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<br />(a) q ease~sent ar~~' rests; vtions .,r reccr~'. :~'_~
<br />-Y
<br />subjewt tcs the sub~iYision agreement ~ertainin~ to sai;~ ~'r9'miSes3
<br />(b) any title defects ~i.ll be reme~ie~ 2~remFtly by
<br />the eliers and. if the title refects C~rnot e remetzed nrom~tly
<br />by t~se Sellers vzen the ~:~yer shall ire r~titZe~ t:~ receive frL-m
<br />'the Sellers the ^~o ~'heusara i~olla_~° (~2,^v~0.~';) rv~;, ~ ayment
<br />a~xci all the Gne iiur:~re: t;ellar t~-,tn~,v'C~) payments jade t,~ date.
<br />- '_~~i~s(!`i: n <~ l~i'i1_?~ta~=. "_'i2e ~~dyerS P' l~_ 231'C?CUre h^Rte4k*P.e'tS
<br />ar si~.ilar insurance coaera,~e fen saiA prercises in an amount net
<br />less than tl^e bal~^.nCe ov~ing :aellers ..ereun~er, ;such policies
<br />shall ineluc?e the :,ell.ers srkt_Z t~ze i.uyer as the n~e4 insureclW,
<br />. _ - - - - $5 ihe3.r reS~BCtiYB irt(',rE'StU may aupear. T_-c: .a..= ~sitien, tie F511,','c.r
<br />~i11 carry liability irsurar.Ce ^.r the va;.~ pre~zses in t~~a amount
<br />net le6s tiara s?~~0,=J~JC'.vi7j ~ OR,GCC.;~-~/'rt^v,CJLiG,vS', ~.u the Sellers
<br />- Shall a18c} bP. 1.nC1'14XE-r'. ti=er°-C;1 S;~^ t:'1.e "'_a..n?erj ~ll.cllre{1_''-. ~S t~Te2S"
<br />ilae2e6tS ~3~ a~Je~f.'r
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