,. _,.~__
<br />I
<br />9dntliaesE Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~SE'~} of Section Nine (9}, Town-
<br />- ehi~a- Ktge {4} i~trth, RaaEe Tarel've (I2}, ~~gx o£ the 6th P.i~I., and
<br />T}ie Sottih Half of the Sautht~at Quarter (S~SW~} of Section Nitre (9}, Township
<br />~i;tt* -(g;} l~or~t, flange Twelve (12}, West of the 6th P.M„
<br />=St78J;3CC~ TO a tmrtgage is favor of Farmers Home Adottnistratian, United- States
<br />i'legartment of Agriculture in the grint:igal amounts of $290,004.00, $42,000,00,
<br />- sntl $50,OOfl,00, dated and filed on S~cemher 28, 1979,
<br />St7iSJ}3t:T TO a mortgage in favor of Partners Horne :4dministration, United States
<br />Aegarttaent of Agriculture in the principal atat>unt of $173,000.00 dated and
<br />filed on July 16, 1980.
<br />togethu with all rights, interests, eaxments, hercditaments and appurtcnxnces thereunto belonging, the ren[s, issues, and
<br />proftts thereof and revenues and income therefrom, all improvements and pasorsal properly now or laser attached [hereto or
<br />reasottabty necesury to the use [hereof including. but rot limited to, ranges, refrigerators, clothes washers, clothes dryers,
<br />ar carpatiitg purchased of fmattced in whole or in part with loan fund:, all water, water rights. cad water stock pertaining
<br />dttrtto, andd all pa~mcnts at any time owing to 1larravver by virtue of any sake, tease, tta.~tsfer, conveyance, or condemnation
<br />a{any part thereof ar tntrrese therein-:il at which cat herein called "the praaerty";
<br />'t'O HAVE Af11T TO H01.1) tfre ~overtr unto the Govcrnmrnt and its assigns for?vcr in fm simple.
<br />BORROWER for Borrower's self, Borrower's hws, executors, administrators, successoa and assigns WARRANTS THE
<br />T1Tl.E to flee properly to the C,overumcnt agstart all lawful claims and drmands whauoever except anyy liens, encumbtattces,
<br />casements, reservations, or conveyances spet:ifted hercinahove, and COVENANTS ANf3 AGREES as Eotlows:
<br />(t j To pay promptly when due anp indebtedness to the Government hereby secured and to indemnify and save harm-
<br />lass the tinvernntettt against any Loss under its insurance of Qayment of the nose by ream of any defauk try Borrower.
<br />At all time: wbea the tto[e is hard byp an inwred holder, Borrower shall continue to make payments on the nose to the Gavezn-
<br />ment as coUectia?a went far the hoida.
<br />(2} To pay [o tltr Liovetnmeat such foss and other charges as may now or hereafter be required by regulations of the
<br />Fumer~ Hattie Adwin3eaatian.
<br />(3). If required by the Gavernment, to make additional monthly symrnu of It12 of the estimated annual tsars,
<br />asataytsenta, tnaurancs prctttiums and other charges upon the mast premises.
<br />(<) >tt!hetber m not the nuts is insured by the (ioverntoent, the Gavernmeat racy at any time pay any other amounts
<br />tsquie~d herein tts be paid by Borrower and not paid by Harrower whet. due, z& well as any costs and es:penses far the pre-
<br />servatian, protection, or cni`orcement of this lira, as advances for thr account of Borrower. All such advances shall beu
<br />isstcrest at the rate borne by the Hate wktich has the highest insereat r:te.
<br />(S} Alf advances by the Government as ~sacribed in this irtsuumcnt, with interest, shall be irnmediatefy due and payable
<br />hY Bosrotsror to the <'mvecnment wtthout demand at the place assignated in the latest Hate and :lull be secured hereby. No
<br />such advantt by the Gavernmeat shat! relieve Borrower from bleach of Borrowor's covenant to pay. Such advances, with
<br />int~rcat, shall be repaid from the first available colltetiarrs received from Borrower. Otherwise, any payment made by
<br />Atusower may he applied on the nsstc or any indebtedness to the L'=ovcrnmtnt secured hereby in any order the Gavernmenc
<br />detersninca,
<br />t
<br />
<br />
<br />