13t+rnottM Covrt+at++rs. Borrower and Lender rnvenant and agree as follows: ~ ~'- ~} ~ ~ ~ (J
<br />1. RayrsiesM of 1TrEedpat and Interest. Borrower shall prompt[y pay when due the print:ipaf of sad interest on the'
<br />indCbteetn~ess ewidtticed yyr tht Note, prepaytrxttt and late charges as provided in the Note, anti the principal of and interest
<br />on any Futon Advances secured bS this Mortgage.
<br />~. 1 tar Ttuea std liamrtatet, Subject to applicabk law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly insta#tmertts of principal and interest are payabk tinder the Note, until the Note is paid in ful#.
<br />a stem {itereln "Funds'>) equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortpge, and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus tstte-twelfth of yearly premiumrnstallments for hazard insurance,
<br />pens one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any, all a> reasonably estimated initially and frrnn
<br />tittle !o tune by Lender on the basis of assessments and trills and reasonabk estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds sha#1 be held in an institution the deposits or ascaunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agemcy tinclttding t..ender if Lender is such an itrstituution ). t-ender .hall apply :he Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />ittsuttWCC premiums and grouted rents. Lender may oat charge for sa balding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or vtxif}in$ and compiling seed assessments and tsilts. unless lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />perntib [.ender ro make such a charge. Borrnvrcr and lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shalt be paid to Barrawer, :ind unless such agreement is made or apphwbk law
<br />roquira such interest to be paid, lender shall nor tae required to pay Harrower any interest ar earnings on Lhe Funds. Lender
<br />shall gluts to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showin¢ credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />putpoae for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security far the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If rite atttount of the Futrds held by Ixnder, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prier to
<br />the duo dates of taxes, assesstrtents, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assteantrents, insurance premiums and ground rents as then fall dur, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower to credited to Harrower on rramthty installments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />htdd 6y Lender stroll not he strfllcieat to pay taxes, assessments, tn:urancc premums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower stall pay to t_rttder any amount necessary ro mike up the deficiency wvthin 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Letxkr to Borrower regtusting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payrrtent in full of all stems secured by this Iviortgagc. I-ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. if urt~r paragraph 18 hereof the Property' is sold ur the Property is otherwese acquired by lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than Imtttediatety prior to the tialr of the Property or its acquisition by lender. any Funds heed by
<br />Lender at the tune of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Aortgage.
<br />3. AppYcatlett of PsytttttteNS, Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by I_cnder under the
<br />Note and patagtaphs i seed ~ itertof shall be applied by i_endcr first to payment of amounts payatzle to Lender lay Barrs,:er
<br />un~r paragraph Z berme. cheat to interest payable tin the tiute. then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />priratipal on any FWttrc Advances.
<br />d, CYrrtsr; II.t'ens. Barrawet +hal! pav alt taxes, assessments ant! other charges. fines and miptsstuans attnbutable to
<br />the Property which may attain a prtorety over this Ftartgage, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in ttx manner
<br />ptovidt~ ttpder paragraph 2 herwf or, it nut pant in stu:h manner. by Baxrowrr making payment when due, directly ro the
<br />payer ttxr~f. Borrmver shalt promptly furmah to !.ender ail nUttt:rs nt amauots dur under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shall make payment dirauy, liorrtvwcr ,hail prrsmptl} turn:.h io lender rcrripts rvidrncutg such payments.
<br />Borrower shag promptly tlischatge any teen whY-h has prtunty ,,vrr this ~lurtgaKs; pn,vidrd, that Burrower ,hall ntu he
<br />rogtrired to discharge: any such lieu su long as Borrower sh.d4 aKtrC in »rrttnK r,. t;;e t+ayutrnt t+t the obltgauun secured by
<br />stub lien in a manner actxpttt6k to Lender, or ,hall en gtxx! teeth ,ontrsi such lien h}. ,~r ,Irtend tntort:rnFrm o[ teeth hen tn,
<br />loge! ptttcc*edings which operate to prevent the cnfarcentent ,a rhr i ru ~,t turtrttwr .,1 the Pnrpern• :n ant pan therout.
<br />S, leotard Iparrarr:. BOrrasvrr shall kCCp thr unprovrrnent, now rtr~rutg ,+r nercalter riot tad tin the 1'n•perty uisutrd
<br />against lass by tits, hazards incluekd wuhm the term "eviendett yt,seraKr and +utis ,~thet hatard.:ts I rrtdet rnaY sryu+rr
<br />soil in SUCK artttlUnts seed tut tietch pet'rtkl5 a, t.rnekr nla4 rryurre, yv Deeded, Iftat i toner ,hall nut rryutle that flit nnh sort c+1
<br />such eaverage ext~3 that amawnt ..t ,usrraKC reyi:srrtl to pas .,,~ _;rns ,,~.oreci is thrs ~iottgagc
<br />Thu tttsuratx€e s:arr~r p<avzdsng tle€ trrsut 4h~tit tx :_te=_:>rtt h} liut••,w•.t -rah}t ,_ ~tZp€,~k:rt t_sv lrn,_ter, pruvtaletl,
<br />that sash approval sha11 nax br unrraaunaMy withheld. Alt prrrurunn on tnsura,scr tndrtrr.s .halt h.: peed s.t the tuatuueer
<br />provittod under paragraph : txrcai or, rt not peed in ,ash rnannrr, h} llarruarr rue-ina pa}meni. whet date, tttrctitiy cis leer
<br />ittarttanCl" t:atrlEt.
<br />Ali ttts~srtsr~ nr~l4rr a?r3t rr+~tCK as ttterCU1 Shah t!e ttl t _=rot ..t~retath ter t { t `ir end a t i:lr. itdt atantiard t~ttrf~atc
<br />CIAUie in favor at steel in form ast:rptaisk to l.rndet. lctsdrt st:ail tsaer the ; eKirt •,, !x=rd :tic "'a+tttit.s -.td rt.nr - Sts thee;=.~l.
<br />:&~ -$Gr,~ ~ o,l Pets :.Ptly .::fig t ~;";,`~t al, =.=.swsst - ..~ .,,, ...t~t:r= - .. e. ~ .,.,. erns .....~* rts:.. t . .?st;.
<br />~r~zwt-r X13 yst pt:srttpt :=t=t,.z .,. t§r :[~.i. a=:s_ ., . _~; :._.~ t ~-ti:!~3 ~? r:t,.-= ':.s:~ , ::_~ -.~ t,>~f~ ~,r., ,:pt..
<br />by Borrowu.
<br />Unless Latekr and fkrtrower other.tic agtc'r :~...tuiny,, inawatt.r ptt,.rrds .halt tx appkted to tratorauuis „r repeat of
<br />fete Property' damaged, provrded silGh rcsWra[iou or repair ~s rtuuomttaily ieasihlr .ind rhr sccunt} ai thrs `iattgaKr ~.
<br />not lhttnby itttpaited. If such resto[aUan or repair is nut rtunuotsdall} teastble or it the tenant} of this ~furtgagc would
<br />be impaired, the iruuraoce pruvezds ,troll txr applied to the stuns ,r.urr.i h} this ~iurtgagc. with the evccss, it :u.}, peed
<br />to Battower. If the Pruperl} rs atsaruloncd h} llurtowrr, .+r .t Bonuwrr La{s to respond to Crndrr wtthut 3t) da}s stone the
<br />date tttuice is marled by Leruiet to Btirrowrr that the insutancc "ni,rt „arts to scrt(r ,..leant for utsurattcc txnetits, I ertdri
<br />is authotir,Qd to called and app!} the insurance prt>leeds .tt i.rnder, .=puun tether to rrsturauun or repair of stn Ptarp;.tty
<br />ur oo the srmu se,;w«I b} th[s Mortgage:.
<br />iJttkss Lrmiter atui &xruwu~ uiherwtar agree m wnuag, any such apphcauau of pnsccrds to pnuctpal .hall nut attend
<br />or postpone the due date of the namthl} installrents rrfrtrrd to tit paragraphs :rod hereut or thauKr the .out+uut ,+f
<br />such installnxsnW. If under paragraph I K Ixreul the Prep~rty n atqutrrd h9 (rudrt, elf right tole and uuarrst ,_[ Born:wet
<br />in seed it3 any itzsurancc px?lscias ante its a=al t., ±h.: prsnretls tlteres,t rrsutttng front ttansagt n. !hc Property }=rrt,r t:, .hr sac
<br />at acgwaiuou shall toils to l.ctulet to feet catmit nt t1xC sweet secured he thro §loetga~i +ntinrdtattaq prtot , etch ,.dr rr
<br />ttt;qugtitirrts.
<br />ti. Presan'tuit-n teed \laYteiatsa~c ttf Prtperty, I,raarhvi~; t oadurrtittiuuu; Ptanorcd !,felt lteYetopttteats. H.uruwci
<br />stall kttop this Property in gtswt repair seed shall nut cunuitit waste tat peanut intpatrtnrnt or dcterturattott :+t rho Pruts,rsy
<br />am! shall comply with the praYkSllHZa of aft} eeasr si rest, 11i=ttyay,t !, ,*n ,, icascht+id tf the= ?iartgap'c =, ,.=n -, ,-,rte tt, ,.
<br />e:ortdssmituum t=r a plrtzacci nett •!tst;lttptxtent fk~rrua er =hat! t- t ..> :!€ .,! tit,: r;,wtt ~ - r },gar-.,ns Wit, t ,ice -t.-'at t,.,n
<br />err e=ilrenatttls t:Ratettg UC gl`Yefntftg tt1C t't?nt1URll ntUtt3 PY i'+iimted .nut ttrsCk,pnhyu, the b}'-laws atilt rc~,-~iaFtutt; t+i the
<br />etuxdntninium cu plaTtiud unit t~s~hapaurnt, ,end tturstetuent ,tacuntectts tt .r .oattl,xnnuurn : t,lantaesi ?+„„ ~v,t.=t,akta
<br />tidal is cxrwutcd ley Barruwet an3 ret:orelyd ttsgcther with the, Wortgagr. the .t*:rnants sad aKrecmcttt, <.t Stith r:.kr
<br />shall be ittcurparatad uuo and steal! amend and suppirmem the tt=truants and agtrrntruts .,t ihi, Nottgagr ,,, +t the tidct
<br />wen a part hereof.
<br />7. PiMtetlaa[ of Leitldat'Y Strurliy. if &ttrower fads re perform tfh .crvrnants am; agtccmrnts ,.,nta,ued trt Chit
<br />lNotlgttge, or if arty actiisn or praeeedrug w tvmtnrnerd which rnatcxtatly afirsts Lentlet s uttetest its ?hr #"roprrt}.
<br />igCludjAg> but rust limited ta, omtnent dattwin, insolvrn.}. todr enfonemrut. or ,urangemruts :=r pt„srcdtnKs insoleing a
<br />bahltrupt or dettdem, then lxttdet at Lent#ter's optevtt, u#~tn notice to horn*wer, tyre} snake su,tt apprasancrs, .ftsbutae such
<br />stops anti take teach action as ix ttet:.cssary to ptuteti't 1_endaK's mterrxt. :n,ludazg, but not iimarti tu, ,tubut,rcntrnt t=f
<br />raracmahlc attottteg's tetras and entry opus the Prugret} tv make trpa:ty 1( l..°udCr rcyoirrti mt,rtg3Ke insur:tnte a,
<br />_~~..-,:$~'a#rn itf r~e~. ie:r~i, the Ian crcutCci 6y (tEis !~izrtSA_ge, Bt<srrt+'xcr ~ttatt pa)' the prtnuunis regtnrtYt t<, tnaitu;r:.t s,.h
<br />rtasurrecc in r:Hect until sFr.;h titre as the reyaitemcnt tot such uraura;sstc trrtnrnatrs .n a.~orviar:tr w,th Bu:rt~w,t', and
<br />