~35UA-FmHA Position S ~ 81--•~) (1
<br />1!otan F'mHA 427.1 NB
<br />'1'6diSMORTGAGEismadtandentertdintoby .~,j}~~S_-Ma_1.3ANNi9Nt3N'-artd--LOZS-J, RANNUPt~--husband -
<br />,~;&s~,.:<aee?1~3n;hi~-:and-_hgx-o~c~ xis t.attd_as._apouse-ef-the other,------------------------°--°--
<br />rcatdttrg m -._::..____~$~~:-`---...-.`------.-----------.--..•-------_. _._..-.-_- ty, poet office address is
<br />' • ' _ Caun Nebraska, whose
<br />_-_ ..............__....._-.&4~~g, la.~o4a-dyer.---'----•---- -• -•--°--------..-_ , Nebraska ---~~~$3._.. ,
<br />h~reia called "Harsovrer," and:
<br />WtiS±ZtEAS Borrower is ittdebted to the United Stares of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration,
<br />United Stotts i?epartment of Agriculture, herein called the "Government," as evidenced by one or more promissory note((s)
<br />or asuuttptlotr agetement(s}, herein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of the
<br />- Cao~errtment, authorf:es ucekption of the entire indebtedness at the option of tht Government upon any default by
<br />` Harrower, and is dasenbed as follows:
<br />Annul Rate Due Date of Final
<br />Date of [nstrurnertt Riwcipat Amount ~ o Interest Installment
<br />-- ti.g .,. ~a tost~
<br />ter, - - .
<br />(If the interest rate is less than ._---_ ----__% far farm ownership or operating loan{ s; secured by this instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed as provided in the note.)
<br />And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time. may assign the note and insure the pay-
<br />ment thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Fum and Rvral Dtveiopment Act. or Title Y of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />other statute administered by the Farmers Home Administration;
<br />And it u tixe purpose and intent of this instrument that, among other thing-, at art times when the note is {tell by the
<br />Government, or in the event tti~ Government should assign this instrument without insurance of the Hate, this instrument
<br />shall secure paymectt of the note; but when the note is held by an insured holder, this instrument shall not secure payment
<br />of the eau or attach to the debt eridenced thereby, but as to the note and such debt snaU constitute an indemnity moregage
<br />to secure the Government against loss ender its insuraace contract by reason of any default by Borrower;
<br />And this instrument also secures the recapture of any inerest credit or subsidy which may be granted to cfie Borrower by
<br />the Government pursuant to 42 U-S.C. §1490a.
<br />NON+, `17i£REFORE, in consideration of the lean{s; and `a; at aL' times when the note is held by the Government, or in
<br />the event the~'.oCernnsent should assign this instrument without instrance of the payment of the Hate, to secure prompt
<br />payment of the note and any renewals and extensioru thereof and any agreements contained thereLt,utclttding any provision
<br />for the payment of an insurance or other chuge, b} at all times when the note is hdd by an insured holder, to secure per-
<br />formance of Borrower"s agreement herein to indemnify and save hornless the Government against loo under its insurance
<br />epniract 6y reawn of _ soy default by $onower, and (c) in any event and at all times to secure the prompt payment of aIl
<br />advances and expenditures moue by the Govertunenc, with inxerpst, as hereinafter lescribeu, aryl the performance of every
<br />Covenant ind agreement of Borrower contained }iereut ac in any supplementary a eemeitt, Borrower does hereby grant,
<br />bargain, sell, convey and assign, with genera! warranty, unto the Govtrnmtnt tht fol~owing property situated in the State of
<br />Nebraska. County(ies} of ---...--.-Hala.__--.-.-.
<br />Lots `i~tree {3) and Fekr {G} in the 1.'ortheast fhtarter {l,1}•~;}, North cf the Platte
<br />RiverY in Seetion Sixteen {16}, Township Nine (9} North, Range Twelve (12},
<br />41eat of, t}se 6th P.M.,
<br />Lots Otte {1}, Twc {Z}, Three {~?}, and Four {4}, in efts Northwest Qttarter (*A3~}
<br />of. Section Sixteen (16}, To.nsh3p Nine (9) .forth, Range T:rel~ve {12}, Lest of
<br />the 6th P',Me>
<br />FmHA 427-I NB (Rev. 5-15-79}
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