<br />
<br />rates ,... t..e ~rat_r, y ._~s._ .~..._..._ r ..__, _~-_ -,..~ ,. - _ ,._
<br />half ?ercent (~1~,`~ _,_ b~''- _,_ :-:. ~.. f>._ _ .__.. ~._ .
<br />-s ~a
<br />Euyer shai 1 make a.:;~iitati ~__ _°~r -~ _ a._. _._ ,._._ _ -._ . : _~- r_: ~• ~ . _
<br />the _remises in •:,rer t~ Via„ _.,. ~ __.F;_U _.. ____ __ _. ._.~._. if „Y:~
<br />°ayer ects in Gov., f~it_. in _^t.~_.w-:g ._.,. .__.~, :..~ ~.~ ___use~.
<br />b'f a22 apprarri c; to ' en:~~_ng i. nSt2 `,S:a.t~::''., ...~.. ._. _ ~ity'•'_^ , _.l =, , ^r
<br />written ShCJ~ln5 of tP_e Sai'. rnf ac~1 , _._ ~.f ~..,_ _ . t'~ r!' : ~i'*F, . r0"1
<br />the Sellers, one-half .,_ the _.a _, ;, :ous,~ c: ^1'war r ?,=~,~~C..:~G} 'o~:n
<br />payment arse"tone-half of the .ne :_unc;re- _.>;lar. (~;;•1CC~,GO~ray,:;ent
<br />laid to dote.
<br />?rO~r~ded., further, tYiat ]_f . hP ::~,1,j er "._^ul ~i n iG,Ct n^.t tG make
<br />th6 appliCatlaT2 .. :; 2' ti''_e !_Ga2i ^P.the re.liSeS Cr f?,11S tC aCt 1.21
<br />good faith, then the Buyer shall forfeit all rc>ceec'zs pai to
<br />the Sellers as of that .`'late anC, t'C!iS COritraCt hall be ?gull and
<br />VCld,
<br />,'i ~ ",r.~, zi~i is ~`ti t: ?1I.'' w ~': f i. ~';:i
<br />The Se7_lers warrant that as of settlerter_t date of iictober
<br />1~t.z, 19g+, said ~~remises :=rili L-c free ar_:~ c.lea_ .,f a1 ~t.~ns
<br />and encumbrances e~;cept the folloY~'ing;
<br />(a) lny easement: and _estrictior_s ~f r~~cor~. :,~: .:object
<br />to the sub~~ivisien agreement tiertairi.ng tc maid y remi ses;
<br />b1 ~lhe unpaid balance of first rem estate mortgage
<br />against said premises in favor of Commercial <atianai ~?asik :~
<br />`T'rust of Grand Islam:, i`iebraska, i:: the , ~ r:>>ximate a,uc.ant r f
<br />"?'ne ,~a'_le_~s re^.reser;~ t..t mere _~, ,__ ^:?cc~«..-_' ~ ___~
<br />Tiratcrl~.a.^.ac~,i ~ :: .__ =.,5 r1 . _,. _ _ _i._~ v ~o.i [ _ rvtl..~e5, ~ :, ==i2G
<br />Ctti pr~.or y_;v~.S~:.,. }. ~..._:~._ ._, .. ~~....~G~. ... i~~iGS~ii ~.v~.~ acv :. .; ... :J Ti'_, .~I.:U jJC: ~-.~
<br />Ll'_~' to .~EttleIIeT.t ~t~t'. IY~i :._ uv D~1d bar ~..a.~ ,1.s~~C~~S. `_'hF -;]~.]
<br />real estate taxes will be pro-rated betr~een the rani=_., _ t:^
<br />settlement .late ar. erith the Se' _ers paying the ,,ro-r~t~. _ rt` ~~~
<br />thereof up to settlement date. The Buyers ;vi7l r~~r the ' ~,:=,_ ~r_~
<br />all subsequent real. est~-,te taxes and, ar:y special _.,ss~~s;;m_~s~tu
<br />levied thea•e~fter- levied befare tr:e saute ceco~*~e We? ~. _ e2i _ ;
<br />30 ~ ang aS th2:., gree?Lent yS _._ ..v15te~.~ -.
<br />The aellers vall prepare .and execute their ., ~rra.rty ..
<br />COnveyi:R~; =>c'id premises t4 the iCtyer. `~L1Ch ;'?e2i. rdl.li ;:~~ aCe-
<br />in escrocr Frith the Hirst ;~dat~ anal .Bank of Gran~~? Is1ani, ~t~braska,
<br />who will hold such dead until the Buver ha:~ :~aii the r„~ l ?,?,_•c_r_~,ti.e
<br />pra_ca, `t#1&h acGrtlc±Ct 1nt.P,rpct. ^e s.''a3.Cl' .. .,CrC.: µ~_'.:t S:',_l~ __,~_.
<br />deliver such deed to the i;uyer, ,G~x•avidG~z, furti?er, t_rat ~ r _;=_nu
<br />wken the Buyer e7_ects to nay the unpaid ba? ance G.s eet .forth
<br />above, then the Se7.lers ~rarr~.~2ts that ;_~~~ c_,~^e~=i SeU ~~,; ~l b,
<br />free of all .liens arci encumbrz*ices exce,t the fela.o~„S.na;
<br />