81- t~u~28
<br />Leirakr's written agreement or applicabk law. Borrawer shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiuttn in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Arty amoums disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon- shall become additianat
<br />indebtedness of Borrower stxared by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and t,€nder agree to other terms of payment, stuh
<br />amtnfnts shat! tee pa}~able upon rrotice from Lender to Burrower regtresting payment thereof. and shad bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rats payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nate unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate wtwid Ix contrary ro applicable law, in which event such amounfs shag bear interest at the highest rate
<br />perrnissibk under applicable )aw- Nothing ccmtaitted in this paragraph 7 shall require tender to incur any expt:me ar take
<br />any action hcrcunder-
<br />8. [napecliea. tender may make or cause to he made reasanahte entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that L.etttfer shalt give Horrowee ttutice prior to any «rch inspection specifying rcasanahte cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />4. Cordsfnttatien. The proceeds of anv award ar claim for damages. direct or eunsequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation yr other taking of the Property. or part thereof, or fur conveyance in Iicu u( rnndemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Gentler.
<br />Ln the event of a total taking of the Properly. the proceeds shall F+e applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, it any, paid to Burrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Burrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall he applied to the sums secttrcd by this Mortgage such pmpartion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amrnmt of rhr sums warred by chic Mortgage immediateW prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market vahtc of the Pmpertr immediately prior to the dart of taking. with the halance of the proceeds
<br />paid to 13nrmwty.
<br />[f the Property is ahandnrred by Bt:rrawer. or if. after nMicc by tender to Burrower that tt:a c:~ndemnur offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Bormwrr faik to recpand ut l coder within 10 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailt~, t.cnder is autharired to ci+tlect and appfo the proceeds. at 1 codex's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />PrnpMy ur to the cams secured hs *.his Mcneagc
<br />Unless Lender and Bnrmwer athenvice agree m writintt. anc such application of prtxeeds to principal shall nut extend
<br />or postpone the due date .,! the trtunth{s installment, referred to in paragraphs 1 and ' hereof nr change the amount of
<br />such inslallmenis.
<br />tQ. 6ovrewer Not RekaaM. Evunsntn .,F the umc tar patanrnr or modiflcation of amartizauon of the cams secured
<br />by this Mortgage grantni by Ixndrr to anv ,ucce,a,r :n inrere,t .+f Borrower ,hall nrn operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the liability of the origtna{ Burrower and Bt>rn>wrr\ «tecessoi, m interest Lender ,hall not he required ut commence
<br />prt>rxedings against such cucccssrn or teftese to rxtcnd time for pavmert or r+theru•i,r m+tdifv :unorttzatian of the sums
<br />secured frv this Mortgage hy, rrasan of :env elemared made h. the „ris;mal lkirn>wer and Bormwetc ettccesxttn in interest.
<br />... 1?,r-~ oy :F "':.: ;: ~L`~:~. ,., ,rr:~aran c h~ ;ender in r:errts{n;~ ; .. ~ right .., remedy he^t:ertiter or
<br />otherwise afforded hq applicable law. ,halt oat !x ,+ wart'rr ~. „r preclude the rserctse„o# anv such right nr remedy.
<br />The procuremrnt of imunnce or the payment ,tf cases nr ~nher',~ens nr rhargrs M• Lender +hall not tr a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the in4trtxcdne<s +r.ured h> ihi, \lortgage
<br />12. Rttatdiea Cmaaialtn. All remedirs rte+rded ut th+. Mortgage .rte distinct and ; umutative to anv other right or
<br />remtdy under this Mortgage nr aNctrtkd M' law ..r ruurtY. •+nJ ma•. he rcercisrti ct,ncurnntiv mdrpeneirntly nr suctcssivetr
<br />f3. Sseeesaaw ant Aasi~aa Oowtd; lout awd Stveral Liabillty; t•aptirrtas. l'he .++cenants and agnrments herein
<br />cuntatrtrd shat! hunt, and the rights hrrcunder shall inure t.'. rhr rr,pecute ,uc.tc,or, and axsigm t,f 1 en<ttr and Rvrmwer.
<br />subject to rhr pruvisitms of pazag.taph t^ ttrrrt>f 411 --.ovcnants anti :rRrcrment+ .'f Rnrr.,wrr shall he ioutt and uversl.
<br />Tttr captions acrd heat#ings of tht paragraph, •rt ttti, tf,.tt>±aKc Luc f„r . r,nvemrner ,+niv .sod +re nt+t r„ hr nsed to
<br />intetprct ar define the provisions hrrcuf.
<br />[~. trfMtCt• Exctpt far any notice rryuitr+l undrr .fpplirahlc l.tH ±.+ he t^vrr+ m :un,t her maertrr ~.-.U .utv noUer t++
<br />Borrower pravrded for to this '.Nongagr shall he eft'cn hro rnadiug ~tt.F, n„ucc '~> .crufletf mad addre„rd r,, Rarnr>,rr at
<br />tM: Proprnp Addre,c ix at ,itch athrr -.ddrr,> .n li,vmwrr mat dc..en.+tr by nutter h, I ender .. •' pn+vidrd ttrrein. -xni
<br />(h) any rtoucr to Lender ,boil tx• Knee ~, :rnrliet# !n.u: ~rt,rn, :rtt'r,>t try,redrJ .+ 1 endrr'* addtesc s!atrd herru, .n to
<br />such other address as l.ereder that dr,tttnate s n.,ntr :.• Fsou,•wrt .+, prr,,,dr,{ hrrrut tot rn+t+cr s rcvrdrJ rtv .., this
<br />M+xiga¢e shAii he tt~'trtrai ti. hole hrrn 4,trti to I~ rr,~wrr „r t cot#cr Horn it~rn in the manner :1r.ih+natcd hctren
<br />lgl. C!irNatio MtarMAlr; GorsrwK far..: !ir>crafrYNs. -ilea. '=+r:,t ..t nn,rt kakr :,at+hinr. t,n;tornro t„t•rosnts t.,t natit,ttai
<br />S1aL and nnn'rlntfUin+ t:elVrnaitt, b+t#t Itmitr.t - -t l.ii!~,tt+ F*4 ttt!•utei tr„If t., ~,,n3t!{t.{C .4 flnltl>Im ,t, Ifs t{Y fel,ti 4ntTr{;t l.,vrrtng
<br />tat prC~etty~ 'f~?_e stlt,= sags xft.lt t,c• _- _ E _ _ ~E:= - rte -.yt, _--- `+t•,_~n tter t'.c,pr•, .. _att~d. In ttte
<br />CY€+ti that ant rxro-vesxut ~, :ta_+,r -t -ice, M~ ~~>• :. t + ~=ctc' -.,rout.. t, `- h r+rii.-able ?-tw - ~h _..tt{tit -trait na 3ffe3<-t
<br />other provisiixix of titi3 ~f[rtgagr. t;r tar .r wn!tr, ... ,4 ~+tn ,".tell ,.h.,.c, to .. ..,r „r• 7•, c~r.+~.. ,,. ..,.ci ,..>
<br />..a..t x_ian eu_ .,f she M.,.+er,ur ..,,<1 +tk'\.+re ~ ~-. tareil !., r~hl~.
<br />TR f~,k lfWt+zr+tt`t ti~~}.-<~ttruwrr ,Flail -'+_ ,~:n~hrat , .,qtr f,+r n+ctl•ke~[rY ++t the Vttte .+nt +,t !fit, 'vf otfra+~r .a[ trte ttntr
<br />cN CKCr::ti hen .x .titer rrc.udattiut hFrresf
<br />t7. '[kraa/er a[!-fe Property; .A~r. tt .+{i :+r nut part at !lee Pn>ttrtty +•t au tntrrest tf~rem t, u,ld t,r transtrnrd
<br />by Borrower uHha,ut Leader's ,not wnttcn :+,u,.•nt_ rt>!r+Jtng ta, the -.rcation t,t ,, €irn r,r rrt,utnbron.c >utx,nitnatc t„
<br />this Mattgagr, th1 the treattctn r=f a purltta,r ttt.,nr: ~ar.rrt, ntrre>i t;=t hr,rrschold .+ppitancr, ~.~ ., tiats,irr ht tlrttsc.
<br />tles~tatt tx by o~raudrs ttf law upon th€ ,leach .-,1- r,,u,t tenant ,.r :J, rhr prnos ,,1 .un ica,chntt! uurrcat ;~t thrcr }can et tr„
<br />ntH ~oniatntng ati upitoa tr pi;r-.try. t_rnttt rtr.,..:,i I c.tc#et + .+(,- ~~. ,9rt=- rc -~. `hc - u.. > :tc.;reai h5 t!;:, *.tc+rEtts#;r :,, h<
<br />imtnediataty dux atxt ;uryab#e. irndee ,hall h;rtr ,+,utcd ,.a,n „tut,+tf t :.,.,s`irtatt' ,t poor r., the ,-+Ir +•t rraoxfer. t rndrr
<br />and tttC prtxt+tl is wh(=m lttr h7uprrK K R, t>< +Ulil „t tr e, rt•t t.J t4-a.h ,titre ^ia'tit ~n +ntrnQ Thai rhr' itrdrt Pt ,Uifi pri,.+ir
<br />iz satitfactorv li+ Lrr,drr and•that the inicrr>t p.r4a#?it: =tarihc ..~„~~ .,sseil ht :Frt. El,rrt~a~,r ,halt t+r at + a,h cafe ..+ I etedrt
<br />shaft reyttrsS. 1(I rn<Irr trd~s watvtxi rhr c+pt.++n t,, f,..eic:.+tr pr.,c.JrJ - . th„ :car.+wraph ' r -sod rt Rr,rnewc, , ,uc4r,zor rn
<br />+rrieresf tta# czrcutrt# a wntirn assuertpiuair .+grecmrnr a ~Ept~d fr, ,,.ng -Pr . rrr.irr t c--.err ",ati erica,.. hr+rr,,wct rr4rm .r~r
<br />tibligatrons undrr this !Norlgai;c alai rhr *:otr.
<br />1f l.etuler eaerctsev ,ro+,'h „pis,+u tct a:.c9eratr. ! rvJut .... °na~= tAam.+cr =+rt.::~ .•t _ .rir~atrr,a fn .,,,cn.t:rnce .trh
<br />paragraph f~l hrrevt. ~+t+Ch nuit*:r shalt rtt".ask ,z pcrr.,t1 ,,, ,r,,. __+• titan :tt .t,e,. +,r•n: tht ,Batt Etu' nvic~ z; nsadrd ttithrn
<br />which Snrroa-rr rosy' 4~Y the ,unu dt~.airil clue I t i1e err ..+: -- r-a: + :, h =~,tre~ t -:-.: r.= she c-tpttaft. f- cr+: h l~°rE,r.i
<br />E,rnskr ma}-, wt1M>ut further notkr .v .#rntarx# +,n f-t*re:~v.rr. ,~e-trk.rn. tuxdrr~ i*crm:ttctf h} paiatiraph t.ti #eetectt-
<br />P147f4^tjtV ir(xttct t,~Cntk tF.A!ti rs lit>r rttwCf ,+nd 1 eut#er (urtt+ei ~. t.tt.r„t snJ ,rgl rti .., ff,it+tws-
<br />(ft, Aa'c€ltrulttit; Rrt~€d1e3. ~+r€gt ~ ptuvitfrcd is pwrt~#rt~ifr 1? hcrtuf, wpya ~trtr+tNr['s [ntrash of war euvttaant ut
<br />tt8rtte~ of I~rrnwtz is tirtr 4ftrf~aiit, farhtAfrrR the cutrnautir iu pa} when der aai ,ores at.urrzt b} thkr tirxtpa#Is,
<br />fe~iaf ptrfet to acceiattkipr •AaR taaB nutirr to flarra«ez as prusidrd #a partytraph IZ hrrtsrf sprc#fri~: 111 for irrcachc
<br />i3} tlFr irrflap rlgitirs$ W rrrt x~r9 tttrttrh: 131 a der, oat kser tAra W dal s from the dNe fbt rwlitr ~ nrailttf re Bntruwrr,
<br />h[ wiiclr ayeh lrrtsrkr trust be rand; and (•i1 t-at tretltr¢t to curt Bach (xtacb ua ur trrfurt tht dart aptcftltn! in rhr rrstticr
<br />rrstfi~ ~ a[Ctis+tflug a[ 1Atr taafs strafed by tAis tifartfi+rl[t, fuftckrsart t» jadk•ad pwrtrdtag start salt ttf t~ Ptaptrt}-
<br />T4€ onihvr+Jtrf~ ff~ttarr tafarm LSufrux€r of tilt ris#ht to reinaiat€ a#trr accrtrrtrt~a :ard tb€ tigpt to aasrrs is tht futtsttcaurr
<br />psaies#ia8 fire auo•rieMatrrr trf a defat+lt wr aa,} utbtr rkfrast of 8uzroa.tr to arcctrralba acrd futteluwrr. 6 the Mrach
<br />to nrA crtir~ll ass to ttetwrt tke dtslr spr€tlkd is rhr +srrtice. Ixrrdrr at Trader's trptbn taaJ de~larr all of rhr .nms srswrrd b>
<br />r>yta !Nfgtga8r W kr ~ dal amd prlalste tsitMrat Fartkrr ckmand sad ma} furrtkrsx b} jadkurl prtkrrzldny,- t rndr+
<br />rJattit tar ttttffUlA lee etslltuf to twR prucrtdlaff aN rsprerxs u[ tartctuann, #nclyd4pf, trW nut liatteed rte, aunts ut d4kuurrutar~s
<br />arliucr, ahalracta axd tklla repoi~.
<br />18+, ~r9t'ref a R{j[ff ~ ~. ',i.-ciwiltxs?andeog I acrd'^t•-s =e:.slrs atrc+rt „t it?>. , ern, ,~ -<t ~d ?+t t3,rs 4turt~a>kz,
<br />rx~`'o:•c*-~..`;. ~'-4 .s r'F{.+`„ rig p ;. ,,. .~ lz a,... r.t ! c. ~. .- .. ..c ,h- It t ,.,__? R. _ - ..._
<br />._, ... ~ ~..,. ~ y -.n....
<br />