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_. <br />(6J To ttx the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government. <br />"" ;_7j To pay when due all tags, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed <br />s~sinst the property, including al! charges and assessments in conntetion with water, water rights, and water stock <br />pertaining to or reasonably ntctsaary to the use of the real property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied <br />itpun this mortgage or the Wort or any indcbteditess hereby- secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the note or of <br />sait#"irFde6tedneas under the laver of Ilebraska, and promptly deliver to the Gavrrntrtent tvsthout detrtand receipts evidencing <br />autli payments. <br />~$f Ta kelp iht pmptrty iristrttd as rtrgttirtd by and under insurance polities approved by the Government and, at its <br />request, to dtlivtx such polirics to tltt Gos =rnmenr. <br />(9} Ta maintain improvements in good re air and make rep oars rtquired by the Government; operate t'ne property ina <br />good and htub--a..~.~°~•s4e matttttre eetn~ly"m+th such faint conservation practices and farm and home managemtnt plans as <br />dte Govt - tip tv trine mar prtstribr: and naz to abandon the property, ur cause ar permit waste, lessening or <br />impairment of t settttiet` et+Mlttd'~tNzfb F, or. without the wrtitren consent of the Government, tut remove, or lease any <br />timber, gra~el, [tiR; Aitk"a'~ai<•~ti'i+tl~f t+~`t~s Szcept as may bt ncsessart' for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />;`IO} To c'°"""arttpTv with al~~aws, nrdinancea. and regulations affecring the property. <br />I I i Ta pay ar reimburse the Government far ezptnses reasonably nectssary or iacadenxal to the protection of the Tien <br />and priociLy Ixtreaf anti to tint cafartement of ur the compliance with city provisions hereof and a? the note and any supple- <br />tnentary agmement ~'whetiter !maze ';r after tirfaatit'•, including but roe limited to costs of evidtner ut title to and survey of <br />dye property, costs of zraxding thu and .~tiuz insantments, atutrness' fens, trusters` ices, court costs. and expenses of <br />12l Ntither the paoper. y~nar ant portion thereof or tntrrcst ihrrrin shall ht leased, ass:iptcd, sold. transferrtd, nr <br />etttnm6tred, vtxluncariIy oc ethervrise, without the written consent of the Government. Fhe Govtrnment aitall have cite sole <br />and eztclttsive riltltta as mwt¢ager +ereun<ie:, including but oat limited to the power to grant consents. partta! releases. <br />stsbrxdanationa. and sarasia+:aon, and na insured holder shall ]rave ante ri~ltc, t;tlc cr mutest in ar to the lien or any benefits <br />hereof. <br />I3j At ail rrasatsable =.unes the Government and its agz.^.ts Wray' artspet:t :ae proptrty~ ra asceruin cc•hether tht covenares <br />and agrctmenta contasned herein =;r to any suppltmantary agrtemeztt are beinx perto=rned_ <br />lai The ::;ovemment may '. a; ez:tn3 :_[ _eiez the m?atuuv ,.i. ana renew and reschedult the payments an, the deb[ <br />evadanced by ihr note ,:u any indclatedncss to the [;e>vernmrnt s. c4rrd 't;s ti: is ctstrumcnc. h release ury party who is <br />}ia6tt isnder rhr, rate or tar the iebt f:om isabiiity !n the (:F,verntnrnt. ;.. re=case par[ians r€ tht property and subordinate <br />iu lien, and +d; waive my ochry ~>t iu ri~Itts tender r:tis nastrurrtear Ar:c and ail this can and will he done without affecting <br />tizt lien or tits pri,xii: r,f this instrumcn: ~:r h:srrewrt's ter an}• ~,tttc-t ; arcv's liabiikv to the i:artrnrncnt far payment of dre <br />- rwu x debt secured Icy .Stir instrument wrlrss tilt ti;t,vcrnment says ;rtitcrwrsr *.n v.-ririn}i. F?t.1W E"-i`ER, .s*.ty 'urhtarance by <br />dse CGOVrenment.-whrahez ,sou :,r aEten--in rstu:rstng arcs rirrt;i yr r^rne€ir under thts nrstrumrnr, r.. tlthtns9se atiforded by <br />applicable law. Ll;ah not t+e a wars .,s "t pzr+.iu:ie rht ~'xcrc;:,e s .-,.t tint ., eat. <br />- i15~~ li .,t any .line -at sltaal appraz tt (•ravernntcn:..ta. f'u,ro:sc..taY ^e a to [a Ubtatn a ioait from a praducttan <br />eresiit aastactaUVn, a Ftdcra! (~.•i bank, .,t =.,t+trr responsible :: e.uperative ar pns•atr credit s<?utce, at rcasurablt rates and [trots <br />for Ixue t+n suutlar purpaxs rnti i.crtrtcis i lime. isertawer n pin tErt<.`,-~vrrnmcnt's reyi.est., apply t.rt and accept such <br />loos in sufficient .mount to pay the Muir and :.ny :^etkrtetzncs t ~t.a,d httrby - [ u t<; pry - arv stock rectssaxy u> be <br />nuccba~d to a c•x>oerat;vr icndint; agtrcg to car,nrctton +t-ith sack 4oan. <br />' e6; ~fae:ltttsrrunder than 4arnaL.[utr :rtatrit taneitr .=t>y «ihtr seal escort, ,r under ,-ts pt#sanal praperev ar utltrr. <br />security tnatruruene helm or insutci: i,y -1rr E:c;vttnFnent xrtci :-xtcutrd nr ,essun;n} bs &orrawer, ..nd dcfxult under aay such <br />+xhcr xaurtty ~'rs-c;vtster;r zJtall cons[srute ~iciauit herruntie:. <br />. t` 5NUGLI~ UfFAtir .x:cur En ties peel+snnar.~e ..,r ,sisc'taar,;e vt arts r-~blikatiun far this anstrutatnt eu srcurcd by this <br />instrument„ =,u >.h otr{d the carttcs ':ante? ,rz i>trrr:f r -'r ->r r --c--rr '> -- sc-titspet«~*s=, or o t d ~ n} rzt zhe parties <br />ttantcd as lir.rr:,wer tae Jr-.iarc.l a ~ ani,.-+t En. ~• ..> ..uaise .t ..aye ~ t Our the i,tneht t;i czrdttt s, tl:e C;overm <br />ntent, at ita <aptic>n with %,t with.- .t,.; r [ -r ~ s -t ,z. e s ~- u~ ai? --der t# .%;u n .d arty ineiebtedatsa <br />tt: tht (.;ovrrnment .terr ,y set u. r,: ,at utr st ,rly du,. - nn paya, le. , ,say (rte ac:<tunt c# t3r~zt~rwrr tutu and pay reawnablr <br />ryprases fo# repair ur tnaltstrn a r ! .=td *.ake ?t~t'~r - c :rest rice property, --' :rpa» appiseation by ti aztd <br />prUdUitit>t} ;,t ihff 1naLruLteent, w.Est..u"s --S 4Cfi 'Vtc~i~r - r~ ` .t .. `. he3nflg 6t Sah"1 apphcalian, iaHt & zCCrtvr[ <br />.ppotnt[d .Vt ihC p#/rptrtt, Wtth :tit 'rntt.u x-.iw2tt :.t c.Et iti.! •' t31SG s st4 ~3:' t~Jtt L~t>3f L1:45 LnLTllmCn[ a4 p[4VfdCd lr 2t'CltC <br />ea by taw, ansi 'ti rniorct any a;td all r,rnrL Eigl:tx ansi rentedtcs prt~s--ult.; i:rscu; vt 'c~y present az €uturt law, <br />- ItF= Thy larc>cetds cal cure tusurr .snit -halt ier app it it tltr 'Ir:wutg r-:tclzr to Lhe paytuen: u4 '..: 'casts and exprttses <br />tFtii~eLit G 5 ~Fian~ trE {Wm~tytn'f~ ti:-tLit [nr l:r v.'i t,a }-tis?,t t-- 1'tS t. [!4C Itcga tr,,lEatced IYV taw i3t a 1nl~ttent CaUft CJ <br />be su psal. ,4 •he •dabz ev;;Irntrd by 1tc t•+;u .. td au tadetrardsrss E the <::z;vrrnntrnL sc carrel hereby ,d/ snleriar iietts <br />of rectud .cquurd lay taw ~,r ° v~mpstcne ~~_=Lr..u .>r .-• fl..S. r. rt the (-,t^erzunent's uptiorr, <ny +;thrr mtiebeedness ui <br />ik>trowK owing to ~+r isssurzw by .hre Gcaret:unsut, a[t=i '-f~ ~-ny halancz ;-~ TS-?zrowrz. At iore~.l.:rautc car other safe of ad or any <br />part o{ tIte ~toperxy, the Gavexntneut and its awrnts rzxay 't+Ld and purcttaar as a stranger and may gay cite Government's share <br /><xt the port twse price cry tare-'itinR scat:, 3znc;E.nt *-n a.^.y drt [s .,! ;3rizr.;wrt awing. to tax insured Isy lyre (..:avernment, cat tl'r <br />eade€ prtscribcd above. <br />;It3; gottowet agsrrs Lleat tht Govetnnteat wttl oat br :sound by ary prestnt az futtut State law, ;:a taFavaduag for <br />valttartion, appraisal, homestead --sr rxc~notto.t .; tht proorrty, -:bt prcrltihiting snainscnanct at an action for a deficiency <br />gudgment tar laneitiatg the amWUnt xlterec~t' yr t ;e tcirne xithu: whic4t such action must bt brou~itt, (c ~azeurl?eny~ any ochry <br />ststute of limitations. d} .allowing any right ref rrdernpnon c-t pussesstun oLosving asrp fnrsccasure sale, c,r ~e} Iimitittg the <br />coaditaans whack the G.~vernment Wray i=y tegulaaion impose, incla:d'eng tl>e intrtest rate ix nta~ charge, as a ;:ondation of <br />approvieg a transftz rf the property to a yew ikatrawcr. I?onr.'a<xr exprtsaly venires tier brunt <.?# any such Stott laws. <br />Bolrowrr Isttelvy~ rtlin.y+aisiLes, watves. an. :==nvr}s a:i :tKh ts, iztcitoatc car c«nsummate. +;l descent, d=.sovrr, and tottery. <br /> <br /> <br />