cammence�roceedings agaittst any successor in interest or nefwe to extend time for payment or �9.= <br /> :�"` utheiitiise rnodify amonization of the sums secured by this Secmity Instrume+�t by reason of any demand mulc by the original� . �,._;,_ <br /> ,i�.� S�a�er ur Borrawer's succes.wr.c in interest. My far6earance by I.ender in exeaising any rigl�t or t�emedy shail aot be a� �-_,� <br /> F: aaiverof Qt pmectude the exer+cise of any right or n�nedy. �- _- <br /> ;.,, . l� Successors and Assigac Baurtd;Jamt and Seve�l Lia6ility;Co��ers� The covenants and agreetnen�s oP this -y"'�' <br />, � 5ecurity Instrument shall6ind and benefit the successon and assipts of Lender and Borrower,su6jece ta the provisions of_ �_��;_��_ <br /> ' 4���.=--. <br /> :;�'„ir ,�..; • • . paragaph !7. Borrower's covenants and agree�rtents sha116e joint and ceveral.My Bomnwer who co-signs thGC 5ecurity r..,_ <br /> _. [nstrument but dnes not eaecute the 1Vate: ta}�s co-sigaing this 5ecurity lnstrument anly to mortgage,grant and convey that • – <br />• "" '''`` r�,�` , Borrower's interest in the Property uader the[emu oa+h�s Securiry Instrumem Ib�is not persorrally obligated to pay t6e sums <br /> a'?`� •' , <br /> . ��� � � ' �•'- � secured by this Securiry lnstrumert�and(c>a�ee�that Lend:r and any other 8omawer may agree to extend.modify,facbe.�r : <br />' �-`':-r - or maice any accommodations with rcg.ud to the ierms o�tt�is Security lnstniment or the Nate without that Borrower's _.;.� -=_-- <br /> b� ,,��; . , consent . � r-- <br /> . �"�:�'.. .� . ' i3. Loan Chasges. !f the loan recured b}•rliis Securiry Instrument is svbject to a law which sets�maximum loaa __ <br /> � :�r:_.^A� . <br /> � ;; � m- .� charges.and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest ar other laan charges collec[ed or to be callected in connec[ion � .. . � � <br /> , .'���`~��`t,•.� ' with a6�loan exceed the pecmitted limitc,then: tai any such loan eharge shatl be redaced by the amount neeessary to reduee ""`;���'� <br /> ..:..:.f;.�'.. .�;.. . :.•7'l��•-�_....1... <br /> 7y+�,}. <br /> :,,� �i �;� ;f�-�_;�,;•,•,. � the cEucge to the permitted limit;and Ib)any tium�already colleeted from Horrouer vvhich exceeded permitted limits w ill be ::� _^ - <br /> ; . .�'n'�t�t • re��to Bor�oa'er• Le�der may choose ta mabe this refund by reducing the principal awed undec the Note or by maidng a `' � <br /> , ; �- #;�/, . .. _ <br /> j ;f=s - direct payment to��srrower. If a refund reduces�ncipal.ihe reduction wil!6e treated as a partiai prepaymu►t without any � <br /> �4 ;;t;�:=� •:, a ment c a�..�t the Note. � —: <br /> . PmP } harge` , _ <br /> ' . E.i. �iatiee�s, A^g�notice ti�Barrower pra�7�ed for in thiy Security insirvtent shnll be siven by deliverirtg it oc•6y ;:_��=! <br /> - -� • . ' - maiEingn by first ctass mail unte5s applirabtc law reyuires use af another method.The nodce�hall be directe�to the Pro� •' ' -- <br /> •.�;,� <br /> � � Addi�ass�e arry other address Borrower detiignates by nc�tice to Lender. Any notice to[xa�er ShaU be given by fm'�wT;..�� .:'r <br /> •� mait ifl L•.ender's•address stated herein or any other address Lender de.ignates by natice to Barrower. Any aotice provi�ed�or �'' � <br /> - ��� �s• � , in this Security intit�ument shall bc dcemcd to ha�e bcen�;iven to Boaawer or Lcnder when given a4 �srovided in this � _�_ <br /> t ;:�{��,:;-�.:.;; `� paragraph. . , �4--'. <br /> •* - �"• '�- IS. Governing Law: 5everabiUty. Thi.Security lnstrument shall bc�govemed 6y.federal law an�ihe law of the �'��;-= <br />. ,, .,..,.�...., . _� _. <br /> ��= `� urisdicEi�n in which the Pra it fvcated. tn the event ihat an rnvision or clau�e of t�i,Securit instrument ot the Ndte � � ��:-- <br /> ; ,_,�..:,;:-,.'. 3 p�Y ' YP Y . _V- <br /> ' -:; . = conftiet��•ith applicabt:law,such cor�ic�sha`.€not uffect ather provisionti efi'thiti Security YRStrument or the Note which cAn . _.;,• <br /> _ be given effect withau:ihe eanf�icritr p:ovisinn..7'o thiz end the provicians��f thi�5ecurity Inytcument and the Nate are , •�-`•:- <br /> - • ' declaredtobeseverali,z: • , � .a:;:,";' <br /> - ' 16. 8orrower'sCopy. Barrow�r�tsa1F�rsc��n one confarmed capy a�t1:;�ote and af thiv Securir;�tr�szrument. fi',;.r__. <br />. . � �`=`� . • 17. 7lranster of the Propertk os a Beneticvai Interc�ct in Bnrrower. t:z:>ar any part of the Propern'a;�y i�':�r:st in �s K_.:=, <br /> .�"i`}��.,_.: : ..... � � �� _;{y�:: <br /> it is so l d or tranti ferr e d tor i f a b erte€'aei a f i n t e r��t i n Banowcr i.r sotd or transferrcd and 8arrowcr i�not a nat:�ra�,�c��on) _,�_.y: <br /> �s:.�:%� , - � . . --°- <br /> :.;.x..� ,. : , without l.ender's prior written ca��en�L.ender r.say.nt its option.rcNuire immediute p•ryment in full of all�pm�.secc�a�by �;:�._ <br /> .:u..:•-- �,a,� ,: 15' , .: r`•=�-y- <br /> :�:: :••- -,. --- tfiis Security Instrucnent. However,t:sis optio��i�a1!n�rt be exerciyed by Lcr,�t:s if exerci�e iy prohibited b5 :;dera�taw as of -.> <br /> .� ,�..,. <br /> � _ - � . . thc date of ihis Scc�sis�°In�trument. ��'�� � - <br /> . �='�` (f Lcnder ex��r�i+c�ihis optinn,Lender cY:a�3�Fa��arrrwc:t noticc o�:tc�:rra�ion. '1'he notirr tiha:t p;a�ide a period of � <br /> '���-� •.,,::;�. . aat leis thnn 30 days from the da��the notiee is detfverecl c�r mr'iFt�K��thin u•hi.h 8arrower ittusl pay all sums accured�;-:��� �� '- <br /> � . :° .�,��'� .._ Secusity Mctrumeni.. tf 8orrouer faits ta pay these yum�prias[o the expiratic�n��f tl:i,Q�7i�xl. Lender may in�cE�•a:,:.y. <br /> ' • � reinedies permitted by�this Scrurity(nstrument�vithnut funher n�!i::e�+r dcnnand an B��rrow�r. ; � . <br /> • 18. 8orro�tes`s 9ii�hi to Reinstate. If f3onawer mcc�s rcrta:n cor„l;ti��nti, 8orr�nver�hall have the right ta have . <br /> : � • enforcemem��i ih;�S�urity In.trument diticontinued ri any time prior to the rarlier��f: (a)5 dayx(or.�•ca other pericxi aw � <br /> , . . tiinglc F:uuily..Yannk�1ae16reddio ilnc l�IF(1R�1 lVSTRUHiAT-•Cr.i.`.em Covcn:mt, 4'9S !pi�ei�.(hr�:,:c.H <br />. � . � ,. � � f • . . <br /> ` � � <br /> . . � <br />. - - . - --�, - <br /> . , <br /> . j _ �. . . .'.._ r•'. ( . � . , . ' . •t. '' .�1;• . . . . <br /> .�./. � � . � . �. ' . - ,'� . � i. . . -' .�/ • . � . <br /> - ' . 't • . . . � � , • -. <br /> _ . . ' . � .. . . , . � . . . <br /> , � . . <br />. � ' � , . . � ' � " ' .• ' � I , <br /> _.�'�-""_ _"_" . .. ._ ._.. <br /> _ "_ _._ --- _" <br /> .. -�.�-__--_ ' '_•�-- -_____ '__'___ ' <br /> ! _ __" _ _' . . . . - ____ __ - . . <br />. ..-- , '�__" _ ._"'______._ _"__ ____'__'___ . . ' . . . ' .. _ . . . _ <br /> i � �. ' . • ! . •.,: .._ . . . , . . , i ' . <br /> . <br /> .. 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