<br />~ ut,4~8s
<br />bit~tTGAt3E is was t~s 20t ~u ust ... "'{
<br />t9.$~.;btHteA~iort~~r,. ~aie'n_,L_:.'Mot~sn.ai~d'~atrieia:~'t~n, ~us6attd'aed'ilif~.. ., i
<br />. .. ..(lxt+eia "&ntrnrtr"}, artd tiu Mortgtg~,. Th~.F~PSt. 3'l~~fOD~a
<br />.Ifdtfk, ~f .6rattd. Isl.arxf.. Crt'r~ltt3 Island.,. N.ebraska ............. a corporation organised and etcisttng
<br />the his of.. ...Nebraska .................... . whose address ~. 2.0.2 .N~s#. Third ...... .
<br />..~ratui .Leland,. N,abras~a ............................................ (iretaitt °Y.~arx'•}.
<br />~, li!orrower is indebt~ to Lender in the principal snm oF... F~ fLx . F4UC. T.(M4~4!Ki. and ,t~jQ(} ~
<br />.. -..... -- .. - ----.- .------. ---- . Dollars, which indebtedness is evidetrsed by Borrower's oetd
<br />deed .~ Augtt5ts2~.,. 1.Q$'t ...... {herein "Mote"). pravid(ng for moirthiy insta!lmrnts of pri and iatcrest,
<br />with the bahaxae of the indebtedness, if rat sooner paid, due and payabk on ... $CPx~!b.~r . ~ .. ! ~.~ ....... .
<br />To Beeves to Leader (a} the repayment at the indebtedness evidtrtced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />past of ali other eases, with interest thereon, advsnced in accordance herewith to protect ttr_ sceurity of this
<br />Mortpte, and fire pexforanaroe of the covenants and a~reemenss of Borrower herein contained, and (b} the tepayrtrent
<br />of any Eaters advatress, with iatercat thereon, made to Brmowtr by Ixnder pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Fttuue Advaeaxs"), Borrawcr does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />toet~d m Has Y of........ Ntti.l ............................... Sdtte of Nabrasia:
<br />ire the ltd d, . , , ..... 47.1.5 . TOCd. GfN1-:L ........... . ........ ~?r+Tt?~. ~ s } dRd ............ ,
<br />tatn.q tc+gri
<br />tt- a~ e
<br />'E'txtaxttrZtt xith ali-the iatproveaeents aow or hereafter eres:teti oa fire property, and all esset~ats, tip,
<br />tic, rogaitipes, taiaerai, oil sad gas rights aad profttx, water, water rights, and water stock, sad ail
<br />! ~r of 1Kreat~er atBtehied to the property, a!! of which, including replacements and additiam thrrew. shall be
<br />doh t4 ~ rt<a~atn a peat ~' the property r<ovrred t+y this M~xtgagc; and all of th€ faregoiryy togethrr with said
<br />ptvp~ty (or the ieatteltaid estate it Win lldortgtty}e is on a leasehold} arc herein referred to as the : `Property".
<br />Bc+rrQwetcor~attts tint tlutro+~r is tawfttlly seised nt the estate hereby <~onveyed and has the right to mortgsyc.
<br />grttfit tuiti c~artwsp tl~ rtq, that the ptoprrty is urtcncnmber6tl, and that Botnswcr wsil warrant and detead
<br />the tk{e to ~X agatwt a!1 clap and dea~ttth, subisct tc aaq de~karatioo;.. eastrtscnts csr restrictiunx
<br />~~ l.::...tr.~.~ ~r -~~ •~ cY~:e,~. le: a~,, ti.~. i;.au.~...~ ~, w; 's: n.:e:.g l.e ~r'a ,^ie€eUt .:: t ~ °r..t,.,rty.
<br />~,,--1 ~ 4 itnrii1* _8t 7S.-..F~t1tF~{,t~ tttlt!#tlM t7
<br />